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Noble Healing [Nature's Nobles 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Peyton Elizabeth

  “How do you stand it? How do you stand another man touching Reese?” Shane hung his head into both of his hands and rigorously rubbed his hair. “I mean, I see red at the thought that Cane touched her in the past, let alone thinking he might touch her in the future. And that’s just the physical aspect of it. That I had to watch her cry herself to sleep over that dickhead because he’s too caught up having some trust issue tore me to pieces.”

  “Having a ménage isn’t easy, Shane. We still have our issues. But I know that Theo would lay his life down for Reese. I see the love in his eyes whenever she walks into a room, and yes, I see her love for him as well. And I’m okay with that. Because she loves me for me.” Jagger moved closer and leaned against the wooden pillar by the steps. His words made Shane think back last week when Addison had said something similar. “As for arguments, Theo and Reese fight more than I argue with Reese. Those two can go at it for hours, usually because he’s done something stupid,” Jagger laughed. “But the three of us have learned that if something is between the two of us, the third needs to stay out of it. Hell, sometimes Theo and I get into fights and Reese is the one on the outside, just being there to listen to both of us when we want to talk about it.”

  “The first time I saw the three of you, I was awed. But I also knew it wasn’t for me.” Shane ran his hands down his faded jeans, the cold finally settling in. “Now, I love her so much, I’d consider anything just to see her happy.”

  “Before you go deciding something that will drastically change your life, understand that you’re not only entering into a relationship with Addison, but also Cane,” Jagger warned. “Having a third, they’re just as important as the two of you.”

  “And you didn’t have a problem with Theo?” Shane asked.

  “Well, our situation was a little different,” Jagger explained. “Theo had always been a part of Reese’s life. He’s loved her from the time they were teenagers. When Reese went into hiding, Theo and I worked on building this compound and formed a friendship out of our love for her. We both agreed to this life with Reese. It was more of us convincing Reese it could work. You three,” Jagger said, giving a wave of his hand to indicate Cane and Addison as well, “are all struggling with the idea of it.”

  “Cane doesn’t know what he wants,” Shane said, placing his elbows on his knees.

  “In fairness to Cane, he was blindsided today. Regardless of why he walked away, I can guarantee it was like a punch in the gut finding out you and Addison are together.”

  Shane nodded his understanding and suddenly felt the need to be with Addison. Rising from the step, he picked up the jacket Jagger had thrown him and tossed it back. “Thanks for the advice. You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

  * * * *

  Cane lurked on the outside of the compound, knowing Shane was talking with Jagger but purposefully ignoring what they were saying. Instead, he focused on the surrounding trees and the wind flowing through their branches, listening for anything that didn’t belong. Cane also knew that Theo had left the house the same time Jagger had and was seeking him out.

  “You know, Jagger would be the first to know if someone breached the mountainside,” Theo informed him, walking closer to the edge of the trees. “He’s got enough security equipment to rival the White House.”

  “Is this the new divide-and-conquer plan?” Cane asked.

  “Nah”—Theo shook his head—“just two friends trying to help out. And before you say you don’t have any friends, cut the bullshit. We’ve known each other for ten years.”

  “And you know I like to keep to myself,” Cane reminded him. “Which brings us to the reason I’m really here. Someone found me. That should have been impossible.”

  “Keep fooling yourself, but if you want to talk about that, it’s not Lauren. She’s in Florida, where she’s always been. Hiding in plain sight.”

  “I’m sure she’s not the only Locator,” Cane said. Walking back towards the gate, Theo fell into step beside him. “Can Jagger call anyone in the bureau? One of the Sympathizers who likes to feed him information? Maybe they’ll have some about a new Noble being taken.”

  “I’ll ask,” Theo promised. “But if that’s the case and they do have a Locator, they would have plenty of items of Addison’s to lead them here first. And there’s been no indication of strangers coming into town below the mountainside, and we’ve had no one in the air zone but our pilot.”


