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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 5

by Kelly, D.

  Maybe it’s the alcohol getting to me, but I feel the sudden need to ask him a question. Before I can even filter it through my head it just flows out of my mouth like word vomit, and I feel like an absolute idiot.

  “Daniel, can I ask you something?” I don’t even wait for an answer; I just keep talking. “When you walked in tonight you totally checked me out, but when Jess came up to us you barely glanced at her. Why?” A very perplexed look flashes across his face. I’m not sure if it’s because he’s surprised I asked him the question or that I don’t know his answer already.

  “Are you seriously asking me that, Kate? You seem like such a confident girl. Don’t you know how breathtakingly gorgeous you are? I saw you with Connor when I walked in and just assumed you were Jess. When I was giving you the onceover, I thought you were her until he said your name, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. Connor only dates beautiful girls—that’s his one and only requirement, so to speak. I was really surprised he wasn’t going after you himself. So, when Jess walked up I didn’t care who she was, or what she looked like, because I had already seen you.”

  I know I have a dumbfounded look on my face, and I’m once again struggling to pick my jaw up off the ground. I have no idea what to think of him. I don’t think anyone has ever called me gorgeous, let alone breathtaking, before. Well, maybe Michael did, but that was a long time ago and it didn’t make me feel like it does when Daniel says it. I would definitely remember something making me feel like this. Even if it sounds like a pickup line, especially since we just met, I wonder to myself if he’s really a romantic at heart or if this is all part of his game.

  I know he hasn’t dated in a while—Connor had alluded that his breakup with his ex was messy and painful. I hope he’s for real, because as much as I don’t want to think about dating anyone again, I find myself very drawn to Daniel and really want to get to know him better.

  I have to say something before he thinks I’m a complete idiot. “So why is it okay for you to ogle Connor’s dates? If you had known I wasn’t Jess when you walked up then you wouldn’t have ogled me? Or would you have been more tasteful and not come off as such a Neanderthal?” Daniel laughs and it’s followed by a brilliant megawatt smile.

  “I guess you can just chalk it up to payback. Connor wasn’t very nice to Vanessa, my ex, and he would always look her up and down—not because of the way she looked, but because he wanted her to feel inferior. Vanessa was very controlling, and for some reason Connor intimidated her. I guess checking you out was my way of getting a small amount of payback, only you weren’t Jess and the whole thing kind of bit me in the ass. I’m not typically such a caveman, I swear. I’m usually very respectful to women. My parents are very respectful of each other, and over the years my mom has taught me well. If she would have seen how I was checking you out she would have slapped me upside the head and asked me where my manners had gone.

  “Although, to answer your question, as much as I hate to admit it, I think I would’ve looked at you the same way had I known who you were. Not for a lack of respect for you, but because I’ve honestly never seen another girl that has made my heart skip a beat the way you did. So the way I figure it, we have two options. Option A - We can get to know each other and hope we get along, because for the first time in a long time I realize I want to have a woman’s company again. Or Option B- We can go upstairs to the guest room and see if we’re sexually compatible, which I’m sure we will be, and chalk this up to a fun night, but I’ll leave the decision to you, my lady.” Daniel finishes the last sentence looking deeply into my eyes, but he has a dancing glimmer in his as he winks at me.

  I can’t stop myself from laughing as I slap him lightly on the arm. He’s got a sense of humor which is my favorite quality in a man. “As much as I would love to take you up on option B, I didn’t have time to shave my legs tonight since this ‘date’ was sprung on me, so I guess we’re stuck with option A. So let’s make the most of getting to know each other. First order of business, I need another drink.”

  Daniel takes my cup and lightly brushes his fingertips against mine. I feel something I’ve never felt before—electric tingles. This is the second time we’ve shocked one another when we touch. You can’t really feel tingles from someone’s touch, can you?

  Daniel stands up. “What are you drinking?” he asks me.

  “Vodka and orange juice, or just a shot of vodka, either is fine.”

