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Dillon: A Wings of Diablo MC Novel

Page 14

by Lake, Rae B.

  The school is in northern Texas so it's about a twelve hour ride if I don’t have to stop. Enough time for me to visualize how I'm going to kill each and every one of those bastards and find my little girl.

  * * *

  The school is located east of Dumas, Texas. There isn't much in the area, in fact the school itself has about a hundred acres of land all to itself. No wonder it was so easy for them to get away with what they were doing, there was no one there to ask any questions.

  By the time I make it to the edge of the property it was already nighttime. Thanks to the Canadian River there was a nice smattering of trees where I would be able to take cover. It was the only place that I was able to hide and scope out the school. After this it was nothing but flat landscape with the exception of a few security bunkers. It was going to be hell trying to rush through without them seeing me, but I would figure out a way.

  On the ride here Brendan had sent me some ariel shots of the location. I was so fucking surprised to see how much drones can do now a days. In the photos there are at least 3 dozen guards. Of course, there are places that the drone couldn't get through so there may be many more than that, but at least I knew where a large chunk of them were located. I could try to go around the perimeter, but that would take up some time.

  My ears perk up as I hear something walking behind me. It could be an animal, but since I'm spying on what could be one of the largest illegal adoption schemes in the United States I'm pressed to believe that its someone who doesn't want me to be on their land.

  I quickly drop down to a very low crouch and take off through the trees hoping that the night and my dark attire would keep whoever it was from finding me. Just in case though I pull out my knife, it was going to be my primary weapon of choice since I have to be stealthy.

  I hear someone running up behind me. They are moving even faster; shit they know that I’m here. I quickly turn around and raise the knife, but before I can swing it down a hand goes over my mouth and pulls me up.

  "Wire relax."

  I can’t see who it is, but the fact that they know my name is confusing to say the least. Long dark hair covers most of the person’s face.

  "What the fuck." I squint and try to figure out who it is. When they comb the hair out of their face I am surprised to see that it’s Jag. "What the hell are you doing here?"

  "Come." He pulls me back with him. We run towards the opposite end of the trees. I had yet to go over there, because it was much denser. It would be easier for me to hide there, but also much harder for me to see anyone else.

  When I get to the area that he is leading me too I see that not only is he here, but there is a whole fucking crew of people. All of them hiding in the fucking trees like a goddamn militia.

  Archer, Jameson, Yang, Brendan, Wyatt, Free, Vexx, Jag, and Roth.

  "How the hell …" I’m at a loss for words. What the hell are they all doing here? "How did you know where I was?"

  "Are you kidding me? Roth and Brendan let us know what was going on before you even left the hospital." Archer is the one to speak up.

  "I would have appreciated if you would have called us first before you decided to do this shit though." When I turn to the sound, I see another group of people.

  Clean, Treble, Ink, Cody, Spark, Fly, Tex, even Joda, and Shepard are there.

  "Clean, this isn’t a club problem."

  "Bullshit, you think that because of everything that happened in the past few months we are just going to turn our backs on you? That shit isn’t going to happen." Clean moves over to where I am and puts a hand on my shoulder. "We’re all family and you’re the best of us even if you refuse to fucking believe it."

  I could feel my emotion trying to break free, even if this were solely my issue, they would back me up. Even with all the mistakes I have made they were all still here for me.

  "How did you even get here before me?"

  "Wire, we flew. It’s like a 5-hour flight, I can’t imagine how you did that trip on your bike. Fly here set us all up. It’s easy when you have connections with a private airline company. He coordinated with pilots at a few different airfields, seems like he’s a good man to have around." Vexx laughs slightly and kicks a stick over towards Fly.

  "Who is with Keeley?" I ask Fly, I didn’t want her to be alone. I thought for sure that he would stay there with her.

  "Her Dad showed up, told me to do what I needed to get his granddaughter back." I should have known that Marko would find out that something went down. There is nothing that happens in Las Vegas or the surrounding area that he doesn’t know about.

  At least she would have someone there to help her. Everyone standing around is here to help me—my family.

  Fuck me. I didn’t want to be responsible for anyone, but it seems that they weren’t going to let me face this on my own.

  "What’s the plan?" Wyatt says.

  They all look towards me, waiting for me to lead.

  "I don’t have a plan, I’m going in there to get my daughter." Last time I was the one making the plans shit went south.

  "Wire, you want to get her back then we can’t go in there just guns blazing. You know about the three dozen guards we saw from surveillance, but we don’t know what they have inside. We all are here to get Lily, so let’s do it the right way."

  I look around the group, all of them ready to do whatever I say.

  "What do we have in terms of equipment?"

  They pull out what they have, and I can see they really are geared up like a fucking militia. Guns all over the place, grenades, knives, and Tex even hops over holding a bat wrapped with barbed wire.

  "I thought you would like this. I just made it this morning. Haven’t used it yet, not even once."

  Shit was still tense with the Wings and the Spawns, but Shepard was really doing his very best to patch things up.