  Theo smiled, his left dimple showing. “Jagger’s got some new technology that he’s playing with. Covers the compound and interferes with any satellite reading.”

  Cane shot a sideways glance towards Theo. He couldn’t be talking about the device he stole from the Fray’s facility to shut down Reese’s ability a while back, could he?

  “Why waste a good invention?”

  Cane smirked, causing his lip to split back open. The sting brought his mind back to Addison and Shane, who were in the middle of a major sex session, if the sounds he was hearing were any indication. His smirk turned to a sneer, but Theo wouldn’t know what brought about his change of attitude.

  When Addison had claimed she would rather die at his hands than kill him, nothing could have shocked him more. Admitting he was wrong was very hard for Cane to do, but seeing things from Addison’s point of view, he could concede he probably should have handled things differently back when they were in hiding. Addison’s life had been turned upside down, and the last thing he had wanted to do was add to her stress. Was he wrong about trying to protect her feelings back then? Maybe. Probably. Definitely. Seeing Addison cry this afternoon had him feeling like scum. He knew he wasn’t “relationship” material. This just proved it. Not wanting to deal with Theo any longer, Cane said dismissively, “See you in the morning.”

  “We have more than enough space, Cane. Take a spare bedroom,” Theo offered. “No need to camp out when it’s this cold.”

  “Appreciate it, but no thanks.” Cane left Theo at the front gate and kept walking to where he set up camp. “And before you think of following me, don’t. I’m not the conversationalist Shane is.”

  “You might not be,” Theo said, purposefully not taking the hint and leaving, “but the one thing you two have in common is Addison. Stop being selfish and put her first.”

  “I’m not being selfish. If I were selfish, I’d be having sex with her now instead of Shane.” Cane stood in front of the fire pit he had created earlier and reached down to add another log.

  “That was a little too much information,” Theo reprimanded, taking an unoffered seat on the ground. “I sometimes forget you have hearing like a wild animal.”

  Cane didn’t say anything, hoping Theo would leave. He would do the most unselfish thing tomorrow and leave after knowing the mountain hadn’t been breached. He could see how much Addison loved Shane. Cane would step aside and let them live their lives.

  “And you think that’s the best thing for Addison?” Theo asked, putting his hands out to seek the warmth from the fire.

  “Stop that shit,” Cane ordered. “What I think is my business, so get out of my head.”

  “Then stop being an ass. Addison is Reese’s sister, so I’m doing the good brother-in-law thing.”

  “No, you’re meddling in something that’s not your concern. And yes, I do think it’s best for Addison if I leave. I’m not made for the white picket fence and happily ever after crap.” Cane sat down, irritated that he even had to explain himself. Leaning back on one hand, Cane rested his arm on one of his knees. “Shane can give her what she wants.”

  “What if she wants both of you?” Theo asked.

  “Being a Watcher is going to get you killed one of these days. What, you’re no longer keeping the group pact by minding your own business?” Cane asked, when what he really wanted to do was find out if Theo was telling the truth. Did Addison want both of them? A part of him immediately wanted to dismiss the idea as ludicrous. He wasn’t a gentle lover and certai
nly had never shared a woman before, but that was why a part of him actually contemplated what sharing would be like. Would Shane be the balance? Is that how Theo and Jagger were with Reese? Did they all even out the relationship? Cane gave himself a mental kick in the ass. He was not thinking about this. He was leaving tomorrow, end of story.

  “I’ve done my duty,” Theo announced as he pushed himself off the ground, visibly proud to have put these unwanted thoughts into Cane’s brain. He watched as Theo wiped the dirt off from the back of his jeans. “And if you didn’t blare your thoughts like a C-4 explosion, maybe I wouldn’t hear them.”

  “Fuck you, McKay.”

  * * * *

  Shane had been nibbling every square inch of Addison’s body for the last thirty minutes and found more erogenous zones than she knew existed. Behind her knee, the small of her back, the middle of her palm—the list goes on, but right now, Shane was concentrating on the back of her neck.

