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Delphi Complete Works of Elizabeth Gaskell

Page 377

by Elizabeth Gaskell

  At length the weary time was over; and again they sailed past Elba, and arrived at Marseilles. Now Ellinor began to feel how much assistance it was to her to have Dr Livingstone for a ‘courier,’ as he had several times called himself.


  ‘Where now?’ said the canon, as they approached the London Bridge station.

  ‘To the Great Western,’ said she; ‘Hellingford is on that line, I see. But, please, now we must part.’

  ‘Then I may not go with you to Hellingford? At any rate, you will allow me to go with you to the railway station, and do my last office as courier in getting you your ticket and placing you in the carriage.’

  So they went together to the station, and learnt that no train was leaving for Hellingford for two hours. There was nothing for it but to go to the hotel close by, and pass away the time as best they could.

  Ellinor called for her maid’s accounts, and dismissed her. Some refreshment that the canon had ordered was eaten, and the table cleared. He began walking up and down the room, his arms folded, his eyes cast down. Every now and then he looked at the clock on the mantelpiece. When that showed that it only wanted a quarter of an hour to the time appointed for the train to start, he came up to Ellinor, who sat leaning her head upon her hand, her hand resting on the table.

  ‘Miss Wilkins,’ he began - and there was something peculiar in his tone which startled Ellinor - ‘I am sure you will not scruple to apply to me if in any possible way I can help you in this sad trouble of yours?’

  ‘No, indeed I won’t!’ said Ellinor, gratefully, and putting out her hand as a token. He took it, and held it; she went on, a little more hastily than before: ‘You know you were so good as to say you would go at once and see Miss Monro, and tell her all you know, and that I will write to her as soon as I can.’

  ‘May I not ask for one line?’ he continued, still holding her hand.

  ‘Certainly: so kind a friend as you shall bear all I can tell; that is, all I am at liberty to tell.’

  ‘A friend! Yes, I am a friend; and I will not urge any other claim just now. Perhaps --’

  Ellinor could not affect to misunderstand him. His manner implied even more than his words.

  ‘No!’ she said, eagerly. ‘We are friends. That is it. I think we shall always be friends, though I will tell you now - something - this much - it is a sad secret. God help me! I am as guilty as poor Dixon, if, indeed, he is guilty - but he is innocent - indeed he is!’

  ‘If he is no more guilty than you, I am sure he is! Let me be more than your friend, Ellinor - let me know all, and help you all that I can, with the right of an affianced husband.’

  ‘No, no!’ said she, frightened both at what she had revealed, and his eager, warm, imploring manner. ‘That can never be. You do not know the disgrace that may be hanging over me.’

  ‘If that is all,’ said be, ‘I take my risk - if that is all - if you only fear that I may shrink from sharing any peril you may be exposed to.’

  ‘It is not peril - it is shame and obloquy --’ she murmured.

  ‘Well! shame and obloquy. Perhaps, if I knew all, I could shield you from it.’

  ‘Don’t, pray, speak any more about it now; if you do, I must say “No.”‘

  She did not perceive the implied encouragement in these words.’ but he did, and they sufficed to make him patient. The time was up, and he could only render her his last services as ‘courier,’ and none other but the necessary words at starting passed between them. But he went away from the station with a cheerful heart; while she sitting alone and quiet, and at last approaching near to the place where so much was to be decided, felt sadder and sadder, heavier and heavier.

  All the intelligence she bad gained since she had seen the Galignani in Paris, had been from the waiter at the Great Western Hotel, who, after returning from a vain search for an unoccupied Times, had volunteered the information that there was an unusual demand for the paper because of Hellingford Assizes, and the trial there for murder that was going on.

  There was no electric telegraph in those days; at every station Ellinor put her head out, and inquired if the murder trial at Hellingford was ended. Some porters told her one thing, some another, in their hurry; she felt that she could not rely on them.

  ‘Drive to Mr Johnson’s in the High Street - quick, quick. I will give you half-a-crown if you will go quick.’

