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Page 9

by Alla Kar

  “Neveah,” he harshly whispered. “Let’s fucking go.”

  Bracing my hands on the tree, I pushed myself upright, tightened my ponytail and started running. Each step took me further into a numbness growing in my lower stomach. My body cried out for him, and as ashamed as I was to throw myself at him, I craved everything about him. His calloused palms on my soft skin, the way his gray eyes darkened when I pissed him off, and the godforsaken way he watched my mouth like a thirsty animal.

  The bad part of it was that he’d warned me. Bluntly. No beating around the bush to spare my feeling. There was no denying that he had secrets. But the bad thing was that I didn’t care.


  Sweat drizzled lazily down his chest and soaked in the same jogging shorts he wore on our run.

  Dad had insisted we come straight to the gym afterwards, and he put Declan in the ring not two seconds after we walked in. Now sparing with my dad, he was soaked in sweat, the corner of his lip curled up into a sneer as he boxed. It was so damn sexy.

  I let my eyes trail down his taunt chest to his slender waist that held those thin shorts against him. Only an inch worth of fabric, including the boxer briefs he’d gotten at the mall, held him in. I couldn’t help but wonder what it’d feel like to—,


  Bam. Something hit me hard from the left, and the next thing I saw was the blue mat beneath me, well that and stars. “Shit, Neveah. Are you okay?”

  Chase bent down over me, his arms out wide. “Say something!” he shouted.

  “Dammit, Chase. Stop yellin’. I didn’t lose my hearing.” Geez, I didn’t need to lose my hearing the same day as I get a black eye.

  Chase let out a harsh breath, blew his bangs up, then dipped low to help me to my feet. He caught my jaw in his grasp and examined it with a worried look. “Your eye is going to bruise. I’m sorry.”

  I rolled my eyes, touched the sensitive skin and winced. “I probably need to put an icepack on it.”

  The thudding of fists stopped from the ring and dad called out. “Neveah, you okay? What happened?”

  I groaned, looked over my shoulder at my dad, and of course, noticed Declan standing next to the ropes, staring over at us. “I’m fine. I wasn’t paying attention, and the body bag hit my eye. I’m fine.”

  Dad squinted, but seemed to believe me. I was tough, and he knew it. This wasn’t my first black eye and most likely wouldn’t be my last. I caught Declan’s gaze, his dark irises pinned me to my place. He slowly looked over at Chase.

  Grabbing the top rope, Declan swung over and landed with a heavy thud on the floor, before storming toward the back room. “What’s his problem?” Chase whispered. “It’s not like I hit you on purpose.” He rolled his eyes and then stopped. “Wait a minute.” A lazy grin curled up his jaw as he made assumptions—that were probably true—up in his head. “You were staring his way when the bag hit you. Are y’all—?” he wiggled his brow.

  Heat flushed up my neck, I dropped my eyes and shoved the bag into his chest. He caught it without losing eye contact, or his smart ass grin. “Stop making assumptions. You know that’s how rumors get started.”

  “Rumors always start from an inclining of truth, my dear.” Chase swung on the body bag, grinning.

  Narrowing my eyes, I tried my best to keep my face neutral. It’s harder than it looks. Chase jumped from the bag, looked over my shoulder, and his grin widened. “Well, look what we have here,” he whispered.

  I turned, coming face to—well chest—with Declan. He shoved an icepack into my hand and glared over my head at Chase. “She’s not a fucking man. Stop hitting her like one.”

  Chase’s eyebrows rose to his hairline. “Neveah is a lot stronger than you think—,”

  “You don’t know what I think,” he said. “Stop hitting her like that. If you wanna fight, I’ll fight you, and I promise you can try to hit me as hard as you like.”


  Chase’s easygoing smile faded, his fists clenched, and I sensed the testosterone level rise one hundred degrees. “Is that a threat or a challenge?”

  Declan’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat, but instead of answering, his eyes lowered to mine. A bone-melting look crossed his face, his fingers caught my cheek, and then he examined it. “He doesn’t have that hard of a hook, Champ. Put the ice on it and it should help the swelling.”

  He left me standing with my mouth opened as he met my dad back in the ring for round three.