  “See, you have sensitive places, too. I just needed to find them.” Shane placed another kiss along her neck, heating the skin beneath his lips and slipping his tongue out to taste her margarita flavor, as he put it. She squirmed her intent to roll over, but Shane placed a hand between her shoulder blades preventing her from turning. “I’m not done yet. I have lots more places to investigate.”

  “Shane, please. I can’t take anymore,” Addison pleaded, feeling like she was going to come unhinged if he kept up this slow pace.

  “I like having you at my mercy.” Shane turned to his left side, bringing Addison with him. Her back to his chest, he placed one arm under her neck and used his right hand to explore. Addison felt his fingers lightly brush the underside of her breast, just enough pressure to feel his caress and make her writhe in need. Her movements made his cock slide against her ass, perfectly placed between both cheeks, reminding her of when he had used his finger to stroke that forbidden area. He answered by grinding against her, but still wouldn’t touch her where she wanted. Addison grabbed his wrist and tried to force his hand to cover her breast and knead them, but his strength far outweighed hers.

  “Uh-uh. Relax, Addison. Let me give you pleasure.”

  Again, Shane trickled around and around the swell of her breast, circling closer to her peaked nipple, which had hardened in anticipation. When he finally reached her tip, Shane feathered it with his middle finger until she literally felt like a fire started at the center and worked its way into the tissue of her breast. Not able to take anymore, Addison begged. “Harder, Shane. Squeeze me. Do something!”

  Shane’s answer was taking her nipple in between his thumb and index finger and gently rolling it back and forth. On occasion, he would slightly lift upwards, creating a direct connection to her clit, which had now started to pulsate in neglect. Shane must have kept this up for five minutes before switching to the other breast. Her cream leaked out onto her thighs, and Addison was pretty sure if he kept up his administrations, she was going to come.

  “Lift your leg over mine,” Shane ordered in a strained voice.

  “What?” Addison was lost in a place that was hard to describe. All she could feel was Shane’s touch, and it was if nothing else existed. Her body even started to crave his gentle strokes.

  “Lift your leg up over mine and bend it backwards a bit. I’m going to slide into you.”

  Addison did as she was told and lifted her right leg over his right leg and bent her knee. His legs were so large that in this position, she was wide open. More juices ran down the front of her thigh. His hand ran down her abdomen and traced the outline of her ribs, and then he brought his hand closer to his hip to rub the small dip of her ass cheek.

  “I wish we had a mirror. Then I could see those beautiful petals opening to take me in. Your hair is so fine and light here that it’s like an illusion of coverage. I can still see everything.” Shane adjusted himself until his cock was even with her slit. She hadn’t even noticed when he slid a condom on—that’s how far gone she was. “Feel how wet you are. Soaking wet. Touch yourself.”

  Addison automatically reached down to her wet folds, through her damp curls. The thought of denying Shane never crossed her mind, and when she touched herself, while his dick slid back and forth between her dewy lips, an electrifying feeling ran through her. She gathered some cream and smeared it on her clitoris, using harder strokes to ease the ache.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” Shane murmured.

  Right when Shane breached her entrance, Addison opened her eyes to see Cane standing in the doorway. She jerked her hand away and would have jumped from the bed, had Shane not held her in place. “Let him watch, Addison.”


  “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought of this,” Shane whispered roughly in her ear. “Let’s see if it’s something we can live with.”

  Addison never broke eye contact with Cane’s intense gaze, and when Shane arched his hips and inched into her a little further, her mouth opened to moan. Stopping herself, Addison bit her lip to keep from making a sound. Did she want Cane to know how good Shane felt? Was it a terrible thing that just having Cane watch inflamed her insatiable hunger? Who would have known she had a voyeurism fetish?

  “Don’t hold back, Addison. Let Cane hear how much you enjoy being filled.” Not holding back anymore, Shane impaled her with one thrust.


