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A Country Music Christmas (Country & Western Suspense)

Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter

  "You're up," her mother declared. "How are you feeling? Are you hungry? I'm making Liam some breakfast."

  "I feel fine, and yes, please, I'm starving."

  "Good morning," Liam said with a warm smile. "You slept a long time."

  "No kidding. What's happening? What did I miss? How's your house?"

  Pulling out his phone Liam began showing her the photographs he'd taken the previous day, and when Summer saw the side of the roof directly over his bedroom under a ton of snow, a chill rippled through her.

  "What is it?" her father asked.

  "It's where the snow hit. That's what I saw in my vision. That's where I was, on the roof, watching it come towards me."

  "That's amazin'. Thank God you did," Liam said solemnly.

  "Thank God you believed me. You didn't think I was crazy."

  "Only for a minute or two," he said with a wink, trying to lighten things up. "Besides, I kinda felt like a good ski."

  "Hah, that's funny," Harry chuckled, also helping to break the suddenly solemn mood. "You kinda felt like a good ski."

  "Summer, do you want tea or coffee?" Janet asked as she placed a platter of scrambled eggs, fried tomatoes and bacon on the table.

  "Tea thanks, mom. This looks great. Liam, are you still taking off today?"

  She didn't doubt the answer, but she was hoping he might have changed his mind, or perhaps something had come up to stop him from going.

  "I am, and I have to leave here in about forty-five minutes. We're takin' off at noon."

  "So soon?"

  "Don't let me forget to give you the keys to my house."

  "We'll go over there together, Summer," Keith said. "I'm gonna meet the guys from the county."

  "Hey, dad, can I come this time?" Harry asked eagerly. "I really wanna see it."


  The conversation continued, carried mostly by Harry chattering about avalanches. Having researched them on his computer the night before and again that morning, he was filled with facts. The time ticked by, and as Liam took his last mouthful of food and finished his coffee he stole a glance at Summer. Physically she looked better, the color was back in her cheeks, but she couldn't hide her feelings. She was dejected. He was fighting his own frustration. He couldn't be in two places at once, and he absolutely had to leave.

  "Janet, thank you. That was a great breakfast. I'd better go upstairs and make sure I haven't forgotten anything, though I don't have much to forget."

  "You're very welcome."

  "Do you need a razor?" Keith asked. "I have a ton of them."

  "No, I have one with me. I threw a few things into that backpack, but I think I'll just wait until I get home."

  "I like you unshaven," Summer said staring at him. "It suits you. It makes you look…"


  "No," she giggled, "um…rugged. That's the word. It makes you look rugged."

  "Really? Huh. Well this rugged guy needs to get himself together."

  "Dad, can I be the one to take him to the airport?"

  "Are you feelin' okay, Summer? You're not too tired?"

  "I'm fine. Good grief, I just slept for fifteen hours," she declared, then lowering her voice, she leaned forward and stared at her father with pleading in her eyes. "Please say yes?"

  "There it is," he grinned. "See that, Liam? And it works every time."

  "Yeah, so I'm learnin'."

  "Thanks, dad. I should go up and get changed too."

  "Why? You look fine," Liam remarked.

  "I don't know, I just want to change," she replied, and pushing back from the table she downed her last swallow of tea and walked swiftly from the room.

  "Women," Harry declared. "There's something wrong with them, except for you, mom. You're perfect."

  "You got that right," Keith agreed. "Your mother is…what's that phrase? Perfection personified."

  "And on that note, I will see you all shortly," Liam said rising from his chair. "Thanks again for the breakfast, Janet. It hit the spot."

  He strode from the kitchen thinking his Christmas, though traumatic, was one of the best he'd ever had, then trotting up the stairs he was surprised to see Summer leaning against the wall just past the landing.

  "That took you long enough," she said softly, grabbing his arm and pulling him through the door into her bedroom.

  "What are you—?"

