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Page 6

by Vanessa Rose

  He flashed his media badge to get backstage and had a stack of business cards in his pocket. Dylan remembered he wasn't in a big city where his name might be recognized, but his company would probably be recognized here. Confident, he scanned the room, looking for her. He saw her talking with a few people and headed in her direction.

  As Dylan approached, he overheard someone address her by her name, Natasha, as she snuck out the back of the tent. Dylan followed and began to jog to catch her as she crossed an open space towards the vendor displays.

  “Excuse me,” Dylan called to her, “Miss? Hi there. How are you?”

  Natasha turned and looked at Dylan with a pleasant smile on her face.

  “I'm fine, thank you,” she replied. “How are you?”

  The smile on her face was laced with a hint of confusion, but Dylan only saw radiant beauty.

  “I'm great, thanks.” he said, “My name is Dylan Ratigan. You're Natasha, right?”

  She nodded, the confusion growing noticeable in her expression.

  “Sorry,” Dylan explained, “I overheard someone call your name back there.”

  He shuffled his feet a bit in an uncharacteristic show of insecurity. Dylan knew he was close to twice her age but he couldn't control how hard his heart had started to beat. He cleared his throat and continued.

  “What did you think of the show?” he asked her calmly.

  Natasha looked him up and down. His casual clothes didn't hide the fact that he had money. Natasha immediately noted every detail about him from his shoes to the perfect cut of his dark salt and pepper hair. She was used to being approached by men, but not many men were quite like the one talking to her now. Natasha decided to engage him and let the confusion fall from her expression.

  “I thought the show was great,” she said. “Definitely was, of course, because we worked really, really hard to get it that way.”

  Dylan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  “Oh, you worked on organizing the event?” he asked.

  “Yes, with a great team of people,” Natasha said.

  She gestured for him to come with her and they started walking towards the vendors. Dylan saw his staff heading the opposite direction and gave his complete attention to Natasha as she told him about the festival. After a few minutes, Dylan was thoroughly impressed. Natasha asked him what he did for a living, besides photograph small town fashion shows, and Dylan handed her one of his business cards.

  As soon as Natasha saw the logo, she knew exactly who he was. She actually followed his business blog because it gave great tips on building a brand as an artisan. Natasha hid the recognition from her face and smiled as she put the card in her back pocket. Suddenly, she felt the upper hand she held slip from her grasp. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, which was rare for Natasha.

  Chapter 2: Jewelry Lasts Longer Than Love

  Natasha was fourteen the very first time a man gave her butterflies. She had made an entire collection of bracelets to sell at her church's fundraiser. A young newlywed couple approached her table and the wife instantly picked up a bracelet. She handed it to her new husband with a smile on her face. He looked down at Natasha as he reached for his wallet.

  “It's amazing,” he said gently, “to hold something so beautiful that was created by someone just as beautiful. It's like you're sharing your beauty with us.”

  Natasha never forgot that moment, and although her love life had been far from romantic, the memory kept her driven and motivated. Through the rest of high school and her college education at a design academy, Natasha continually produced stunning collections and sold out every season. It became a joke among her teachers that she was only showing up to classes for the framed piece of paper. Even business math didn't faze Natasha, and she had enough capital to open her own boutique shortly after graduation. She flowed through life on her art, and it had carried her smoothly.

  Philadelphia was her hometown, and she rarely left the city before she turned twenty-one. She took all the trips to New York and Atlantic City that any young twenty-something in that part of the country took. However, it was a camping trip to the Allegheny Mountains that seemed to truly change her course. A group of her friends wanted to do something different, so, they bought some tents, sleeping bags and coolers and headed out to the western side of the state.

  There was a tiny town they stopped in before they headed out to the campgrounds. It was small enough to walk around comfortably, but large enough to have actual commerce and a few stoplights. Natasha fell in love for the first time in her life. The entire time she was out there, she talked about packing up and moving. Before they left, Natasha made contact with a real estate agent. Six months after that camping trip, she was the proud owner of a small, two story building on the main drag of town.

  It took a while, but Natasha set up as her boutique in the front rooms. The back rooms of the first floor were her stock rooms and office. The kitchen stayed the same, but the downstairs baths needed work. The upstairs she renovated into a comfortable, beautiful living space. Through the front windows, she had a perfect view of town and the surrounding mountains.

  Natasha had always been noticeable, someone who could never truly be a wallflower. Her beauty radiated out from her and she exuded joy with every glance. She was tall and thin, but strong with sharp facial features that framed her glowing brown eyes beautifully. Fitness was a priority, but not an obsession. She liked her frame and didn't kill herself driving thirty miles to the nearest gym.

  Instead, Natasha preferred to hike through the mountains. That was how she first learned that people still mined gems and stones on small scales, and they were some of the most miraculous things Natasha had ever seen. She made friends with a few hobbyists, and gradually built up a supply of stunning, locally-sourced gemstones. With those, her meticulously crafted jewelry and accessories sold through her boutique faster than beer at Oktoberfest. She had only recently gotten enough stock to start selling online.

