Shelter: Book 2, A Long Days Night
Page 9
“Yes, sir.”
The LAVs and Bradley Fighting Vehicles begin moving in accordance with the Captain’s plans, drawing additional fire as they moved into the woods that line the freeway. While the troops move into the woods, Captain Black’s thought that the attack was a diversion proved to be correct. Twenty people ran towards the MASH unit to steal the medications. Another twenty people have targeted the mess tent to steal the food supplies. The attacker’s plan might have worked if the troops had been led by a less experienced officer than Captain Black, who saw through the attacker’s plan. By sending the third platoon into town, they caught the attack on the MASH and mess units as the civilians began their attempt to help themselves to the food and medicine. The attackers were caught in the open and easily cut down by Black’s third platoon. 50 caliber machine bullets are devastating when they hit the human body, the bullets have been know to cut someone in half. In three minutes the attack is over, the streets are covered in fresh blood and the bodies of thirty-six hungry people who were trying to steal food and medications for their families. Captain Black ordered the survivors to be brought to him. He offers them a seat at his table where they find water, beer and sandwiches waiting for them. Their leader, a very attractive blond middle-aged woman, named Glenda, asks “Captain, why?”
“If you mean, why the food and water? It’s to loosen your tongues so we can have an honest discussion. I’m not your enemy, I represent the US Government. I was sent here to support the people and to bring security and medical aid to those in need. I opened fire only after your people fired on mine first, I didn’t start the killing, you did.”
“Then why did you kill my friends?”
“Because they were attacking the medical and mess units which were providing aid to all who needed it which would have included you too. All you had to do was ask for help, next time ask before you attack. When you attack, you leave me or anyone in my position no choice.”
“We didn’t think you would be open to talking.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re the bloody US Army, sent here to make sure we tow the line and support the assholes in D.C. who have brought the country to its’ knees. You taxed us to death, we had to sell all of our assets in order to pay the damned taxes. We quickly discovered that any of the little money we had left became worthless. When the economy collapsed there was no safety net, you took our precious metals, you stopped paying our benefits and then you closed the banks. Many of us died from starvation or lack of needed medications. Where were you when various gangs took what they wanted? Where was the mighty US Army when everything fell apart? Where were you when we needed you the most? You show up after more than a month and expect us to kiss your asses? Why don’t you leave us the supplies you were going to give us and get out, you represent those who took everything we had away from us. You even took the dreams we had for our children. We have nothing left, except for our spirit, a spirit that has had enough of your all-powerful central government. Most of us no longer recognize your right to tell us what to do.”
“Glenda, I’m sorry we weren’t here when you needed us, we were away in foreign lands fighting our country’s enemies. We were ordered back to attempt to restore order here in the United States.”
“Many of us think you were ordered away so that the country could fall apart so that when we were broken, when we had nothing left and no hope, the feds would send you to restore order enabling the President to rule for life. None of us trusts you or the leaders you serve. You’re worse than King George, he only taxed the Americans, you’ve arranged to make us all slaves.”
“Glenda, we serve the people. We are pledged to protect the people.”
Glenda laughed, she shook her head, “Look around you, look at the conditions of the average family on your journey, you didn’t protect us when we needed you the most. None of us believes you. If you want us to trust you, arm us so we have the means to defend ourselves when you leave. If you look around and really see what’s going on, it’s pretty clear to a blind person, you failed in maintaining your oath.”
“Why don’t you have your own weapons?”
Glenda laughs again, “Captain, this is the people’s republic of Illinois, the governor made sure we weren’t armed so when everything turned to shit we would have to beg him for help. Help he didn’t provide. He used the remaining National Guard troops he had to protect him and his staff. Gangs, with their guns, are roaming free to take what they want. The rule of law ended when the banks closed, you left us all to fend for ourselves. The strong take from the weak, usually killing the weak. I lost my husband because we couldn’t afford his heart medicine. Biker gangs, followed by mobs of criminals, took what little food we had or were able to grow. The assholes in D.C. gave us words and bullshit, every night a speech saying things are getting better, maybe they were in D.C., but not here or anywhere else in the country’s heartland. More than a month after the collapse and now the mighty US Army arrives to protect us. I say bullshit. Why are you really here? If you think you can feed us so you can control us, you’re wrong. My knees are done bending to assholes.”
Captain Black leaned back in his chair and let loose a loud laugh. “Glenda, I think we’ll get along just fine. I don’t have any patience with the bureaucrats either. I’m serious in carrying out my mission to bring security back to the people. If you know where any of the gangs and mobs camp out, I’ll be happy to send my people there to wipe them out. I’ll even allow you to ride along to see we don’t like gangs any more than you do.”
