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First Time Femme

Page 9

by D. L. Savage

  “No, wait, I’ll do it,” I blurted out, not about to let fifteen grand slip out of my reach.

  “Good,” Kate grinned back. “I think you’ve made the right decision. So all that’s left is for me to take the final measurements and then we can begin the trial ... So for starters, would you say that your penis is currently totally flaccid?”

  I nodded, once again staring down at my cock, which under the circumstances looked pathetically small.

  “In that case, hold still please ...” Kate said, reaching out and taking hold of my tiny dick in her hand. She held it against a tape measure, clocking a measurement of what looked like just under two inches, which she tapped into the computer terminal.

  “Finally I need to take a measurement fully erect,” she added in the same matter of fact tone as before. “Would you like to stimulate yourself, Jacob, or would you like me to do it for you?”

  Holy shit, I thought, had she really just offered to give me a hand job?

  “Uh, go ahead,” I murmured, feeling a flash of tingling nervous pleasure as she reached out calmly and took my cock in her right hand, starting to fondle and explore it, her big brown eyes gazing down at it and a serious expression etched on her pretty face as she began to slowly jack the shaft while teasing the sensitive underside patch beneath my head with her thumb in one slow but delicious motion.

  Damn, she’s definitely done this before ... I thought, feeling the swarming tingling sensations grow in my body as Kate continued to jack my dick, both of us watching on as it quickly swelled, growing thick and hard, flushing with blood until the head was a deep pearly purple color and my balls were tight and swollen.

  “Would you say that you’re fully erect now, Jacob?” she asked, her voice betraying what sounded like a subtle hint of excitement buried somewhere beneath her serious scientific manner.

  “Y-yeah, I guess,” I replied, my own voice taut with lust, as Kate took a second measurement, tapping in what looked like just over seven inches into her computer terminal.

  But then, to my dismay, she began peeling off her gloves, leaving me standing there in a state of blue-balled frustration.

  “I think that’s everything, Jacob,” she added, with a barely contained smirk. “Once you’re dressed, we can begin the trial.”

  As I began to pull my clothes on, I saw from the corner of my eye that she was preparing a syringe full of some kind of luminous blue liquid.

  “I see you’ve noticed the trans-form serum,” she chuckled, nodding at the syringe. “Quite the color, isn’t it? But don’t worry, I promise, it won’t hurt a bit ...”

  * * *

  “Well, here we are,” Kate announced a short while later, as we passed through some kind of huge airlock then emerged into a surprisingly spacious circular white dome. “This will be your home for the next seven days. I hope you like it!”

  Holy shit, I thought as I stared around me in total amazement, surveying the plush, futuristic-looking white suite.

  “Pretty cool, right?” Kate chuckled and I nodded excitedly in agreement.

  It looked like some kind of sci-fi hotel or something – the walls floor and ceiling all done in the same pure white color and made out of some kind of padded white paneling. There were all kinds of crazy mod cons too, like a huge plasma screen set into one wall of the main room.

  “And in here,” she added, tapping a button on the wall next to the TV, “is your entertainment station ...”

  A panel slid back, revealing a shiny new Xbox, as well as a huge stack of games and a bunch of the latest movies on DVD.

  As I looked them over eagerly, I could just picture myself sprawled out on that comfy-looking couch playing video games, not a care in the world, and I felt a huge grin tugging at the corners of my mouth, unable to believe that I was really getting paid for this. It really did seem to be panning out just like Greg had suggested.

  And Kate had been right – that single injection she’d given me hadn’t hurt in the slightest. I’d been expecting to at least feel woozy or dizzy or something, but for all I know, I might well have been in the placebo group. And apparently that was it, as far as the medicine was concerned. I just had to hang here for the length of the study while that mysterious blue liquid did its thing.

  I continued to explore, moving from the main room to a surprisingly large bedroom with what seemed to be fitted wardrobes and drawers built into the walls, with more than enough space for the comfy clothes I’d stuffed into my hold all.

  “Your bathroom is just through that door on the right,” Kate added, watching me from the doorway.

  I headed over, pushing my head through and gazing in on a similarly plush bathroom, again in a brilliant pure white color, the large tiled room containing what looked like a state-of-the-art shower system and toilet, as well as a huge basin and mirror, and a stack of thick white towels. There was even a fluffy white robe, once more giving the feeling that I was staying on some fancy-ass hotel break rather than a medical trial.

  “Behind me is the kitchen,” she explained, gesturing to the doorway behind her. “You’re fully stocked up for the length your stay. Oh, and I should let you know,” she added, “that we have cameras fitted in every room – and that does include the bathroom. But they’re very discreet, and most participants say that they forget they’re even being watched after a while. So please, if you can, just pretend they’re not there.”

  “I’ll try ...” I murmured, wondering if I’d ever be able to feel comfortable, knowing that my every movement and action was being analyzed by a team of scientists.

  “Apart from that, just relax. And if you ever want to get in touch with me, there’s an intercom system built into each room – just speak your question aloud and I’ll talk right back. I’m heading up the research, so I’ll always be your first point of contact. All make sense?”

