Getting Screwed
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10. Martin Cizmar, Ellis Conklin, and Kristen Hinman, “Real Men Get Their Facts Straight,” Village Voice, June 20, 2011, 4. Laurel Kirchner, “Darts & Laurels,” Columbia Journalism Review, May 26, 2011.
11. Kimberly J. Mitchell, David Finkelhor, and Janis Wolak, “Conceptualizing Juvenile Prostitution as Child Maltreatment: Findings from the National Juvenile Prostitution Study,” Child Maltreatment 15, no. 1 (February 2010): 18–36.
12. Michelle Stransky and David Finkelor, Sex Trafficking of Minors: How Many Juveniles Are Being Prostituted in the US? University of New Hampshire Crimes against Children Research Center, May 2008 (revised June 2012): 3,
13. Curtis et al., “The Commercial Exploitation of Children in New York City,” 47.
14. Anthony Marcus et al., “Conflict and Agency Among Sex Workers and Pimps: A Closer Look at Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking,” ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 653 (2014): 241–242; DOI: 10.1177/0002716214521993.
15. Curtis et al., “The Commercial Exploitation of Children in New York City,” 74.
16. Ibid., 76.
17. Ibid., 73.
18. Ibid., 37.
19. Sex Workers Project, Behind Closed Doors: An Analysis of Indoor Sex Work in New York City, Urban Justice Center, March 30, 2005,
20. Impact Report 2013, Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST), 7,, 7.
21. Farrell, McDevitt, and Fahy, “Where Are All the Victims?,” 201 and 203.
22. Carol Leigh, “Prop 35, Youth, Sex Trade and Sex Trafficking — Interview with Alexandra Lutnick, Researcher,”, Nov. 2, 2012,
23. Curtis et al., “The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in New York,” 120.
24. Farrell, McDevitt, and Fahy, “Where Are All the Victims?,” 223.
25. Michelle Chen, “Are New York’s Sex Workers Getting Their Fair Day in Court?,” Nation, October 6, 2014,
26. Christie Thompson, “Escorted to Jail,” Chicago Reporter, November 1, 2012,
27. G.W. Rasopsoff, “Kenai’s ‘Gifted Hands Massage’ Owner Found Guilty on Six Felony Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Charges,” Alaska Native News, August 1, 2013,
28. Mark Billingsley (assistant public defender) “Motion to Dismiss Complaint,” State of Alaska v. Celestine Theisen, District Court for the State of Alaska, Fourth Judicial District, October 24, 2013.
29. Leigh, “Prop 35, Youth, Sex Trade and Sex Trafficking — Interview with Alexandra Lutnick.”
30. Henry Lee, “19 Charged in Alameda County Massage-Parlor Crackdown,” San Francisco Chronicle, May 2, 2014,
31. Amanda Milkovits, “Hunting Houses of Ill Repute: Law Enforcement Sex Trafficking,” Providence Journal, May 27, 2014.
32. Helen Peterson, “Madam Trafficked in Teen Girls, DA Says,” Daily News, February 15, 2005.
6. From Bad Laws to Bad Cops and Violence against Women
1. Devon D. Brewer et al., “Extent, Trends, and Perpetrators of Prostitution-Related Homicide in the United States,” Journal of Forensic Sciences 51, no. 5: 1101.
2. John J. Potterat et al., “Mortality in a Long-Term Open Cohort of Prostitute Women,” American Journal of Epidemiology 158, no. 8 (2004): 778–85,
3. Ibid.
4. Weitzer, Legalizing Prostitution, 26.
5. O’Doherty, “Victimization in Off-Street Sex Industry Work,” 13.
6. Abel et al., Taking the Crime Out of Sex Work, 223.
7. Annie Sprinkle, “Remembering Our Dead and Wounded,” in Hos, Hookers, Call Girls and Rent Boys, David Henry Sterry, ed. (New York: Soft Skull Press, 2009), 12.
8. C. Gabrielle Salfati, Alison R. James, and Lynn Ferguson, “Prostitute Homicides: A Descriptive Study,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 23 (March 2008): 538.
9. Delacorte, “Sex Work: Writings by Women in the Sex Industry, 205.
10. Weitzer, Legalizing Prostitution, 198.
11. Bernstein, Temporarily Yours, 58.
12. Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, SuperFreakonomics (New York: Harper Collins, 2009), 45.