  Before he could finish her arms were around his neck, she was crushing his lips with hers, and pressing her breasts against his chest. As he fervently returned her kiss he felt his cock surging to life, and gripping her upper arms he pushed her back.

  "Sugar, we can't be doin' this. Not here."

  "Sorry, I had to. I can't stand that you're taking off. God, I sound desperate. I'm not, it's just…"

  "If it makes you feel any better I'm goin' through it too. It's killin' me."

  "It is?"

  "Of course. When you said it's not fair you weren't kiddin'. We've just had this amazing, crazy time together and I have to go. It doesn't feel right."

  "No, it doesn't."

  "I promise I'll get back here the minute I can, and I'm dependin' on you to get my house squared away."

  "Thank you," she murmured. "Thank you for saying all that."

  "It's true, I swear. Let's get outta here. Maybe we'll have enough time for some foolin' around at the airfield."

  "Is there somewhere we can do that?"


  "Great! I'll be downstairs in five minutes."

  "Me too."

  Hugging her quickly, he ducked out her door, and feeling like a hormone-filled teenager he hurried to his room.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A short time later they were ready to climb in the car and head to the airfield. Janet hugged him, Keith slapped him on the back and shook his hand, and Harry stood silently grinning, then wished him a safe trip. As they climbed in and headed down the main road, Liam decided it was time to tell Summer that he'd offered Harry a helping hand.

  "Your brother is extremely talented. His music is unique and I think he can go places."

  "I do too, not that I know anything. You're the expert."

  "What he writes doesn't fit into my sphere. I honestly wouldn't know where to start with him, but I'm puttin' him in touch with a producer. The guy is a classical music buff who loves the blues. He and Harry will speak the same language."

  "I wondered why he was in such a good mood. Thanks, Liam."

  "I just don't want you to feel put out. I told you I need to keep my business and my personal life separate, and I still do. I just thought that Scott could help your brother. It's an introduction, that's it."

  "Liam, it's fine, I promise. You may find this hard to believe but I really am only interested in you, as in, you Liam, not you Liam Taylor, Country Music Guru."

  "I believe you, I totally believe you," he said warmly, "and one of these days I'll tell you why."

  "That sounds mysterious."

  "It's not, but enough about that. Don't miss the turn-off. It's just up here."

  "I know exactly where it is, oh, wow, is that your jet?"


  "Can I look inside?"

  "You certainly can," he grinned. "In fact, I insist."

  "Oh, my gosh, how great is this?" she mumbled as she pulled into the parking lot, "but there's so much snow here. Are you sure it's safe to take off?"

  "Absolutely. It's ideal. It might be cold and gray, but there's no wind, it's not raining or snowing. It's great."

  Climbing from the car they moved into the small terminal building, and walking inside Liam saw Frank and Wally engrossed in conversation.

  "Everything good?" Liam asked as he approached.

  "Yeah, great," Frank replied. "You're early. We have thirty-five minutes before we need to start things rolling."

  "This is Summer Brown, Summer, this is Frank, my pilot, and Wally, the airfield manager. I'm gonna show Summer the jet and spend some time together before I take off.

  "Okay. I'll be there in about half-an-hour."

  "Nice to meet you," Summer smiled as Liam took her hand and led her outside. "Liam, this is incredible. Thank you."

  "Believe me, the pleasure is all mine," he replied with wicked grin, and walking up the few steps, he gestured for her to enter ahead of him.

  "Wow, look at this," she exclaimed. "It's gorgeous."

  "We're goin' into the next compartment. Keep movin'."

  Tossing his back pack on one of the front seats he followed her through, then turning around he pushed a button at the base of the partition. A panel slid closed, giving them complete privacy should someone enter the front of the aircraft.

  "Liam, this is fantastic."

  "I think we need a proper goodbye," he declared, grabbing her and pulling her against him, "and someone needs a spankin' for bein' a very bad girl at the dinner table yesterday."

  "But that was just some fun."