  Chase chuckled beside me. “Shut your mouth, Neveah, flies will get in.”

  I snapped my mouth shut, my brain trying to wrap around these mixed signals. There was no way I’d be able to stay away from him when he treated me like that.

  We briefly met gazes before he slammed a right hook at my dad. The intensity of it melted my insides to goo. Who in the hell had I found in those woods?


  Later that night, Aunt Shelly waited in the dining room for me, a large smile on her face. The giddiness dripped off her like sweat. There was a party, I could see it on her face.

  Dad huffed behind me. “Did we not lock the doors? You know it’s rude to just come into someone’s home without asking, Shelly.”

  Aunt Shelly ignore him, brushed her hair form her shoulder, jumped up and shoved a flier in my face. “Tomorrow night they’re holding a ‘start the summer off right’ get-together at the old barn.”

  Grabbing the flier, I examined the large print with beer kegs decorating each corner. A man definitely made this. I snorted. “That is the lamest flier I’ve ever seen.”

  She frowned. “I don’t know you anymore. I want the party Nev back.” She pouted. “Will you come?” she asked behind me.

  I stiffened, pretending to read the flier, praying he’d say no. Reaching around me, he grabbed the flier and brought it to his face. “Sounds like fun. Sure.”

  No. No. No.

  Aunt Shelly squealed, clapped her hands and poked out her bottom lip. “Please, Neveah. You have to come. When’s the last time you just danced? Better yet, gotten drunk and danced?”

  Dad frowned from the kitchen. “Shelly you’re encouraging my daughter to become an alcoholic.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Hell, your daughters been drunk way more times than you know about, Papa Bear.”

  I shoved her shoulder. “Can you ever just keep your mouth shut? Would it really kill you?”

  Dad held up his hand. “Stop talking, Shelly. Just stop. I do not want to hear about my daughter getting drunk, kissing or having sex. We’ve been over this. Just stop talking.”

  She barked out a laugh, grabbed my shoulder and pulled me close to her. “My lips are sealed.”

  Smiling over at her, I felt his gaze on the side of my face. When I finally got the nerve to look at him, my mouth watered at the intensity of his eyes on me. The guard that kept him at arm’s length from me wavered, and I knew I would be the one to destroy it completely.

  The string that pulled me to him tightened, the sensual look in his eyes darkened before he turned his head and stormed toward the back door.


  Chapter Eleven


  With my forehead pressed against the shower wall, I stroked myself harder, undressing her in my fucking mind like a fifteen-year-old boy until I released into the tornado of water at my feet.

  I groaned, the vision of Neveah in my mind flooded my every thought. Goddammit. I couldn’t stop my eyes the night before. When Chase had hit her, I felt a primal instinct to knock him on his ass, even though it was an accident. I didn’t care. I hated to see her in pain, on the ground with a fucking black eye.

  Why was this happening to me? She was the dangling meat in front of a starving dog.

  It was almost nine when I shrugged into my T-shirt and buttoned my jeans. My head had been so wrapped up with thoughts of Neveah that I hadn’t even thought about my sister. That was what frightened me.

  My phone buzzed against my nightstand, Dante’s number flash
ed across the screen. I swiped the call, pressed my phone to my ear and asked, “Any news?”

  Dante sighed. “Still in Paris. But there may be a chance of you getting to her when they get back. He’s throwing a huge party in a couple of weeks, which would give us an opportunity to grab your sister and run.”

  My adrenaline spiked. “Great. Where is it going to be?”

  “At his house. It’ll be well guarded, but I’ve been there enough over the last few weeks to sneak you in. We’re going to get her, Rage.”

  I swallowed the lump of fear in my throat, palmed my forehead and stood up straight. “Thank you.”

  “How is Neveah?” he asked. “You fuckkkeedddd yet?”

  The smile in his voice made me laugh. “You know me well, but no, I haven’t. Don’t think I haven’t wanted to.”

  “Well you wouldn’t be male if you didn’t want to, bro. She’s gorgeous.” She was.

  Thud. Thud. Thud.

  “I’ve got to go. Someone is knocking on the door. I’ll talk to you in a few days. Keep me updated on anything. And let me know as soon as you know my sister is back.”

