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Baby Mine

Page 6

by Tressie Lockwood

  “I said marry me,” he repeated. “If you like, I will get down on one knee right here, right now, and I will slide the ring I have in my pocket onto your finger.”

  “Ring…in your…pocket?” She yanked her hands free. “Wait, hold on. Damn it, why can’t I drink at a time like this? You know this isn’t the old days where because I’m pregnant you feel like the right thing to do is to marry me, don’t you? Renzo, I can take care of myself, and I can definitely take care of the baby.”

  “I don’t doubt it for a second.” He made a gesture with his hand, and a waiter appeared out of nowhere. Renzo spoke in rapid fire Italian, and the waiter answered in the same language. When he returned moments later, he held a bottle of wine. He poured two glasses and put one in front of Jada. She glared at Renzo, but he smiled. “Non-alcoholic.”

  She sipped the drink and found he spoke the truth. The cool liquid was both refreshing and delicious. She appreciated the fact that Renzo had chosen not to imbibe as well. Reiterating her stance, she said, “We don’t have to get married, Renzo. You can see our son or daughter whenever you like.”

  “And if I still want you as my wife?”

  “Why in the world would you?” She balled up the ends of the tablecloth in her lap. “We’re from two different worlds. I mean we have great sex. I’ll admit that, but it doesn’t make a relationship.”

  He leaned forward, capturing her gaze as if he touched her. Something fluttered in her chest, and she tried to calm her nerves.

  “Tell me you don’t love me, cara mia.”

  “L-love?” she croaked. He put her on the spot, as if she were the one who brought him here to make a declaration. She didn’t know how he felt. For all she knew he might have picked up on her love for him and decided he could use it to his advantage to gain control of both her and the baby. That kind of thing from powerful men wasn’t unheard of, but she wasn’t the one. She released the tablecloth and clenched her hand into a fist. “What’s love got to do with us? We had sex. It was good, but we weren’t careful, and now we have a situation. We can deal with it like two civilized adults.”

  When his eyebrows rose, she knew she had surprised him with her reaction. She liked that. Watching the lawyers in her office, she’d learned a thing or two about keeping others guessing.

  She took another swig from her glass and set it down with as much calm as she could muster. “You expected me to fall into your arms because you offered me your name. Well, sorry, pal, I’m not that kind of woman.”

  Okay, that part’s weird. It’s not like he asked me to become his mistress.

  A slow smile spread over Renzo’s features. “Everything you say and everything you do—your reactions to the world around you—confirm that you are the one for me, Jada. I will slow down. However, you will be mine on a permanent basis.”

  He pulled out the small black box, proving he hadn’t been lying, and opened it. The gigantic diamond ring inside blew her mind. That thing would need its own personal bodyguard, she mused, and couldn’t imagine how much it cost. Whatever the expense, it was probably pocket change for him.

  Renzo put the ring away and picked up his menu, the smile still in place. “Shall we order?”

  She watched him a few moments longer and then followed suit. They made their selections, chatted, and then ate some of the most delicious food she’d ever tasted. All the while, Renzo kept her entertained, making her laugh and regaling her with stories of the places he’d traveled and the people he’d met. At the end of the night, he returned her to his house, and she found an excuse for him not to join her in bed. To Jada’s surprise, he didn’t push the issue. Longing and hurt vied within her as she fell asleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Jada flew home a couple days later, scarcely containing a sob at leaving Renzo. He had given her a ride to the airport with her trying to pretend she was happy. The whole problem was that he appeared upbeat as well. The man practically radiated it, and although she didn’t expect it, she’d almost hoped he would beg her not to go and declare his undying love. He’d done neither. He’d tilted her chin up and kissed her until she felt faint. Then he let her go.

  Jada walked into her office the next morning, praying the old adage was true, that absence and time would heal her heart. She headed toward her cubicle wishing for higher walls so she could let go of the forced smile as if nothing were wrong. After all, this was the life she had chosen, wasn’t it? No maid, no bodyguards, no unlimited funds—and no family.

  But I will have my baby. That’s the important thing.

  “Jada! You’re back,” her coworker Leena exclaimed. “How was California?”

  “The weather was nice.” She didn’t elaborate but kept walking.

  Leena chuckled and linked arms with Jada. “I think more than the weather was nice.”

  Jada frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” She had shared with Leena the reason for going to California but didn’t admit her feelings for Renzo.

  “You’ll see,” Leena quipped.

  When Jada turned the corner leading to her area, she just saw into her cubicle ahead, and the sight took her breath. Every available spot on the U shaped desk had been taken up with flowers of all kinds. “What the hell?”

  She stopped in the entry to her area, staring at the various sizes of vases. Cards were attached to each bouquet, but Jada couldn’t make herself reach out to read one. Leena had no such qualms. She plucked a tiny square envelope from a red rose arrangement and opened it. “Voglio amare per sempre,” Leena read. “What’s that?”


  “What does it mean?”

  “No idea.” Jada swallowed and read a few more notes. Some were in English, some Italian. All, she guessed, were expressions of affection. All were from Renzo, but she hadn’t needed the signature to know who sent the flowers. The man must have bought out an entire shop to send so many.

