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Dillon: A Wings of Diablo MC Novel

Page 17

by Lake, Rae B.

  "Oh, my baby ... Lily. I was so scared. Are you ok?" every other word in my sentence cracks, because it’s been so long since I’ve used my voice.

  "I’m ok Momma. I was only scared a little. I knew Daddy was coming for me. I was only there for a little while. Then he came and got everyone out. Daddy always helps everyone." Lily snuggles as close as she can into my grasp as she praises her father in my ear. When I look around I don’t see Dillon in the room, but I see my father and my brother. They both have come to the edge of the bed and are smiling at me. I kiss the top of Lily’s head and hold her as tight as I can.

  My father talks to me, telling me how happy he is that I’m okay. He and Sven begin talking about how they can get a home closer to his for me to stay at.

  My father’s head jerks to the door and his jaw drops. I try to look past him, because I know there is very little that could surprise my father.

  "Što? Ne može biti." My father’s bright gold eyes dart back to mine.

  What can’t be? What is he seeing? I do my best to crane my neck even further. I finally see a small cart and a few machines attached to it.

  I quickly press my hand to my midsection. Oh God. It’s the baby.

  My hands fly up to my face and I cry hard. I’d thought I had lost it. I thought when those brutes beat me like that and the blood was pouring down my legs that I had lost the baby. I didn’t realize that I had become so attached to this little person.

  "Keeley, you were pregnant?" Sven asks. The shock clear on his face as well. I was so ashamed of this baby that I’d done my best to hide it from everyone. When I had thought that I was starting to show too much I even demanded that I be able to live on my own outside of my father’s house so that he wouldn’t see my stomach. The only one in the world that knew I was pregnant outside of Lily was Fly.

  When I get myself under control I nod my head.

  "Why didn’t you say something? Why would you want to be on your own at that time when I could have helped you!" My father’s face began to take on a bright red hue. He was pissed.

  "I didn’t want to face up to it. I didn’t know if I was going to keep it … I don’t know if it’s-"

  Dillon cuts me off immediately, "We do know. That is my baby. Our son." He glares down at me and I expect to see some anger. Instead, though I see nothing but love and adoration.

  "Son? It’s a boy."

  "Oh, Mom look! MC is here!" Lily hops off the bed and rushes around to where her little brother is. "Can I hold him? Please … Please!" She hops from foot to foot, but the nurse behind Dillon shakes her head no.

  "I’m sorry, he is still a bit weak. I’m sure in a few more days we’ll be able to take him out for you." She tries to appease my little girl. "You can touch him through here though, but you have to be super gentle."

  I watch as she shows Lily the hole where she can put her hand through. I reach with all my strength and finally manage to turn over to my side and get my hand through the hole. His skin feels so thin, but I swear it feels like the second I touch him he turns in my direction and his little heart rate speeds up even more. This is my son.

  "Oh Dillon, he’s gorgeous."

  Dillon smiles big, "Yes he is, you did such a good fucking job." His voice is thick with emotion.

  "MC, you can have the small room now that you’re here. I get the bigger room, because I’m the big sister. That’s just how things are. I know it’s a lot of rules, but I’ll show you what to do, don’t worry." Lily stands close to the cart and talks to the little baby as if she’s spoken with him her whole life.

  Dillon stares down at him and even my father and brother are mesmerized as well. I can’t believe that I was ready to give this little one up. I move my finger to his hand and he grips me tightly. "Don’t worry little one, I’m never going to let you go." Tears are still rolling down my cheeks in small rivers, but now instead of hurt or shame, they are from pure joy. My family feels complete.

  "MC I can’t wait until you come home." Lily says and swipes her finger under her eye.

  "MC … Looks like MC might need an actual name." I say.

  "What do you mean? That is his name." Lily glances up to me hurt.

  "We can call him that, but he needs an official name. For school and stuff, you know." I try to soften the blow. She nods and focuses back on the baby, clearly accepting of my explanation.

