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Loved by Alpha Wolf

Page 53

by Sarah J. Stone

  “Oh my,” Katianna said, taking it all in. “I'm almost afraid to eat dinner here. I might ruin something.”

  “This is a dragon table,” Spencer assured her. “It's seen worse than a human dropping food, I promise.”

  “That's a boost for my confidence,” she said, and smiled at him.

  “Spencer.” She spun around as a voice spoke. She recognized Nicholas from the pictures, his wife Rosa on his arm. “Oh, my goodness,” Nicholas' mouth fell open as Katianna met his eyes. “You weren't joking.”

  “My lord,” Spencer tipped his head. Katianna followed his lead and gave a small curtsey. Rosa was beautiful, clearly a princess, with a tiara woven into her brown hair, and several heavy rings on her fingers. “May I introduce Katianna, my once and future wife.”

  “I'm Rosa,” the witch-girl said with a smile. “Welcome to Umora. Again, as I understand.”

  “I'm trying to remember,” Katianna gave her a pained smile. “Have we met before, too?”

  “No,” Rosa said, smiling at her husband. “We are recently married, although I did hear about you once.”

  “I told you when she died,” Nicholas said. “Spencer was torn up.”

  “That I was,” Spencer replied.

  “But don't be sad anymore.” Cole entered with Enya on his arm. “She's here. And my brothers will be here shortly.”

  “Oh, the dress looks perfect on you,” Enya went right to Katianna, holding out her hands. Katianna was warmed by her friendliness and smiled.

  “Thank you for lending it to me,” she said.

  “Nonsense,” Enya replied. “The first time I came to Umora, I had nothing to wear as well.”

  “Neither did I,” Rosa pointed out. “I had just given birth hours before.”

  Katianna turned to Rosa. “You win this round,” she said.

  Rosa smiled. “Turns out it was worth it,” she said. “Motherhood does bring on a hunger. Shall we sit at least?”

  She led the way to the table, the men pulling out the chairs for the ladies. Katianna was even afraid to sit on the chairs, for they were so beautiful.

  But she only had the chance to sit for a moment before trumpets blared, and everyone's head turned to the door.

  Spencer rose right away, and she followed suit, looking confused.

  “The king,” he said, and Katianna felt her heart leap.

  What a day this was turning out to be, she thought, as the majestic doors opened.

  Chapter 7

  Peter was clearly a king; there were no two ways about it. Tall and majestic, a crown on his head, and his eyes blazing; he looked like he controlled everything with the twist of his finger. His eyes blazed, and his jaw was strong and set, looking to the table as if he were calculating his next move. He was certainly the most serious of the princes.

  On his arm, his wife was the opposite. Draped in light linen, her dress the color of clouds, Yvette was small and thin. She was nearly a foot shorter than him and much younger. She was smiling, though, despite the weight of her heavy crown, and her stick-thin arm was locked in his head.

  Everyone bowed or curtsied, and Katianna knocked her knee against the table trying to do the same.

  Behind him was the final brother, his Irish twin, she understood, and the former king.

  Alexander was slightly shorter than Peter, and Katianna was surprised to see he looked older. His face was grey and drawn, and his temples showed salt and pepper against the dark hair. His chest rose and fell with more effort than the others, and his teeth were half clenched.

  Beside him, Ariel was clearly the most beautiful woman in the room. Katianna felt like a child playing dress up beside the tall red head. She wore a green dress that was cut in the front, nearly dipping to her naval. Her long, red hair fell in waves nearly to her waist, and she wore a crown as majestic as Yvette, her fingers and neck dazzling in jewels. She looked more of a queen than the actual queen, standing shoulder to shoulder with her husband in flat shoes.

  The others dipped to a bow appropriate to the current Regents, and the men pulled out the chairs for their wives.

  To Katianna's delight, Ariel was seated beside her. She turned to the redhead with a friendly smile.

  “I'm Katianna. I've seen your dancing. You are amazing!”

