Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series Page 11

by Kelly, D.

  “I’m Kate, nice to meet you both. For the record, I sure hope he’s over Vanessa; I hear she was quite the peach.” I wink at Daniel as April wraps her arm though mine.

  “I think we’re going to get along just fine. It’s nice to see the guys with girls for a change. I can finally have some company that isn’t dressed like a whore and trying to get one of them in the sack!”

  I notice that there are streamers, balloons, and a Happy Birthday sign up as we walk through the house.

  “Did you guys do all of this for me?”

  “Yup,” comes Jake’s booming voice from behind me “The guys called this morning and said that things last night took an unexpected turn for the better. Daniel wanted to do something special for you, but Connor came up with the idea for decorations. I, however, am the master because I got it all done; you can just call me GOD.”

  April slugs him in the arm. “Some master planner you are. That consisted of ‘Okay, babe, I brought the bags in, now hop to it’ with a slap on the ass before you went to get your beer. It’s okay, Jakey, I love you no matter what, but don’t even think about having more than three beers or we won’t make it to Wicked. If we miss it, you’ll be attending your funeral instead of your engagement party, got it?”

  I like her, she’s funny. They’re really cute together; you can tell they’ve been together for a long time.

  In the kitchen, Jess and Connor have already started setting up food. They must have done all of this prep last night or this morning. I’m getting misty-eyed all over again.

  “When did you guys prepare all of this?”

  Jess smirks at me. “Oh, last night after everyone left. We have all of your favorites, too—marinated chicken breasts, corn on the cob, and baked potatoes with all the fixings. For desert, only the best for you—a chocolate cake with fruit basket filling and white chocolate buttercream frosting from The Bread Basket. Yes, I know I rock, but Daniel actually did me a huge favor and picked up the cake on his way down last night. Once the party was over we brought it in and put it away. A birthday isn’t a birthday without a cake and there’s no point in having cake if it isn’t your favorite!”

  More tears, I can’t help it. I’m a basket of emotions today, but then again I usually am on my birthday.

  I wrap Jess in a huge hug. “You know I couldn’t love you more if I tried, right?”

  “I know, and the feeling’s mutual. Let’s have a drink and get this party started!”

  Just then my phone starts to ring. Shit, it’s my dad; I can tell from the ringtone. Dead Man’s Party by Oingo Boingo is his assigned song. It reminds me not to let my guard down whenever I talk to him. I take a deep breath, knowing I have to answer it.

  “Kate, I know that’s your dad by the ringtone. If he starts with you, tell him to take a flying leap off a short pier. I mean it, today is the day he always fucks with you. No more. Tell him off—it will make you feel better.”

  I crack a half smile at her as I feel the tension in the room as I answer, “Hello, Dad. I’m sure you’re very busy today. Yes, of course I appreciate you taking the time to call. Oh really? Well I’m sure it is cold in the Hamptons in January, that’s why people summer there. I know you don’t appreciate sarcasm; I was just making an observation. Sorry if it sounded insulting. No, Dad, not trying to fight at all, just trying to enjoy my birthday. Yes, it’s today. I’m pretty sure, considering that’s what it says on my birth certificate. I know you always think it’s tomorrow. It’s okay, Dad, I’m used to it. That’s not necessary, why don’t you donate it in my name instead? Okay, well if you’re going to transfer it to my account I’ll probably just donate it myself. Thank you. In two weeks? Sorry, Dad, that doesn’t work for me, I know your schedule is tight but I’m already committed to a black tie affair. Yes, even in college I am making connections just like you taught me. Of course, three weeks sounds fine. Well, I really have to go, just email me the details. Bye, Dad.”

  Jess hands me a shot of tequila, “Down it now, you look like you need it.”

  She’s right, I do. I down it and immediately she pours me another and I down that, too. My dad sure does know how to push my buttons. He never wants to meet, I wonder what he wants?

  Connor comes up and puts his arm around my shoulders. “Hey, baby girl, that sounded more intense than the last time I heard you talk to him. Are you okay?”

  Even before I can answer Jake cuts me off, “Sorry, couldn’t help but overhear, but did your dad just call you on your birthday and really not remember that today is your birthday?”