  I look up to Dillon, "What are we calling our MC?"

  He tilts his head back for a second thinking on it. His eyes dart to my father for a second and then to the window. "Did you know Prime’s real name is Charles?"

  I smile and can instantly see where he is going with this. "Seems like it’s a good fit." Dillon shrugs and waits for me to make the final decision.

  "It’s settled then, Marko Charles Ryans." I say and can almost hear my father’s heart triple in size.

  Sven laughs, "Ulizivati."

  "Damn right I’m sucking up. I’m no fool." Dillon replies letting my brother know that he understood exactly what he had said.

  I laugh with them before I turn back and admire my little boy. My fighter.


  Four Months Later

  To say things have been different is a fucking understatement. Keeley and I are stronger than ever though I know she still worries about little MC’s patronage. I keep telling her that it doesn’t matter, he’s mine. Every other day she worries about it though. She worries about his medical history, mental history, and other things that she swears she could find out if we knew for certain who the father was.

  My problem with that is if it turns out that MC isn’t mine will it hang over us for the rest of our lives. I love that boy more and more with each passing day and I’ll be fucking damned if someone says that he isn’t mine.

  Clean and the boys at the main WOD clubhouse have gotten stronger too. The story that ran in the news put a lot of new eyes on the club, along with those new eyes came people wanting to prospect. There were more applications to join now then there had ever been. Of course, none of them were accepted yet, because everyone was waiting for me to come home and take my spot as President. That is one of the reasons I was at the clubhouse today. I was going to give them my decision about me coming back to the table. The other reason is more family oriented. My woman had decided to take me back, on the condition that she would be able to have a vow renewal. Apparently, there was a lot more family now that she wanted to witness us get married. I could give a shit if everyone else is around, but she seems to want this. If that is what she wants, then I would fucking give it to her.

  "Wire, you ready to do this?" Archer asks poking his head out the door and onto the back patio where I’m standing just looking at the graves of the people that we’d lost. I hope that they are happy with the path that I’ve chosen and the decisions that I’ve made. More than anything, I hope that I’ve made them fucking proud.

  "Yeah man. I’m on my way." I walk back into the clubhouse and though the ceremony isn’t set to happen for another hour or so, everyone that is invited is already there. The Boys of Djinn club from Maine, Eve’s Fury MC, The New Orleans chapter of WOD, Marko and some of his top men including Sven, Josip, and Luka, Fly, Prime, Cherry and Ryder are here, everyone that means anything to us is here.

  "I said that you’re not getting in here. You weren’t invited and I don’t care who the fuck you’re related to." Red, the prospect says. Both Archer and I walk towards the front door where the commotion appears to be coming from. The last thing I want is for someone to come in here and mess up my woman’s second big day.

  When I look over his shoulder, I’m surprised at who I see. It’s fucking Fuse from Inferno’s Clutch MC and behind him are two prospects with my little sister Lyrica.

  "Red, chill out!" I rush over to the door. I can’t be mad that he is so strict with security. That is what he is supposed to do. "Holy shit. What’re you guys doing here?" I push by Red and pull Fuse into a bro hug before I make my way to Lyrica and pull her in for
a real one. Since everything that had happened with the clubs, I hadn’t gone down to Inferno’s Clutch to check on her, but I did keep in contact with her weekly. It was easier than I would have thought for us to have a relationship. She told me all about her life with her parents. I told her what I could about the club and Keeley. When I’d argue with Keeley, she would be the first one I reach out to when I just can’t figure out the female mind. I had invited her, but she’d made it seem like she wasn’t going to come so I didn’t let anyone know. Now that she is here, I’m fucking stoked.

  "Come on, did you think I would miss my big brother’s wedding?" She laughs softly before she grabs onto Fuse’s hand again and I lead them inside. Behind them are two prospects from Inferno’s Clutch. We don’t usually allow club members from non-affiliated crews into our club so I would need to get the okay from Clean before I could let them come any further than the front walkway.