  The annual art show was something that she and a few other local artists decided to start in an attempt to get more people to visit their area. Natasha took charge of the project, and the first show welcomed more visitors than expected. They expanded into a fair the next year, but the fashion show was brand new. Fortunately, it had gone off beautifully, and Natasha couldn't have been happier with everyone involved.

  She had just finished photographing the show when Dylan approached her. She saw him get out of a car with a bunch of other out-of-towners and was happy to see him in the pits with a camera around his neck. At first, she was surprised he knew her name, but popularity was something she'd grown accustomed to in such a tightly-knit place. Natasha figured he liked her work, maybe wanted a gig photographing it for her website or something. However, when Dylan wasn't aware she had organized the event, Natasha realized he didn't know who she was. Reading his business card made her understand why.

  When Natasha turned and gestured for Dylan to follow her, he happily obliged. Her mind spun with all the reasons why he could be at their art show. Natasha knew from his blog that he often took it upon himself to travel and find the next big trend. She knew from following other artisans that getting onto Dylan Ratigan's trucks was as good as winning the lottery. Natasha, who was normally confident and beyond reproach, suddenly felt like an amateur.

  Dylan seemed to notice Natasha's swirling endeavors. He looked around the festival with new eyes knowing now that Natasha had a hand in its development. Dylan initially assumed she was just a photographer. He planned to connect with her over their cameras, but was happy that he had some sturdier common ground to stand on.

  “So, how did you get started in this type of work? Are you a wedding planner, or something?” he asked.

  “No,” Natasha laughed, “I'm definitely not a wedding planner. Did you notice all the jewelry, shoes and bags, barrettes and other embellishments on all the models?”

  Dylan nodded his head, a quizzical expression on his face. The sounds
of people talking and laughing surrounded them as they walked through the crowded park. He smelled kettle corn popping, and a four-piece band was playing up ahead of them.

  “Well,” Natasha continued, “I made all that.”

  She laughed at the simplicity of her statement. She laughed again when Dylan turned to look directly at her, expecting an elaboration. Natasha shook her head and shrugged her shoulders at him with a playful smile on her face.

  “Seriously?” Dylan asked, “All of it? Like, you put it all together? Are you a designer?”

  Natasha nodded and handed him a business card of her own that she'd pulled from her pocket. Dylan immediately loved the design. It featured a beautiful painted portrait of Natasha with a gorgeous logo. In it her long dark hair was twisted into hundreds of braids that fell luxuriously across her shoulders. Dylan must have looked at it a moment too long. When he glanced up at Natasha, she was staring at him. He hadn't noticed, but they'd stopped walking.

  Natasha let him off the hook of awkwardness. She flashed him a brilliant smile and motioned towards the booth they'd stopped in front of.

  “This is my space,” she said.

  Excited, Dylan turned and walked towards it. In a full, appreciative sweeping glance he took in his first impression of her style and was genuinely surprised. He looked at her, giving her opportunity to introduce her work.

  After a few minutes of show-and-tell, Natasha offered to show Dylan around the small town she called home. Soon, they'd seen it all and Natasha invited him to her boutique. She hadn't mentioned her store and knew that he'd be impressed with it as well. With business on her mind, Natasha opened her front doors. Dylan followed behind, trying his best to not let is gaze drift below her waist.

  Chapter 3: Science to Her Art

  They spent the rest of the day going through everything in Natasha's shop, her storeroom and her workshop. She showed him, reluctantly, her preliminary ideas for next year's collections. Dylan smiled and clicked his camera after everything she'd say. Natasha was used to being the center of attention but had never been made to feel like she was the only other person on Earth. She found herself struggling to stay on task. By the minute, it got more difficult not to flirt with Dylan.

  Dylan's only defense was his camera and he used it valiantly to stop himself from whisking Natasha off her feet and carrying her off into the sunset. That might have been okay when he was her age, but these days women demanded a different type of respect. Dylan found himself clearing his throat a lot, smiling until his cheeks hurt and nodding like a bobble head doll.

  “I work with local miners. These guys go out into the mountains and bring back bags and bags of gemstones in the rough. I constantly go through them, I buy batches about every quarter and it takes about that long to process all of them into what I need them to be. Then, once they're all sorted I start putting together themes for my collections,” Natasha said as she waved an arm around her workshop.

  Dylan began to see the entire vision of Natasha, more than just the beautiful young woman he first noticed. He saw intelligence in her eyes and motivation in her movements. Her shop was meticulously kept, and from the looks of things it seemed Natasha had been very successful.

  It was hard for Dylan to keep from reaching out to touch Natasha's ebony skin and trace the round edges of her curves. Their age difference only barely crossed his mind, and he dismissed it easily. He thought for a moment that there was something more in her smile, but he was cautious not to let himself imagine things.

