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Deviation: Altera Realm Trilogy Book 2

Page 40

by Jennifer Collins

“The Ancient One…” Leaf said, letting his voice drift off. “It sounds so familiar, but I can’t place it.”

  “The soon-to-be dead Ancient One.”

  “It really bothers you that Syney’s willing to do this, doesn’t it?” Leaf asked.

  “It doesn’t bother you?”

  He shrugged his large shoulders. “Seems more like self-defense.”

  Adam shook his head. “That’s how she sees it, but it’s more than that. It’s not killing someone on a battlefield. What she wants to do is more intimate. I just don’t think…she’ll still be Syney afterward.”

  “Maybe, but it’s her decision to make.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be making me feel better? ‘Cause you’re not,” Adam said, grabbing another bottle.

  “You didn’t come here for that.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Then what did I come here for?”

  “You wanted me to tell you it’s OK for you to leave tonight. To disappear again, reinvent yourself.”

  Adam stared at him. Was that what he wanted? Approval to erase the past year? The real question was whether that was actually what he wanted to do. Disappearing was what he did best. It was the one thing Gabe had taught him well. He’d never thought twice about packing a bag and heading out into the shadows. But he’d also never cared about anyone the way he did about Syney or Noelle or Leaf or Helen. He had put down roots and made real connections. Leaving wouldn’t be so easy this time. “It’s not OK, is it?”

  Leaf shook his head. “Whatever she decides to do, she’s going to need you.”

  “I’m tired of being the guy who’s just there to be supportive,” Adam said with a sigh of frustration.

  “Then don’t be.”

  “You just said that’s my role.”

  “No, I said she’s going to need you. That doesn’t mean that’s the only thing you can do. She’s been practicing her powers lately with Gabe, right?” He continued when Adam nodded. “Why not you?”

  “Because I disagree with her intent.”

  “Just because you disagree doesn’t mean you step back. The perfect person for her to practice with is the one who sees the good and the bad. You really think Gabe is telling her what’s going to happen once she uses these magics to kill someone? She needs a voice of reason in the room. Someone to calm her anger.”

  “Be supportive while voicing my concerns,” Adam said softly, nearly kicking himself for not seeing this himself. He shook his head. “I’m an idiot.”

  “Not all the time,” Leaf said, taking a swig of beer. “I do agree that she’s in dangerous territory, but the way I see it, your main problem is yourself. Could you still love Syney if she killed someone?”

  Adam dropped his head back and stared up at the stars. That had been Syney’s question as well, and he still didn’t have an answer. He had seen people change after choosing that lifestyle, become bitter. If Syney changed for the worse, she wouldn’t be his Syney anymore. “I don’t know,” he finally settled on.

  “That’s what you have to figure out.”

  Adam rolled his head to look over at him. “What about you? What if it were Helen?”

  Leaf looked out over the wall, a contemplative look on his face. “I don’t know. But I’d never find out if I left before it even happened.”

  Adam smiled. “Once I become king, the first thing I’ll do is appoint you as my chief advisor.”

  “Thank you, but I’ll have to decline.” He held up his hands. “I haven’t had this many calluses since I was kid, and I love them. Besides, I finally moved out of my mother’s house a few weeks ago and into my own house, and it has a view. The palace isn’t for me.”

  “If you ever change your mind, let me know.”

  Leaf grabbed another bottle. “Never. So you feel better?” He gave Adam a smirk.

  “Mostly. Thank you.” He stared at the distant lights. He bit his tongue for a moment as a thought entered his mind. He didn’t want to bring up the subject, but since Leaf was magically solving all his problems tonight, why not add another to the mix? “So, um, you’re friends with Hunter, right?”

  Leaf stiffened. “Yes.”

  Adam nodded. “He’s a hard shadow to live in.”

  After a moment Leaf shook his head. “You’re not living in Hunter’s shadow.”

  “Come on. They’re literally soul mates.”

  “Did Syney tell you that?”