  "Thanks Tex." I take it from him and hold it in my hands. It had a nice weight to it.

  "Alright, this is what I want to do." They all move closer so that they can hear my directives. "Joda, Archer, Jag, I’ll need you to stay back and watch us. You have the best eyes out of all of us. If you see someone coming up on our backs take them out." The three of them get what they need and rush off to get into position.

  "Clean, Ink, Wyatt, Vexx, Brendan you all are going to come with me. Roth you have the schematics that Brendan sent through, correct?"

  "Yeah, right here." He pulls out his phone to show me.

  "Right, you take the rest of them and go around the west side of the building. The plan is to kill as many of these motherfuckers as possible without getting caught up or hurting any of the kids. I’m hoping with it being so late at night that the majority of them are sleep. There are enough of us that we should be able to catch them all by surprise. Knives are preferable so if any of you have a problem getting up close and personal you need to stay back out of the way." I look specifically at Fly. I didn’t know if he was built for something like this. Though I’d personally fought him so I know he knew how to take care of himself. Still beating someone up and taking a life is completely different.

  "I’m good." Fly says.

  "Fine. My one and only priority is Lily. Save as many as you can, but I’m going for her."

  They all nod and run over to their positions. We would all go along the perimeter and then converge on the large building. The problem is there are so many rooms and places for people to hide that it was going to be near impossible to find just Lily. It didn’t matter though since I would find her even if I had to look under the building itself.


  The security is far from lax, but we all roll through in perfect formation. No one making any excess noise if they didn’t need to. Brendan was able to use the schematics that he had got with the drones to make sure that we were going at least in the right direction. Once we were inside though I knew it would be a completely different situation. There were children here. Children that we didn’t want to harm.

  How do we flesh out the bastards that hurt my family without hurting them?

  "Shit! We have movement to the left." Wyatt hisses out.

  I signal to everyone that is behind me to move to the side. If it was just one, then we would be able to take them out no problem. Except if it were a bunch of them, we would need to move back until we could figure out a different way.

  I look in that direction expecting to see someone walking towards us, but Wyatt is looking up. When I follow his line of sight, I see that one of the windows is open and it looks like someone is hanging out. It’s a long fucking drop, but the person trying to wiggle himself out of the small space doesn’t seem to care. The person lets go and lands with a thud next to us. We all converge on him before he even has a chance to right himself.

  "No, no, let me go!" He starts to scream, but Ink puts a hand over his mouth and a gun to his head.

  "Don’t fucking scream." I bark at him.

  His eyes go over to where Ink is and though I can see he is trying to be tough I can see that he’s scared. He was just a kid.

  "Who are you?" I ask him and then Ink lowers his hand.

  "Justin." The kid answers.

  "What are you doing sneaking out of the window?" I keep his gaze, if he was lying to me, I would let Ink shoot him in the face.

  "I can’t stay here any longer. If you try to give me back, I’ll just run away again." He was one of the kids— kidnapped and kept here.

  "How long you been here?"

  "Years … five, six, I don’t remember any more." He looks away and I can see the anger rolling off his shoulders. Ink turns to look at me. He was in this kid's position not long ago.

  "You be able to tell me who to kill?" I ask and the kid’s eyes jump to my face.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "They took my daughter. I need to get her and kill everyone that needs to die." I tell the kid plainly. I know there might be a chance that he would freak out about this, but I would put money on the fact that he wanted revenge as much as I did.

  "There’s not enough of you." He says right away.

  "There is."

  "How old is your daughter?" He asks keeping his face straight.

  "Going to be seven why does that matter?"

  "Seven, she’s in the basement."

  "How the hell do you know?" My anxiety rises to another level.

  "All the kids … boys or girls that are younger than nine go to the basement for manners and etiquette training if they aren’t sold off immediately. When did she get here?"

  Fuck this kid had way more information than we did. "Yesterday."

  "Yeah, in the basement. It’ll be at least a week before she is adopted out or bartered."

  "You come with us." I grab him and push him in front of us.

  "No, I can’t, I just fucking got out." He tries to push his way back.

  "If you help us, I promise you that I will get you out of here and you won’t have to worry about anyone coming back for you." I need him. He knew the ins and outs of the building, he could tell me where the kids were, the guards, my baby. All of it.

  "If it seems like you’re going to lose, I’ll leave you there. I don’t give a fuck." He shakes his head and looks around at the group of us before he walks to the front where Brendan was.

  It was all pretty much set up like a school, the kids were all jammed upstairs into a dorm of sorts while the security and guardians were all downstairs. There was a wing for the nursery where the babies were kept, and the toddlers and young children were all kept in the basement.

  He quickly let Brendan know that where we were set to meet up was right under the camera of the back entrance.

  "Fuck, we have to make sure the kids don’t come rushing out." Clean whispers as we press our backs to the hard stone wall, keeping out of the camera’s line of sight.

  "They won’t." Justin says.