  Sighing I tell them the story, “Every year my dad calls, sometimes it’s on my birthday, which he doesn’t remember until I or Jess subtly remind him. Sometimes he will call a few days before or a few days after. He gets the general time frame down, but even with technology and assistants he’s never made it a priority to know the day. We aren’t close, never have been. Our relationship has more to do with business and money than anything. We had a huge falling out three or so years ago and it’s gotten worse since then. I don’t like him, and do my best to not talk often, but I do love him because he’s my dad and the only parent I have left. As usual, he let me know he’s sending me an obscene amount of money for my birthday which I don’t want, but he never listens. Last year, I donated most of it to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. This year, I plan on donating it to The Autism Society and The Help Group. Why he continues to throw ten grand at me on my birthday every year is beyond me, I could care less for the money.”

  April whistles. “Wow, that’s a lot of money. Your dad must be loaded. Am I the only one here who doesn’t come from money?”

  Connor smiles gently at her. “Afraid so, but we know that you’re not after Jake for his money. Besides, it gives us the ability to say we have diversity amongst our friends.” He starts cracking up and Jake throws an apple at him.

  “Leave her alone, Connor, she’ll be just as well off as we are pretty soon. In a few months, April Simpson will be April Houston and the fancy degree she has won’t matter a bit because I want her barefoot and pregnant in my kitchen, pronto.”

  I almost choke on the drink Jess just poured me and Jess and I exchange uh-oh looks as April shoves Jake hard, real hard. “Jake Houston, we have talked about this and there’s no way in hell you’re knocking me up anytime soon. You better get it out of your thick head and quickly. Also, while we’re on the topic please get this in your big, fat head. I am not having more than three kids. I grew up in a house of seven children, you grew up with two. While you like being around my big family, you didn’t grow up in it. I did. God bless my mother; she has the patience of a saint, but that will not, I repeat WILL NOT be me. Got it?”

  Jake quickly grabs April and puts her on the counter; she’s a bit shorter than him so now they’re face to face. He grabs her and starts kissing her very passionately, and I feel the need to look the other way.

  “It’s okay, Kate, they always do this; it must be a high school sweetheart thing,” Daniel explains just as Jake breaks off the kiss.

  “Woman, you know I’m messing with you! But you getting fired up turns me on—I can’t help it. Marry me first—career, babies, I know the drill. However, you do need to get it in your beautiful head I want at least three, yes three kids. Pop them out, adopt them, foster them, one of each—I don’t care—they’ll be the very best of you and me. I want to see your beautiful eyes on our little girl. I want her to wrap me around her finger so tight I’ll never let her go. I can’t wait to have another piece of you to love, so excuse me for being so in love with you that all I think about is multiplying that love.”

  Oh no, I’m tearing up again. April looks at Jake with nothing but the purest form of love in her eyes. It’s a beautiful emotion; I want to be someone’s world like that someday.

  “Okay, Jake, just as long as we have it straight. I love you more than you will ever know. When the time is right, I can’t wait to grow our family, but right now I just want to enjoy being us fo
r a little while longer, okay? Now, you guys go cook us some food and start the fire pit so we can get to know each other while enjoying the view of all your sexy asses as you’re cooking.” April is giggling now and so is Jess.

  “They do have really sexy asses, don’t they?” Jess admires them from behind and now we’re all laughing. The guys start taking out the food, and April grabs a basket filled with plates, napkins, and utensils and follows them. Jess is blending a batch of strawberry-banana margaritas for us.

  Today is a good day. I’m starting to relax, maybe the tequila is already kicking in. Or maybe it’s because for the first time in a very long time, I feel really happy and loved on my birthday; even my dad didn’t fully wreck it this year.

  I grab the glasses, Jess brings the blender, and we head out to the backyard. It really is beautiful out here. This house is perfect, not too huge, but with a great yard which is hard to find in California unless you’re in an older house, horse property, or a mansion. The houses Jess and I grew up in were both considerably large, over ten thousand square feet, with sprawling lawns in both the front and back. Considering only two family members lived in each house most of the time, it really was a waste of space. My dad still lives in the house, although he’s never home. Thankfully, Chloe gave her house to Maryanne as a thank you for all she did for her over the years. Even though she can be selfish, she really does love her sister. I just hope Maryanne and her boyfriend settle down soon, get married, and have a family; life is just too short to waste.

