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A Country Music Christmas (Country & Western Suspense)

Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  Love is sad on a one-way street

  Love is forsaken on a one-way street

  Still it burns in my chest with a white hot heat.

  Each time I see you I remember the pain.

  Cos you have the power to turn my tears into rain.

  My tears into rain.

  My tears into rain.

  You have the power to turn my tears into rain.


  The last piano chord faded away. Silence hung over the room, then the crowd erupted. Completely overwhelmed Summer buried herself against Liam's chest, but she also had one arm around her brother.

  "I think they'd like to meet you," Liam whispered as the lights came on and the screen rolled up. "Don't you wanna take your first bow?"

  "I'm sh-shaking l-like a l-leaf," she stammered, trying to wipe the happy tears from her face. "I can't believe it, I just can't believe it."

  "This is your moment. Take it. It's never gonna come again."

  The sounds of the applauding audience echoed around her. How could it be happening? The crowd was filled with celebrities and famous singers and they were clapping for her! For her and Harry. How was that possible?

  "I'll go with you if you want," Harry offered, "or go with Liam, or go by yourself, but whatever you do, Summer, get up on that stage. Shit, you've just become a star. There's gotta be somethin' you wanna say?"

  "There is, but I don't know if I can."

  "Do you want one of us to go with you?" Liam asked.

  "Would it be stupid if I said I need you both?"

  "Not for a minute," Liam assured her. "You ready?"


  "Great, then let's go," Liam grinned guiding her forward.

  With Liam on one side and Harry on the other, clutching their hands she walked up on the stage. The applause mounted, but as Summer stepped up to the microphone it began to abate.

  "So, uh, I had no idea this was going to happen," she began hesitantly. "I'm totally terrified right now."

  "Don't be, we love you," someone called.

  "Wow. Thanks. Um, this is my brother, Harry. He's an amazing musician, but I guess you all saw that."

  "Harry, you rock," a male voice yelled.

  "And you're sexy as hell," a female voice added.

  "Thank you, everyone, for liking my song," Summer continued. "This is about as perfect as a dream could be, except my folks aren't here. I suppose that sounds corny but it's true."

  "It's not corny. Keep talkin'," one of her all-time favorite singers shouted. The woman was standing in front of the stage, and as Summer stared down at her, the singer raised her hand in a thumbs-up.

  "Okay, so, anyway, I never thought I'd ever be on a stage like this, let alone in front of all of you. Wow, sorry," she mumbled as she paused to swallow back a sudden flood of emotion. "Obviously this is all because of Liam, and I have to say a huge thank you to him for this incredible moment. He's the best, right?"

  The crowd cheered again, shouting out his name.

  "There's something I need to say about the song, and I know midnight is creeping up on us so I'll make it quick. On the screen it said the name of the song is A One-Way Street, but it's actually called, A Song For Liam," she proclaimed. "Now I'm probably in big trouble, but, oh well!" she finished with a huge smile. "Thank you again for making this moment so amazing, and thank you, Harry, for being such a brilliant brother."

  As she turned and walked off the stage her song began playing, and not ready to head into the crowd she stood back in the shadows.

  "Liam, I absolutely cannot believe this," she mumbled, clinging to him as she stared across the room; most of the guests were now singing along to the chorus.

  "Believe it. Your song is a hit, Harry's a hit, and you're a hit."

  "But how did you even know about the video?"

  "Guilty," Harry declared.

  "What? Harry! What the hell?"

  "Someone had to tell him! Jeez, Summer, you'd been working there for months and hadn't said a word."

  "How do you know that?"

  "Duh! If you had you would've talked my ear off."

  "Wait a second," Liam said thoughtfully. "You didn't just let it slip at the hospital? You purposely told me?"

  "Guilty again," Harry said sheepishly. "Sorry about that. Kinda had to do it."

  "And the sheet music on top of the piano?"

  "You needed to know which song to look for when you went on Summer's YouTube channel."

  "Harry, you are gonna go a long way," Liam chuckled. "You are somethin'!"

  "I'm speechless," Summer declared. "I want to hug you and choke you all at the same time. You are so, so…conniving. That's the word. Conniving."

  "The biggest stars in the business are singin' along with your song right now," Harry exclaimed. "Aren't you just a little bit glad?"

  "Dammit, Harry," she exclaimed, letting go of Liam and putting her arms around her brother. "What the hell am I supposed to say? You're amazing."

  As her song came to an end with the crowd clapping and cheering, the music of Auld Lang Syne filled the room, and a deep male voice began speaking.

  "Thirty seconds to go! Grab the one you love, grab your glass, grab your streamers, get ready for the countdown."

  The sound of a ticking clock echoed through the air, and waiters started moving quickly through the crowd with trays of champagne.

  "Happy New Year," Harry said hastily. "Sorry, but I need to find someone. I'll see you upstairs in a few minutes."

  "Happy New Year," Summer replied, then moving back into Liam's arms she gazed into his warm milk-chocolate eyes.

  "My hero."

