Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series Page 10

by Kelly, D.

  We spend the next few hours acting like kids. We ride the roller coaster a bunch of times, the bumper cars, and the Ferris wheel. We play more arcade games than I have played in probably ten years or more. Riding the Ferris wheel is the best part of the day so far. Kate and I ride in one car and Connor and Jess ride in another even though this one can easily fit between four and six people in each cabin. It’s a long ride, probably close to ten minutes and we stay on it three times in a row. I sit next to Kate and put my arm over her shoulder. We have an amazing ocean view as we go around and around.

  “Are you enjoying your birthday so far?”

  “I’m having the best birthday I can remember in a very long time. Thank you so much for being here today. I’m sure it wasn’t easy to agree to spend a strange girl’s birthday with her, but I’m glad you did.”

  She leans her head up and kisses me slowly at first, but then she starts sucking on my bottom lip. She’s so fucking sexy, I can’t stand it. We kiss briefly until she starts sucking my tongue; now all I can think of is her sucking me somewhere else. I have to break off the kiss, it’s too good. I want her. I want to know what it feels like to be inside of her. I want to hear her scream my name while she comes. Fuck, Daniel, control your thoughts.

  “I’m glad you’re having a good time, so am I. As much as I want to kiss you, and please don’t take this the wrong way, I also want to make love to you, more than I have ever wanted to with anyone, EVER before. I want to pleasure you, Kate, in every possible way. But I’m a gentleman and this is fast. As much as I would love to stay up here and keep kissing you, we have to get off this ride. I just need to calm down a minute. I’m pretty sure we don’t need people pointing at my obvious erection.” She gasps and lowers her eyes to my crotch.

  Fuck, Daniel, where’s your filter? Damn it, now she’s going to push you off this ride. Instead, she leans into me, putting her lips close to mine. She brushes her fingers across my erection and I forget how to breathe as she whispers the most erotic thing I’ve ever heard, “I want to pleasure you, too. I want you inside me, filling me, holding me. I want to hear you call out my name when we come together. You don’t get to just pleasure me, Daniel, I get to pleasure you, too, and the sooner the better.” Holy shit. The ride is slowing down but I don’t care. I pull her in for one last kiss that is filled with passion and expectation.

  As the ride stops, Kate giggles, “Do you need a minute to compose yourself?” she asks sweetly, batting her eyelashes at me

  “Nope, I think I’m okay, no thanks to you. Come on, I need to let off some steam. Let’s go win some stuffed animals.”

  They have all your standard carnival games and we spend the next hour just playing and having fun. What we don’t expect, is that Kate and Jess are winning every single game they play. It’s like they have the Midas touch and can’t lose.

  I think our egos are a little bruised at this point. We always win these games and get girls ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the big teddy bear or monkey we win them.

  “What the hell do you guys do, come here every day and practice like it’s a sport or something?”

  Just then, Kate makes a great shot and wins the biggest teddy bear they have. “Nope, we’re just that good. They’re called skills, some people have them and some don’t. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, boys.”

  I grab her around the waist and spin her around she squeals with laughter. “I’ll show you who has skills later,” I tell her.

  “Don’t tease me with a good time, Daniel, unless you intend on following through.”

  Before I can even reply, she walks away and stops to talk to a little girl who is playing one of the games next to us. Neither her or her mom are having much luck winning, either. I notice the cute little girl is wearing a birthday crown. We walk over to them and listen to Kate talking to her.

  “Happy Birthday, Lauren! I bet you didn’t know today is my birthday, too.”

  The little girl looks up at her with the biggest brown eyes. “Really, Kate? That’s so cool, we have the same birthday!”

  “Yes, it is really cool. Let me introduce you to my friends. This is Jess, Connor, and Daniel. Guys, this is Lauren.”

  “Hi, Lauren, it’s nice to meet you, happy birthday.” We all say it practically in unison. She’s such a cute little girl and her crown says she’s six.

  Lauren giggles. “Kate, is one of these boys your boyfriend?”

  Kate looks at me and blushes. “Not yet, but I’m working on it.”