“You’re serious?”
“I’ll prove it. Give me the information on where any of these outlaws are hiding and I’ll show you their bodies.”
“OK, I’ll tell you where we think there’s a group hiding, I want to go with your people to see you kill them. None of this hold for trial bullshit. No plea-bargaining, they attacked, raped, killed and stole from us. Every one of them is guilty.”
“Glenda, why should I take your word for their guilt or innocence?”
“I’m telling you the truth. I have witnesses who can back up my stories.”
“How about we comprise? I’ll send my people to crush the criminals, any left alive will be brought here for the people to judge.”
“If you do that, I’ll believe you’re serious about trying to put the country back together.”
“Glenda, you can ride along with me in my Bradley. It’s not a comfortable ride. It’s noisy and rough.”
“Try walking all over the damn state.”
“OK, give me their locations so I can send my scouts to find them.”
“How do I know your scouts won’t warn them away?”
“Because I’m giving you my word as an officer in the US Army.”
Glenda laughs saying, “I don’t trust you, however, to take the next step, I’ll tell you what we know. Remember I’m going with you.”
“We’ll leave at midnight, eat and get some rest, you’ll need it.”
Glenda takes her people towards the mess tent. Sergeant Hill watches them leave, “Captain, you’re just going to let her and her people go? You’re really going to take her to what could be a firefight?”
“Sarge, yes I am. I am because she’s right. We took an oath to protect the people and look what we found upon our return. The government screwed the people and sent us to make them feel good. I don’t trust our elected leaders, how can I expect her or anyone else that’s gone through what they have to trust them? I think I would feel the same way as she does. We have to try to place ourselves in their shoes. Try to imagine what it’s been like here for the past six weeks.”
“Yes, sir, I’ll make the arrangements.”
“Sarge, make sure she has a set of body armor. Assign a squad to protect her. We can’t afford to bring her back dead, no one will believe us if that happened. Most will assume we killed her to shut her up.”
Russian Spetsnaz Captain First Rank Sarnoff receiv
ed new orders instructing him to take his platoon from LA to St. Louis. His orders are to disrupt the countries train transport network and increase the tension between the different people. He’s ordered to turn the U.S. Citizens against their Army and all other government help, setting up the country to either break apart or start a second civil war so Mother Russia can have a cakewalk invasion of Alaska and later, maybe swallow the entire country.
Sarnoff tells his people, “We are going back to the center of the country to sow hell with their infrastructure. We are to blow up the train tracks and all of the switching stations and depots we locate. We will arm the people to attack the Army units that are bringing help to the people. We are going to ensure America is not able to climb out of their current mess. We will stir up enough problems for their government that they will remain focused on their internal matters, allowing Moscow to break America apart, she will never rise again. When we finish our mission, we will get some well deserved R&R.”
“Captain, I like St Louis, they have good ribs, when do we leave.”
“Boris, you only think with your stomach. The American’s do not have any restaurants anymore.
Boris Laughs, “Captain, I also think with something else, I remember the women in St Louis were very willing to exchange their bodies for food or gold.”
“We are going to have enough food, you should be able to find a willing partner.”
The Russian Spetsnaz troops smiled thinking of the enjoyable evenings ahead of them.
Every eye was watching me as I walked to the front of our mess hall. I knew they were all looking for anything that would show them I wasn’t the same person who led them in the fighting above us. I knew they were worried I’d lost my way and hence they might not return to their homes. I felt their eyes on me, I felt their desperation and need for good news. I know they are worried what I might or might not say. I notice from the corner of my eyes that many couples are holding hands while I make my way to the front. Someone set up a mic so even those in the medical facility or who couldn’t leave their rooms or like John and Todd have to remain at their duty stations can hear me. I feel like I’m in eighth grade having to make my first public speech. I feel a heavy weight in the pit of my stomach when I reach our makeshift podium. “Hello, everyone. It’s a pleasure to be with you this evening.” Almost everyone laughs knowing that until a day ago I was here but not here. I was in my own world chasing spirits through the halls of our shelter. I heard my voice crack from the stress of facing everyone.
“The rumors of my demise are clearly false. I’m alive, I’m well and I’m back to normal.” Most of the people cheer or clap. “I’m sorry for being away for the previous month. It wasn’t something I’d planned on. I’d like to address some of the issues that have come up while I was wandering the halls. Lacy’s told me that almost everyone is unhappy with their accommodations. Have any of you ever taken an ocean cruise?”
