Book Read Free


Page 2

by Laurence Dahners

  Kazy edged out of the way as Jadyn came in the door with more wood. “We’ve only done a little reading so far, but…” she trailed off.


  Kazy sighed, “You can get plague by exposure to fluids from an infected person or animal, especially people who cough on you. But, almost all transmission is by fleas. They bite an animal or person that’s infected, get infected themselves, then bite someone new, giving them the disease. So… you really don’t want fleas.”

  “Okaay,” Daussie said, drawing out the word. “We’re taking a bath to drown our fleas. What are the scissors and razor for?”

  “Fleas live in fur.”

  “So? Come on, why’re you making me drag this out of you?”

  In a rush, Kazy said, “Eva says you should shave your heads.”

  Daussie shrugged equably, saying, “Okay.”

  Jadyn gasped in horror.

  Kazy continued, “Almost every species of fleas prefer animals to humans because they can hide in their fur. When they do get on humans they like to live in our hair so being hairless is a good thing.”

  Jadyn said, “I can see that for Pippa and maybe Daussie. But I didn’t touch anything in Kaylee’s house.”

  Kazy said, “You know fleas jump long distances, don’t you?”

  “But—” Jadyn began,

  Daussie interrupted, “We need matches so we can heat the water enough that we can soak in it for a while. Also, I assume the soap’s to help with shaving?”

  “Well, one of the things we found in one of the old books said that certain kinds of soap could kill fleas. We don’t know whether this soap’ll do it, but, if I were you, I’d lather up. She made a little grimace, “It’s that harsh lye soap. Eva figured it’d be the most likely one to kill fleas. ”

  Daussie didn’t seem bothered by the notion of using lye soap. She asked, “Do we know if our antibiotics should be effective?”

  Kazy nodded, “According to the books both of them should work.” She held out a little packet, “Here’s a dose for Pippa.”

  “What about us?” Jadyn asked.

  “Eva said to get you a dose if you find any flea bites. She doesn’t want to waste any doses for fear we’ll need every gram of the antibiotic we have for people who actually do get the plague. Since we don’t know how much antibiotic Gellers can make, the main thing we want to do is try to keep people from getting it….”


  Jadyn didn’t think of herself as particularly vain. But when Daussie handed her the scissors and sat in front of her, she found herself asking Daussie if she really wanted her hair cut off—because she just couldn’t imagine a woman having her hair cut off without a protest. Though, Jadyn thought, this girl’s so beautiful she’ll probably look good with her head shaved.

  Jadyn cut the girl’s hair as short as she could get it with the scissors.

  As she’d feared, with her hair raggedly chopped off a few millimeters from her scalp, Daussie looked cute. Daussie dipped her head in the cold tub and lathered the fuzz on her scalp, then sat down in front of Jadyn again.

  Jadyn shaved the girl’s scalp without difficulty, having had practice shaving her father and Argun.

  Daussie looked even cuter shaved. She turned to Pippa and asked, “You want to be next?”

  Pippa’d been watching events with interest. She nodded and scrambled up onto the chair in front of Daussie.

  Pippa looked cute with her head shaved too.

  Daussie turned to Jadyn and lifted an eyebrow.

  Jadyn shook her head voice trembling. “I don’t think I need it. I’m sure I haven’t been exposed.”

  Rrica’s voice came from behind her. “So you want to wait till you’ve been bitten before you try to prevent bites? Doesn’t make much sense Jadyn.”

  “I’ll shave my head if the plague starts to spread.”

  “And who’s going to go down to the ghetto to figure out whether it is spreading? To work out how many people already have the plague? To teach people how it spreads and what to do to keep from getting it?” Rrica asked, staring hard at Jadyn. When Jadyn didn’t answer, she continued, “Because our job as healers isn’t just to treat people who’re sick, you know? We also need to try to stop the spread of disease.”

  Jadyn snorted weakly, “I thought that was your specialty?”

  Rrica nodded, “It is. That’s why I’m out here to get my head shaved. But, it isn’t a job I can do by myself. We’ve got to get down there, find out how many houses are involved and quarantine them. The people there need our help and their fleas are going to try to jump on us while we’re giving it.”