  I settle into my chair as the guys are getting the grill warmed up. Daniel brought out some beers and warns Jake that it’s his second.

  “Thank you, Daniel, for keeping track for him. Jake, Wicked starts in four hours which means we need to leave in two and a half. I’ll drive, but I won’t go with you if you’re drunk. I’m only having one drink so I’ll be fine to drive by then.”

  April is cute. I’m surprised she’s so down to earth. I guess I had a pre-conceived notion of how she would be based on the kind of bimbos Connor usually hooks up with. Jake must be a little more down to earth with his female expectations. April’s a lot like me—girl next door kind of looks, about my height, with light brown hair and hazel eyes. She has olive-colored skin and a perfect complexion. She is a little chubby but in a seriously sexy way. She has an ass most girls would die for and fairly large breasts, she’s very voluptuous. Jake must like curvy girls whereas Connor likes them tall, leggy, and typically blonde. I think Jess may be the first dark-haired girl I have ever seen him with.

  “So, April, tell us about yourself and Jake; fill us in on your wedding and engagement.”

  “Yes, details please. I absolutely love, love, love weddings! Especially when the couple’s in love.”

  I practically choke on my drink. Leave it to Jess.

  “Well, I hope you haven’t been to too many weddings where the couple isn’t in love,” April says.

  “You’ll have to excuse Jess. She comes from a rather unconventional upbringing.”

  Jess rolls her eyes at me. “My mom’s been married five times and each one is a big to-do. Her last marriage lasted five weeks, so I don’t think she’s actually in love, more like lust the way she dumps them and finds another so quickly. One day I’ll get married to the man of my dreams, hopefully with no divorces in my future. I would hate to turn into her.”

  Ouch. Jess says that with so much venom, but if anyone knows how much Chloe has screwed up her vision of love, it’s me.

  “Ah, I see. Well then, it is understandable why you feel that way. Jake and I met at a high school football game our sophomore year. I was there with a friend who knew him and he just walked up and introduced himself to me. Jake sat with us through the game and at halftime asked me to go with him to the snack bar. I thought he meant for food. Instead, he walked me around back and kissed me. Somehow it was very romantic. It was only my second real kiss but it was so unbelievably great. Afterward, he just grabbed my hand and we went back to watch the game, holding hands the rest of the night. When it was over, he wrote his number on my hand with instructions to call his machine and leave my number for him when I got home. I felt weird about it, but I did it. However, I didn’t get his machine, I got him, and we stayed up all night talking. Within a week we were a couple and have been ever since.

  “I got an academic scholarship to UCLA and he got a spot on their football team. It’s strange, most high school romances never work out, but ours just did. I love him with every single piece of my soul and I know he loves me, too. After graduation he proposed, but we agreed to make it a long engagement so we could get settled. Last year we bought our first house. My mom didn’t want us living in sin, but there was no way I was moving back home. The wedding is at the end of June at the Bacara Resort and Spa in Santa Barbara, overlooking the ocean. The engagement party is in two weeks, which of course you two have been invited to; it will be so nice to have some girls there that aren’t my sisters! I never had a lot of girlfriends. Most of the girls I went to school with were jealous of Jake or trying to get close to Connor or Daniel through me. It’s easier to just have guy friends that understand Jake is my whole world and vice versa. So what about you two? What, or should I say who, were you doing before my boys?” We all laugh, she’s funny.

  Jess tops off my margarita and replies, “Well, I dated casually through high school. Kate and I have been best friends since first grade. We had another friend who we were good friends with from second grade up until the end of high school, but he’s Kate’s ex-boyfriend and it didn’t really end on good terms, so we don’t talk to him anymore. I guess you could say I had a semi-serious boyfriend my sophomore year. We dated for about six months but it just didn’t work out. I’ve been waiting for someone to come along that just gets me. Connor and I have fun together, so we’ll see where it goes. I’m not in any rush although I do feel like it’s off to a good start. Oh, and by the way, I absolutely adore the Bacara Resort—that is a great choice for a wedding location.”

