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Pure Harmony

Page 3

by McKenna Jeffries

  “Oh yes. The hot yet arrogant attorney who turned your world upside down with his masterful caresses and his huge—”


  Thankfully, her friend shut up. She peeked around, hoping no one had heard Lana’s outburst. From the looks she received, it was a safe bet they’d heard. Damn actors. Always with the carrying voices.

  Lana Kanseah was an actress. One who’d come back to McKingley to live instead of residing in Beverly Hills. She was of the Chiricahua tribe. They’d been friends for a long time and when Harmony had told her she was leaving Japan, Lana had told her to come here to McKingley. So she had.

  “What about him?”

  She fiddled with the knife. “I saw him yesterday.”

  “So you’re tired?” Lana asked with an impish twinkle in her eyes.

  “You are such a bitch.”

  “True enough. Now dish.”

  So she did. Right up to driving his car for him back to his place. She even mentioned the huge piano he had downstairs in his condominium. Lana was leaning close by now.

  “He let you drive his car?”

  “I don’t think he wanted to continue spreading mud all over. He was filthy. Filthy. And, Lana, it was so funny. He’s like a clean freak and to see him like that… I wanted to laugh so hard.”

  “I don’t care how dirty he was. This man let you drive his car. That is something. Now, did you join him in the shower?”

  “Of course not!” Thought about it, though.

  “Why not? You two have already done it.”

  “It’s different now.”

  Lana scoffed and sent her a scowl. “How so?”

  “My entire apartment could fit in the downstairs of his condo. He drives a car that starts at over a hundred and fifty Gs. Oh yeah, and his name is Jonathon Wright.”

  Lana was at a loss for words. For once. Her mouth moved but nothing came out. With a sigh, Harmony turned her attention back out of the window and stared at nothing, waiting for Lana’s speech to return.

  “Why the hell didn’t you say this to begin with?” she demanded.

  “Was his name really that important? I mean, I thought the fact I’d had a one-night stand would have trumped that.”

  “Well yes, but… Damn it, do you know who he is?”

  “Yes. I’m the one who told you.” She frowned as a silver Mercedes coupé pulled up to the door across the street. It was very familiar to her. In fact, she’d bet it was his. “Why?”

  “The Wright family is one of the families equated with McKingley. Rich. And Jonathon made a name for himself right out of law school when he took on a case for his sister. No one thought he would win it, but he did and… Well, I don’t know what he got for her, settlement-wise, because it wasn’t made public, but since then, Christ, he’s been known as a man of ice. And you…get him in bed at an auction. I hate you.”

  That all bore more thought but the door was being opened. “I think he’s here, Lana. That’s his car, across the street. That’s the one I drove last night.”

  It wasn’t a tall, strong man who exited the Mercedes. Not even close. This was a beautiful woman and Harmony felt a punch to the gut sitting there staring at her. The one emerging from the vehicle was tall with long legs and amazing curves. She had on a floor-length, strapless, steel-grey dress. It looked like beadwork was on the breast and one swathe near her waist, making it asymmetrical. She was gorgeous. The woman’s honey-blonde hair, arranged in an elegant coiffure, only added to her looks. The dress even had a slight train to it. Classic Hollywood style with the train and lace-up bodice.

  “Who’s that?” Lana asked.

  “I… I don’t know.” She felt ill, knowing she’d been lusting after a married man. This had to be his wife. How could I not have known? And why did I fall for his lines a second time? I almost went to bed with him again.

  “Hey now, don’t jump to conclusions,” Lana said. “Maybe it’s not his car.”

  “Right, there are tons of cars like that floating around here. I mean, I see at least five to ten a day.”

  Lana reached for her hand and squeezed it, offering silent strength. “Well, you want to go see who she is?”

  That brought a wry chuckle from her. Leave it to Lana to run at things head-on. “No thanks.”