  He slowly cracks a grin. He looks as if he wants to say something but he doesn’t. “I’ll be right back with your vodka, don’t go anywhere.”

  I smile and watch him walk away, thinking to myself how good he looks from behind. Okay, Kate, snap out of it. Just a few minutes ago you thought he was an arrogant ass and now you’re watching him with such a feeling of lust you would think you’ve never had sex before. Somehow, though, I don’t think I’ve had the kind of sex I would have with Daniel. If the reaction I got from him brushing his fingertips against mine is any indication of what it would feel like to be with him, I think I might be in some serious trouble. I have never lusted after anyone before. I’ve been in love, but this is different, and the feeling scares me. I think I could really lose myself in Daniel, even if it’s just for one night. I need to snap back to reality. He should be back soon and I’m being utterly ridiculous.

  Chapter 3 – Daniel

  When Connor called and asked me to come down a day early, all I wanted to do was say no. Then when Connor told me why he wanted me to come down early, I did say no, but Connor said he really needed this favor and I knew I couldn’t turn him down. I’ve known Connor long enough that I could hear the desperation in his voice. I couldn’t leave him hanging.

  My best friends are Connor, Jake, and Mike, who works with me at my family business. Connor, Jake, and I have known each other since we were toddlers. We met Mike my junior year of college and have been friends ever since. Jake’s fiancée is April; they’ve been together since high school. Mike dates on and off but doesn’t hide the fact that his last girlfriend wronged him in a way that is unforgivable. He’s not interested in anything more than casually hooking up with girls he can be less than nice to. Mike has never told us what happened, and since we’re guys we don’t ask. I’m sure he knows he can talk to us if he needs to. So that leaves me. Connor has been riding my ass for months about moving on from Vanessa but I’m just not ready yet.

  Driving down from Santa Barbara is always a pain on a Friday night. Eventually, I get stuck in bumper to bumper traffic and that puts a damper on my already crappy mood. By the time I arrive, I’m seriously regretting giving into Connor. I’m just not ready to meet women. It’s one thing that I agreed to come out for a small intimate party tomorrow, but to hang out with her all night tonight is a lot more of a commitment. I know I have to be nice to her because she’s Connor’s friend, and from the way he talks about Jess, I think Connor might actually be ready to settle down with someone.

  If that’s the case, Kate will become a part of our group by extension. I have no choice but to be nice, even if it kills me. I’m happy Connor found someone he seems to be into, because with him it’s usually ‘wham bam thank you ma’am.’ Connor is attractive, rich, athletic, and smart which means girls are practically beating each other to get to him. Most of the time they’re just looking for a rich guy, or a party guy, and although Connor gets off on the attention, all he’s ever really wanted is to find a girl he can just be himself with. I’m hoping Jess is that girl for him.

  By the time I pull up to Connor’s house in Brentwood, I’m irritated from the drive, and frustrated at myself for letting him set me up with some girl. If this ends up being just another booty call, I’m going to be pissed. I find a place to park and make my way inside the house; I can use a really strong drink. I spot Connor over by the kitchen waving to me. He’s standing with quite possibly the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life.

  It figures that the girl Connor thinks may be ‘the one’ tak
es my breath away. Son of a bitch. I sort of hope it doesn’t work out with them so I can have a shot with her. Fuck, now I want to kick my own ass because that’s a really douche thing to even think. I need a drink because this is going to be one long fucking night. As I approach them, I can’t help but look her up and down. I know I’m being overly obvious but she’s gorgeous. I barely even hear Connor making the introductions. Tuning myself back to reality, I realize he said her name is Kate.

  Holy fuck, this is the girl he’s setting me up with? For the first time since Vanessa, it’s like someone flipped a switch on my libido. I can’t even imagine what Jess must look like because Kate is quite literally breathtaking. I have never seen such emerald green eyes in all my life. Her body is incredible. She’s wearing an outfit that hugs every single curve—damn she’s sexy. Kate isn’t thin but she’s definitely not fat—she’s short and built like a softball player, or maybe a gymnast. I can’t help but imagine the things she could do to me in bed. When Connor finishes the introductions, I look back up and see that she’s angry or irritated with me. I know I look like a huge jerk, checking her out the way that I did. However, while I’m making small talk I notice that she’s checking me out as well. Maybe I’m not such a jerk after all.

