Finding Mrs. Right
Page 14
Romero ran his lips over the tips of her toes and took his time as he moved to the roundness of her knee. His fingertips kneading the skin lightly as he felt her tremble at his teasing. Natalie didn't say anything. She quietly endured the slow way he was making love to her. In actuality she enjoyed the attention. It wasn't like they ever rushed through sex, Romero had always made sure she was satisfied and well loved before he took his pleasure. The bedroom was never the problem an d Romero was an unselfish lover. It made her love him even more.
She nearly came out of her skin when his lips touched her inner thighs. His hands were erotically movng around them, skimming her hips and her torso. Natalie caught them and clutched them tightly. Romero squeezed her fingers in answer to her question. A silent way of telling him to hurry and stop messing with her. He smiled inwardly, nibbling around the beckoning passagway that was more than ready for him. The sweet scent of her sex was calling to him and he pulled her slowly toward him, kissing the wet folds. Natalie's legs quivered and her hips lifted, anxious to get closer, but Reomero still didn't take the treat that awaited him.
When he did take a taste, Natalie cried out at the first lick, and she arched her back when he began to devour her. Making her pulse speed up and her breathe come in gasps. Her fingers buried themselves in his hair, loving the feel of the silky strands against her already sensitive skin. She moaned and writhed underneath Romero's ministrations. The knot that had been sitting in her womb, unraveled and every part of her became undone.
Romero held onto her as she moved underneath him, not letting up and contuined to pleasure her through her orgasm. Natalie thought coming could not be any more delicious than what just happened. Maybe it was the fact that Romero was showing her how much he loved her that made thier lovemaking all the more sweeter. Romero kissed the inside of her trembling thighs, and wrapped them around his waist as his manhood begged to be loved also. Natalie was ready to do to him what he'd done to her, but Romero shook his head.
"Not tonight, baby." he whispered as he settled his body atop hers and just held her there. The hard desk was ignored as she moved her hips against his, waitng for him to join them. "You feel so good, Nat." he whispered in her ear. She looked at him, his eyes imparting how much he would miss her if she'd left him, and Natalie didn't waver as he joined them slowly, her body accommodating him as she bit her lower lip. She refused to close her eyes, not wanting to release the eye contact.
Romero stroked the inside of her body at a slow steady pace. Each time he bought them together, it sent shots of electricity through her body. Her eyes fluttered closed as a set of fireworks were beginning and her body was already heightened to the point that it only needed a small amount of urging to go over the edge. Natalie came hard all over again, her skin beading with sweat as Romero held on to her. He stopped and turned them over, with his behind leaned on the desk, half sitting as he held Natalie up against his chest. His hands holding her behind as he still was embedded deeply inside her. Natalie didn't even care that he was basically holding her up and when her hips moved to ride him, Romero groaned, deep in his chest. He found her lips as he helped her move over him. He would have a nice red line on his ass, but he could care less.
"Ahh, got dammit..." he groaned. Natalie was tightening around him again and with each movement he could feel the tip of her womb as it rubbed against the sensitive head. Each time her hips came down on his, sparks lit and his arms were aching, but he was there..right there. His deep groans grew deeper, mixing with Natalies as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and both of them cried out as they came hard one after the other. Romero'squeezed her butt as he shot every ounce of his seed inside of her. It seemed never ending and he was still pulsating even when there was none left. He moved his hands to her waist, holding her damp body against this own as he caught his breath. He removed himself from her comforting heat and looked at his chair.
"We could have used that?" Natalie said through a sigh.
"Next time." he urged her to give him a kiss and Natalie smiled against his lips as he ran his tongue over hers. "Let's take a shower."
Romero woke up Natalie a few hours later to get dressed for dinner. After a shower that was anything but, she'd fell asleep and he finished putting his office together. He was waiting for her downstairs when she came down, holding up some of the fabric. It flowed over her body like water and when she came in front of him and turned around, he knew he would have a hard time keeping his hands to himself. The criss-cross in the back was the only covering as the dip of the fabric began at her behind and left nothing to the imagination except if she had on underwear.
"I think you should change?" Romero said thoughtfully.
"Why?" Natlie turned around. "It's beautiful. And sexy." she wiggled her bottom and Romero grunted.
"Thats what concerns me. I don't want everyone staring at your ass." he said bluntly.
"You bought it!" Natalie shook her head, which was flat ironed with her hair tucked behind a ear, showing off the sparkle of the two carat diamond earoring that adorned it. "Too bad. I love it, now you have to watch me wear it." she walked past him, putting an extra sway in her hips.
"Stop walking like that." Romero growled and followed closely after her.
They sat at a private table in the VIP section of the restaruant. The lighting was low and the smooth sounds of music came over the speakers. A single candle was displayed on the small square table, it's burgundy tablecloth covering it. Natalie was quietly impressed. They would actually have a meal without interrupton and although she was slightly tired from their make-up sex, she was enjoying this.
"This is amazing, Romero. You know you didn't have do all this. I would have been satisfied with an eight hour work day and apology."
"But then that wouldn't have been fun." Romero held out his hand on the burgundy tablecloth and Natalie placed hers in his. "You know what, Natalie, I had a thought."
