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First Time Femme

Page 7

by D. L. Savage

  Even when he took hold of her skirt and pulled it upward to expose her sheer pantyhose and skimpy black thong panties beneath, even when his eager hands began to cup and jiggle her butt cheeks and stroke the mound of her pussy through her pantyhose, I looked to her face, noting that she showed no flicker of emotion whatsoever.

  Then he began to open his briefcase, unclipping it in what felt like super slow motion, opening it up to reveal a large pink vibrator inside. As the stranger set it going, the loud buzz filled the room, loud enough to be heard over the music that was still drifting softly from the bar’s speakers.

  I watched on, mesmerized, unable to tear my eyes away as the businessman pressed the bulbous pink tip of the vibrator against the soft mound of Sayaka’s pussy through her panties and pantyhose.

  Again I looked to her face and now it seemed as if she were fighting to keep her composure, sucking her plump bottom lip into her mouth in as if to stop herself from letting out a whimper. The guy began to work the buzzing pink wand faster and faster over the mound of her pussy and all of a sudden she let out a broken girly moan that sounded almost like a sob, echoing all through the bar, her slim body quaking and her legs starting to shake as a clear liquid spattered out from between her legs and landed onto the floor at her feet.

  And even though he’d just made her cum, it seemed like this guy wasn’t finished with his fun just yet, eagerly casting his gaze around the room as if deciding which girl to play with next.

  He began to prowl around the bar again, first approaching one girl then another, grabbing an ass here, a tit there, but all of a sudden his dark eyes settled on me and I felt a charge of nervousness as he approached, my stomach lurching with queasy dread as he reached out and took hold of my wrist in his hot sweaty palm, yanking me up to my feet like I was a rag doll.

  I felt on the brink of running, of getting the hell out of there, but as the stranger began to circle me I found I couldn’t move. My limbs had locked rigid with fear and all I could do was pretend this wasn’t happening, my heart in my throat as the stranger looked me up and down, then reached out and tugged up my short pleated skirt, exposing the telltale bulge in my white cotton panties.

  I saw a flicker of surprise in his eyes, followed by an impish smile curling at the corners of his lips, and my heart began to thud even harder as I heard him switch on the vibrator again.

  Up close it’s buzz was almost deafening and I dug my nails into my fists and held my breath, just willing whatever he did to me to be over quickly. Still holding my skirt aloft with one hand, he began to extend the buzzing pink tip of the vibrator towards my bulge his other hand and as I felt that buzzing tip press against the head of my cock through my panties, just like Sayaka I had to suck on my lip to stifle a whimper.

  There was nothing I could do but hold every muscle tensed, trying my hardest to ignore the sensation, but soon I could feel my cock growing hard despite myself, until its swollen length was jutting out in a full, shameful boner through the white cotton of my panties, my slit weeping pre-cum in a dark stain while my balls tightened painfully and my dick throbbed like crazy.

  I let out a soft breathy whimper despite myself as the stranger began to run the buzzing tip up and down the length of my throbbing hard on, each stroke bringing me closer to the edge. And as I dug my nails even harder into my clammy palms, I braced myself, every muscle tensing, knowing that any second now I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from letting go and blowing my load in front of the whole goddamn bar ...

  But just seconds before I reached the point of no return, a loud musical chime sounded from the speaker system along with pre-recorded message. And just like that the music shut off, the bar fell into total silence, and to my shocked amazement the guy obediently packed his vibrator back into his briefcase, giving me a polite final bow, before turning and heading out of the room.

  I sucked in a last shivery breath, adjusting my skirt so that it was covering my boner before easing myself back into my seat, my cock still throbbing, and my panties now soaked through with pre-cum as I crossed my legs, my face burning with shame.

  But the weirdest thing of all was that as I watched the guy leave, I felt a stab of frustration, wishing he’d pushed me right over the edge ...


  That first night, maybe ten or eleven guys entered the room, and only one other dude ventured to lift up my skirt, his eyes again widening in surprise as he registered my bulge, his curious fingers gently cupping and fondling it through my panties for a moment, before moving on to another of the girls.