  Jadyn said, “I don’t… I’m not… the best person for that kind of stuff.”

  Rrica gave her a look, “You’re exactly the best person. You’ll have already had your head shaved. We’ve got to convince people that it’s the plague, that they need to be quarantined, that we’ve got medicine for them, that they need their heads shaved, that they’ve got to clean out their houses and that they’ve got to kill rats. You’re our telepath. You’re our convincer.”

  “You’re really gonna have your head shaved?” Jadyn asked.

  Rrica gave a firm nod and sat on the chair. “I’ll go next while you’re getting up your gumption.”

  For some reason, Jadyn was expecting Daussie to shave Rrica’s head. Instead, when she turned around Daussie was pouring more water in the tank over the stove. She’d evidently already drained the hot water from the tank into the tub.

  Pippa was in the tub swimming about in evident delight.

  When Jadyn dipped a hand in the water it was lukewarm. Not hot like she’d like but no longer unpleasant. As she picked up the scissors and turned to Rrica’s head she saw Daussie slip off the last of her clothing. As the girl stepped into the tub, Jadyn thought, It’s not just her face that’s gorgeous. This is just unfair!

  She pulled up a hank of Rrica’s thick, wavy, blonde hair and cut it off close to the scalp.

  While Jadyn cut Rrica’s hair, Daussie convinced Pippa to submerge herself several times, then lay still with just her face out of the water for a while. Daussie carried out the same maneuvers herself. Then they heavily lathered themselves with the harsh soap.

  Jadyn finished shaving Rrica’s head and Rrica started cutting Jadyn’s straight black hair.

  Daussie dumped more hot water from the tank into the tub. She and Pippa exclaimed delightedly over the heat, making Jadyn glad something had taken the child’s mind off the horrors of the day.

  Daussie and Pippa started splashing the surface water out of the far end of the tub, trying to clear out any fleas floating on the surface. Then it was Jadyn and Rrica’s turn to strip and get in the tub.

  “Hey, you guys look adorable without your hair,” Daussie said cheerfully.

  Feeling inordinately cheered by what she felt sure was an unwarranted compliment, Jadyn replied, “So do you.” She thought, Beyond adorable.


  On careful inspection after their baths, only Pippa looked as if she might’ve been bitten by fleas. After a little telepathic urging, she took the medicine without complaint.

  The rest of them didn’t get any antibiotics, though Jadyn really would’ve liked to take some. Which, she thought, shows what a hypocrite I am, wanting the precious medicine after swearing I didn’t get bitten when I was trying to avoid getting my head shaved.

  And, how vain…

  Chapter One

  Argun slurped his beer, anxious to blow off another shitty day. Unable to find employment befitting his station he’d finally given in and taken some jobs as a day laborer. The work wasn’t just beneath him, it was hard and the bossman kept insulting him—calling him lazy and shiftless. Argun had been sullenly accepting the abuse, hating the man, and thinking of revenge.

  The big man next to him at the bar was speaking quietly to his neighbor. Argun could barely hear, but something about the man’s deep gravelly voice made what he said intelligible. “We need
a soft target. Someone who’ll roll over at a threat. Not somebody who’s going to fight back and maybe kill some of our guys.”

  These guys are robbers! Argun thought. He wondered if he could set them on his current boss, which seemed as if it’d be an awesome way to get revenge on the bastard. But I don’t know where he… Oh! Argun leaned to his right so his arm nudged the big one next to it. Speaking as softly as the man had been talking to his neighbor, Argun said, “I know a nice soft target.”

  The man slowly turned and eyed Argun. After an extended pause, he said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Argun swept the man with his eyes. Massive, dirty, mean-looking. “I’m talking about someone,” he quoted, “‘who’ll roll over at a threat. Not somebody who’s going to fight back and maybe kill some of your guys.’”

  The heavyset guy’s jaw bunched a couple of times. “So, you been listening. But you ain’t been understanding what we been talking about. Maybe you oughta mind your own business.”