  I nodded again, my gaze once more drifting around the large plush living room. All of a sudden I noticed another door – one I hadn’t noticed before that seemed to be placed directly parallel to my bedroom door, and I was about to ask where it led when Kate said, “Well, just make yourself at home and I’ll be back in a little while with your roommate.”

  “Roommate?” I repeated in surprise.

  “You really didn’t read through the forms very carefully did you, Jacob?” she laughed, shaking her head. “You’ll be sending the study co-habiting. But don’t worry, she’s very nice.”

  She? I thought, my eyes widening ...


  I was sprawled out on the couch, bashing buttons on Call of Duty, when the main entrance door to the suite swished open again and in walked Kate, followed by another girl.

  And holy fuck, she was absolutely stunning. Tall and statuesque with long chestnut blonde hair that tumbled over her shoulders and down her back in glossy curls, her smooth skin glowing with the kind of healthy golden tan that suggested she’d just spent the last two weeks somewhere in the Mediterranean. And from what was showing beneath her baggy sweater and leggings, it seemed like she had a killer figure, too.

  “Jacob this is Hannah,” Kate announced in her breezy, cheery style. “Hannah, Jacob.”

  “Hey,” I grinned, shooting her what I hoped was a welcoming smile.

  But her pretty face barely concealed her distain as she stared back at me, no doubt less than thrilled to be spending the next few days with a slob who liked playing dorky video games, muttering “Hey,” beneath her breath in reply so it sounded more like a sigh of displeasure than an actual word.

  “Don’t worry guys,” said Kate, stifling a smile as she no doubt sensed our awkwardness. “You’ll have plenty of time to get better acquainted, but for now I’ll give Hannah the guided tour starting with ...” She reached out and pressed a button and that final mysterious internal door swished open, “her room ...”

  As the two women began to look around the suite, I tried to concentrate once more on the game I’d paused on the big TV in front of me. But as you can probably
imagine, I was suddenly too stirred up and distracted to concentrate.

  Damn, she might be a total hottie, I thought, but was she going to be a total bitch, too?

  “Okay, I think that’s everything,” Kate concluded as she led Hannah back into the living room again after giving her the grand tour. “I’ll leave you two to get acquainted. Okay, good luck and see you on the other side.”

  With those final words, Kate was gone. And as the door slid silently closed behind her I felt the awkwardness increase tenfold.

  Hannah seemed to be making no effort to break the ice now that we were alone, instead just standing there, arms folded across her ample chest as she cast her gaze around the living quarters – her blue eyes looking everywhere except straight at me.

  I scanned my whirling head for something to say, for once feeling kinda tongue-tied, and eventually I blurted out the only thing I could think of, a sentence that made me wince with embarrassment the very moment I’d said it aloud: “You wanna play something two-player?”

  At my question, Hannah just rolled her big blue eyes then turned on her heel, stomping off into her bedroom, the door sliding firmly closed a few seconds later.

  * * *

  About an hour later the door to her room swished open once again. I was still playing my game, but when I ventured a glance at her, I felt my stomach charge with excitement as I saw that she’d changed into something way more figure-hugging than before.

  Because now she was dressed in the very tightest yoga pants and tiniest black crop top imaginable, both made of that stretchy black spandex that leaves literally zero to the imagination, while her long glossy hair was tied in a high sporty ponytail that looked super sexy.

  “What?” she snapped, shooting me a fresh bitchy glance that made me realize I must’ve been flat out staring at her.

  “Nothing,” I murmured, feeling my face flush with heat despite myself as I quickly turned my eyes back to the screen and un-paused my game, all the while vaguely registering that she’d begun some sort of exercise routine over on the other side of the large spacious room.

  Less than a minute later I heard her voice again, calling out in the same bratty, bitchy tone as before: “Hey, Jason, think you could turn down the volume on that stupid game? I’m finding it kinda hard to concentrate over the sound of gunfire.”

  “It’s Jacob actually,” I replied in an angry voice of my own.

  But at the same time, I did as she asked, thumbing the volume button on the remote until the TV was totally muted.

  Once again I tried to return to my game, but now I was the one finding it hard to concentrate. Because from the corner of my eye, I could see Hannah over on the other side of the room doing her yoga stretches, down on all fours, thrusting her perfect toned butt back right toward me, the black shiny fabric of her pants stretched so damn tightly across the perfect orbs of her butt cheeks that I could even make out the subtle V of her thong and the plump juicy mound of her pussy lips.

  I shot a glance at the doorway to my room, figuring I could go and lay down or something for a while, but what with the raging boner I had from her amazing bod, I couldn’t even leave my seat ...


  The next morning, I woke to a soft chiming sound and I opened my eyes just in time to see the room starting to glow with a soft white light that seemed to come from the very walls itself. It was obviously some kind of sophisticated way of making synthetic light seem like daybreak and I had to admit, it was pretty cool: giving the whole place even more of the feeling of some futuristic sci-fi set.

  I felt pretty damn relaxed too, my limbs tingling and well rested in a way that they hadn’t felt like in years as I stretched out with a satisfied sigh in the huge bed, the pure white cotton sheets feeling heavy and expensive against my body.