  And at the end of the night, after I’d returned to the parlor and Kumiko and Miyuki had helped me wash off my make-up and change back into my regular clothes, Madam Saito returned, handing me what felt like such a fat envelope of cash that I stood in shocked silence for a moment, my incredulousness growing stronger as I actually counted it. Because in one night, I'd made more money than in the whole of last month, working my ass off churning out got knows how many crappy freelance articles.

  “You want come back?” she said in her broken English. “Tomorrow night?”

  Hell yeah, I thought, knowing I’d be crazy to turn down that kind of money.

  So that was how I came to work at the pink box.

  The more shifts I took, the more normal it became; to be dressed up like that, to have guys lusting after me, to have guys running their hands over my body, lifting up my skirt and toying with the bulge in my panties.

  It seems as if I fulfilled a special niche at the club, too. After all, as far as I could make out, I was the only girl who had a little ‘something extra’ between her legs. And while most customers were shocked when they found out (even disgusted in a couple of cases) quickly shaking their heads and moving onto one or other of the ‘real’ girls, occasionally a guy would find me particularly alluring, spending almost all of his allotted time groping me and fondling me, exploring my body, while I acted cute and demure, trying my hardest to pretend whatever he was doing wasn't happening.

  But the most fucked thing of all was that I quickly grew to enjoy the attention, giving myself up to the strangely sensual experience of it all, feeling sexy and feminine and beautiful and lusted after, as I allowed these anonymous strangers to take control, teasing and stroking my body (yet always remaining within the strictly defined rules of the club – which seemed to be that you could touch and tease a girl as much as you wanted, as long as her clothes stayed on).

  What’s more, I got to experience a whole host of different scenarios and costumes too, as with each shift I seemed to find myself working in a different room. One night I might be a prim air stewardess, while another time I’d find myself dolled up as an innocent schoolgirl or a striking businesswoman.

  When I was at the pink box, it was like reality melted away – and I found I enjoyed becoming one of the girls more than I could ever have imagined. It was only when I finished a shift, walking back to my bus stop, that the real world would kick back in again and I’d remember that I still hadn’t written a single damn word of my so called article.

  Instead I’d become just like Sayaka – a girl who'd discovered a brand-new way to make a shit ton of cash and totally forgotten her original intentions. I told myself I’d stay at the Pink Box for a year, maybe, just until I'd saved up enough to buy myself a chunk of time to work solely on my writing. But the truth of the matter was that I was having so much fun, I simply didn't want it to end.

  But I had another source of guilt too. Because I still hadn’t told Ellie the truth about my new line of work, either. When she’d first asked me what had happened, calling me up the very next morning after my first shift, I’d been evasive, just mumbling something about how it was pretty weird and that I’d tell her more another time but right now I was tired and that I needed to get more sleep.

  And after that, each time she’d try and get in touch, asking how I was or if I wanted to hang out, I’d drum up some lame excuse, knowing that if I saw her IRL I’d finally have to t
ell her the truth about my new line of work.

  So when I got the text message one Friday afternoon: Hey mister! Where the hell have you disappeared to? I miss hanging out with you. Let’s fix that pronto! I just knew there was no use in hiding any longer.

  Ellie was one of my only true friends in this city and I’d be a fool to let our friendship slip away. I knew I needed to tell her the truth ... but how?

  Then it hit me, my mind flashing back to the awkward interaction when I’d tried to kiss her, the way her pretty face had screwed up and she’d said, Sorry Danny but I'm into girls ...


  I can’t believe I’m actually doing this, I thought, both excited and nervous, as I strutted into the Lotus bar that Saturday evening.

  I’d come straight from a daytime shift at Pink Box, and I’d convinced the girls to let me keep my costume on, too – my body encased in a slim black mini dress with matching black knee high socks and expertly applied makeup thanks to Kumiko, my now-trusty glossy black wig dancing around my shoulders, my high heels clicking, my cock held snug and tight by a skimpy black thong that I could feel teasing between my ass cheeks with each step I took.