  Ariel turned to her as if seeing her for the first time. “Thanks,” she said, looking her up and down. “You must be Katianna. We've been briefed.”

  “Briefed?” Katianna asked.

  “On the…unique situation that Spencer claims is happening,” Alexander spoke up, clearing his throat. The servants advanced forward, placing warm platters on the table.

  “How are you, my lord?” Spencer asked, trying to change the subject.

  “I am well, thank you, Spencer,” Alexander said. “It is nice to see you again. Thank you for returning.”

  “Of course, my lord,” Spencer replied, keeping his head bent as he was served.

  “He doesn't look well,” Katianna lowered her voice, whispering to Spencer. He caught her eye, shaking his head, and she understood to ask about it later.

  “Do you have any sightings to report, Spencer?” Peter spoke up. Katianna had her utensils in her hand, her mouth salivating at the meat that was placed in front of her. She hadn't realized that she was hungry until this moment.

  “Of King Richard?” Spencer asked. “No. It was my understanding that he was killed.”

  “He was,” Peter said. “We just like to check. You spent many years on Earth.”

  “I spent many years everywhere,” Spencer corrected him. “But I assure you, since the report came that he perished here, I have heard and seen nothing.”

  “Unless he's been reincarnated,” Cole said, smirking. Spencer's head shot up, his eyes narrowing.

  “It's possible,” Spencer said, coolly.

  “And it's possibly I could figure out how to transform into a wolf,” Cole replied. “Magic works in mysterious ways.”

  Katianna felt the feeling of dread in her stomach again. She waited until everyone was deep in conversation before she spoke softly to Spencer once more.

  “He doesn't believe us,” she said.

  Spencer sighed. “Cole is just snarky,” he said. “He hasn't had a chance to look into anything yet, so he's living inside his own box. Don't worry, my love, he will find an answer.”

  “And if he doesn't?” Katianna asked.

  Spencer raised his eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  “I just mean, if he doesn't find evidence that reincarnation exists?”

  “My love,” he looked right into her eyes, “you know in your heart that this is real, don't you?”

  “I…” she couldn't deny it when he was looking right into her eyes and sending shivers up and down her spine. “Yes, I know it's real.”

  “Good,” he said, leaning over to kiss her. “Then that's all we need in the end. But Cole will find an answer. Once he removes his head from his–”

  “Spencer,” Katianna exclaimed, with a laugh. It drew attention back to them, and she covered her mouth with her hand. “Sorry,” she said.

  “Share the joke, please,” Peter said, looking right at her. Her eyes widened.

  “Oh no, it was just something funny that happened on Earth,” she said. Peter raised an eyebrow.

  “Which was? Don't be afraid. You are among friends here.”

  “Which into the mud on my first date with Spencer.” It was a lie, but it was the only thing she could think of. “So embarrassing”

  “Oh my,” Enya saved her. “That would be awkward. Clearly, though, Spencer was not too bothered by it.”

  “I did laugh,” Spencer got into the story. “Only for a moment.”

  “What would you do if I fell in the mud?” Enya turned to Cole, cocking an eyebrow.

  “Ask you to stay down there so I could snap a picture, and then help you up?” Cole smirked and she laughed, shaking her head.

  Luckily for both of them, the co
nversation topic turned, and Katianna let out a sigh of relief.

  Dinner was finished soon enough, and everyone rose to retire to the library for drinks and general socializing. Katianna felt like she was in the sixteenth century with all these formalities.

  She noted that Ariel rose first, reaching her hand out. Alexander took it, and his wife's arm flexed to support him as they headed into the library.

  “What's wrong with him?” she asked. Spencer's eyes flicked upwards to make sure that they were far enough away, and then spoke.

  “The relationship between supernatural beings and carapaces has always been odd. Sometimes, they were allies, but mostly they were hunted. When Ariel married Alexander, there was many carapaces who didn't like it. Prolonged exposure to them, especially in the numbers they brought, was damaging. He will never recover.”

  “Yet, they continue to be together?”

  “Alexander argues that one carapace, even the queen, isn't damaging. He just can't be on Earth where the rest of them are.”