  “No, a nosy Psyche, but it’s still true.” He paused. “If I stay, I’m going to be in even more over my head than I am now. We’ll be joined. And if Syney kills Mellisandrianna, then the troops will come home, including Hunter. What will happen then?”

  “First, you said yourself, you’ll be joined. It’s a sacred bond, one Hunter won’t mess with. Second, he won’t be anywhere near the palace. The only way he’ll go there is if he asks for Syney’s detail again, and he won’t once he knows she’s joined. Hunter is a good guy, an honorable man.”

  “He’s also in love with Syney, and trust me, that’s not a love you want to give up on easily.”

  “Than why are you contemplating it?” Leaf asked, turning the tables.

  Why was he? The thought sobered him up. There was no way he could give up on Syney, no matter what she decided to do. She told him once that she was all in, and he was too. He threw Leaf a smile. “Thank you.”

  Leaf toasted him with his beer bottle. “You’re welcome,” he said, as a noise behind them drew their attention.

  Helen climbed the last rung of the ladder and smiled at them. “Hey, you two. Adam, didn’t expect you here.”

  They both stood, and Adam walked over to her, a little unsteady. “Just needed some company. I thought you were doing that thingy with Syney?”

  “Oh, we did. She was…a little upset, though. Said she needed to be alone for a while.” Helen eyed him. “She said you two were finished.”

  Adam looked at Leaf. “Probably just needed time to think clearly. Did she say where she was going?”

  “No, but I assume her room.”

  He nodded and shook Leaf’s hand before heading back to the palace. He needed to make things right. And for the first time in a very long time, he needed to settle down.

  Syney stopped in front of Helen’s door and took a couple of deep breaths to settle herself. What if Adam was right? What if she was changing? Then so be it! the emotional part of her brain yelled. The bitch needed to die, and Syney didn’t want anyone to do it but herself. She deserved the satisfaction after everything Mellisandrianna had done to her. Why couldn’t she get a little payback? Her last breath was jagged as tears filled her eyes. Still, she didn’t want to do any of this without Adam. She shouldn’t have given back the ring; that was stupid. But his words had hurt, and it had been the only thing she could think to do at the moment, unfair as it was. Now she had to live with it.

  The door opened as she turned to wallow in her room. “Hey, you ready to see your future?” Helen asked playfully. She stopped when she saw the tears running down Syney’s face. “What happened?” she asked, pulling her into the room.

  “Oh, Goddess, Syney,” Noelle said from one of the couches as she grabbed her chest.

  Syney knew Noelle could feel everything that was going through her right now. “I’m sorry. I just…Adam and I broke up,” she said collapsing next to Noelle in sobs.

  “What?” Helen exclaimed, sitting down on the table in front of her. “I mean, he seemed distant downstairs, but I figured he was just nervous.”

  “I did, too, but that wasn’t it. He said I was a different person because…never mind. I just need to…I…I don’t know,” Syney stammered.

  “He’s worried about you,” Noelle said. “That’s what Gabe’s been saying. I’m sure it’s nothing. Adam loves you so much.”

  Syney swallowed heavily. “I gave him back his ring. It was stupid. I’m stupid. Oh, God.” She buried her face in her hands and cried. She felt Noelle rub her back, which gave her a little comfort.

; “You need to go find him.”

  “What if he’s gone already?” Syney said. “He’s fast, you know.”

  “Then Gabe will find him and drag him back here,” Noelle said sternly.

  Syney gave a short laugh and sighed. Then she was silent for a moment. “What if we weren’t meant to be joined?”

  Helen shook her head. “Don’t say that.”

  “But what if it’s true? We fight all the time.”

  “And you think Gabe and I don’t?” Noelle said with a laugh. “I honestly don’t think we would work if we didn’t fight.”

  Syney sighed and wiped some tears from her eyes. “I just wish I knew if we’re supposed to be together. Or if I’m supposed to…do other things,” she said, not wanting to actually say it out loud. She’d been thinking about killing Mellisandrianna for a while now, but she couldn’t say it out loud to anyone but Gabe. That should say something right there, she thought.