  I held my head high, feeling a subtle ripple of interest from the other patrons in the bar, their eyes flicking this way as I strode towards the counter and ordered a glass of wine.

  I’d never actually ventured out into the real world dressed like this before, but from my many shifts at the pink box I’d learnt to act the part, keeping my movements graceful and feminine, speaking in a soft high register.

  As the bartender fixed my drink, I slid onto one of the stools at the far end of the bar, positioned so that I could keep watch of the doorway.

  I knew I was taking a huge risk, unveiling my secret to Ellie this way, but at the same time it seemed better somehow to show her. What’s more, I wanted one last chance to see if she was into me ... like this.

  As the bartender placed my glass of wine in front of me, I could tell he was not-so-subtly checking me out, his eyes flicking hungrily over my slim body, but I made a show of ignoring him, instead focussing on willing my hand to stop from shaking as I lifted the glass to my lips, savoring the crisp coldness of the wine, my heart drumming against my ribs as I kept watch of the doorway.

  About five minutes later Ellie arrived, dressed in her usual tomboyish everyday style – jeans, sneakers and a green and white plaid shirt, her blonde hair mussed, her makeup free skin glowing with youth and health.

  I watched as she scanned around the bar, obviously searching for me. Her big blue eyes even latched onto mine for the briefest of moments and I felt my heart leap into my throat, but she continued to survey the room before turning and taking a seat by the window, pulling out her phone and typing a text message.

  I felt my cell buzz in my purse a moment later and I slipped it out and checked the screen.

  Hey just got here! her message read.

  I felt an impish smile tugging at the corners of my glossy lips as I tapped out my reply: I know. I just watched you walk in. I'm right here by the bar. ;-)

  As her big blue eyes flashed once more in my direction, this time they widened in shock as it finally dawned on her and she sprang from her seat and rushed over to me. “Holy shit, Danny?” she gasped incredulously. “Is that really you?”

  “It's me alright,” I smiled back, sliding off my stool and giving her a graceful twirl. “So what do you think?”

  “I think you look ... incredible,” she replied quietly.

  And for the very first time in our whole friendship, I noticed that there was something else in her voice now – something that I wished had been there from the start; a subtly playful, flirtatious tone.

  With a rush of excitement, I realized that we'd started all over again from scratch, and this time I definitely wasn't in the friend zone. But the weirdest thing of all was that I had so much more confidence now, the female me somehow knowing exactly what to say.

  “So you like me more, now that I'm a girl?” I teased, making sure to keep my tone jokey and light so that it didn't seem as if I was coming on too strong. To my surprise and relief it totally worked, too, because Ellie’s cheeks flushed a little and she nodded, muttering, “Yeah, you look really, uh, hot ... But wait,” she added, her brow furrowing. “Why are you even dressed like that?”

  “It’s for my job,” I shot back.

  “Your job?” she repeated, puzzled.

  “If you hadn't guessed,” I grinned, “I'm working at the Pink Box now.”

  All over again I watched her big blue eyes widen in disbelief and this time she shook her head, too. “What the fuck, Danny?” she blurted out. “That’s crazy ... I mean ... But isn’t the Pink Box a ... I mean ... What do you do there exactly?”

  “It's a long story,” I replied. “Here, why don’t we take a seat and I’ll tell you all about it ...”

  * * *

  “That’s crazy,” Ellie said, once I’d filled her in on the rollercoaster of my life over the last few weeks, telling her all about Madam Saito and Kumiko and the other girls, making sure to stress that the strict rules of the club meant that the patrons never went too far: that they could never touch me underneat my clothes ...

  And when I'd finished my tale, I could feel it again, that sexy new vibe between us, Ellie’s soft voice dropping to a teasing whisper as she remarked, “I can totally see why they’d want to touch you, Danny. You’re gorgeous.”

  I paused, wondering whether to say the thing that had been playing on my lips all along.

  What if she freaked out again?