  For, indeed, her endurance, her patience, was strained almost to snapping; yet at Hellingford station, where doubtless they could have told her the truth, she dared not ask the question. It was past eight o’clock at night. In many houses in the little country town there were unusual lights and sounds. The inhabitants were showing their hospitality to such of the strangers brought by the assizes, as were lingering there now that the business which had drawn them was over. The judges had left the town that afternoon, to wind up the circuit by the short list of a neighbouring county town.

  Mr Johnson was entertaining a dinner-party of attorneys when he was summoned from dessert by the announcement of a ‘lady who wanted to speak to him immediate and particular.’

  He went into his study in not the best of tempers. There he found his client, Miss Wilkins, white and ghastly, standing by the fireplace, with her eyes fixed on the door.

  ‘It is you, Miss Wilkins! I am very glad --’

  ‘Dixon!’ said she. It was all she could utter.

  Mr Johnson shook his head.

  ‘Ah! that’s a sad piece of business, and I’m afraid it has shortened your visit at Rome.’

  ‘Is he --?’

  ‘Ay, I am afraid there’s no doubt of his guilt. At any rate, the jury found him guilty, and --’

  ‘And!’ she repeated, quickly, sitting down, the better to hear the words that she knew were coming --

  ‘He is condemned to death.’


  ‘The Saturday but one after the judges left the town, I suppose - it’s the usual time.’

  ‘Who tried him?’

  ‘Judge Corbet; and, for a new judge, I must say I never knew one who got through his business so well. It was really as much as I could stand to hear him condemning the prisoner to death. Dixon was undoubtedly guilty, and he was as stubborn as could be - a sullen old fellow who would let no one help him through. I am sure I did my best for him at Miss Monro’s desire and for your sake. But he would furnish me with no particulars, help us to no evidence. I had the hardest work to keep him from confessing all before witnesses, who would have been bound to repeat it as evidence against him. Indeed, I never thought he would have pleaded “Not Guilty.” I think it was only with a desire to justify himself in the eyes of some old Hamley acquaintances. Good God, Miss Wilkins! What’s the matter? You’re not fainting!’ He rang the bell till the rope remained in his bands. ‘Here, Esther! Jerry! Whoever you are, come quick! Miss Wilkins has fainted! Water! Wine! Tell Mrs Johnson to come here directly!’

  Mrs Johnson, a kind, motherly woman, who had been excluded from the ‘gentleman’s dinner-party,’ and had devoted her time to superintending the dinner her husband had ordered, came in answer to his call for assistance, and found Ellinor lying back in her chair white and senseless.

  ‘Bessy, Miss Wilkins has fainted; she has had a long journey, and is in a fidget about Dixon, the old fellow who was sentenced to be hung for that murder, you know. I can’t stop here, I must go back to those men. You bring her round, and see her to bed. The blue room is empty since Horner left. She must stop here, and I’ll see her in the morning. Take care of her, and keep her mind as easy as you can, will you, for she can do no good by fidgeting.’

  And, knowing that he left Ellinor in good hands, and with plenty of assistance about her, he returned to his friends.

  Ellinor came to herself before long.

  ‘It was very foolish of me, but I could not help it,’ said she, apologetically.

  ‘No; to be sure not, dear. Here, drink this. it is some of Mr Johnson’s best port wine that he
has sent out on purpose for you. Or would you rather have some white soup - or what? We’ve had everything you could think of at dinner, and you’ve only to ask and have. And then you must go to bed, my dear - Mr Johnson says you must; and there’s a well-aired room, for Mr Horner only left us this morning.’

  ‘I must see Mr Johnson again, please.’

  ‘But indeed you must not. You must not worry your poor head with business now; and Johnson would only talk to you on business. No; go to bed, and sleep soundly, and then you’ll get up quite bright and strong, and fit to talk about business.’

  ‘I cannot sleep - I cannot rest till I have asked Mr Johnson one or two more questions; indeed I cannot,’ pleaded Ellinor.