  When Jess joins us and introductions are made, Connor and I excuse ourselves to use the bathroom. I hate to look like a couple of chicks, but I was on the road for over two hours and downed a coffee from Starbucks on the way. I worked a sixty-hour week and I’m exhausted.

  Once we’re out of earshot of the girls, Connor nudges me on the shoulder. “So, man, what do you think? Did I do you proud or what?”

  “Well, that depends on if you’re talking about hooking me up with Kate or you finally finding a girl that seems like she could finally make you settle down for a bit.”

  “I’m actually talking about setting you up with Kate, but I’m glad you think Jess is a keeper, too.” Connor laughs.

  “Kate is gorgeous. She’s definitely my kind of girl—sarcasm, humor, good looking, and obviously athletic. Why aren’t you with her, or please don’t tell me you already were?”

  “Come on, Daniel, you know I’m not like Mike; I would never sleep with a girl and pass her to you. How can you even respect a girl that bounces from friend to friend? ”

  “Well, you’ve known her since last year, so what’s the deal?”

  “Kate and I hit it off right away. She’s truly amazing, but as cute as she is, she just isn’t my type. Sure, I thought about it. Who wouldn’t? But you know I like them tall and leggy. Honestly, though, Kate is so real, open, and honest I couldn’t imagine hurting her. She’s like the sister I never had, and I wouldn’t want to mess that up just for a piece of ass. I just can’t believe with all the studying and hanging out we did last year that I never met Jess. I actually thought about you for Kate when I first met her but you were dating Vanessa. Once it ended with the two of you, I couldn’t introduce you guys because you were a mess. It’s time, Daniel. You’ve had plenty of time to get over Vanessa, even if you don’t realize it.”

  Connor looks at me with a serious face and I open up to him, “I didn’t think I would ever be over Vanessa and her duplicitous ways. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think Kate is just what I need to make me forget about Vanessa for good, but I don’t want to come on too strong.”

  “Daniel, you may not want to come on too strong but don’t be an ass, either. Kate may put up with it for now because she’s doing me and Jess a favor, but she won’t put up with it all night. Kate’s not the type of girl to take shit from anyone, so don’t blow it. I don’t know the details because she doesn’t like talking about her ex, but she hasn’t dated in over three years. Her boyfriend dumped her the night he was going to propose to her. I couldn’t imagine getting engaged before college but Jess said there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that they would be together forever. I don’t think she’s looking for anything casual, so just keep that in mind.”

  When we get back to the kitchen, I take a shot of tequila and grab a beer. Connor and Jess take off almost immediately. I’m nervous as all hell—it’s loud and crowded and I really don’t want to blow this. I ask Kate to come outside with me and she agrees, which is a total relief. Turns out she doesn’t really like loud crowded parties, either. While Kate has her back turned, I quickly put a bottle of tequila inside my jacket pocket—you never know when you’ll need some liquid courage.

  This house is my home away from home. The backyard is luxurious and when I lived here my mom and I sectioned off the side yard and made a beautiful garden. Most people don’t even know it’s over here; it’s the perfect place to take Kate. We can sit on the swing and get to know each other. I lead her out through the crowd and into the garden. Kate takes in her surroundings and really seems to like it out here. We both sit on the swing and start talking. I pull out the tequila and take another shot, chasing it with my beer. Our conversation flows easily. She’s buzzed, and it’s cute—she gets chatty when she drinks. I’ll keep that in mind in case I ever need her to loosen up. Damn, I’m already thinking about the future. It hits me that not only is she making me feel like myself again, but she is the only girl that has ever made my heart skip a beat at first sight.