  Lauren looks directly at me; I think she’s figured out Connor’s with Jess since they’re holding hands. “Do you want to be Kate’s boyfriend or are you just a boy who’s her friend?”

  Kate opens her mouth to answer but I cut her off, this is my chance. “Well, Lauren, I haven’t known Kate long but I would very much like to be her boyfriend.” Kate looks shocked but in a good way.

  “See, Kate, he likes you, too. Easy peasy. Now you can be happy because you have a new boyfriend!”

  “You know, Lauren, you’re a little too smart for your own good. We have to get going, but I wanted to give you this teddy bear since it’s your birthday. He won’t have anyone to play with in my house; I only wanted to win him so I could beat the boys in the games.”

  “Really? He’s all mine?” She wraps her arms around Kate in a huge hug. “Thank you so much! I will love him forever!”

  “I know you will, Lauren. We have to go now, but all day we’ve been eating corn dogs and funnel cakes, but I forgot to get some cotton candy and now I’m way too full. Here’s twenty dollars for you and Natalie to go get some cotton candy, and next week when I see you, you can fill me in on what color you got and how good it was. Sound like a good deal?”

  “Deal, I love cotton candy!”

  We all wave goodbye and head toward the car. I’m really curious how Kate knows Lauren and I wonder if she knew she would be here.

  Connor beats me to the punch. “Kate, did you know Lauren was going to be here today?”

  “Yeah, I did. She’s such a sweet little girl and she’s going through a really hard time right now. Lauren is staying with her aunt Natalie for a while, the state took her away from her parents. I can’t really say anything, but needless to say, she’s better off with Natalie. I volunteer at the community center a few days a week and last week I heard her say her birthday was today and she was hoping to see her mom. Natalie came in about the same time and looked like her heart was going to break. We got to talking and I told her we would be here today and asked her if they could come. I told Natalie I had some free passes at home and would bring them to her so it really wouldn’t cost her anything because I know they’re struggling. Natalie was a full time student before dropping down to part time and taking on a part time job in order to be able to keep Lauren. I drove down here last week and bought some passes and a parking pass so they could come today.”

  Jess gives Kate a big hug. “That’s my girl, always helping others. How did I get so lucky to be your best friend? Mark my words, boys. This world is a better place because my Katie Grace is in it!”

  That is really classy that she did that. It makes me realize how much of a truly selfish person Vanessa was. If I had any free time it had to belong to her. I happily gave her my time and love but never once did I see her go out of her way to help anyone else, not even me. All she wanted were Coach purses, platinum jewelry, and those red-soled shoes. I must have a complex about the shoes because I looked today to be sure neither of the girls was wearing them. I just really don’t want to be involved with anyone so superficial anymore.

  “Kate, I think it’s incredible you make time to volunteer, especially with full time classes. Not too many people would take time to make a difference like that. Lauren will probably always remember this birthday, and if she’s really lucky, Natalie will make it an annual thing like your mom did for you. Imagine how your one act of kindness could make a lifetime of memories for her. I think it’s awesome.”

one day when I take over my dad’s company I know all my charitable donations are going straight to your nonprofit so you better not give up on that dream.” I look at Connor, puzzled. He just shakes his head, indicating he’ll fill me in later. I don’t know much about Kate, but the more I get to know the more I like.

  “No chance of that, Connor. Hopefully we’ll be up and running in less than three years. Even if you aren’t a mogul you can donate your beer money every now and then.”

  Connor doubles over as if he’s in severe pain. “Harsh words there, my lady. I’m all for a good cause, but my beer money?” He winks at Jess. “I think I can give up my date money, though. I’m sure Jess won’t mind. After all, I’m all she needs. What do you say, Jess? Forgo the fancy dinners for a good cause?” Jess is giving Connor a really smug look.

  “I think we can rotate one donation beer money, and one donation date money. Besides, I’m sure I’ll be donating my time more than anything and that’s the best gift of all.” I’m really curious about what they’re discussing, but I know someone will tell me sooner or later.