  I look over to Archer, "You seen, Clean?"

  Archer shakes his head, "He’s probably locked in the back room with Maven."

  Those two always seemed to be going at it like fucking rabbits.

  "Interrupt it man, I need him."

  Archer nods his head and goes off to do my bidding. A few seconds later I see Clean coming out from the back room.

  "What’s up Wire?" He looks to Fuse, Lyrica, and the two Inferno’s Clutch prospects behind them.

  "This is my sister Lyrica and her ol’ man Fuse. It’s a friendly visit." I say, this is Clean’s clubhouse so if he said they had to leave then they would have to leave.

  "Any family of Wire’s is family of mine. Come in." Clean claps Fuse on the shoulder and we all walk in.

  About halfway in Lyrica stops short and grabs hold of my arm.

  Both Fuse and I turn to her immediately. He may be protective of her as her man, but she was my sister and even if I haven’t known her for that long I would protect her to the ends of the earth as well.

  "What’s wrong." Her face is pale and she is staring off in the distance.

  "Is that him?"

  I look in the direction she is and realize she is staring at a laughing Prime. I have no doubt that he and Ryder are by the bar drinking and just talking shit.

  I’d gave Lyrica, Prime’s number a while back. I think they might have talked once, but she had yet to see him in person.

  "Yeah, that’s Prime. Charles Whitten. Our father." Now that I’ve had MC in my life part of me wonders how I would have felt if Keeley had given him up. How would I have felt if I found out decades from now that I had a son I never knew about. I honestly feel bad for the old man. "Do you want to meet him?"

  "You don’t have to ma douce, I can tell him to keep his fucking distance if you’re not ready." Fuse says.

  "No, he didn’t abandon me. He didn’t know anything about me. I hope he would have been a good father if he were given the chance. Yeah, I think I will meet him. If that’s ok?" She looks to me. "I don’t want to take any attention away from you and your bride."

  "Are you fucking kidding me? That’s not for another hour. Come, I know he’s going to be excited to see you."

  I grab her hand and pull her behind me, she pulls Fuse behind her. Prime and I have gotten closer, but it wasn’t much of a jump from our usual relationship. I had always seen him as a father figure, only now I know that he was actually my father. I don’t think I will ever be comfortable calling him dad or any shit like that, but Prime seems to work just fine.

  "Prime?" I drop my free hand on his shoulder and squeeze slightly.

  "Dillon, this is one hell of a party you got going on here." He jokes as he turns around to look at me fully. When he sees the 3 large men behind me the smile drops off his face. I didn’t realize that Lyrica had shoved herself behind my frame, hiding completely from Prime’s view.

  "Something wrong?" Prime asks.

  "No, just the opposite. Prime there is someone here to meet you." I tug my little sister from behind me and toss an arm around her shoulders to offer some support. I know she’d said that she was ready, but I can feel her shaking with nerves.

  He looks down at the woman that could be a female copy of me. She just has softer features and is much shorter, and his eyes immediately begin to water up.

  "Prime, this is Lyrica. Your daughter."

  "Oh shit." Ryder says, he gets up, takes his drink and walks away, realizing that this is a private moment.

  "Lyrica. I’m so happy to meet you." Prime’s hand comes out and even I can see him shaking. She looks down at it then back at me before she throws her arms around his neck and hugs him. Prime breaks down the second her arms close around him.

  Yeah, I can’t even imagine what he must be going through right now. They had a lot to talk about, but I had to get to church.

  I turn to Fuse, "You got these two?" I ask and he nods his head. He grabs my arm before I can walk away and leans into my space.

  "I never got to thank you for sending over those pictures. It did a lot to ease her mind knowing that the bastard who'd hurt her sister got what was coming to him." He pulls back and I look him in the eye so he knows that I mean everything I’m about to say, "It’s not going to make up for it, but know the both of you can count on me for anything you need. If I can do it, it’s yours."

  Fuse nods his head, "I know it. Thanks."