  “She's the queen of carapaces?” Katianna replied. “Wow. I understand what you mean for a marriage of convenience, but it's not that way now.”

  “What do you mean?” Spencer asked, confused.

  Katianna smiled.

  “They love each other, isn't that clear?”

  “I…” he looked between them and back to Katianna. “I don't know. It's always been accepted that they were what you call a powerful couple.”

  “Spencer,” she said softly, “can't you see love when it's looking you in the eye?

  He smiled down at her, kissing the top of her head. “Of course, I can,” he said. “I see it every time I look at you.”

  She squeezed his hand as they settled into the library. It seemed an odd way to spend an evening – among princes of Dragons. And yet, somehow, it seemed natural.

  It was only half an hour of quiet conversation before the day hit her. She yawned loudly, and then covered her mouth, blushing.

  “Oh my goodness, I'm sorry.”

  Spencer laughed, rising. “Come, my dear. I shall escort you to your room. It's been a long day for both of us.”

  “Thank you for everything today,” she said to the others, dipping low. “It was…wonderful?”

  Alexander smiled briefly. “Goodnight,” he said, dipping his head. “It was an honor to have your company, Katianna.”

  It was only once she was gone that Cole spoke up.

  “You don't really believe that's Katianna, do you?” he asked his brother.

  Alexander's eyes flickered to his youngest brother. “And what is your opinion, Cole? Although I'm quite sure I can guess it.”

  “That's not the same girl,” Cole said, firmly. “Reincarnation is just not something that happens.”

  “Are you sure?” Rosa spoke up, meeting his witch eyes. “You didn't think the Dolcetti line could be revived. You didn't know what magic you were holding until you were told. I'm not questioning your ability, Cole, my dearest brother. I'm saying that we learn new things all the time.”

  “No, you don't.” Cole glanced at Enya.

  “What?” Enya asked, a sinking feeling in her chest.

  “The last time Spencer brought Katianna around here, I…she and I…”

  “Sorry, you did what?” Nicholas smirked, from his place by the fire. “Did you steal her virtue, Cole?”

  “I did not,” Cole replied. “But I may have kissed her. More than once. She may have run because she was avoiding me. I don't think Spencer knows, but she chose to go back to Earth, likely to stay faithful to him.”

  Her husband's romance before they met didn't bother Enya. But she was still put out by his lack of respect for an existing relationship.

  “Were you in love with her?” Enya asked, and Cole laughed.

  “No, it was just a thing. How do you say it? A fling. It meant nothing to me, but I get the feeling it meant everything to her. I know her, and that isn't her.”

  “Cole,” Alexander put his palm to his eyes, sighing. “Thank God you finally got married before you bothered the whole kingdom.”

  “If she's got magic to reincarnate,” Ariel said, “I could possibly feel the same thing from an old corpse of hers? If she doesn't just vanish?”

  “Do you feel magic on her at all?” Alexander turned to his wife, and she shook her head, sliding into his lap.

  “Nada. But there's so many of you around. Maybe I'll make nice and get her alone.”

  “My concern,” Peter said, speaking up for the first time, “is that if he is right, and some people do have the ability to do this, what if Father does as well?”

  Everyone fell silent at that, looking to each other. Cole had not considered that. They had killed old King Richard in a violent battle that no one would forget anytime soon. If he wasn't really dead, everything was for naught.

  “I will look into it,” Cole said, at last. “But really, I'm not sure.”

  “Be sure,” Peter stared down his youngest brother. “Our future depends on it.”

  Ariel leaned into Alexander's chest, her eyes staring off into the fire. He squeezed her shoulder, a small smile on his face. “Penny for your thoughts?” he asked.

  “I was just wondering if someone could learn how to do that,” she said, looking back at him.

  “We have to find out if it's real first, Ariel,” he said, and she shrugged.

  “I know. But if you do eventually go before me, maybe you could learn how to do that.”

  “One would think you are fond of me,” he said softly.