  "My shinin' star."


  "Happy New Year, Summer," Liam whispered in her ear as the countdown was shouted out. "It's the best one I've ever had."

  "Happy New Year, Liam. I don't know how we'll ever beat this."

  As if on cue streamers and balloons began falling from the ceiling, and locking his hands in Summer's hair, Liam fervently devoured her mouth.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A short while later they were approaching the door to the Presidential Suite. The guard was gone, and as Liam pulled out his card key, Summer leaned against him.

  "I'm still in shock, you know that, right? I keep thinking this is just a dream and I'm going to wake up."

  "It's no dream, sugar," he said, pushing open the door and gesturing for her to go in ahead of him.

  "It sure feels like—what the—? Mom? Dad?"

  "Hello, sweetheart," her mother exclaimed moving swiftly forward to hug her. "You and Harry. My two babies, I was so proud I thought I was going to burst."

  "Hey, kitten," her father said warmly, hugging as Janet released her. "That goes double for me."

  "But, where were you? When did you get here? I thought you were going out to dinner somewhere. Liam even got you that car?"

  "It was all part of the cover-up," Liam admitted. "Did you honestly think I'd let this night happen without your parents here?"

  "And I've been looking after them. Hi, I'm Marie, Liam's sister."

  "I don't even know what to say," Summer muttered staring at the pretty brunette. "Thank you. That was the one thing that was missing when I was standing on that stage. I kept thinking, mom and dad should be here, and you were!"

  "We spent the evenin' at Marie's home," Keith explained. "She brought us over just before the big moment, and what a moment it was. We'll be stayin' the night at the hotel though, so we can get together tomorrow for brunch before we head back."

  "Where's Harry?"

  "I'm here," he said, stepping up behind her. "I found them in the crowd right when I got off stage."

  "I'm going to start blubbering again," Summer declared. "It's so much, it's just so much."

  "Please don't," Janet begged, hugging her again, "or you'll get me started."

  "There is one person that's missin'," Liam said thoughtfully, "and I've been meanin' to

  "What person? Who are you talking about?"

  "The saxophone player."

  "You're lookin' at him."

  "You?" Liam exclaimed, looking across at Keith, incredulous that the big Marine was the soulful sax player.

  "Yep. I didn't wanna horn in on the kid's video so I stayed off camera."

  "That's funny dad," Harry chuckled. "Horn in on the video! I'm stealin' that line."

  "You're really good," Liam said earnestly. "You have to play on the CD."

  "I still don't wanna steal their thunder."

  "But, Keith, you're part of their thunder."

  "Please, dad. You have to, it wouldn't be the same without you," Summer pleaded. "Please, say yes?"

  "Oh, Lord, there it is. The look, those three magic words."

  "So we're good, dad?" Harry piped up.

  "Yeah, we're good, but don't be askin' me to go on tour. That's not gonna happen."

  "Forgive me, but I'm going to head on home," Marie declared. "Liam, will you walk me down?"

  "Yeah, of course."

  "Thanks again for everything, Marie," Keith said warmly. "It was great."

  "My pleasure. It was fun being part of the conspiracy."

  As Liam and Marie left the room, Keith and Harry hung around the dessert table sampling the various cakes, while Summer and her mother ambled over to the couch and sat down. Taking her hand, Janet stared at the ruby ring gracing Summer's finger.

  "What's this?"

  "Isn't it beautiful?"

  "It's more than beautiful, but Summer, the finger you're wearing it on…is it…?"

  "Not yet," Summer said quickly. "It's a promise ring. Liam and I are officially an item."

  "Isn't it surprising how it matches your dress, and even your bracelet?"

  "Yeah, I know, but Mom, isn't he wonderful?"

  "He sure is, sweetheart. Can I give you some advice?"

  "You can always give me advice."

  "Don't be shy about letting him know you love him, that he's the only one for you, and I don't mean just once and a while, and learn how to forgive and forget. Forgetting isn't easy sometimes but it's the key."

  The suite was dark. The city was quiet. New Year's Eve was over. Liam and Summer were lying in bed curled into each other's arms, and though they were both exhausted they were too wired to sleep.

  "I forgot to tell you, Mom noticed the ring."

  "What did she say, and what did you say?"

  "She said it was beautiful and it matched my dress and I said it was a promise."

  "I guess that's it in a nutshell."

  "Liam, what happens now?"

  "I was thinkin' about goin' and getting one of those chocolate mousse things and eatin' it off you."


  "Yeah, really, but I don't think my body will cooperate. I'm wiped out."

  "Huh. Actually, I meant now, as in, with us, with my song, all that stuff."

  "Oh, all that stuff," he said with a heavy yawn. "My legal department will draw up a contract. You need a lawyer to review it, we sign it, then we get to work, though your contract might raise some eyebrows."


  "Because there's gonna be a hairbrush clause."

  "Oh, Liam," she giggled, landing a playful punch.

  "With a regular artist I can terminate them if they get outta line. I don't wanna do that with you, so I'm gonna have a hairbrush clause, and I'm gonna be carryin' one with me at all times."