  I pull away from him once I see that Prime and Lyrica are comfortable with each other, "I’ll catch up with you both when everything is over."

  "We’ll be here. Congrats with everything." Fuse puts his hand out for me to shake, I do instantly. Inferno’s Clutch are good people. I’m proud to have my family be a part of them.

  I make my way over to the doors of the church where Archer and Clean are waiting for me. The time is ticking away and I want to get this done before I have to walk down the aisle, again.

  "You want it to be just us or everyone?" Clean asks before he opens the door.

  "Might as well let everyone know all at once." I state.

  My mind was already made up and there was nothing that they would be able to do or say to change my mind. I just hoped that Clean and the rest of my brothers would be on board with the idea. All of the fully patched members of both the original Wings of Diablo chapter along with the New Orleans chapter was called into church, along with Vexx and Riot from Eve’s Fury, and Wyatt and Cody from Boys of Djinn. All of us gather into the large room those that had seats at the table sit and the rest of us stand where we had space.

  Clean is quick to bang the gavel and let everyone know that church is in session. The chatter comes to an end immediately.

  "We have called church today to address the matter of Wire coming back to the table. He has been nomad for a long while and I know most of us feel like it’s time for him to come home. So, what say you?"

  Before I could even speak they all say aye.

  Clean stands up from his chair and waits for me to make my move towards it. He truly feels like it's my place. I know the truth though. That is his place and this club is his to run. New Orleans is Archer’s to run. Boys of Djinn is Wyatt’s. They may all be ready for me to have a seat at the table, but that’s not where I belong. I belong out doing what I can to help my family. Helping those that have lost their way.

  When I don’t move Clean’s eyebrows scrunch in. Confusion paints his face.

  "I appreciate that. I’m so fucking grateful for all of you, but this isn’t where I belong anymore. Clean, you may not think you were made for that chair, but I think that you as president is exactly what this club needs. Someone to give this club new life and keep us on the right path. Wyatt and Archer the same with you two, you’re just what your clubs need."

  "This is bullshit, I don’t feel right with you out there riding alone. No one to have your back." Clean says as he hunches down in his chair.

  I have to chuckle at that and hope that he hears what I’m about to propose. "I have another proposition and I hope you all will see the need for this as much as I do."r />
  Everyone’s attention is on me. "Do you think I will be the last one to need to break away? That I will be the last one to be overwhelmed by the bullshit that can be our lives? Family’s will fight, bad decisions will be made, I can guarantee that I will not be the last one to need to go nomad. I think that we should have a way for those who need it to be able to do so. I’m suggesting that we have a nomad chapter of the Wings of Diablo. An option for those who feel like they have no way out and another group to have their back."

  "Fucking mercenaries. You’re asking to start a group of mercenaries?" Cody says with a grin on his face.

  I didn’t want to say that, but it was exactly what the fuck we would be. We would have satellite locations. Except when shit went down, then we would all merge and be ready to kick ass if we need to. "I don’t see that as a bad thing." I shrug and look to Clean. He would be the one to make the final decision.

  "Who would be keeping all these miscreants in their place?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

  "I’d be honored to be in that position, but that is your decision."

  Clean leans forward and scrubs a hand down his face. "I’d really rather you come home, but I can see the need for this. It’ll be another way to watch our back. Allow us to expand further and from the amount of prospect applications we are getting, expansion seems fucking inevitable." Clean looks up to me with a smirk on his face, "Fucking Wire always doing shit your own way." He lets out a sigh, "All those in favor of Wire becoming the President of the Wings of Diablo Nomad Chapter."

  "Aye!" All hands go up as laughter and clapping erupt around me.

  Once the congratulations and the applause die down, everyone starts to file out of church. Clean stands along with Mack, but Ink does not.

  "Prez, I have another matter to bring to the table." Ink speaks loudly.

  That’s odd. Ink never really has a gripe, but he is the enforcer, so he has the authority to bring something to the table.


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