  She giggled. “Or I like being a princess. Either way.”

  “Either way,” he echoed, staring into the fire. This world was getting so confusing. No one stayed dead, except, it seemed, for the ones they wanted.

  Chapter 8

  When Katianna awoke, she forgot where she was for a moment. It was only after a confusing look around that she remembered she was in the palace of the dragon princes. And apparently, she was dating one of the nobles. She hadn't actually discussed their relationship in detail, but somehow, the idea of being with Spencer seemed like it was the easiest thing in the world. They didn't need to have a talk; she didn't need to post a Facebook status. She just knew that she was with him.

  Her stomach growled, and she threw off the covers to get dressed. Her Earth clothes felt inadequate, but she couldn't very well go to Enya and ask for yet another dress. She didn't want to be a burden, even if they assured her it was all right.

  She assumed that breakfast would be served in the banquet hall like dinner was. She followed her nose, almost sniffing for the smell of bacon.

  It seemed to be very early; the hallways were empty. She found her way easy enough and was happy to smell some sort of food. There were no guards at the door like last night, and she pushed them open, straining under their weight.

  There was only Cole in the banquet hall, surrounded by what looked like a feast. When he saw her, he smiled.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “Good morning,” she replied. “Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude.”

  “You aren't intruding,” he pointed to a chair near him. “We're just the only ones who have the sense to eat at a good time.”

  “Where is everyone else?” she asked, looking over the choices for breakfast. She was used to a buffet-style feast from the hotel, but this went above and beyond anything she had ever seen. There were plates and plates of food on silver platters, beautifully displaced and piping hot. It was as if the palace was expecting several hundred people, rather than just the ten of them.

  “Alexander and Peter are always up early. They work at the crack of dawn and never eat,” Cole replied. “Nicholas has taken Yvette to Earth, and my own lovely wife is still asleep. As, I assume, is your Spencer.”

  “We had a long day,” she said with a shrug as she sat down, “but food always wakes me up.”

  “Didn't used to,” he said, and she stopped eating.

  “I'm sorry?�
� she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  He smiled. “You don't remember anything about your previous life, do you?”

  “I remember bits and pieces,” she answered, meeting his eyes. “The wings on the side. And that we were friends.”

  “Sure,” he said, taking another helping of food. “We were friends.”

  She heard an edge to his voice and avoided his eyes. There was something about his voice that made her shiver.

  They had been friends, hadn't they? Was there something she was missing?

  Katianna closed her eyes, searching her mind. She was looking for a memory – anything that didn't fit into her current life. He was friendly, sure, and he was handsome, but that didn't mean anything, did it?

  When she opened her eyes, he was looking right at her. His yellow eyes sparkled as he broke the gaze. Katianna felt ice go down her spine.

  “Were we more than friends?” she asked.

  Cole smirked. “Well, if I told you, that would be cheating, wouldn't it? Or is that how Spencer has been telling you things?”

  She took a deep breath. “Why are you being so mean to me? Even if I turn out to be not who you all think I am, what have I done to offend?”

  “Nothing, love,” Cole answered. “But you have to figure it out for yourself, don't you? I can't tell you, and neither can he.”

  “But I know what I feel,” she protested.

  “Aye well,” Cole said, holding her gaze again, “love works in mysterious ways.”

  “How…” she fought for calm. “Didn't you fall in love with your wife almost by accident?”

  “That I did,” he replied. “She was supposed to be the key to my success and my destruction. Instead, she saved my life.”

  “That's quite a story,” she said. “So why is my story so unlikely?”

  “Hmm,” he said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. There were no servants today, no beautifully dressed butlers and charming maids. It was just the two of them, and she felt the expanse of the room. “I suppose it's not. But I've never heard of it before. And I know everything magical.”

  “No one knows everything,” she stood up. She had thought that it would be pleasant, but he couldn't stop attacking her. She couldn't sit here and listen to this, not when she wasn't quite sure herself. The truth was, she had doubt deep down in the pit of her stomach. And the last thing she wanted was anyone exploiting it.


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