  "Fun? Hmmm, fun for you."

  "It was fun for you as well. You can't pretend you didn't like it."

  "You know very well that was real naughty, and now, young lady, your gorgeous ass is gonna pay for it," he declared, leading her towards a couch set against the wall. "Besides, I shouldn't leave without makin' sure your butt is good and red."

  "Liam, I—"

  Fisting her hair he cut her off, then kissed her, consuming her lips as he explored her mouth with his tongue.

  "You what?" he breathed, pulling back.

  "I'm crazy about you."

  "Back at ya, sugar, but I'm not happy that you're wearing those slacks. Drop them down."


  "No, walk outside and pull them off on the tarmac," he grinned as he sat down in front of her. "Hurry up. We don't have a lot of time."

  Fumbling with the buttons at the waistband she managed to undo them, then slid down the zipper. The thick wool pants fell around her legs revealing black lacy panties.

  "Come on, over my knee."

  Taking hold of her wrist he gave her a tug, and as she fell over his knees he didn't waste any time pushing her panties down and landing his hand smartly on the center of her naked backside.


  "Please don't make too much noise. I doubt you'll be heard, but if Frank decides to step on board he doesn't need to hear your yelps."

  Raising his hand he went to work, delivering his discipline with rapid-fire smacks, continuing without pause until her bottom was hot pink, both in temperature and color.

  "There," he declared. "Now take off your clothes and sit on my cock. I want you totally naked."

  As she crawled off his lap, he reached into his pocket, withdrew a condom, then quickly stripping where he sat, he slid it over his rigid member.

  "Liam," she mumbled as she straddled him, "I'm so glad we can do this before you leave."

  "Me too, baby," he purred as he guided her down. "I want you so bad."

  Moaning her pleasure she lowered herself on to his cock, then crushed her lips against his, and as his hands clutched her waist and helped her move, she threw back her head, thrusting her breasts towards his waiting mouth. To her joy he tongued her nipples, lightly nipped, then hungrily devoured them, and feeling a desperate need to orgasm she dropped her fingers into her pussy.

  Whether it was his pending departure or Summer's unconstrained hunger Liam didn't know or care, but he was caught up in her fever. She was bleating his name and riding him with abandon, and he could feel his cock nearing its bursting point. When she suddenly moved her hand from her pussy to grab his shoulder, and with a loud cry dug her fingers into his skin, he knew her climax was only seconds away, and holding her tightly he thrust upwards, stroking her with power.

  "I'm there, I'm there," she wailed. "Please…ooh…"

  She was crying out her pleasure, and as his release seized him, he dove his lips back to her breasts, sucking hungrily through his orgasmic groans.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A few minutes later, curled in his lap, she raised her head, let out a heavy sigh, and murmured his name.

  "What is it, sugar?"

  "It's killing me that you're going away, but this helped. It helped a lot."

  "It helped me too, and as much as I hate to say it you'd best get up and get dressed."

  "I know. Will you call me when you land so I know you arrived safely?"

  "You bet."

  They straightened themselves up, Liam opened the partition, then gave her a tour of the plane, showing her the various controls in the armrests and how things worked.

  "It's time," Frank declared, walking into the plane and calling down the cabin.

  "You heard the man," Liam said softly.

  "This part is no fun," she muttered. "I hate goodbyes."

  "I'll be back before you know it," he promised, "and hey, haven't we had the best Christmas? Crazy—scary—wild—but the best?"

  "The best," she agreed, swallowing back her tears. "The absolute best."

  "I'll see you soon, sweet girl."

  "Oh, I love that, sweet girl."

  "It's why I call you sugar, sugar."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A little while later, standing in the terminal watching the plane taxi away and launch into the air, Summer felt elated and forlorn. It was an impossible combination, but it was very real. A new song began singing itself in her head, and she ran to the car to hurry home and start writing.