  Mrs Johnson knew that her husband’s orders on such occasions were peremptory, and that she should come in for a good conjugal scolding if, after what he had said, she ventured to send for him again. Yet Ellinor looked so entreating and wistful that she could hardly find in her heart to refuse her. A bright thought struck her.

  ‘Here is pen and paper, my dear. Could you not write the questions you wanted to ask? and he’ll just jot down the answers upon the same piece of paper. I’ll send it in by Jerry. He has got friends to dinner with him, you see.’

  Ellinor yielded. She sat, resting her weary head on her hand, and wondering what were the questions which would have come so readily to her tongue could she have been face to face with him. As it was, she only wrote this:

  ‘How early can I see you tomorrow morning? Will you take all the necessary steps for my going to Dixon as soon as possible? Could I be admitted to him tonight?’

  The pencilled answers were:

  ‘Eight o’clock. Yes. No.’

  ‘I suppose he knows best,’ said Ellinor, sighing, as she read the last word. ‘But it seems wicked in me to be going to bed - and he so near, in prison.’

  When she rose up and stood she felt the former dizziness return, and that reconciled her to seeking rest before she entered upon the duties which were becoming clearer before her, now that she knew all and was on the scene of action. Mrs Johnson brought her white-wine whey instead of the tea she had asked for; and perhaps it was owing to this that she slept so soundly.


  When Ellinor awoke the clear light of dawn was fully in the room. She could not remember where she was; for so many mornings she had wakened up in strange places that it took her several minutes before she could make out the geographical whereabouts of the heavy blue moreen curtains, the print of the lord-lieutenant of the county on the wall, and all the handsome ponderous mahogany furniture that stuffed up the room. As soon as full memory came into her mind, she started up; nor did she go to bed again, although she saw by her watch on the dressing-table that it was not yet six o’clock. She dressed herself with the dainty completeness so habitual to her that it had become an unconscious habit, and then - the instinct was irrepressible - she put on her bonnet and shawl, and went down, past the servant on her knees cleaning the door step, out into the fresh open air; and so she found her way down the High Street to Hellingford Castle, the building in which the courts of assize were held - the prison in which Dixon lay condemned to die. She almost knew she Could not see him; yet it seemed like some amends to her conscience for having slept through so many hours of the night if she made the attempt. She went up to the porter’s lodge, and asked the little girl sweeping out the place if she might see Abraham Dixon. The child stared at her, and ran into the house, bringing out her father, a great burly man, who had not yet donned either coat or waistcoat, and who, consequently, felt the morning air as rather nipping. To him Ellinor repeated her question.

  ‘Him as is to be hung come Saturday se’nnight? Why, ma’am, I’ve nought to do with it. You may go to the governor’s house and try; but, if you’ll excuse me, you’ll have your walk for your pains. Them in the condemned cells is never seen by nobody without the sheriff’s order. You may go up to the governor’s house, and welcome; but they’ll only tell you the same. Yon’s the governor’s house.’

  Ellinor fully believed the man, and yet she went on to the house indicated, as if she still hoped that in her case there might be some exception to the rule, which she now remembered to have heard of before, in days when such a possible desire as to see a condemned prisoner was treated by her as a wish that some people might have, did have - people as far removed from her circle of circumstances as the inhabitants of the moon. Of course she met with the same reply, a little more abruptly given, as if every man was from his birth bound to know such an obvious regulation.

  She went out past the porter, now fully clothed. He was sorry for her disappointment, but could not help saying, with a slight tone of exultation: ‘Well, you see I was right, ma’am!’

  She walked as nearly round the castle as ever she could, looking up at the few high-barred windows she could see, and wondering in what part of the building Dixon was confined. Then she went into the adjoining churchyard, and sitting down upon a tombstone, she gazed idly at the view spread below her - a view which was considered as the lion of the place, to be shown to all strangers by the inhabitants of Hellingford. Ellinor did not see it, however. She only saw the blackness of that fatal night. The hurried work - the lanterns glancing to and fro. She only heard the hard breathing of those who are engaged upon unwonted labour; the few hoarse muttered words; the swaying of the branches to and fro. All at once the church clock above her struck eight, and then pealed out for distant labourers to cease their work for a time. Such was the old custom of the place. Ellinor rose up, and made her way back to Mr Johnson’s house in High Street. The room felt close and confined in which she awaited her interview with Mr Johnson, who had sent down an apology for having overslept himself, and at last made his appearance in a hurried, half-awakened state, in consequence of his late hospitality of the night before.