"We could have made a baby today." he whispered with a smile. Natalie hadn't remembered if they used protection or not and although they'd skipped it a couple of times, she hadn't had any worries. If anything, they weren't having sex often enough to worry about it at the time. With Romero's thought, she squeezed his fingers.
"Do you want a baby now, Romero?" she asked.
"I'd love to start a family, but only if you want to." he looked at her, her brown eyes twinkled in the candle light and then a smile spread on her lips.
"Well, if it happens." she left it at that.
The waiter came out with their menus and wines that Romero had ordered for them and Natalie told him about her trip. The evening wore on a bit too quickly for her tastes. She felt so good about them and not a thought of Paula had passed her mind. Romero and she was all she wanted to focus on at the moment. Their conversation consisted of what he had to do to bring his work home and what she wanted to do with Quilt shop eventually. How she wanted to decorate the house and did she want to throw a House warming party. Every subject including children came up. Everything except for Paula.
"How do you feel about a honeymoon, Natalie?" Romero asked once they'd gotten back home and undressed, Romero didn't want to go to bed yet. He'd coaxed her into coming to the Den and sit to listen to the jukebox. Making her a drink, he turned on the old songs that he'd seduced her with the night they'd first made love. Natale cuddled in his chest when he sat back down, his deep voice vibrating over her skin. She inhaled the scent of cologne and him. It made her body warm and she felt the stirrings of desire begin. She was too tired to go at it, but that didn't stop her from wanting him.
"We never had one, did we?" she laughed.
"No, sorry."
"Why are you apologizing, Romero?"
"Because there were opportunities. I mean, once we realized we wanted this to work, we should have taken off. We should go on our honeymoon, Nat. Where do you want to go?"
"I got ti
ckets to Hawaii."
"No, that is a trip you can take Deann along. I want it to special and we can stay as long as we want." he sqeezed her shoulders.
"Italy, Paris, someplace warm and sunny. Lots of shopping and good food." she closed her eyes, her body getting comfrtable as Romero drew small circles on her shoulder.
"I like Italy. It's supposed to be Romantic."
"Mmmhmmm" Natalie breathed. Romero knew she'd fallen asleep and stifled a chuckle. He kissed her forehead and just held her in his arms, not wanting to let her go. He listened to the music and finished off his brandy.
Romero's thoughts went to a day when none of this was here. There was no Natalie, there was no Orange, and there was no compromise for him. He had work, a house and car, a scattering of companions that weren't worth mentioning. His mother. None of this would be here if it hadn't started with Rosario. She made him want to make her happy, yet he'd found Natalie and wound up finding someone to make him happy.
When dd he start falling in love with her? Maybe from the very beginning when he watched the smile across her face in the cafeteria and stared at her wanting to see it again. Or maybe it was in the elevator when she looked at him with an innocent desire that made her look away shyly. It wasn't like most women when they looked at him. She was embarrassed that he'd caught her and the women that he'd come in contact with openly let him know that they admired him. Either way, he fell and was elated that she forced him to get his head out of his behind. Who knows, he'd probably still be working tonight, not having a good meal, and sleeping alone. Instead he had her soft body, her eyes that would look back at him when he awakened in the morning, and someone to share breakfast with.
Romero shifted her until she was securely in his arms and picked her up. Natalie didn't so much as move as he carried her to their bed. He laid her down and climbed in next to her, covering them both up. He pulled her securely in a spoon position, kissing her shoulders before he felt Orange jump on the bed and curl up at their feet. Romero lifted his head and looked at the cat.
"You're happy she's home too, huh?"
Natalie went into work the next morning excited to let Deann know how the show went. She had a special frame that she was displaying inside the store if they had won and Natalie couldn't' wait to put it there to see how it looked. Ater opening for the day, she began unpacking the quilts and placing the one that won on the wall where samples quilts were hung. A large square was bare that would fit the quilt. Natalie got her stood and began putting it up as Deann walked in forty-five minutes later. Smiling up at her once she got settled, Deann put her hands on her hips and watched Natalie finish tackgn it and the ribbon on the wall.
"I can't believe you got first place, Nat." Deann said, her voice registering her awe as she congratulated Natalie with a hug when she was done.
"Me either. I wish Grandma Lyn was here. She would have been so happy."
"Yeah, but I bet she is smilng down on you and cheering you on right now."
"You're right too." Natalie turned back toward the back of the shop and took out the quilt orders that they were working on.
"So how is Romero and you doing?" Deann asked, leaning on the table as Natalie finished taking out the pieces of fabric.
"Wonderful." she smiled happily. Deann raised her eyebrows and cleared her thoat indicating she'd like some details. " I came home to a changed man."
"Oh, so a threat of you leaving got his ass in gear." Deann laughed.
"We both know I wasn't going anywhere." she laughed. "But, he understood and I think that made me love him even more. He decided to work from home." she told her the rest of the evening, minus the make up sex that seemed to continue that morning. Natalie had left to work wishing she could stay home with Romero.