  “Okay,” Argun said turning back to his beer. “I’ll just find someone else. Someone who’s actually got the balls to take on a ‘soft target.’” He slid his left foot back and to the side so he’d be able to keep his balance if the man attacked him.

  Instead, the heavyset man muttered, “You do that,” and turned back to the man he’d been talking to.

  Argun listened to their conversation for a few minutes but they never again touched on their tentative plans. Nonetheless, they’d certainly put the idea in his mind. The Hyllis Tavern seemed a perfect mark. Big and obviously wealthy. Almost all the people working there were women. Argun’s ex-friend Hareh, Tarc, Tarc’s old man and the bartender were the only men Argun knew of. It was outside the city wall, so protection from the guardia’d be nonexistent. Even if the guardia did come, they’d be slow getting there. When the time came to make a getaway, there wouldn’t be any holdups getting out through the city’s gate. Really, it’s perfect. I can’t believe brigands haven’t already taken that place down.

  He finished his beer and got up to go back to his room and work out a detailed plan. Having a goal reinvigorated him. Once I’ve worked out my plan I’m going to have to find some men. As he went out the door of the bar he thought, The only real problem’s figuring out how to keep Jadyn from getting hurt.

  By the end of his walk home, he’d already lined out a pretty good plan in his mind.


  Argun was closing the door of his cheap little room when someone stepped out of the dimming light behind him. A massive hand shoved the door back open. Argun staggered back, groping for his knife and wondering if his life was over.

  The man lifted a sword and rumbled a laugh, “Put that little pigsticker away before it makes me mad.”

  Recognizing the voice of the heavyset man who’d been next to him at the bar, Argun lifted his hand away from the knife. He tried to sound assertive as he said, “I thought you weren’t interested?”

  “Not sure I am. Where’s this soft target you’re talking about?”

  “I’m not fool enough to tell you that before we’ve agreed on a few things,” Argun said, settling down to negotiate.

  That’s where his skills were.


  Daussie rushed down the stairs. As she burst out of the stairwell, a familiar, crotchety voice said, “What the hell happened to your hair?”

  Her first impulse was to simply ignore whoever’d said it. She, Eva, Jadyn, and Rrica were hurrying to get over to Pippa’s neighborhood. Their first objective was to find out whether or not the plague had spread beyond Kaylee’s house. However, her eyes darted to the side and she saw Ms. Rainey—the older woman who could teleport. Since they could really use another teleporter, Daussie paused, “Are you thinking about helping us?”

  Rainey rolled her eyes, “Why’d you shave your head?! Makes you look like a wacko.”

  “Um…” Daussie paused, wondering whether to confide in Rainey. “If I tell you can you keep it a secret?”

  “You people and your secrets!” Rainey sighed, “I guess it won’t hurt me to keep one more secret. I’ve got a lifetime’s worth of them.”

  Daussie took her elbow and steered her out into the courtyard behind the tavern. “Some people down in the Grissom ghetto have died of the plague.”

  Rainey’s eyes widened. She freed her elbow and stepped away from Daussie. “Oh…” She shook herself, “Oh hell, I’ve already lived a long time.” She snorted, “I guess I should’ve known helping healers might shorten my remaining years.” Giving Daussie a curious look, she asked, “What’s that have to do with you shaving your head?”

  “Plague’s transmitted by fleas. Since fleas like to live in fur or hair, we’re trying to make ourselves less appetizing to them.”

  “Appetizing? As if fleas eat us?”

  Daussie nodded, “They do. They bite you to suck your blood. The bites are what makes you itch. When they have the plague, they put the plague in your blood when they bite. So, since they like to live in fur, we’re trying to be furless.” She waved a hand at her clothing, “They can live in clothing as a substitute for fur, so we’re avoiding heavy weaves of cloth.”

  Rainey’s eyes narrowed, “You’re planning to go down there and nurse people dying of the plague?!” She shook her head in disbelief, “You’re going to die, shaved head or not.”

  Daussie shrugged, “We’re hoping to quarantine the people who have it so they don’t spread it to everyone else. We think that’s important enough to take some chances.”