  Connor’s phone starts going off right as we get back to the car. “Hey, man, what’s up? We’re just leaving the beach now, who’s with you? Oh, okay. Well, we’re going to barbecue for Kate’s birthday. There’s plenty of food if you want to hang around. Yup, seems to be going really well. Yeah, me, too. Man, I totally agree. Cool, we’ll see you in a bit.”

  “That was Jake. He and April are at the house. They’re going to stay and barbecue with us. I hope that’s okay with you guys.”

  Jess and Kate look at each other and nod. “Of course it is, it will be nice to meet them before crashing their engagement party,” Kate says.

  “They won’t stay too late; they have tickets to go see Wicked tonight. April has been trying to get Jake to take her for months.”

  “Oh, we saw that last month; it was really good. They’ll love it!” Jess exclaims. I think she should be an actress; she really has a flair for the dramatic. I wonder what her major is.

  I can’t wait to get back to the house. Jake and April actually did us a favor and brought over some decorations and are doing some decorating while we have Kate out of the house. Connor called Jake this morning and told him that Kate and I hit it off. Once Connor explained to Jake that I was really moving on from Vanessa, he and April offered to help make the day even more special since we were going to be out all day. I ordered some tulips and chocolate covered strawberries to be delivered after four, so hopefully we’ll get back just in time. As long as there’s no traffic we should be fine, considering it’s just about three fifteen now. Kate’s staring out the window and she looks a million miles away. I wonder what has her so preoccupied.

  Questions flow through my mind on the way home. How come I already feel like I know her? Why does my body know her and respond so quickly to her and yet we don’t know each other at all? If ever I was going to believe in the theory of past lives it would be now. I wonder if it’s truly possible for two people to be destined to be together, something pre-determined by fate that we have no control over. I would give anything to know what she’s thinking even though my gut says those are thoughts I don’t want to be anywhere near right now.

  Chapter 8 – Kate

  Driving along the freeway on the way back to Connor’s house, the car is really quiet. Admittedly, I’m deep in thought and not really trying to participate in the conversation. Funny how your moods can fluctuate in an instant, trigged by the smallest things—a smell, a song, a memory—all can change your mood. Being at the pier was bittersweet; I always miss my mom when I’m there. Seeing Lauren and Natalie made me feel so good, but when my friends started talking about all the good that could come from it, all I could think was, what if this is the only good birthday she will ever remember? Did I just do more harm than good? I’m trying to shake off the feeling by thinking about the day. It was a great day. For the first time since I was a little girl, I’m surrounded by people who care for me, that want to be with me on my birthday.

  I’m a little embarrassed about the comments I made to Daniel on the Ferris wheel; I hope I didn’t come off too desperate. Hell, I’m in shock that I said anything at all. That was so completely out of character for me. I can rationalize it by saying that I’m just horny or that it’s been too long since I’ve enjoyed the company of a man, but in actuality I feel that it goes much deeper than that. I’m terrified and excited at the same time. I know that Daniel is going to be a big part of my life and I could love him so very easily. The problem is, there’s a voice in the back of my head nagging at me that my story with Michael is far from over. I know that I still love him, even though I’m not in love with him. That fact alone makes me wonder if it’s smart to jump into this with Daniel. I don’t think I could ever be with Michael again. I hate him as much, if not more, than I care for him, but until I have final closure is it fair to Daniel to move forward? I know Jess thinks that I’m ready for this, but it’s an internal conflict I need to resolve. I just need some sort of sign to point me in the right direction.

  Just as we get out of the car a delivery van pulls in. “I have a delivery for Kate Moore. Can one of you sign?” asks the delivery man.

  “I’m Kate Moore, I can sign for it,” I tell him as he pulls out the most beautiful arrangement of tulips and a big gold box out of the back of the van. I sign his form and Jess takes the flowers. They’re gorgeous! I give him a tip and take the box from him. It’s from Shari’s Berries. I love chocolate covered strawberries! I open the card as we walk up the driveway.