  “That’s right, Addison. Let it out,” Shane struggled to say, pounding unrelentingly into her cunt, taking over stroking her clit. Higher and higher she climbed, waiting for something, anything to send her over.

  Cane’s dark eyes smoldered with need and suffering, hands turning into fists at his sides. Because he was angry another man touched her or because he wanted to join in? His scar seemed more prominent in the light coming from the bedside table, and when his mouth moved under his five-o’clock shadow to form the word come, Addison’s insides tightened with the inevitable explosion, clamping down on Shane’s inflexible rod.

  Addison instinctively closed her eyes, riding out the storm with Shane. He finally removed his hand from her sensitive clit, making her jolt at the removal. When Addison had the energy to look, Cane was gone.

  * * * *

  “Go to him.”

  “Shane, it’s one in the morning,” Addison grumbled, still not knowing how to act after what had happened.

  “And you can’t sleep,” Shane said, as if she didn’t already know that. “What happened was a big step for all of us.”

  “So what are you saying? None of us are like Reese, Theo, and Jagger.” Addison rolled onto her back. “You said so yourself.”

  Shane lifted up on an elbow and looked down at her with a serious expression. “Things change. People change. I’m not saying this will be easy, but I do know that you won’t be truly happy if Cane is out of your life.”

  “But I love you,” Addison whispered, pulling the comforter tighter around her chest. Reese made it seem so easy, loving two men. Wasn’t she ever afraid her love of the one would drive the other away? Addison felt torn and was terrified she would lose both men in the end.

  “And I love you. Which is why it’s becoming easier for me to accept your love for Cane. I saw the anguish in his face, and although you might feel he was rejecting you, he’s scared. I don’t agree with how you two are handling things, especially Cane.” Shane fanned her curls out on the pillow. “But I was given some good advice earlier and know this is something that you and Cane need to work out. I will be here for you, though.”

  Addison placed both hands on his face and pulled him in for a kiss. She meant the gesture as a thank you, but as usual, anytime her lips met his, she felt the immediate craving for more. Turning her head for a better angle, Addison pulled the back of his head to where she wanted him. His lips were so full and soft, she couldn’t help but bite his lower one.

  “You’re insatiable,” Shane murmured, pulling his lip away from her teeth. “Go, before I change my mind and decide I need to keep you for my

  * * * *

  “You shouldn’t be here.” Cane walked towards his campsite, seeing Addison waiting by his tent. He had heard her leave her cabin and knew she was seeking him out, but Cane wasn’t ready to deal with her—with them. He should have kept walking. “Nothing’s changed. Go back to Shane.”

  “You think you know it all, don’t you?”

  Shane must have bundled her up against the cold night air, because she had on a white parka that had enough insulation for an Eskimo. Her white hat came down to cover her ears but let her blonde curls puff out around her neck for the wind to catch. What was it about this woman that was going to be his undoing? Cane could feel his hold on his old life slipping out of his hands, and no matter how tightly he tried to keep it in his grasp, one look from Addison made him lose another inch.

  “I made a mistake, Cane,” Addison said a little desperately. “But so did you. Trust goes both ways, and for you to punish me is wrong. I already paid the price. I don’t need you adding on to it.”

  Cane felt that jab all the way to his heart. He knew the last year had been hell on her, but to hear her say it aloud was like a knife going through his chest. The last thing he ever wanted was for her to go through something like that, and it was total anguish to know it was his fault. “I’m not trying to add on to it, Addison,” Cane defended. “My God, do you know I’ve died a thousand deaths over the fact that it was my fault they got you? You are better off with someone like Shane.”

  “Your fault? And how do you figure that?” Addison came closer, refusing to back down. “I was the one who ran, Cane.”

  “Because of me. I realize that now,” Cane conceded. “Which is why someone like Shane is perfect for you. He would never lie, deceive or hurt you. It’s not in him.”


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