  “Done. Behave, and be safe.”

  Ending the call, I trudged over to the door and opened it. Shelly had the biggest smile on her face. I chuckled but found myself gazing at Neveah. She wore tight leather pants, with black boots and a red top that curved to her sides. Holy Hell. Her slick ponytail swung as she dipped her head to avoid my gaze.

  “Are we ready to go?” Shelly asked, ushering me out and shutting the door for me.

  Stepping forward, I towered over Neveah, loving the way her body shivered at my closeness. Before Shelly could say a word, I dipped my head lower and touched my mouth to the edge of Neveah’s ear. “You look beautiful.”

  Her eyes lifted but she didn’t reply.

  “Okay, y’all. Let’s go. We don’t want to be too late.” Shelly looped her arm through Neveah’s and tugged her along. My body urged me forward, threatening to break down if I didn’t give it what it desperately wanted—her. Those toned legs looked amazing in those jeans, her ass firm and round. I had to think of dead puppies to get my dick to go down.

  We walked around the house, the wind cooler than normal. It soothed my burning skin. My boots skidded to a halt when I saw Cooper leaning against Neveah’s car in the parking lot.

  My fist clenched hard and my jaw harder. What in the hell was he doing here? He was worse than the kid at the gym.

  By the grim look on his face, I would say he was as equally pissed off to see me. “What is he doing here?” Cooper said.

  Shelly lifted her chin. “We invited him. If you don’t—,”

  “I’m here because I want to be,” I interrupted. “That a fuckin’ problem?”

  We stopped a foot away from him, and Neveah’s shoulders tensed. Cooper straightened his shoulders, turned and climbed into the back seat of Neveah’s car. That’s what I fucking thought.

  “What a douchebag,” Neveah whispered, digging out her keys. “Can we just go so we can lose him?”

  Shelly grinned. “Sounds like a good idea to me. Let’s go party!”

  Neveah slid into the driver’s seat, buckled up and started her car. Shelly insisted I take the front seat, so I sat down and relaxed into the leather. “It’s a stick.”

  Neveah lifted a brow. “Does that surprise you?”

  I nodded, scratching my jaw. “Actually, yes.”

  She frowned, slid her seatbelt on and reversed out of the driveway. “I’m not as girly as I look.”

  Giving her a sideways glance, I took in the roundness of her breasts, the curve of her sides and the muscles in her legs. She was definitely girlie, but the feisty part of her drowned out the damsel in distress concept most would expect from her. It made me want to be stronger for her which was insane, because I was asked to stay away.

  “Let’s listen to some music.” Shelly reached between us and started turning the stations until she was happy, then sat back and belted off tune.

  Neveah smiled, and my chest tightened at the dimple in her cheek. I needed to touch her before my body broke down. Instead, I gripped the handle and consul. I needed to work on my fucking self-control.


  Neveah took us down a dirt road to an abandoned barn that was full of people. Music thumped against our car, the surrounding area full of pickups and four-wheelers.

  A smoky haze filled the air from a bonfire close by, and the smell automatically relaxed me. There was something about bonfires and a starry night that sent your soul to peace.

  “There is so many people here,” Shelly said from the backseat. “This is going to be so much fun.”

  Neveah parked toward the end of the makeshift parking lot under a shaded willow tree. “Okay,” Shelly said from the backseat. “We’re going to get fucked up tonight.”

  Neveah turned and frowned. “I’m driving so I can’t drink.”

  Shelly rolled her eyes. “That’s what Cooper is here for.”

  Cooper narrowed his gaze, rolled up his sleeves and drug his eyes up to meet Neveah’s. “I’ll take it easy if Neveah promises to dance with me.”

  What the fuck. As if he knew what I was thinking, he looked over at me and then back at Neveah. Fingers clutched to the armrest, I took three calming breaths and kept my mouth closed. Even though a tornado of rage swarmed in my stomach. I shouldn’t have wanted to beat his head into the consul like that, at least I wasn’t in denial.

  I opened my eyes, and Neveah stared straight at me. A look of frustration filled her face, and I knew I was sending mixed signals. First with the fucking Chase thing. His dumbass hits her like she a man, and even though I knew she could take it, it hurt me to see her hurt. She’d done a good job hiding it underneath her makeup which brought out her green eyes. Fuck she’s beautiful.