"I'm so glad you guys worked it out. So, what's some God babies?" Deann rubbed her hands together. "Between Romero's fine behind and you're sweet face, I can just imagine that baby." Natalie rolled her eyes.
"You never know...we'll wait and see." Natalie shook her head, remembering their conversation last night at dinner. She didn't know if they were ready for a family, and maybe it was too soon right now. They'd gotten over a major hurdle in their relationship and she was sure that any others that came wouldn't stand a chance against them.
Deann and Natalie continued their work day as any other and Natalie went home to see Romero at his desk on the phone. He waved her in and gave her a kiss as he held the phone to his chest.
"I'll be only a second." he whispered to her, kissing her again.
"Take your time, I'll fix dinner." She grinned openly at seeing him there. Natalie was ecstatic to know that when she came home, Romero would be there also.
"Okay, I won't be long, babe." Natalie left the room, closing the door behind her and went upstairs. She unpacked her dirty clothes from the trip and took them downstairs.
In the den was a passage way to the laundry room where Romero had the best washer and dry ensemble that Natalie had only wished for. She began sepertaing her clothes into the bins that were for whites and colors, checking her pockets on her jeans as she went along. She felt the slip of paper and pulled it out. Natalie knew she'd have to deal with Paula soon or later. She just didn't know if she was up for sooner rather than later.
Romero found her in the kitchen putting together a salad to go with their meal. He could smell the salmon baking and the herbs she'd put on top of them when he strolled in. He got their plates and picked out a nice white wine to go with it.
"Mmm, smells good."
"Well, I hope it tastes as good as it smells." she grinned. Romero gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and finished setting the table.
"Do you need me to do anything else?" he asked, leaning against the counter.
"No..." she whispered, wondering if she should tell him about Paula. She didn't want to ruin their vibe that was going on, but Romero was her husband and she wasn't alone anymore to deal with everything.
"What's wrong, baby?" he rubbed her back before letting his hand settle on her shoulder. Natalie looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "Nat? Please, don't shut me know I'm here for you if you need me."
"I know. I just don't want to ruin this."
"You can never ruin...this." he grinned. "Are you finished?" He looked at the fresh dark greens and she nodded as he took the bowl and bought it in the dinng room while Natalie got the fish out of the oven, putting it on a servng dish, she bought it to the table with the rest of the food.
"How was your first day at "work"?" she teased. Romero chuckled and shrugged.
"Quiet. I finished up early it was so quiet. No Marcie bugging me with phone calls, and even Golden hadn't called to ask me for anything." he had to fight the urge to check on things all morning, but he promised Natalie and he would keep his promise. "It's a change that I'm going to have to get used to." he admitted.
"I know, one day at a time though." Natalie laughed at Romero's look. "Workaholics they have that?" Romero stuck his tongue out at her teasing.
"Now that we got that out the way, Natalie, come on!" he cried, wrinkling his eyebrows. Natalie still thought he looked handsome and that cleft always made her want to kiss his chin. "Stop looking at me like that." he said quickly. "Before the dining room gets messy." Natale shook her head at his threat.
"My mother is back." She said slowly.
"I know." Natalie looked at him and wondered how. "She came to my office."
"I knew it!" she growled. "I knew all she wanted was money or something." Natalie didn't know why it hurt, but maybe deep down she had wanted Paula to want her again.
"Natalie, that isn't why she came she said." he reached out and grabbed her hand, rubbing it slowly.
"Well, how the hell did she know you were my husband. How did she know where you worked?" she questioned.
"I don't know, but I'm sure a little research wouldn't have made it that hard. Besides, marriages ar
e public record too." Natalie grunted and took a sip of her wine.
"So you knew all this time?" she twisted her mouth.
"Yes, but I figured you would bring it up when you were ready."
"Which would have been never if I could have."
"I know." Romero laughed. "What do you think she wants?" he asked.
"Besides worming her way back into my life?" Natalie was not in a good mood. It seemed all her anger was directed at Paula showing up. Romero could tell she was not open to a relationship the way Paula wanted. It woud take a long time before it happened. Paula would have to work hard just to get past the anger that Natalie harbored. "I don't know, Romero." she folded her arms across her chest and looked at him. "What do you think I should do?" she asked, hoping he had the answers.
"I honesty don't know, sweetheart." he said. "I cannot imagine going through what you did and even knowing that my father is dead, if he walked through that door, I'd be so happy to see him. But the difference in that is I knew he loved me and that he didn't leave me on purpose." They were quiet for a moment before Natalie responded.
"A part of me wants to connect again. Romero, it's the little girl inside me who wants her "mommy". Just her mommy. The one that would kiss the hurt away. Then there is the adult part of me that is hard and has struggled to come to terms with being abandoned and learn to trust again. To realize that she's important too. I just am scared that I'll be vulnerable and get hurt. I dont think I can take being hurt again. What if she doesn't stay off drugs? What if we let her in our lives and she slips up? What if everything is good and we have children, then one day she can't take the stress anymore?"
"Nat, that is a lot of what ifs. And you are thinkng so far ahead. But, you have every right to question her motives."
"I just don't know what to do." she ran her hands through her hair and closed her eyes.
"What does your heart want to do?"