  Helen sat back and looked over to her dresser. “What if there’s a way to know? I mean, no one really knows if the potion gives you a vision, but what if it does?”

  “It’s worth a try. You’re inclined to visions as it is,” Noelle agreed.

  Syney took a breath. What would it really hurt? She nodded. “What do we need to do?”

  Helen stood and grabbed a bottle off her dresser. “Come lie on the bed and drink this.”

  Syney did as Helen instructed. As she rested her head on the pillows, she felt a tug on her consciousness. This is it, she thought, as her eyes grew heavier. She was either going to have a pretty decent fantasy or see her life one year in the future. So much could change in one year, she thought, as she opened her eyes again. She looked around and quickly realized she wasn’t in Helen’s room anymore. She slowly sat up in the bed and looked over the familiar flowered wallpaper and wooden furniture. It was Becca’s house—specifically the room Syney always slept in when she was there.

  Throwing back the thick blue quilt, Syney jumped out of bed and looked down at herself. She seemed the same but was dressed in sweatpants and a tank top. A very full tank top, she thought, looking down at her rather large chest. Boob job? she wondered with a shake of her head. No way. “Must be a fantasy,” she said to the empty room. She grabbed a hoodie and threw it on as she walked out of the room. Then she stopped in the hallway and listened. There was no way she was alone out here, but it was overly odd not to have Reed hanging out by the door waiting for her. Once downstairs, she glanced in each room. It was all the same as the last time she’d been here, only a little more cluttered. Becca usually kept a very neat house. It made her think there were a few more people living here. Syney wondered how many as she walked into the kitchen. She looked out at the deck and saw Gabe leaning against the railing, gazing out over the yard. Syney smiled and headed out to him, accidentally kicking a chair by the door. She cursed and looked down at her foot and the high chair she had kicked. It took her a moment to register the “high” part. This was a baby’s chair. Her brain ran wild for a moment before settling on the obvious. Cass must have had her baby at this point. She sighed and pulled open the glass door.

  Gabe turned around as she shut it behind her. “Hey. Good nap?” he asked with a smile.

  Syney stared at him for a moment. This was a different Gabe. He seemed relaxed and less stony. She nodded, feeling the need to play along so she could figure out what was going on in this waking-dream thing she was in.

  He frowned at her and stepped forward, tucking a few strands of her hair behind her ear before putting his hands on her upper arms. “Are you OK? You seem different.”

  She stared into his golden eyes and for a moment thought he was going to kiss her. But he didn’t. Instead he gave her an odd look before stepping back and heading to the table. He sat next to Becca, whom Syney hadn’t noticed until then. But it wasn’t just Becca; it was Becca holding a baby. He was a cute baby, or at least she assumed it was a boy, given that he was decked out in blue from head to toe. There was no way he was Cass’s baby; he was too young.

  Becca smiled at Syney and got up from her seat, bouncing the baby back and forth as he giggled. “Hey, there, Mommy. This little boy missed you. But I know you needed that sleep,” she said, stopping in front of Syney. She kissed the little one on the cheek and passed him to Syney.

  It took her a moment to hold him right. She wasn’t used to holding a baby, and it felt awkward, but she finally found a comfortable spot and let out a breath. It was a weird feeling, but yet it felt right, she thought, looking into the baby’s purple eyes. Definitely mine, she thought with a smile. The little boy smiled and reached a tiny hand up to her face. She pretended to chomp down on his tiny fingers before kissing his palm. Tightness pulled at her chest. This was her son. She smiled at Gabe. “He’s perfect,” she said quietly.

  He nodded with a far-off look in his eyes. “Yes, he is.”

  She looked back at her son and rubbed her nose against his, taking in his scent. She wanted to remember this forever. The point of pushing the vision was to see if she had a man in her future, and now she knew she did. There was just one question left. Who was his father?

  “Syney,” a male voice called from the house.

  Here we go, she thought, turning toward it. But before she could see anything, everything turned bright white. She closed her eyes against the light, and when she opened them, she was back in Helen’s room. She flew up in bed with a gasp and looked around the room.