A few hands go up.
“Do you remember how small your cabin was? Did you even have a queen bed or were there bunk beds in your cabin? When we designed and built this shelter, my first goal was to have sufficient supplies on hand to last us as long as it takes us to retake our homes.” Everyone cheers. “What good would a nice, comfortable room be if we had nothing to eat or no medicines? I tried to provide every couple with their own private room that had a queen bed in it and a small 3 drawer chest. I know it’s very small. The rooms had to be small in order to fit all of us in, don’t forget we also have security, medical, machinery and storage. We only have so much room.” Someone yells out, “Why didn’t you make it larger?” I took a sip of water so I could control my temper. “I’m going to be very blunt, when I said I wanted to build a shelter, many of you laughed at me. Does the nickname ‘Chicken Little’ bring back any memories? Many of you thought I was nuts, I believe the word used the most was crazy. You complained when I had the fields dug up.” Another voice yells out, “They are our fields.” Before I can respond, the ‘dam breaks’, many people begin yelling out comments and questions;
“I need more storage space.”
“I don’t understand why the children have to share a room.”
“Why isn’t there a menu or choice at mealtime?”
“I left my family pictures in my house, when can I go get them?”
“Are you going to explain to us why you were wandering the halls for a month? Can we trust you to lead us home?”
I sip some more water, I lean forward, leaning on the podium, as if I’m trying to look them in their eyes, “Remember, I said I was going to be blunt, I bought your farms and land from you. The land, your homes, your crops all belong to me. I paid off your debts. I paid to improve your homes and your property. I paid to have new barns built. I paid out over $4 million to improve all of our lives. How much did any of you spend? Who helped design the shelter? Many of you complained to me about the time it was taking to build the shelter which impacted your farming schedules. If you forgot that I owned the farms, there’s nothing I can do about it now. We warned everyone that we might have to take to the shelter at any time during an attack, we even practiced it. Everyone was warned to have their special belongings ready to go when we sent word. We don’t have choices for the meals because we’re trying to stretch our supplies as long as possible. We all eat the same thing. If you don’t like what’s being prepared, there’s usually cereal or protein bars. To respond to your last point, I’m not going to discuss what happened when I wandered the shelter. I guess you’re not going to accept my original excuse which was going to be since we don’t have a gym, I thought I’d get a lot of exercise by walking.”
During my speech many heads hung down, they knew I was right, that changed with my joke at the end when everyone laughed. I sip my water and continue, “I admit the rooms are small, Lacy’s and my room is the same size as yours. All of the rooms are the same size. No one is getting any special treatment. Everyone has the same size room, everyone eats the same food, and everyone gets the same medical treatment. I could have built myself a much larger room and justified it since I paid for the shelter. I decided it would be better if we are all equal. We’re all in this together.”
“So when do we all get back to our real homes?”
“Ralph, I think that was you, it doesn’t matter who it was, we all want to go home. I’ve seen what the animals are doing to my house. I assume some of you have looked at what they’re doing to your homes too. We’re working on starting a series of raids to see if we can scare them out of our homes and off our land. I have to warn anyone who hasn’t wanted to see what they’re doing, they are truly animals. We’re going to have a lot of work to do to rebuild our homes when we do return. I’m asking you not to lose faith. We’re going to win. When this is all done with, we’ll be sharing a beer and laughing about it.”
A voice yells out, “What do you know about the President’s speech tonight?”
“Not a damn thing. He doesn’t talk to me. He and I don’t agree on anything.”
Most of the people in the mess room laugh. Fred asks, “Are you going to listen to him tonight?”
“Do I have a choice? Any channel we receive will be carrying his speech. I really think his speeches should be carried on the Comedy Channel.” That breaks the ice, everyone laughs and claps at my remark.
Chapter 7
After my speech, I stopped at every table to chat with everyone. I shake everyone’s hand and hug most people, it really feels good to be back. Since we’ve decided to jointly listen to the President’s speech tonight, I figured I would visit John and Todd to see what’s going on in my home. The Sons of the Devil motorcycle club is using my home as their headquarters. Each bedroom is being used by gang members to ‘gang bang’ some of the mob’s women. Sitting in the security room with Todd, my son-in-law, I’m sick watching these SOBs tear up my house, I think I’m going to burn my bed before I every touch it again. I will get a new one, untouched by these pigs.
Todd says, “Dad, look at them go at it in your bed. I didn’t know that was possible.”