13. Celia Williamson et al., Domestic Sex Trafficking in Ohio, Research and Analysis Sub-Committee of the Ohio Human Trafficking Commission, August 8, 2012, 16–18,–77ad-4567-b1aa-d8330b5c4005/2012-Domestic-Sex-Trafficking-in-Ohio-Report.aspx.
14. Robert Kolker, Lost Girls: An Unsolved American Mystery (New York: Harper Collins, 2013), 111–28.
15. Ibid., 129–33.
16. Ibid., 330.
17. Ibid., 333.
18. Ibid., 260.
19. Joseph Goldstein and Al Baker, “For Prostitutes, the Discovery of Bodies on Long Island Is Stoking Fear,” New York Times, May 30, 2011,
20. Scott J. Croteau, “Detective Work Led to Scesny; ‘Person of Interest’ in Deaths of Women,” Worcester Telegram & Gazette, May 4, 2008, A1.
21. Gary V. Murray, “Scesny Gets Life in Woman’s Murder,” Worcester Telegram & Gazette, March 31, 2012.
22. Scott J. Croteau, “Profiling Team Upgrades Scesny’s Status in Deaths of Prostitutes,” Worcester Telegram & Gazette, April 2, 2012.
7. Busted in Sin City
1. Brents et al., The State of Sex, 81–82.
2. Ibid., 84.
3. Ibid., 143.
4. Weitzer, Legalizing Prostitution, 88.
5. Seagraves, Soiled Doves, 86–87.
6. Brents et al., The State of Sex, 52.
7. Ibid., 55.
8. Ibid., 63.
9. Ibid., 65.
10. Ibid., 74.
11. Weitzer, Legalizing Prostitution, 88.
12. Brents et al., The State of Sex, 92.
13. Melissa Ditmore, “Sex and Taxes,” the Guardian, April 16, 2009,
14. Brents et al., The State of Sex, 124.
8. Misguided Laws and Misuse of Resources
1. Helen Peterson, “Madam Trafficked in Teen Girls, DA Says,” New York Daily News, February 15, 2005.
2. Barbara Ross and Bill Hutchinson, “Madam on Hook for 5 Yrs,” Daily News, July 28, 2005.
3. Julie Pearl, “The Highest Paying Customers: America’s Cities and the Cost of Prostitution Control,” Hastings Law Journal, 38 (April 1987): 784.
4. Bernstein, Temporarily Yours, 57.
5. Arrests for Prostitution Offenses 2013, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Statistics, 2013 New York State Statistical Yearbook, 37th ed.,
6. Drake Hagner, ed., “Criminal Law Chapter: Prostitution and Sex Work,” Tenth Annual Review of Gender and Sexuality Law, Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 10, no. 2 (2009): 10.
7. Kuo, Prostitution Policy, 74–75.
8. Arrests for Prostitution Offenses 2013.
9. Criminal, Victim, or Worker? The Effects of New York’s Human Trafficking Intervention Courts on Adults Charged with Prostitution-Related Offenses, report by the Red Umbrella Project, October 2014.
10. David Kepler, “New York Bill Would Bar Condoms as Proof of Prostitution,” Associated Press, April 27, 2014,
11. Hagner, “Criminal Law Chapter: Prostitution and Sex Work,” 3.
12. Ibid., 3.
13. Pearl, “The Highest Paying Customers,” 772.
14. Ibid., 772.
15. Laurie Becklund, “Prostitution Arrests Cost $2,000 Each, Study Finds,” Los Angeles Times, July 10, 1987.
16. Pearl, “The Highest Paying Customers,” 769.
17. Ibid., 775.
18. Ibid., 782.
19. Ronald Weitzer, “Sociology of Sex Work,” Annual Review of Sociology, 35 (August 2009): 213–34.
20. Arrests for offenses, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Statistics, 2011 New York State Statistical Yearbook, 37th ed.,
21. James Bovard, “The Legalization of Prostitution,” Freedom Daily, September 1998,
22. Kuo, 125.
23. Ibid., 125–6.
9. The Rhode Island Story
1. Lynn Arditi,“How Rhode Island Opened the Door to Prostitution,” Providence Journal-Bulletin, May 31, 2009,
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Karen Lee Ziner and Tom Mooney, “14 Nabbed for Prostitution Under New Law” Providence Journal, December 12, 2009.