  Helen was at her side in an instant. “Hey, are you OK?”

  Syney caught her breath and nodded. “Fine.”

  “Did you see Adam?” Noelle asked, standing up from the couch.

  Syney was quiet for a moment. How could she explain what she had just seen? “I have to go,” she said, jumping off the bed.

  “Syney! Stop!”

  She looked back at Helen. “I’m OK, I swear. I just…I need some time alone to think about things. I’ll see you both in the morning.”

  Helen gave Syney a stern look, not really liking what she’d just said but nodding anyway. “OK.”

  Syney quickly headed out of the room. Reed jumped to his feet when he saw her in the hallway. “I thought you were staying the night,” he said, falling into step next to her.

  “Change of plans. I need to see Gabe,” she said, picking up speed.

  Gabe opened his door after the first knock and looked around the hallway before his eyes landed on her. “Hello.”

  “We need to talk,” Syney said, pushing past him after motioning for Reed to stay in the hall. She looked at Gabe after he closed the door. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped. Gabe was the one person who might understand her vision, but something was irking her. He had seemed so different in the vision, and there weren’t any other men around. She frowned and bit her lip. “Um, do you…I mean, can you have kids?”

  After a moment Gabe sat on the edge of the bed and stared at her. “I’m pretty sure you’re joining with my son tomorrow.”

  “Oh, right. No, I mean, can you have kids now?”

  He cocked his head to the side. “Did Noelle send you here to ask?”

  She shook her head and headed to the window. After a moment she turned back to him. “Why would we ever live with Becca?”

  Gabe stood and took a step closer to her. “What’s this about?” he asked, his voice much more serious.

  She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Noelle and Helen talked me into this vision potion thing.”

  “Visionem potionatus.”

  “Yeah, that thing.”

  He nodded. “Faye did it before we joined. It’s not real. She said we were happy, living in the castle with a huge family. It just puts you into a very deep sleep. The dream is driven by what’s on your mind before you fall into it.”

  Syney shook her head. “No, this was real. I…I’ve had dreams that were actually visions before—always when I’m out real good, like when you healed me, both times. I’ve seen Amelia and Faye and even Hunter. T
his felt like that, only a little different. It was like I was there, but it wasn’t the future me it was the here and now me. I don’t know.”

  “What did you see?” Gabe asked, crossing his arms and eyeing her with interest.

  “We were living at Becca’s.”

  “We? Who else was there?”

  She shrugged. “I only saw me, you, and Becca.”

  He wet his lips. “And a baby.”

  “Well, yeah, that too.”

  He gave her a cocky grin. “And you think it’s ours?”

  “Oh, shut up. It was a logical assumption. But now that I think about it, no, there’s no way.” She sighed. “Again, why would we be living at Becca’s?”

  “Maybe we were just visiting.”

  She shook her head. “No, we were living there, or at least I was. I had clothes there, and the house felt…like home.”

  Gabe looked away from her, his face showing how fast he was thinking.

  Syney tried to wait patiently but finally rolled her eyes in frustration. “Why would I be living at Becca’s?”

  “Many reasons.”

  “The obvious being…”

  “It might be getting too dangerous for you to stay in the Village. Someone’s trying to kill you.”

  “Mellisandrianna is always trying to kill me.”

  “Privately, yes.”

  “What would it matter if it was publically?”

  He walked over and placed his hands on her upper arms, much like how he had in her vision. “I can’t save you from a pubic execution. No one can. If she’s coming after you publically, it means she has evidence to taint you in the eyes of the people.”

  “Like she did with Raine.”

  Gabe nodded and stepped back. “Yeah. We have to start watching our backs. She must have a plan already if we’re out of here in a year.”

  “A lot can happen in a year.”

  He smiled again. “Like our baby?”

  “Ugh,” Syney said with another eye roll. “I’m not talking to you anymore.” She started for the door.


  Syney turned around and put her hands on her hips. “No, I don’t want to start working on the baby, thank you.” Her smile fell as she looked at his serious face. “What is it?”


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