  “For what it’s worth, hon, I’ve never heard of him being married. He’s always been one of the most eligible bachelors in McKingley and around. Possibly in the Southwest.”

  “Great, so it’s not his wife but his girlfriend.” She reached for a breadstick. “That makes me feel so much better.”

  “I’ve lived here longer than you have, Harmony. Honestly, I’ve never heard things like that with him. There are a few Wrights that kind of behaviour is linked to, but not him.”

  Her shoulders lifted in a careless shrug. “And he asked me why it was a bad idea we shouldn’t see each other again. Guess it didn’t take him too long to get over that.” Bitterness coated her words.

  Lana didn’t comment, she just sat there. With a groan, Harmony pushed all thoughts of Jonathon Wright to the back of her mind and focused on her friend. Even so, for the rest of the dinner, she couldn’t help but wonder. Who was that woman? Moreover, what did she mean to Jonathon? More importantly, why did it matter to her?

  “Are you sure you’re okay, Harmony?” Lana questioned as they left the restaurant.

  “I’m fine, just tired is all.” She climbed in Lana’s car and buckled her seatbelt.

  “Get some rest, hon. I’m starting to worry. You’re beginning to look frail.” Lana drove her home, music the only sound in the car. Once Lana had parked in front of her apartment building, she turned to her. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks again for agreeing to help us out.”

  “My pleasure,” she said sliding out of the car. “Night, Lana.”

  “G’night, hon. Sleep!” she hollered after her.

  Harmony acknowledged her yell with a wave but didn’t turn back. She rubbed the back of her neck and groaned tiredly. She trudged up the stairs to her fourth floor apartment, wishing there was an elevator for days like this. Rooting for her keys, she sighed.

  I want to go home. Her stomach was already in knots at the prospect of playing for Lana’s drama club.

  Get a grip, Oshiro!

  It didn’t help that her hands were shaking when she managed to locate and withdraw her keys. She stumbled slightly and reached for the wall to brace herself. Her hand never encountered it. Strong arms encircled her, ensuring she stayed on her feet.

  One whiff and she knew immediately who held her. Jonathon. He had this amazing masculine scent about him. What is he doing here?

  “Easy there,” he murmured.

  Lord help her, she wanted to let her legs give out so he’d just hold her. Digging deep, she forced steel into her limbs and stood on her own. “What are you doing here?” she asked, not really sure she wanted to know.

  “I came to see you. I told you yesterday, Harmony, I wanted to see you again.” He plucked her keys from her hand and fitted them into the lock on her door. Then he swung the door open and led her in.

  “How did you know my apartment?”

  “Your name is on the mailbox for this one. I’ve been waiting for you for a few hours. Where have you been?”

  The click of the door behind them made her realise just how alone she was with him. He guided her to a chair and pressed her into it before leaving her alone. Moments later, he showed up with a glass of water.

  “Are you okay, Harmony?”

  “I’m fine,” she bit off. “What do you want?”

  He glanced around her small yet clean apartment before he sat down in the chair nearest her. “Have I done something to offend you?”


  “Your tone is angry.”

  “I don’t like being played for a fool.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “Explain.” The word fell like ice.

  “I saw your car tonight at Bella’s. A beautiful woman got
out. Do you have a wife or girlfriend you didn’t happen to mention? Because I will not be another woman for any man!”

  “Bella’s? I wasn’t at Bella’s tonight. I don’t even have my car. It’s with…” He trailed off and seemed to think over something.

  “Well?” Harmony got to her feet and glared at him. Lana would be so proud of her for standing up for herself.

  Jonathon also stood. He dwarfed her and she swallowed when he neared her. Gazing down at her, he trailed a knuckle along her face. “I don’t have a girlfriend and I definitely don’t have a wife.”

  She wanted to believe him but, damn it all, common sense seemed to vanish around him, and she couldn’t let it go. “Who was she then? I don’t see you as the kind of man who would let just anyone drive his car.”