  What if it ruined our friendship forever?

  But even as I was deliberating, I could feel the newly confident feminine me taking over, throwing caution to the wind as she said: “Well if you mean that, what do you say we carry this conversation on somewhere a little more private?”

  Holy shit, had I really just said that?!

  To my relief Ellie nodded, grinning naughtily as she replied, “I'd really like that …”


  As Ellie called an Uber from her cell phone, it occurred to me that I'd never actually been to her place before. And as the cab drove us there a short while later, I could feel the tension growing between us with every second, my heart pounding in double time.

  Because while we were both maintaining the illusion that we were just going back to her place to talk, I noticed that Ellie kept sneaking these not-so-subtle glances at me too ...

  “Whoa, this place is freaking awesome,” I gasped as we finally made our way inside her smartly furnished pad, up on the fourth floor of a swish new building. “Are any of the other apartments up for rent?” I added, kind of as a joke.

  But the truth was, I was earning so damn much at the Pink Box, I’d begun to consider moving somewhere better than my own crummy studio, and something like this would be ideal.

  “I’ll ask for sure,” Ellie replied, taking my question seriously. “That would be so cool if we were neighbors. Hey, you wanna drink?”

  “Sure,” I replied, my nerves spiking afresh as she headed into the kitchenl leaving me alone with my swirling thoughts.

  As I waited, I began to ruminate on the fact that now that we were both girls, who’s job exactly was it to make the first move? Because after what happened last time, I sure didn’t wanna embarrass myself all over again, even if I was picking up better vibes from Ellie this time around.

  “I hope beer’s okay,” she said as she came back into the room, handing me an ice-cold bottle of Asahi, a glint in her eye as she not-so-subtly checked me out again.

  And I found myself using my new-found girly mannerisms too, letting out a playful little giggle and exclaiming, “whoops!” as the beer frothed up in the bottle and a few drops of beer accidentally splashed past my lips when I tilted it to my mouth.

  As I dabbed at my chin with the back of my hand, Ellie seemed to take this as her cue to move in close, confidently taking the bottle from my hand and murmuring, “You
missed a drop.”

  She reached out, dabbing a droplet of beer from my chin, using the opportunity to tilt my face to meet hers.

  I guess I’d always been on the smaller side for a guy, but now, dressed like this, I felt positively tiny, gazing up into Ellie’s big blue eyes, my heart slamming hard against my ribs, everything moving into slow motion as she leant in to kiss me; the moment I’d been waiting for since forever but never thought would actually happen!

  As the softness of her lips finally touched against my own I felt a deep shudder of pleasure rush through my whole body, and as if to confirm that she were the one in control I felt Ellie’s hands slip confidently around my waist, pulling me closer toward her, her thigh slipping between my legs as her tongue pushed into my mouth.

  I moaned softly as the aching bulge in my panties began to grind back and forth against the hardness of her thigh and this just seemed to spur her on, her hands slipping beneath my dress now, taking hold of my butt cheeks, her fingertips digging into my skin passionately.

  “You’re so fucking hot,” she murmured between kisses as I rode her thigh, faster and faster.

  It was the hottest fucking thing I'd ever experienced, so much hotter than any awkward, fumbled encounter I’d had back as dude, and I found that most of all I loved letting Ellie take control.

  So when she took hold my hands I felt myself giving in to her completely as she pulled me urgently towards her bedroom.

  The moment we got through the doorway, we began hurriedly undressing. And as Ellie pulled off her shirt I saw that she wasn't even wearing a bra beneath it. Her breasts were smaller than I'd imagined, barely bigger than my own chubby pecs in fact, with small pale pink nipples that were already fully hard, jutting out like puckered little bullets from her chest. She quickly stepped out of her jeans and I saw that she was wearing black boy shorts beneath. Her eyes flashed with a strange kind of fire as I tugged my dress over my head in one smooth movement, leaving me now in just my bra and panties, while Ellie eagerly pushed off her shorts, uncovering a full hairy bush, much darker than the fine blonde hair on her head.


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