  Happy Birthday to the only girl that’s ever made my heart skip a beat. Thank you for sharing your special day with me. I hope all of your wishes come true today and forever more. May this be the 1st of many days we spend together.

  All my love,


  I’m utterly speechless. Where did this perfect man come from? I just asked for a sign, didn’t I? Well I think I just got it. I have tears streaming down my face, happy tears, but how embarrassing. Now he’s going to know I cry at the drop of a hat.

  “Kate, sweetheart, why are you crying? Are you okay?” Of course Daniel asks that as if on cue.

  Before I can answer, Jess answers for me, laughing, “Of course she’s fine, those are her happy tears. You should know, Daniel, Kate cries at everything—sad movies, happy movies, Oprah, Ellen, the NFL draft, anything that makes her happy or sad the tears will flow; she’s like a freaking faucet. Don’t even think about watching UP with her, seriously, you’ll totally regret it”

  I groan. She really didn’t have to go there. Daniel wipes my tears and asks, “I get it, and I’m glad you’re crying tears of happiness, but can I ask why you would cry at the NFL draft?”

  “Well, they’re all so excited and waiting in anticipation, you know those guys have worked so hard to get there. Then you see their families and their moms and the visible happiness that emanates from them. It just makes me so happy to see those emotions, those dreams come true for them, I just can’t help it, I cry like a baby every single time. Does no one else cry at the draft? I find it really hard to believe I’m the only one.” Laughing, Daniel puts his arm around me as we head inside.

  “I’ve never met anyone that cries at the draft, but I think it is pretty special that you do.” He kisses me on the forehead and I look up at him before we walk inside. Jess and Connor have already gone in, and I hear them talking to Jake and April.

  “Daniel, thank you for the beautiful flowers and the strawberries. I love them and I love that you thought of me today. It really wasn’t necessary for you to get me a gift, especially considering how generous you’ve been today and we’ve only just met.”

  “You’re more than welcome, Kate. I’m honored that you wanted me to spend the day with you. I wanted to do something a little extra special so you would know that you really mean something to me. I know it’s fast, and please hear me when I say this, I have no expectations f
rom you regarding what we were talking about up on the Ferris wheel. What you said was in the moment and so was what I said. What happens between us, when and if it happens between us, will be right when it’s meant to be. There’s absolutely no pressure, though. I want to get to know you and take our time doing so.”

  Those eyes, his voice, his beautifully chiseled face, and his slightly crooked nose all make me want him even more. The best thing is that he radiates sincerity and I can tell he’s one hundred percent genuine. I asked for a sign, I think this is it. Time to move forward and never look back. I’m ready. I know it and I’m blissfully happy at the thought.

  “Daniel, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world today. Not to sound cliché, but you need to know that I finally feel like I have met someone who could literally sweep me off my feet. I’ve never met a man that radiates sincerity and seems so genuine. I’m scared and excited, and if it’s all the same to you, I am still looking forward to going to bed later this evening and not sleeping a wink.” Oh lord, the look he’s giving me right now is burning a hole through my panties! Instantly his lips are on mine. His tongue finds mine and the butterflies in my stomach take flight. Unfortunately, we’re interrupted almost immediately.

  “Hell yeah! Connor was right. Daniel sure looks over Vanessa to me. It’s about damn fucking time!” Jake has made an appearance in the doorway and is yelling over his shoulder, I’m guessing to get April’s attention. He’s very good looking, just like his pictures. He’s an older version of Connor, just a little bit stockier; must be the years he played football. Jake and Connor both have the most amazing grey eyes, sharp jutted jaws, light brown hair with coppery highlights, and fantastic bodies. Where Connor is built like a baseball player and more of a pretty boy, Jake is built like a football player; he’s more rugged but both of them are amazingly sexy.

  “Don’t pay any attention to him, Kate, he’s just being obnoxious because he can. I’m April, it’s really nice to meet you. I’m sure you have figured out that this loudmouth is my fiancé Jake.” April appeared pretty quickly, she must have been worried she was going to have to diffuse a fire. Thankfully I know how to take a joke.


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