  “I let you drive my car,” he said without missing a beat.

  Up and down, his touch moved on her face. She licked her lips trying not to beg for more, and his eyes followed the movement of her tongue. “That was a unique situation.”

  “You’re a unique woman.” He lowered his face and she was having a hard time keeping track of the conversation.

  “No I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are.” A brush of his lips along the corner of her mouth. “Very unique.”

  “Then she must be as well, for you to let her drive it alone.” Damn, she couldn’t keep her mouth shut. She sounded like a whiny, clinging woman.

  “Oh, she is.” She didn’t want to hear that. “Her name is Delicia.”

  He nibbled on her lower lip and she moaned, curving her hands into his suit coat. Harmony opened her mouth to respond but he kissed her. His tongue swept deep, coaxing hers to play and dance with his. They stroked and slipped along one another. She gave all he asked for and whimpered longingly when he took even more than that. Her body was on high alert as her blood burned and her skin was aflame.

  He ended the kiss and stared down into her eyes. “She’s my baby sister.”

  Chapter Three

  Jonathon watched the woman in his arms. Passion-glazed eyes, flushed skin and kiss-swollen lips. All he wanted to do was carry her to her bed and have his way with her. She was jealous. That made him want to smile. She may claim they should stay away from one another but her jealousy over his sister told him something different.

  He’d been concerned when she had walked up the steps and into view. Her body had seemed almost unable to hold itself up. Her stumbling had proven him correct. Now, she was in his arms again and he had no wish to release her.

  “Your sister?” Harmony queried.

  “Delicia Wright. We all call her Lis. Now, where were you?”

  She shook her head. “I was out with my friend Lana. We go out once a week.” Seeming to regain a bit more of her wits, she moved back from his touch. Jon held in his growl of dislike. “Why are you here again?”

  “I was going to take you to dinner, but that obviously didn’t work.”

  “And you’ve been just waiting here for me to come back?”

  “Yes.” He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal.

  “Have you eaten then?”


  He expected her to offer to make him something.

  “You should get going then. I’m sure you’re hungry.”

  Well, that was anything but what he’d expected. “Trying to get rid of me already?”

  “I told you this wasn’t a good idea.”

  He rolled his eyes. “What’s not good about it?”

  “I… You’re Jonathon Wright.”

  He quirked a grin. “And you’re Harmony Oshiro. Great, introductions are over. Can we do something more fun now? Like kissing?” He loved kissing her. Her full lips felt so good against his. Moreover, her responses to his kiss, to his touches, were amazing. “Or perhaps an activity which requires no clothing at all.”

  Desire flared in her eyes and he knew she was weakening. She shook her head. “No.”

  He plunked back down in a chair and crossed his legs. “Then tell me why you look so beat.”

  A look of astonishment filled her features. “Really?”

  “Really. Don’t try it—I’m not leaving until I get the answers I want.”

  She sighed heavily. “Are you always this pushy?”

  “Yes.” His response was immediate.

  Harmony sat back down and watched him from weary eyes. His concern grew. Something was bothering her and he wanted to know what it was. He longed to help her.

  “I’m just tired, that’s all. Nothing more than that.”

  He barely blinked. “You’re lying.”


  “I’m an attorney, Harmony. Do you really think I haven’t learnt when someone is lying to me?”

  “Why are you doing this? There must be plenty of other women who would love your attention.”

  “Probably are. I don’t care about them.” He uncrossed his legs and leant forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. “Now, answer me honestly.”

  “Excuse me,” she said, getting to her feet before running from the room.

  He heard a door slam and sighed. Perhaps it hadn’t been his smartest move. Alone, he got up and walked to a small table by the window, which had two pictures on it. He picked one up and smiled. Her family. Handsome Asian father, gorgeous African-American mother. Even her brother was good-looking.