  She spent the next hour removing notes and handing out bouquets to anyone who would accept them for their office. The prettiest, especially the roses, she kept for herself. Flowers perfumed the air of the entire floor where she worked, yet none of the lawyers or her direct supervisor complained. They didn’t question her either, which was unusual. She guessed that was another way Renzo showed his influence. After having a good cry in the bathroom alone, she texted him a simple, “Thank you,” and then forced the man from her thoughts so she could get down to work. Over the next month, amid biweekly gifts sent from her former lover, Jada went on with her life the best she could.

  At three and a half months pregnant, she began to show, and she spent each morning standing naked before the bedroom mirror staring at her body. She wondered if Renzo would still find her attractive, and then tamped down those thoughts so she could hold to her calm state of mind. She wasn’t exactly happy, but the nightly crying had eased up. Besides, she’d blamed all of that on wacky preggo hormones so she could convince herself that her love for Renzo faded.

  Today she pulled open her closet door and surveyed the hanging dresses. A couple weeks after she returned home, a delivery had arrived at her door, and she’d been shocked to find an entire wardrobe of maternity clothes. At the time, Leena had been visiting. “Whoa, I know you’re going to keep these,” her friend had said.

  “Damn right,” Jada agreed. “I’m not too good to take a useful gift. Now the jewelry, yeah, I sent it back. We’re not together, but these clothes I consider all a part of taking care of his baby. My clothes were getting tighter.”

  She had sent another text to Renzo and informed him that in no uncertain terms did it mean anything that she would accept this gift. She expected him to call and argue or at least try to push his claim, but he never did.

  Preparing for her doctor appointment, she selected a powder blue sundress that reached mid-thigh. Somehow the dress was both comfortable, with its flair allowing her stomach room to expand, and sexy, showing off her still shapely legs. Charlotte had grown warmer, so she was glad for the outfit.

  Dressed, she ate a light breakfast of scrambled eggs and fruit, drank some juice, and then left her apartment. On the street, the expensive black car parked next to hers was her first clue that Renzo had given up keeping his distance. When he unfolded his tall form from the rental, her heartbeat raced.

  “Good morning,” he said in his deep, panty-wetting tone. “Sleep well last night?”

  “Renzo, what are you doing here?”

  He put his hand out, and she couldn’t resist touching his palm with her fingertips. When she did, his fingers closed over hers, and he guided her to the passenger side of his car. “You have a doctor’s appointment, don’t you?”

  “How do you…?” She didn’t bother to complete the question. “Surely, you don’t intend to fly over here every time I go to the doctor. That’s insane—and expensive.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her, and she flushed.

  “Well, it’s still crazy. I mean when I’m further along, the appointments will become more frequent.”

  “I travel quite often for business. There’s no reason I can’t be here.”

  “It’s not sensible.”

  “Being an absentee father makes no sense.”

  Goose bumps rose on her arms, and she ran her hands along them as she sat in his car. The baby hadn’t been born yet, and he already began to prove he could and would spend time with him or her, but how long would it last? And what would happen when they couldn’t agree on some aspect of raising the baby? Looking across at him as he handled the vehicle with practiced ease, she admitted she still loved him, and because of it, she’d never felt more vulnerable.

  Renzo caught her looking and reached across to stroke her cheek before smoothing her hair from her face. Rather than put it up in a tight chignon as she usually did, she had let it hang down around her shoulders. Over the last couple of months, it had grown at least three inches and now hung just past her shoulders. This aspect of pregnancy agreed with her.

  “You are more beautiful than the last time I saw you, cara.”

  She turned away from his touch. “Don’t flatter me. I’m beginning to swell in places that make me want to cry. I remind myself it’s temporary and all for the baby.”

  “Are you showing yet?”

  She clenched her jaw. “A little.”

  His gaze brightened and dropped to her breasts and then to her belly. Although he turned back to the road, she knew he imagined her naked, and the knowledge both horrified and turned her on at the same time.

  “Hm,” was his only comment, and Renzo proceeded to stay by her side for the entire appointment. He even asked the doctor questions she hadn’t considered. When they were done, he dropped her at work with a promise to pick her up at the end of the day. She ducked out from Leena and the lawyers five minutes early so she wouldn’t have to offer explanations about Renzo and headed down to the lobby. As promised, her baby’s daddy stood waiting for her and escorted her to his car. They picked up dinner on the way to her apartment, and Jada gave in to a moment of weakness to invite him inside.

  “I know this isn’t what you’re used to,” she told him when he paused to look around, “but it’s home, and I like it. I have a second bedroom I plan to redecorate for the baby.”

  Renzo made no comment.

  “We can eat at the dining room table or in the living room if there’s something on TV you want to watch.” She hated how quiet he remained. “Are you going to say anything or what?”

  “Ti amo, Jada.”

  The bottle of ranch salad dressing slipped from her fingers and splattered on the carpet. She knew what those words meant.

  He walked over and pulled her from trying to clean up the mess, then began to do it himself. Kneeling regardless of his suit pants, he scrubbed at the spot with a napkin. Jada saw that he made it worse, but the mere fact of him trying kept her where she stood. Well, not just that. His uttered, “I love you,” had robbed her of the ability to think. Even breathing normally took a bit of effort.