  I want to grab her, kiss her, and make her mine. Something has to be wrong with me—I’ve never felt like this before. It almost feels as though I’ve known her all my life. We talk about Connor and his parties, my mom, Vanessa, and of course how beautiful I think she is. Without even filtering what comes out of my mouth, I tell her we can either get to know each other or go have sex. I am a fucking idiot! What the hell is wrong with me? I brace for the slap I know is coming, but I must be making an impression on her, because she laughs and tells me we’ll have to get to know each other because she didn’t shave today. I think I might be in love. Whether it’s with her or her personality, I don’t know and I really don’t care.

  I have to take a breather and gather my rampant thoughts so I offer to get her a drink. When I take her cup, my fingers graze hers just a little, but it feels like little fireworks when they do. This is seriously insane. I’m letting this girl get under my skin and inside my head and I just met her. There’s no such thing as fireworks. Hell, with as many girls as I’ve been with I would know fireworks by now. More than likely, it’s the lack of sex for the past six months that’s getting to me. I just can’t shake the feeling that something’s different about Kate, and I desperately want to know what that is.

  It hits me like a ton of bricks that all I want to do tonight is sit under the stars and get to know this beautiful girl. I want to know everything about her and I want to tell her all about me. I can only hope that when the sun rises she wants me to stick around. I already know I want to spend the weekend with her, but it will make her special day crap tomorrow if tonight sucks. I take a bottle of vodka, a container of orange juice, and a pizza from the counter. I also stick a couple bottles of water in my jacket and head back outside.

  When I get back into the garden area, I see Kate just looking up at the stars. She’s sitting cross-legged and barefoot on the swing. She’s even more beautiful lit up by the moonlight.

  “I come bearing drinks and pizza. Are you hungry?”

  Kate turns to me and flashes me a beautiful smile, and I notice for the first time that she has an adorable dimple on one cheek. How is it possible for one girl to be so fucking perfect?

  “Thanks, I’m actually starving and could use a little food with my alcohol. Most people avoid eating while drinking, but I’m the opposite. I get sick if I don’t eat. I’ve always been a little backward, though. I’m probably the only left-handed person you’ll meet that does almost everything with her right hand. I use scissors, pitch, catch, et cetera, all with my right hand.”

  “So you are a softball player. I thought you might be; you’re built like one, or maybe a gymnast?”

  Kate laughs. It’s such a light but full body laugh and it is instantly my new favo
rite sound.

  “You have me pegged already, do you? I was a gymnast when I was younger, but I quit my freshman year of high school. I still do some light gymnastic workout routines to keep in shape or to let off steam. And no, I have never played softball, at least not for anything more than fun. What about you? My guess would be a football player, a defensive lineman maybe? Spill it… Enquiring minds want to know.”

  Is it wrong of me to want to put down this pizza box, grab her, and kiss her senseless? She’s fucking irresistible. Did I really just say irresistible? Hey, Daniel, you might want to do a nut check. You still have balls down there? Next thing you know you’ll have blue balls before you even kiss her.

  “Yes, football player all through high school, and a few years in college until I tore my bicep and had to have surgery. I was a defensive tackle, and pretty damn good at it, but it took a while to recover from my injury. I realized that I didn’t want to live a life of injuries and age before my time. When my doctor suggested I may want to quit, I agreed. I miss it sometimes, but I don’t think I had a career past college anyway, so it wasn’t that much of a loss. I was never one of those guys that let sports run my life.

  “My mom supported my decision but my dad never really understood why I quit. He thought I should have pushed and kept playing. He has a competitive edge when it comes to sports. He doesn’t understand why people quit if there’s still a chance to succeed, and that’s just one of the areas we differ. When the doctor says ‘yes you can still play, BUT if you do you could lose some, if not most, of the mobility in your arm’ it makes you realize there are other things in life more important than the game.”

  Kate’s looking at me with such an intense gaze as she very lightly puts her hand over mine. Her touch is so gentle yet so unbelievably sexy. I hope she isn’t generally a touchy feely person with everyone. I want this touching to mean something to her, because even though we just met, my body is responding in ways it probably shouldn’t.


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