  In the other were Harmony and another woman. Native American, by the looks of her. The women were standing before a building with huge smiles on their faces. This Harmony looked full of joy and life. Unlike the one who’d just run from the room.

  Photos back on the table, he glanced around her place. Small. Quaint would be a better word, but she made it work. It wasn’t crowded and had a welcoming feel. There weren’t a bunch of knick-knacks and he didn’t see the vase she’d outbid him on.

  “You’re still here.”

  “I am. Where’s the vase you got at the auction?” he asked.

  “In my bedroom.”

  Pivoting on his heel, he glanced at her. Her face flushed again and she said, “I’ll get it for you.”

  “Actually, I was wondering if I could see the entire collection.”

  “It’s in my bedroom,” she mumbled.

  “I gathered that when you said that’s where the one was.” He held up a hand. “I’ll be very good.”

  Her eyes narrowed and he knew she didn’t buy it for a second. “Fine.”

  Containing his grin, he followed her back to her room. There wasn’t much more space back here but he did see the collection along a wall. She had twenty of them. He walked past her and moved to get a closer look at them. All intricately detailed, they were amazing.

  “Wow. This is incredible,” he said.

  “Thank you.”

  “How long did it take you to get all these?”

  “My grandmother started it for me when I…” She cleared her throat. “When I was younger. She passed three years ago and I tracked down the rest of them.”

  There was something she wasn’t telling him but he let it go. He reached for one only to pause and peer at her. “May I?”


  He lifted one the colour of the sea and stared at it before putting it back. “You have a beautiful collection, Harmony.”

  “Thank you.”

  His gaze took in the rest of the room and lingered on the double bed. A cream-coloured comforter covered it. He sneaked a peek at her and found her gaze transfixed to the bed. She jumped slightly when he cleared his throat.

  “Harmony?” he asked, reaching for her.

  “I… I need to get some sleep. Long day tomorrow. I’m sure you have one as well.”

  “I do.” He stepped towards her only for her to take one back. They continued the dance until she could go no farther, having run into the hallway wall. “Why are you running from me?”

  “You could hurt me.”

  “What is life without risks?”


bsp; He shook his head at her. “Boring. I don’t take you as a boring person, Harmony. I have no plans to hurt you.” He’d seen the spark she had for life—it had shown when she’d looked at the rain and in the sparkle in her eyes as she’d tried not to laugh at him covered with mud. However, she tried to hide it. He wanted to know why.

  He cut off her next statement by kissing her. The taste of honey flooded his mouth as he swept through and touched every part he could reach. She whimpered before sinking into him and returning the kiss with fervour. He caught her about the waist and lifted her up, holding her flush against him.

  Sinking one hand into her hair and wrapping around it, he tugged her head back. “You don’t run from passion like this, Harmony.” He placed her back on her feet and released her hair. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” One more hard, fast kiss then he left her there before he gave in and took her to bed.

  * * * *

  Harmony could feel his touch on her even as she showered and went to bed. Her dreams were so real, and his touch so tantalising, she just wanted to allow it and never question. She was still tired come morning when she got ready for college. The day dragged and when she’d finished helping Lana, she made her way home as quickly as she could.

  She sat on her bed and pushed up her sleeve, staring at the scar on her right arm. One finger traced it idly while she remembered how things had been before the incident. The concerts, the pride her family had had in her.

  Harmony bit her lip as the tears began to fall. Ignoring them, she curled up on her side and let them slip free. Eventually, her exhausted body fell into a deep sleep. When she woke, she felt a bit better and washed away all trace of tears. She was ready when Jonathon came to her door.

  “Hello,” she said, swinging it open.

  “Didn’t you think you should ask who it was?”

  “I looked through the peephole,” Harmony retorted.

  She stared at him. He was dressed impeccably, again. Nothing out of place and a look on his face that bordered on condescension. This man was excessively serious.

  “Hungry?” he asked. His gaze fixated upon her mouth.

  “A bit.”


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