  "You are not…are you?"

  "Carry a hairbrush? You betcha, and I'm puttin' you on notice right now, if you get too big for your britches, if you start pullin' diva crap, I will spank your butt 'til it's as red as your ruby ring. Got it?"


  "Don't uh-huh me. I mean it, Summer. When I put on my management hat I don't fool around."

  "Don't worry. I'll be a good girl, most of the time anyway. I can't be perfect," she said blithely, following it with a yawn of her own. "That would be boring."

  "It's your beautiful backside, sugar."

  "Did I tell you I'm halfway through a new song?"

  "You are?"


  "Are you too tired to sing me what you've done so far?"

  ""I'll never been too tired to sing for you, Liam," she said sitting up. "You ready?"

  "I'm ready."

  I hoped and I prayed, I wished and I dreamed

  I had secret plans, I lied and I schemed

  Now here you are, in my life at last

  You've even forgiven the sins of my past.

  When your arms engulf me, and your lips brush mine

  When you hand heats my skin, it's nothing short of sublime

  Heaven on earth, it really is true

  A miracle happened. I'm so happy with you.

  I'm euphoric but forlorn

  Impossible but true.

  I am happier than I've ever been

  But I'm lonely and I'm blue.

  I am euphoric and forlorn

  Impossible but true.

  "That's it. That's what I've done so far."

  "It's gotta lot of promise."

  "Thanks. I don't like repeating words, so I'll be working on that. It should be done in a week or so."

  "That fast? That's impressive. What are you gonna call it? A Song For Liam Part Two? Which reminds me, you know A Song For Liam has to be called A One Way Street, or maybe Tears Into Rain."

  "I figured, and I like Tears Into Rain."

  "Summer, why were you euphoric but forlorn?"

  "Because you left. I hated it."

  "Yeah, that was no fun for me either."

  "Liam," she said hesitantly, "maybe I shouldn't say this…"

  "Go on, sugar," he said softly. "You have to now."

  "It was hard at home with dad leaving so much. It was hard on all of us, but especially mom. I used to hear her crying. Then I'd cry."


  "I can't go through that. I love you. I need to be with you. I can't go through that," she repeated. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm not strong like mom. It'll break me."

  "Where is this comin' from?" he asked, pulling her into his arms. 'Why do you think you won't be with me?"

  "Because I live in Apple Valley and you live here in Nashville. I know you're in Apple Valley a lot, but you take off a lot too."

  "Hey, Summer, if you wanna stay here with me I'd love that, and yeah, Apple Valley is your home, but it's my home now too. We can go back and forth together. There's no reason we have to be separated. I don't want that either."

  "Really?" she asked, wiping away her tears.

  "Of course, besides, there's a lot you have to learn, and it'll be a whole lot easier for both of us if you stick around."

  "I feel like…"

  "Like what?"

  "Like I can breathe again."

  "How long has this been botherin' you?"

  "Since Christmas I guess."

  "New rule. You got somethin' on your mind you tell me right away. Clear?"

  "Clear," she nodded, then tilting her head to the side she added, "there is one thing."

  "I'm listenin'."

  "Can I record A One Way Street in Apple Valley?"

  "Sure, if we can get in there safely and the equipment's okay."

  "The studio is untouched. It's like nothing happened. I want to record the song there, I don't care how long it takes. Anywhere else wouldn't feel right."

  "We can't wait months," he said firmly.

  "I have to record it there because I saw it in my vision."

  "What vision?"

  "I had it years ago, and when you took me down there it looked just like what I saw, uh, except for the brown leather couch against the wall. That wasn't there. It was a dark green sofa instead."

  "Damn. It's bein' made."

  "The dark green sofa?"

  "Yeah, and it's takin' forever."

  "Does that mean I can record there?" she said softly, leaning over him and staring a
t him with wide pleading eyes. "Please, say yes?"

  He smiled, then sighed, then deftly rolling her on to her back he took hold of her wrists and held them at the sides of her head.

  "Listen real careful. When it comes to personal stuff that's probably gonna work, but when we're talkin' about your career it's gonna fall on deaf ears. I know what I'm doin'. You're gonna have to trust me."


  "I'm not finished," he said firmly. "Timin' is real important. In the next few weeks everyone is gonna be gossipin' about Summer Brown and Liam Taylor, and they're also gonna be talkin' about how you blew everyone away with your song. That's called momentum. We've gotta jump on this. If the studio in Apple Valley is doable, fine, no problem, but I'm not gonna be sittin' around when there's hay to be made."


  "Maybe your vision was about another song, or songs, but it's not gonna matter. The timin', that's gonna be up to me, and lookin' at me with those big baby blues of yours and sayin' please say yes isn't gonna have any effect on my decision. Got it?"

  "Yes, Liam."

  He kissed her warmly, then released her wrists and snuggled next to her.

  "You really are my hero," she whispered, and with a satisfied smile she closed her eyes and drifted off.



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  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.


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