  “W-why did you say that?” she stuttered.

  He glanced up from his task, piercing her with those almost black eyes, which sent chills down her spine. “You know why.”

  She raised a hand to her forehead and shut her eyes. A deep breath restored some of her equilibrium, but not all. “I’m not down on myself by any means. I’m cute in my way, and even pregnant, I’m okay. You can have any woman you want. Any one probably in the world. Me having your baby doesn’t force you to pretend you love me, so…why?”

  He stood up and tossed the napkin on the table. When he approached her, she had a sudden urge to run but stood her ground. Renzo took her hand and led her over to the couch. They sat side by side, but he didn’t relinquish his hold. The touch of his skin burned, igniting a fire inside her belly she’d worked hard to put out over the last few months of being apart from him. In just a few short hours, here he was to undo all she had worked for. Aside from that, he had upped the stakes, claiming to love her.

  “Cara, when I first saw you in Venice, so carefree and eager to take in all the wonders that my homeland offered, your beauty stunned me. I admit at first it was raw attraction. That thin yellow dress you wore, how it accentuated your small waist and luscious breasts, even your smooth sweet cocoa skin drew me in. Then you spoke to me, and we had dinner together. I swear by the end of the night, I was in love. I couldn’t let you go.”

  “Oh.” Words rattled around in her head, chief of which were, “I love you too,” but she held back and turned away from him. “Renzo, I believe you, but there are so many complications—”

  “There are none.” He drew her to face him again with an insistent hand on her chin. Chills raced each other over her skin, up her arms and down her spine. The period where he bided his time seemed to be long over. “I’m here, and I will continue to be here. We will work all things out as they happen.”

  She shoved his hand away and stood up. “What about school?”


  She put her hands on her hips. “Someone told me you were going to send my baby away to some boarding school in Europe when he turns ten or eleven. I’m gonna tell you right now that’s not happening, even if I have to fight you with everything inside me. You’re not going to use your money and connections against me, Renzo. I mean it.”

  The amusement in his gaze pissed her off.

  “I’m serious.”

  “And I believe you.” He stood and pulled her into his arms. The man played dirty. “No boarding school. What else?”

  She was thrown for a loop. “Um…no nanny. I’m raising my child.”

  “Done, but if you change your mind, or you need a little break now and then, I will get you help without question.”

  She nodded and pulled away again to sit down. Having his hands on her waist was too distracting. “Okay, what are your demands?”

  “Voglio amare per sempre,” he said without hesitation.

  She gasped. “That was the phrase on one of the cards you sent me. What does it mean?”

  “I want to love you forever.”

  Her heart skipped a few beats.

  “I want to cherish you, cara mia. I want to make you mine, my wife, with the rights that come with it.”

  Sex, she thought.

  “Not just your body but your mind, your smile, your point of view, and even your cutting tongue when you’re angry with me.”

  She couldn’t help the smile that parted her lips now.

  “I am a businessman. I love my work, and I admit it consumes much of my time, but I spent the last few weeks rearranging things, delegating many of the responsibilities that take me away from home more than I am there. Ettore isn’t so happy with me right now, but the agreement I came to with Uncle Gianni should ensure he will not stand against you ever again. I am free to love you and our baby, Jada. If you will have me.”

  She already knew what would happen if she rejected him. He would bury her in gifts for as long as it took to change her mind, a
nd by his own admission, he had freed up a lot of his time. Something told her he would dog her every step and might even get the lawyers and Leena involved. “I won’t say no, but I won’t say yes just yet either. Woo me, Renzo. Show me how much you love me. Not with your money, but with yourself. I’m still hesitant because we come from two different worlds, but… I do love you. More than any man I’ve loved before, and I’ve never been married. This is not just about us but about our child. I need to know we are doing the right thing being together. Can you understand how I feel?”

  “I can, my love. I am confident you will be mine in name as you already are in body and soul.”

  Jada had no wish to deny his assertion. She did her best to prepare for what was to come.

  Chapter Eight

  Renzo reminded himself as he scrubbed a particularly stubborn pot that staying in Charlotte at Jada’s small apartment was the right choice. He had removed his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves to cook for her. The problem was he had never been in the kitchen in that capacity, nor had he ever washed a dish. The spaghetti turned out to be overcooked and rubbery, and the sauce might come out of his shirt but probably not his pants. He’d thought he was being clever when he looked up the recipe on his cell phone. How hard could it be, he’d thought. Jada had almost made herself sick laughing at the disaster.

  The pot slipped from his soapy fingers and clanged to the floor for the fourth time. “Mannaggia!” he swore.

  Jada’s slender fingers curled around his bicep. “Enough. Let me do it.”

  He shook off her hold. “I promised you dinner and that I would clean up afterward. We had to order in. The least I can do is handle the mess I made.”

  She grinned, and, for the millionth time, his chest constricted just looking at her. This humiliation was more than worth it to win her.

  “Well, okay, you can stay in here fighting with the dishes, or you can come into the bedroom and play with me. It’s completely up to you.”


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