5. Editorial, “Progress against Prostitution,” Providence Journal, February 16, 2011.
6. Weitzer, Legalizing Prostitution, 76.
10. Sex Work Overseas
1. Sandra Ka Hon Chu and Rebecca Glass, “Sex Work Law Reform in Canada: Considering Problems with the Nordic Model,” Alberta Law Review, 51. no. 1 (2013): 104.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid., 106.
4. Susanne Dodillet and Petra Östergren, “The Swedish Sex Purchase Act: Claimed Success and Documented Effects,” paper delivered at the International Workshop on Decriminalizing Prostitution and Beyond: Practical Experiences and Challenges, the Hague (March 3 and 4, 2011), 22–23,
5. Ibid., 23.
6. Ibid., 24.
7. Jay Levy and and Pye Jakobsson, “Sweden’s Abolitionist Discourse and Law: Effects on the Dynamics of Swedish Sex Work and on the Lives of Sweden’s Sex Workers,” Criminology and Criminal Justice, 14, no. 5 (2014): 603, DOI: 10.1177/1748895814528926.
8. Petra Östergen, “Sexworkers Critique of Swedish Prostitution Policy,” Bildernaar tagna av Orlando G Bostrom, Webb av Sphinxly, CMS (2010), 5,
9. Jane Scolar, “What’s Law Got to Do with It? How and Why Law Matters in the Regulation of Sex Work,” Journal of Law and Society, 37, no. 1 (March 2010): 19. Levy and Jakobsson, “Sweden’s Abolitionist Discourse and Law,” 598.
10. Scolar, “What’s Law Got to Do with It?,” 19
11. Ibid., 19.
12. Levy and Jakobsson, “Sweden’s Abolitionist Discourse and Law,” 599.
13. Samuel Lee and Petra Persson, “Human Trafficking and Regulating Prostitution,” Law and Economic Research Paper Series, New York University School of Law, Working Paper no. 12–08, June 2012, 25–26.
14. Ibid., 4.
15. Östergren, “Sexworkers Critique of Swedish Prostitution Policy,” 5.
16. Östergren, “Sexworkers Critique of Swedish Prostitution Policy,” 5. Levy and Jakobsson, “Sweden’s Abolitionist Discourse and Law,” 599.
17. Levy and Jakobsson, “Sweden’s Abolitionist Discourse and Law,” 600.
18. Chu and Glass, “Sex Work Law Reform in Canada,” 107.
19. Ibid., 123–24.
20. Laura Agustin, “The Sex Worker Stigma: How the Law Perpetuates Our Hatred (and Fear) of Prostitutes,” Salon, August 17, 2013,
21. Bernstein, Temporarily Yours, 159.
22. Ibid., 160.
23. Dina Siegel, “Human Trafficking and Legalized Prostitution in the Netherlands,” Temida, 1. no. 12 (March 2009): 10.
24. Annalise L. Daalder, Prostitution in the Netherlands since the Lifting of the Brothel Ban, Summary, Wetenschappelijk Onderzoeken Documentatiecentrum (WODC), Ministry of Justice (the Hague: BJU, 2007),
25. Weitzer, Legalization Prostitution, 163.
26. Bernstein, Temporarily Yours, 142–3.
27. Ibid., 143–4.
28. Ibid., 165.
29. Daalder, Prostitution in the Netherlands since the Lifting of the Brothel Ban, 14.
30. Weitzer, Legalizing Prostitution, 201.
31. Trafficking in Human Beings, Visible and Invisible (2012): A Quantitative Report 2007–2011, National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children (2012),
32. Siegel, “Human Trafficking and Legalized Prostitution in the Netherlands,” 8.
33. Weitzer, Legalization Prostitution, 200.
34. Dina Siegel, “Mobility of Sex Workers in European Cities,” European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 10: 1007 (December 27, 2011): 2–3, DOI: 10.1007/s10610–011–9168–5.