  “Jess, I hope it works out with you and Connor. I’ve never seen him so head over heels for someone, not ever. As long as I’ve known him, he’s always just played the field. He may have kept one girl and gone out with her often, but never anyone serious, and he never asked her to be his girlfriend. I would say you’re off to a good start. I just hope you’re serious about him because I think you could break him pretty easily.”

  A look of surprise flutters across Jess’s face. “I have no intention of breaking him, just the opposite—I want him to love me,” she whispers so no one can hear but us.

  April winks at her. “Good to know,” she says with a smile.

  “What about you, Kate? What’s your story?”

  I take a sip of my margarita. “Jess filled you in on most of it. We grew up together, I dated my high school sweetheart until college, we had an unpleasant break up, and for the past three years I’ve thrown myself into school and volunteering while ignoring everything else. As you all heard earlier, I don’t get along with my dad and my mom passed away when I was ten so Jess is all I have besides him and Jess’s aunt Maryanne. I’m working toward a degree in child psychology but also getting a degree in business. I’ve been working my butt off for this double major; my dad thinks he’s humoring me by letting me pursue them both. His intentions are for me to work in his office and help take care of the business. I have no intention of ever working there. When he passes away, and if he leaves the company to me, the first thing I’ll do is sell it to the highest bidder. That company, coupled with his greed, has destroyed my family and I want no part of it.”

  Okay, that was probably an over share but I’m feeling uninhibited so I don’t care.

  “So, what about you and Daniel? It looks like that’s going well?”

  Hearing his name, Daniel looks over at us and smiles, I smile back. “Yes, I think that’s going very well, almost too well. It seems too good to be true. I haven’t quite figured him out yet. He seems very genuine
, and in all honesty, that’s hard for me to wrap my head around. The last truly genuine guy I gave my heart to shattered it into a million pieces and I have only very recently felt like it has been put back together.”

  As April finishes her margarita and sets down her glass, she reaches over and takes my hand in hers. “Kate, I’ve known Daniel since we were fourteen years old; I actually met him before I met Jake. Trust me, he’s the most honest, real, sincere, genuinely nice man I have ever met in my entire life. Even more so than my Jake, but don’t tell him I said that. Daniel has such a good heart, and he tends to give it away easily because he feels that everyone’s intentions are as pure-hearted as his. He has had other relationships, and for one reason or another they didn’t work out, but that bitch Vanessa took the cake.”

  Lowering her voice, she whispers to us, “Vanessa cheated on Daniel with Mike. It destroyed his relationship with Vanessa, and the only reason why the guys are still friends with Mike is because they saw it unfold. Mike was with a girl that night who looked a lot like Vanessa. Mike got really wasted, the worst I had ever seen him. By the end of the night, he was telling me he was sorry he was so drunk but it was the anniversary of someone he loved dying. He wanted to stay home that night, but Connor asked him to come as a favor, to be his wingman, and Mike felt like he owed it to Connor to be there.

  “It’s no secret Connor hated Vanessa, so he intentionally hooked Mike up with a girl that looked just like her, mostly because he knew it would irritate Vanessa—she always thought she was one of a kind. Seriously, this girl could have been her twin. Well, like I said, Mike was drunk and went upstairs to pass out. Vanessa snuck in his room, and needless to say, he had sex with her. Mike is pretty loud when he’s drunk. Jake and I walked by and heard him moaning over and over ‘Debbie, Debbie, oh yeah’ well, you get the idea. When we came back, we saw Vanessa sneaking out. She passed herself off as the other girl and had the audacity to put her fingers to her lips and sssshhh us, like telling us not to say anything. We went to our room, called Connor, and asked him to come up. We explained everything to Connor and came up with a plan. We told Daniel his mom needed to help her in the morning. The last thing Vanessa wanted was to be around Daniel’s mom, so she made up an excuse to leave almost immediately.


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