  ‘I am so sorry I gave you all so much trouble last night,’ said Ellinor, apologetically. ‘I was overtired, and much shocked by the news I heard.’

  ‘No trouble, no trouble, I am sure. Neither Mrs Johnson nor I felt it in the least a trouble. Many ladies, I know, feel such things very trying, though there are others that can stand a judge’s putting on the black cap better than most men. I’m sure I saw some as composed as could be under judge Corbet’s speech.’

  ‘But about Dixon? He must not die, Mr Johnson.’

  ‘Well, I don’t know that he will,’ said Mr Johnson, in something of the tone of voice he would have used in soothing a child. ‘Judge Corbet said something about the possibility of a pardon. The jury did not recommend him to mercy: you see, his looks went so much against him, and all the evidence was so strong, and no defence, so to speak, for he would not furnish any information on which we could base defence. But the judge did give some hope, to my mind, though there are others that think differently.’

  ‘I tell you, Mr Johnson, he must not die, and he shall not. To whom must I

  ‘Whew! Have you got additional evidence?’ with a sudden. sharp glance of professional inquiry.

  ‘Never mind,’ Ellinor answered. ‘I beg your pardon . . . only tell me into whose hands the power of life and death has passed.’

  ‘Into the Home Secretary’s - Sir Philip Homes; but you cannot get access to him on such an errand. It is the judge who tried the case that must urge a reprieve - Judge Corbet.’

  ‘Judge Corbet?’

  ‘Yes; and he was rather inclined to take a merciful view of the whole case. I saw it in his charge. He’ll be the person for you to see. I suppose you don’t like to give me your confidence, or else I could arrange and draw up what will have to be said?’

  ‘No. What I have to say must be spoken to the arbiter - to no one else. I am afraid I answered you impatiently just now. You must forgive me; if you knew all, I am sure you would.’

  ‘Say no more, my dear lady. We will suppose you have some evidence not adduced at the trial. Well; you must go up and see the judge, since you don’t choose to im
part it to anyone, and lay it before him. He will, doubtless, compare it with his notes of the trial, and see how far it agrees with them. Of course you must be prepared with some kind of proof; for Judge Corbet will have to test your evidence.’

  ‘It seems strange to think of him as the judge,’ said Ellinor, almost to herself.

  ‘Why, yes. He’s but a young judge. You knew him at Hamley, I suppose? I remember his reading there with Mr Ness.’

  ‘Yes: but do not let us talk more about that time. Tell me, when can I see Dixon? I have been to the castle already, but they said I must have a sheriff’s order.’

  ‘To be sure. I desired Mrs Johnson to tell you so last night. Old Ormerod was dining here. he is clerk to the magistrates, and I told him of your wish. He said he would see Sir Henry Croper, and have the order here before ten. But all this time Mrs Johnson is waiting breakfast for us. Let me take you into the dining-room.’

  It was very hard work for Ellinor to do her duty as a guest, and to allow herself to be interested and talked to on local affairs by her host and hostess. But she felt as if she had spoken shortly and abruptly to Mr Johnson in their previous conversation, and that she must try and make amends for it; so she attended to all the details about the restoration of the church, and the difficulty of getting a good music-master for the three little Miss Johnsons, with all her usual gentle good breeding and patience, though no one can tell how her heart and imagination were full of the coming interview with poor old Dixon.

  By-and-by Mr Johnson was called out of the room to see Mr Ormerod, and receive the order of admission from him. Ellinor clasped her hands tight together as she listened with apparent composure to Mrs Johnson’s never-ending praise of the Hullah system. But, when Mr Johnson returned she could not help interrupting her eulogy, and saying,


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