  Swirling his cognac, Liam stared into the flames dancing sensuously in his large fireplace. Taking a sip he let the spicy, velvety smooth liquor rest on this tongue. He tasted orange, cloves and something else he couldn't define. Swallowing it down he felt it warm his body and he let out a sigh. It felt good to sink into his favorite chair and listen to the soft rain outside, but as much as he was happy to be in his Nashville home, he was missing Summer.

  He'd spent the day and evening with his sister Marie, her husband, Eric, and their two kids, Elise, five, and Kevin, nine. His niece and nephew had peppered him with endless questions about the vavadanche, as Elise had called it, until they were hustled off to bed. Though he missed having his parents around, he had no regrets about buying them a luxury cruise in the South Pacific so they could enjoy warm summer breezes and soft sandy beaches. His mother didn't do well in the cold.

  Once the children were gone and it was just Marie, Eric and him, Liam was free to talk about Summer. His sister and her husband were his closest friends. He and his sister had always enjoyed a warm relationship, and when she had left her corporate life to be a full-time mother they'd become even closer. Her husband was an entertainment lawyer specializing in the music business. It had been Liam who'd introduced them.

  As he'd relayed what had happened with Summer, Marie had leaned forward nodding with a bemused look on her face.

  "My little brother has fallen hard. I'm glad. It's about time."

  "I've fallen hard? I think you're right, and it's unfamiliar territory."

  "I'm sure. You and your revolving door."

  "Okay, Marie. You've made your point."

  "So, what are you going to do now?"

  "Now I'm gonna take myself home."

  "You've shared enough?" she'd grinned.


  "Are you sure you don't want to stay over?"

  "No. I need to go, but thanks."

  He'd wanted to sit exactly where he was sitting, stare at his fire, and sip his expensive, one hundred year old cognac. Liam needed to think. He was wrestling with a dilemma.

  A Song For Liam. Summer Sings. Her YouTube channel.

  To watch it, or not to watch it?

  A Song For Liam had been haunting him since he'd seen the innocent sheet of music on top of the piano. He was torn, and not just about what the lyrics of the song might say.

  If she was an average singer there'd be no problem, but if she was great, what then?

  He swirled his glass and took another drink. Glancing across at
the grandfather clock against the wall next to the bookshelves he saw it was almost 10:20 p.m. Marie would still be up. Should he call her? Probably. She was his voice of reason. His eyes traveled to the burled-walnut box sitting on the bottom shelf. Inside was a piece of jewelry he'd bought in the same dusty antique store where he'd found the clock.

  He'd been recording in England, and renting a car he'd traveled into the countryside for a few days of unhindered exploration. The shop had been in a small village, and the moment he'd laid eyes on the ring it had captured his imagination. As he'd studied it he knew it would one day grace the finger of a very special woman as yet unknown; the woman who would steal his heart.

  The setting was gold, and boasted a large deep-red ruby surrounded by alternating tiny pearls and diamonds. The bespectacled storekeeper looked as if he'd stepped out of a Charles Dickens novel, and had told Liam the ring had come from the sale of a centuries-old manor house. Liam believed him. It reeked of age, and when he'd had it valued on his return home the jeweler appraised it at four times what he'd paid. Intrigued, he had contacted an English antique jewelry sleuth, and after several weeks he'd received the report.

  The ring dated back to the 17th century, and had been commissioned by an Earl for his secret beloved, a young Countess named Victoria Beaumont, and had given it to her as a promise that his heart was forever hers. It had been a real-life Romeo and Julie story. Their families had been enemies, but eventually the young lovers found their happiness. The ring had been passed down through the generations until its sale at the auction, and the letters and other items of provenance were available should Liam wish to purchase them. He did, and they rested with the ring.

  Rising to his feet Liam ambled across to the wooden chest, opened it up, and lifting out the small, red velvet box, he stared at the ring. It was gorgeous. Had he bought it for Summer? Carrying it back to his chair he slumped down, placed it on the table next to him, picked up his phone and called Marie.


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