  "How the hell do you know that they won’t?" Vexx asks.

  "They are all cuffed in their room. Listen if y’all are really going to do this then you have to keep the guards from getting to the main office." Justin says.

  "This is really happening. What will happen if they get to the main office?"

  "A fail safe to make sure there are no survivors. In every room there is a special duct that will push through a gas. If they feel like they are going to be taken or the police show up or something like that, they threatened that they would push it and kill us all. I don’t know how true it is, but they don’t usually lie about shit like that. If they said they would kill one of us then they would."

  "Goddamn it!" I slam my hand against the wall. This was getting more and more complex the closer we got to getting Lily.

  "Where is the main office?" Brendan asks and the kid shows him right away. It was time to get this shit on the road.

  I tell Roth and the other group to hold before they go in via text. When we finally turn the corner, I can see that all of them are ready to proceed as planned, but now we couldn’t. I drop down to the ground and literally belly crawl to the other side.

  "What’s going on?" Roth asks.

  "We have to make sure that we take all the security out before they get to the main office. Apparently, they have the entire building rigged with gas. They don’t want any survivors."

  "Are we just going to run around shooting everyone we see?" Jameson asks.

  "If they charge you shoot them, if they cower tie them to something so they don’t move." It was as simple as that, we would need to move fast.

  I turn back to the group on the other side that I just came from. I try to catch Ink’s eye. He’s glaring at Roth, I guess a huge house of captives is enough to get him thinking about his time with the Harrington’s. When Ink finally sees me staring, he focuses on me.

  I point to the kid and then put my fist to my heart. I want Ink to protect him. Ink nods and grabs hold of the boy pulling him closer to where he is.

  Slowly and making sure we stay close to the walls, all of us walk into the back entrance of this massive building and get ready for what might be the last fight of our lives.


  We successfully surprise them, almost too successfully. The second we walk in people scream and start running. Shepard was the first to open fire, taking down 3 guards back-to-back as they tried to reach for their weapons. Jameson and his people went around using zip ties to secure anyone that Justin told them wasn't a threat. Cody and Spark rush to the main office to make sure that no one activates the gas.

  "Can I play? Oh please, let me go play!" Tex rushes over to me.

  "If they surrender just tie them up. If they don’t, I don’t care what you do." I didn’t have time to babysit him, that would be Joda and Shepard’s job. Tex takes off and immediately corners a man that looked like he was going to try and fight him one on one. I had to laugh at that myself. Tex wasn’t going to fight him. Tex was going to play marbles with his eyeballs.

  After a minute of people running around screaming, the security finally caught on that they were under attack.

  I turn to the boy who Ink had pinned against the wall with his hip while he shot anyone from where he was standing.

  Justin has his hands covering his head and ears. I have to run to him straight through the line of fire. Clean and Vexx lay down cover fire so I make it through.

  "Which way to the basement?" I fall to my knees and scream in the kid’s face.

  "Straight down that way." He points to the left. "There is a lock on the door though. You might be able to break it. Old wood door." The boy cringes even further against the stone wall as a bullet pings off the corner of the wall.

  "Clean, I’m going for Lily." I yell out, "Make sure everyone of us gets out." I look at him and he sees my meaning.

  I’m on my own now. There is a chance that I don’t make it back up here to help them. It's possible that they are waiting for me downstairs to blow me away. It didn’t matter, I had to get to Lily. I pass Tex in the hall as he re
peatedly slams a man’s head in a heavy sliding door. The blood of his victim splashing against the wall with every thrust like a fucking abstract painting.

  I hope he took his medicine today.

  I move past him and somehow make it down the hallway without any interference. They were all in the main hall either trying to run away, being tied up with their hands behind their backs or being killed by my family.

  I find the door I believe the kid is talking about and with three big kicks I’m able to get it open. It’s dark and pungent, smells like years of cow shit had just been piling up down there. When I get down the stairs, I have to cover my mouth it’s so bad.

  "Daddy?" a small voice says, I swing around to see where it was coming from and in the corner of a cage not more than 4 by 4 was Lily along with 5 other children. All of them crammed in there together trying to take up as little space as possible.

  "Lily! Oh baby. I’m here. I’m going to get you out." I tell her and then fall to my knees to try and pull the bars open by hand.

  "Please help me."

  "I want my momma."

  "Wanna go home."

  When they realize that I wasn’t there to hurt them, but instead I was going to help, all of the children began calling out for me.

  "Daddy, the key is up there." Lily points to a box on a high shelf in the room. I rush over and grab it. There is a ring of keys in it that I bring back over to Lily’s cage.

  "Do you know which key it is baby?" I ask her, there are dozens of keys on here. It will take too long if I try to go through each one.

  "Purple, it has a purple spot on it." She says quickly. Of course, my girl would focus on the details.

  "Good girl." I mutter while I search for the key with a purple spot on it. Luckily, there are only two with a purple spot. The first one I try doesn’t work, but the second one opens the cage door easily.


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