  I wondered if my heavy sleep had come from the drugs. I’d begun to suspect that we definitely weren’t in the placebo group, because as evening had approached, I’d felt pretty damn wiped out.

  I’d spent the afternoon playing video games, but after grabbing something easy to eat from the kitchen, I’d made sure to retreat to my room in order to let Hannah have a turn on the entertainment system, and after a while I heard the sound of some cheesy rom-com drifting through.

  I lay on my bed just playing stupid games on my phone (there was no signal or wi-fi), but after only a few minutes I’d found myself getting super sleepy and before too long, I’d drifted into a deep dreamless sleep.

  At least now I feel refreshed, I thought as I stretched out happily beneath the sheets, figuring that I should treat this stay as much as possible as a break – taking it easy and recharging my batteries.

  But it was only as I shifted a little more beneath the sheets that something began to occur to me. I wasn’t hard. Now normally, and I assume it’s the same for the majority of guys out there, whenever I wake up in the morning I’d have a rock hard erection that usually lasts at least a few minutes until I’m fully awake and out of bed. Often I’d even have to pace up and down, waiting for it to subside, before I could take my first pee of the day.

  But that morning, here in that huge bed beneath the sumptuous cotton sheets, my cock felt totally flaccid. I slipped my hand down between my legs and into my sweatpants (the same ones I’d been wearing since yesterday and had fallen asleep in) to check, and sure enough, as my fingers brushed the bulge of my dick and balls through the cotton of my boxer shorts, my junk felt totally and utterly limp.

  What the hell?

  I figured it must be another strange side-effect of the drugs – after all, Kate had mentioned that they were doing something to my hormones. But I just hoped to god it was only temporary. The idea of having my boners permanently wiped out seemed too awful to fully contemplate, and I found myself growing more and more worried, pushing my hand quickly into my shorts and taking hold of my dick, starting to tug it in a fast but steady motion – using all my usual tried and trusted moves to get hard.

  But to my dismay and confusion, nothing at all seemed to happen no matter what I did. In fact, the more frantically I pulled and tugged at it, the less turned on I felt. It was only as I slowed my moves right the way down, using a gentle, tender stroking motion that I finally started to feel the very first tingling flutterings of pleasure.

  At least I’m not totally numb from the waist down then, I thought with a flash of relief.

  But as I continued to stroke my cock, growing more and more turned on in the process, to my total confusion my dick itself didn’t actually get any bigger, instead staying at what felt like two inches max. Meanwhile, the sensations of pleasure I was feeling were becoming off-the-chart intense – way more powerful than usual.

  Again I wondered if this must be some fucked up side effect of the drugs and I figured I might as well make the most of it, my muscles tensing as I braced myself for what felt like the mother of all orgasms to hit.

  As I continued to stroke my tiny throbbing cock, I let my mind flood with all those images of Hannah from yesterday: her toned lithe body, the flatness of her stomach, her small pert breasts, and her amazing round ass ...

  When I came, just a few seconds later, I actually let out a small involuntary gasp, my abs tensing and my body shuddering for a few delicious seconds, leaving me afterwards in a sweaty and shivering mess.

  It was only after I’d come back to my senses that I remembered what Kate had said about the cameras in every room – cameras that had no doubt just filmed the whole goddamn thing.

  At least I’d stayed under the covers, I thought, my face flushing with heat.

  But as I pulled my hand from my boxer shorts, something else occurred to me. I quickly stuffed my fingers back into my shorts to check and sure enough, although my cock felt sticky and gooey with pre-cum, even though I’d just orgasmed I realized that I hadn’t actually blown a load.

  This whole thing was just getting weirder and weirder ...

  * * *

  After a quick shower I threw a fresh pair of bo
xers, a black t-shirt and a pair of dark blue sweat pants, then made my way out into the main living area.

  “Oh, hey!” said Hannah, the moment I stepped into the large white circular room.

  As I stared at her, sitting on the couch eating what looked like granola from a bowl, I felt like there was something visually different about her, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. But maybe it was simply the fact that for some reason she was smiling at me.

  “I want to apologize for being rude to you yesterday,” she said as I stood in the doorway.

  “Hey, don’t worry about it,” I murmured, making my way toward the door to the kitchen.

  “No, it wasn’t cool,” she insisted, causing me to stop and turn back to face her. “I think I was grouchy because I was nervous and also because I was getting my period but damn - those drugs must have done something to me over night because I feel so much better today. How about you? How’re you feeling this morning?”

  “Uh, yeah, pretty good I guess,” I replied, inwardly wincing at the embarrassing thought of my tiny boner and the fact that I’d spent the morning masturbating over images of her.

  “Yeah, whatever these drugs are,” she said with a grin, “they’re doing wonders for my sleep patterns, too. Normally it takes me ages to get to sleep, but last night I slept like a log. And when I woke up, I felt great.”

  It was obvious that her mood had drastically improved, but although she said that she felt great, her voice sounded like she was actually coming down with something. Because unlike yesterday, she now sounded kind of husky, her voice perhaps a little lower than it used to be.


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