  “Hello,” Shelly said, snapping her fingers. “It’s just a dance. She’ll dance with you, now let’s go.”

  The back doors opened, but our eyes were still locked on one another’s. There was so much I needed to say—hell, needed to end, but I wanted her. There wasn’t any more denying it. Couldn’t I have something I wanted for once in my life?

  She grabbed the keys, tossed me a nervous glance, and then got out of the car. Groaning, I grabbed the handle and took a step out into the humid Texas air. The fire from the smoke fogged three feet in front of me and casted a hue over the breeze.

  Shelly looped her arm through Neveah’s, smiled at me over her shoulder and led us toward the opening of the barn. Rap music blasted, shaking the already busted windows.

  The entire bottom was covered in hay, some used it as seats, others were pressed into the corners practically fucking. The second floor was dark, but pool tables were set up with glow-in-the-dark lights around the edge. “Shelly! Neveah! Cooper!”

  We were stopped in the entrance by a short blonde who tossed herself at Neveah. “Jenny! It’s so good to see you,” Neveah squealed.

  Jenny pulled back, her bright blue eyes shifted to everyone before landing on me. A dark blush darkened her cheeks, the side of her mouth lifted into a smile. “And who might you be?”

  I didn’t answer—well, because I didn’t have time. Neveah’s back stiffened, and my every nerve set on fire. Her hands clenched at her sides. “Forget your name?” she asked.

  I glanced down at her for the briefest of moments. “Ra—,”

  Neveah’s eyes slid to slits. Shit. “I—my name’s Declan, sweetheart.” I took her outstretched hand, doing my best to avoid direct eye contact with Neveah. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Jenny tucked her hair behind her ear, biting the corner of her lip. “You should dance with me later. I’m going to go DJ for a while. I think we need some baby-making music.”

  I waited for Shelly to laugh but when I turned she was nowhere to been seen. Or Cooper. Great. I caught a glimpse of Neveah shoving her way through the crowd.

  Fuck. I shoved my way through the swaying people toward the curvy staircase. It wa
s clearly out of place in the old barn. But if I had to guess, I’d say parents got smart and realized that if their kids were going to party out there, they would make it semi safe.

  Empty beer cans littered the floor of the stairs, a bra hung from the end railing. The second floor was darker than the bottom where lights hung. Couples swayed to the slow music, oblivious to anything outside of themselves. It didn’t take long to find Neveah because of the damn clothes she had on.

  Just in the twenty seconds it took me to get to her, there had been three guys look at her ass. My body hummed at the threat of anyone touching her except me. And she wasn’t even mine—or palpable.

  The drink in her hand was almost empty, and by the way she swayed on her feet, I’d say she’d downed it.

  Gripping her elbow, I twisted her toward me. Those moss green eyes were furious, her sharp brows slanted in an anger that thrived through my chest. “Neveah, listen—,”

  “What’s your real name?” she blurted out, her fist bunching with the front of my T-shirt. All the blood in my body raced toward my dick, her hands so tiny but aggressive on me turned something on inside of me that I feared I couldn’t turn back off.

  Before I did what I wanted in front of everyone, I grasped the hand on me, pulled it free and marched her to the darkest corner I could find. I pressed her soft body into the crook of a window.

  With a parted mouth, she closed her eyes and tried to free herself. “What’s your fucking name,” she whispered, the venom in her voice sent chills down my spine.

  Capturing her wrist, I pulled them above her head, loving the look of lust in her eyes. There was no stopping it now. I wasn’t leaving the barn until I’d tasted that smartass mouth. “Rage,” I whispered. “My name is Rage.”

  Something crossed her face but was gone before I could read it. “Who the fuck are you? You aren’t Declan Samuels. I knew you didn’t look like a Declan. Why did you lie? Let me go!”

  My grip tightened and a slight moan slipped from her lips. “Don’t act like you’re scared now, Champ. We both know this is what you want.” I held both hands in one wrist, slid my index finger down her face to her bottom lip. “And this is exactly what I need.”


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