  “Keep them isolated so they don’t interact with other people and pass on the disease.”

  “Good luck with that,” Rainey snorted. “As soon as they figure out they’ve got plague they’re gonna run like hell.”

  Daussie nodded, “It’s going to be hard all right. But we think we’ve got to give it a try.” She glanced around, “It looks like the others are leaving. I’d better get going.”

  Rainey looked around as well. Seeing a group of people with shaved heads striking out toward the town, she said, “Grissom ghetto?”

  “Yeah,” Daussie said, hurrying off after Eva, Rrica, and Jadyn.

  Rainey called after her, “Thanks for what you did with my arteries. I can walk a lot faster, and my legs and chest don’t hurt when I do.”

  “You’re welcome,” Daussie called back over her shoulder. Though if you were actually grateful, you’d come with us and help, she thought.

  When Daussie caught up to Eva, she said, “I thought Tarc was coming with us.”

  “Change of plan,” Eva said grimly. “He’s going to go to Farleysville and try to get back some of our money.”

  “With the caravan?” Daussie asked suspiciously.

  Eva nodded distractedly, evidently thinking mostly about the plague.

  “And Lizeth I suppose,” Daussie said disgustedly. “Just like I thought, he’s dumping Nylin now that his favorite leather-wearing, sword-wielding guard’s back in the picture.”

  Eva gave Daussie a sharp look. “Nylin dumped him. You need to keep up with your gossip.”

  Daussie’s eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed, “What’d he do? Get caught fooling around with Lizeth?”

  Eva laughed, “You’re so suspicious! You really should give your brother some credit. He’s pretty broken up about it.”

  “Yeah right. He’s just pretending to be broken up about it.”

  Eva rolled her eyes, “Daussie, come on. He really is upset. I can tell you know.”

  Daussie’s eyes widened, “I thought you weren’t supposed to be snooping around in our thoughts?”

  Eva laughed, “The way he’s brooding, I could tell even if I wasn’t a telepath. But he’s so mopey I can hardly help hearing the mental whimpering. To us telepaths, it’s like he’s wandering around singing one sad love song after another.”

  “Oh…” Daussie tilted her head curiously, “You really don’t think he did anything to ma
ke Nylin angry?”

  Eva shrugged, “He ran into Lizeth in Cooperstown, but I don’t think that’s really his fault. He’s been friendly to Lizeth but he’s been keeping her at arm’s length out of consideration for Nylin.” Eva pursed her lips thoughtfully, “I think Nylin’s just so sure she can’t compete she’s let her jealousy run out of control.”

  Daussie thought on this for a few seconds, then said, “I’ll talk to her when we get back to the tavern.”

  “That’ll be too late,” Eva said dispassionately. “Tarc and the caravan are leaving this morning.” She shrugged, “I think Nylin’s jealousy shot her love life in the foot.” She shook her head, “Getting angry at someone for not loving you enough… that never makes them love you more.”

  Daussie glanced back over her shoulder to see how far it was to the tavern. She was surprised to see Kazy jogging after them. She stopped, then started trotting back the other way. “I’m going to run back and talk to Nylin a second. I’ll catch up with you guys.”

  Eva called after her, “Don’t interfere in other people’s love lives! That should’ve been the first commandment.”

  Daussie ran a few strides, then slowed to a stop over more several steps. Shoulders slumped, she turned around and started after her mother again.

  Eva said, “Don’t look at me that way. Go talk to her if you want, I’m just telling you it’s a bad idea.”

  “No, you’re right,” Daussie said sullenly. She waited a moment, then joined Kazy in jogging to catch up to Eva and the others. As they arrived, she said, “But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  Kazy grinned at her, “Whose love life were you about to mess with?”

  “Tarc and Nylin.”

  Kazy gave a thoughtful nod, “Eva’s right. Don’t mess with that. They’re not right for each other.”

  “And Tarc and Lizeth are?!”

  Kazy shook her head, “No, they aren’t right for each other either.”

  Wide-eyed, Daussie said, “What’re you, Miss Matchmaker?”

  Kazy shrugged, “I knew Norman wasn’t right for you.”


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