  Natasha tried with everything she had to keep the attraction she felt towards Dylan hidden, but she had a feeling she was failing at it. For an older guy, he was strikingly handsome, and she found him very, very funny. He had a genuine compliment for almost everything she'd shown him, and Natasha truly appreciated his appreciation. She liked most that he didn't treat her in any patronizing way, which was normally typical among men his age.

  Dylan seemed to be enjoying himself and it was getting a little past lunch, so Natasha invited him upstairs for something to eat. He was a little surprised she lived above her shop, but loved the idea. It was like everything that embodied Natasha called this building home. For the first time in his life, Dylan felt like he'd found something insanely significant.

  Natasha offered Dylan a seat at her kitchen table while she made them a light lunch. Dylan absorbed the view from the windows for only a moment before his attention became stuck on Natasha. They talked and laughed as the sun set behind the mountains. It cast a shadow across the town but left it illuminated by a bright golden sky above them. Natasha broke out a bottle of wine when the stars began to glimmer.

  They relocated to her small sitting room. Natasha let Dylan take a seat on the couch first, then sat down right next to him. When her thigh brushed against his, Dylan felt his heart pound against his chest. They'd broken the barrier of polite professionalism, and they both felt their walls dissolve around them. Natasha leaned in as she spoke to him. Dylan laughed with his arms stretched out and pulled her to sit against him. The only thing that surprised Natasha was now natural it felt to be curled up under his arm. She cursed the wine, but thanked it at the same time. It wasn't often that she felt so connected with someone else.

  During a moment of silence in their conversation, Dylan turned and looked into Natasha's eyes. It was a moment where they both felt vulnerable and voyeuristic, but never wanted to break away from each other. His arm was wrapped around her shoulder and he pulled her closer to him. With his other hand, Dylan caressed her cheek and gently held Natasha's chin. He tilted her face up and bent down, but Natasha took a deep breath and placed a hand on his cheek in return.

  “Why don't we just go somewhere more comfortable now?” she asked softly, “I kinda got past making out on the couch a while ago...”

  Dylan was breathless as she took his hand and led him to her bedroom.

  Chapter 4: For Love or Money

  Natasha didn't waste time once the bedroom door closed behind them. She put her hands on Dylan's chest and rubbed up to his shoulders as she rushed her mouth to his. Dylan caught her around the waist, and they stumbled to her bed. They landed with Natasha on top of him. Her lips didn't leave his even though her hands were busy unbuckling his belt. Dylan felt himself bulging against the zipper of his jeans, begging to be freed. Natasha obliged, and soon her hand was wrapped around his throbbing shaft. She kissed his neck as Dylan finally got to feel her curves.

  Natasha felt herself getting wet. Her excitement was growing and she had never felt such intense passion. She lifted Dylan's shirt to expose his muscular chest. She traced his happy trail down below his waist and took him into her mouth. Dylan thought his heart might explode as he felt her warm tongue massage his most sensitive part. He laid his head back on the pillow and gently touched her cheeks with his fingertips. After few moments, Dylan lifted Natasha from him and brought her to lie on her back beside him. In a flurry of movement, they each cast their clothing aside, leaving themselves to glow naked in the moonlight sneaking in from around the curtains.

  When Dylan looked at Natasha, time suddenly slowed. He was conscious of every one of his heartbeats and felt every one of Natasha's breaths against his skin. Dylan caressed her whole body with his hands and his eyes, gently kissing a line from one of her perfect hips across her waist to the other. She lifted herself towards him, as if begging for his touch. Dylan lay down next to her and passionately kissed her lips. His hand wandered between her legs and he shuddered when he felt her slick warmth. Natasha opened her thighs, and Dylan explored her there.

  He moved his fingers against her flesh and pressed them inside of her. Natasha gasped at his touch and rocked onto him. Dylan kissed her neck, her shoulders and nibbled each of her nipples. Her mind swirled as she experienced his expert maneuvers, and his cock was positioned at her opening before she was conscious Dylan was on top of her. Natasha wrapped her legs around Dylan's hips and tightened as she pulled him down into her. The plunge made them bot
h cry out in pleasure.

  They intertwined their bodies. Natasha stroked her hands up and down Dylan's sides, gently grazing his skin with her nails. They were in sync. Their shared rhythm propelled them closer and closer to an incredible awareness. Dylan reveled in the strength of her body as she tightened herself around him. Natasha's breaths were getting faster as Dylan's pace increased. Soon her moans were cresting across the room, each sound sending Dylan deeper and deeper into her body.

  He gripped her hip with one hand and steadied himself against the headrest of her bed with the other. Dylan lunged into Natasha, and with each thrust her moans turned into stronger screams of intense passion. He felt her spasm around him as she began a cascade of seemingly endless orgasms. Dylan's excitement mounted. With one final plunge into Natasha's sweetness, Dylan exploded and collapsed on top of her. He rolled off to her side, and they regained their breath. Natasha was wrapped snugly in his arms.


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