35. Trafficking in Human Beings, Visible and Invisible (2012), 39.
36. Anna G. Korvinus et al., Trafficking in Human Beings, Third Report of the Dutch National Rapporteur (2004): 91,
37. Daalder, Prostitution in the Netherlands since the Lifting of the Brothel Ban, 47.
38. Ibid., 79.
39. Ibid.
40. Ibid., 47.
41. Siegel, “Human Trafficking and Legalized Prostitution in the Netherlands,” 12.
42. Andrea Di Nicole et al., Study on National Legislation on Prostitution and the Trafficking in Women and Children, (Brussels: European Parliament, 2005), x,
43. Weitzer, Legalizing Prostitution, 122–3.
44. Ibid., 118–20.
45. Ibid., 118.
46. Ibid., 97.
47. Abel et al., Taking the Crime Out of Sex Work, 220.
48. DML v. Montgomery, Human Rights Review Tribunal of New Zealand, vol. 6 (February 12, 2014),
49. Abel et al., Taking the Crime Out of Sex Work, 228.
50. Christine Harcourt et al., “The Decriminalization of Prostitution Is Associated with Better Coverage of Health Promotion Programs for Sex Workers,” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 34, no. 5 (2010): 482.
51. John Godwin, Sex Work and the Law in Asia and the Pacific, United Nations Development Programme (October 2012): 6,
52. Ibid., 1.
53. Ibid., 24–25.
54. Anne Elizabeth Moore, “Here’s Why It Matters When a Human Rights Crusader Builds Her Advocacy on Lies,”, May 28, 2014,
55. Simon Marks, “Somaly Mam: The Holy Saint (and Sinner) of Sex Trafficking,” Newsweek, May 21, 2014,
56. Gerry Mullany, “Activist Resigns Amid Charges of Fabrication,” New York Times, May 29, 2014,
57. Melissa Gira Grant, “The Price of a Sex-Slave Rescue Fantasy, New York Times, May 29, 2014,
58. Weitzer, Legalization Prostitution, 100.
59. Gillian Abel and Lisa Fitzgerald, “Risk and Management in Sex Work post-Prostitution Reform Act,” in Taking
the Crime Out of Sex Work. Gillian Abel et al., eds. (Bristol, United Kingdom: Policy Press: 2010), 234.
60. Gillian Abel and Lisa Fitzgerald, “Decriminalisation and Stigma,” in Taking the Crime Out of Sex Work, 239.
11. Canada’s Public Health Experiment
1. The Challenge of Change: A Study of Canada’s Criminal Prostitution Laws, report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights and the Subcommittee on Solicitation Laws, December 2006, 13–14,
2. O’Doherty, “Victimization in Off-Street Sex Industry Work,” 1.
3. Kate Shannon et al., “Prevalence and Structural Correlates of Gender Based Violence among a Prospective Cohort of Female Sex Workers,” British Medical Journal 339:b2939 (August 11, 2009): 4.
4. Press release, “Canadian Laws on Prostitution Shown to Increase Violence against Sex Workers,” British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, August 12, 2009,
5. L. Lazarus et al., “Risky Health Environments: Women Sex Workers’ Struggles to Tind Safe, Secure and Non-exploitative Housing in Canada’s Poorest Postal Code,” Social Science & Medicine 73 (October 4, 2011): 1602–3.
6. Ibid., 1605.
7. Ibid., 1606.
8. Ibid., 1601.
9. Bernstein, Temporarily Yours, 186.
10. Kuo, Prostitution Policy, 131.
11. Suzanne Fournier, “ ‘Sixties Scoop’ Victims Seek Compensation,” Windsor Star, June 2, 2011, A8.
12. Lori Culbert, “Pickton Murders: Bloody Knife Fight Left One Victim Barely Alive,” Vancouver Sun, August 10, 2010,
13. Sandro Contenta, “Canada to Legalize Prostitution?,” Global Post, June 15, 2011,
14. John Lowman, “Crown Expert-Witness Testimony in Bedford v. Canada: Evidence-Based Argument or Victim-Paradigm Hyperbole?” in Selling Sex: Experience, Advocacy, and Research on Sex Work in Canada, Emily van der Meulen, Elya M. Durisin, and Victoria Love, eds. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2013), 241.