Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series Page 12

by Kelly, D.

  “Connor ended the party early and we told Daniel what happened. He was devastated and so angry. We told him Mike was too drunk to realize what happened, but Daniel wasn’t so sure so they let it play out till the next morning. When Mike came down for breakfast, we just acted normal. Mike was off; he didn’t remember anything. The only thing he remembered was that she kept asking him to call out her name. Daniel and Vanessa put Debbie in a cab home, so Daniel knew Debbie wasn’t in the room with Mike. Vanessa had to have wanted Daniel to find out she had been after Mike on the sly for a while. It was so messed up, and as broken as Daniel was at that point, he was the one that sat Mike down and explained to him what had happened. That was probably one of the saddest things I have ever seen in my life, both of them crying. Mike tried to leave, but Daniel just grabbed him and hugged him tight, all while telling him it wasn’t his fault. So yeah, Kate, Daniel is one hundred percent the real deal. Treat him gently, please.”

  Holy crap. No wonder Daniel wanted to wait to move on. It’s hard to trust someone again after being betrayed; I know that from firsthand experience. Granted, Michael’s betrayal was different, but still a betrayal none the less.

  “That is really harsh. I’ve never understood the mindset of a woman that would do those kinds of things to men. Not only did she screw up her relationship, but she risked messing up theirs. The worst part is that she knew what she was doing. How awful for both Daniel and Mike. I can assure you, April, I’m nothing like that, probably the exact opposite in fact. I’m not into casual sex; I’m only interested in long-term relationships based on respect, love, and trust. Life is too short to give in to drama. I’m a firm believer in Karmic retribution that bitch slaps back harder than anyone or anything.” And on that note the boys interrupt us.

  “Ladies, enough gossiping, your feast awaits you,” Jake says with a very flourishing bow. We all head over to the patio table—everything looks and smells great. Once we’re all settled with our dinner, Connor starts talking about the engagement party.

  “So, Jake, Daniel and I were talking about the engagement party, and since it’s at Mom and Dad’s house we figured we would just make a weekend out of it. We don’t have classes on Fridays and Daniel’s going to take the day off. As long as it works for you, girls, we figured we could drive up Friday morning, stop by and visit Daniel’s mom, and then head to my parents’ house in Montecito. They already said Kate and Jess could have the guest house for the weekend, and then we’ll be up there to hang out with you two so that maybe you won’t be so overwhelmed.”

  April claps her hands excitedly. “Oh, that sounds great! I can add you two to my hair and nail appointments and we can make a day out of it. My family won’t be able to make it up until a little while before the party and I was disappointed to have to go alone.”

  Jess and I both nod. “I love pamper me days especially when I’m not the only one being pampered. I’m in, how about you, Kate?”

  It will definitely be nice to have someone do my nails, hair and makeup for the night. “Sounds like fun. It’s been way too long since we had the works. Now all we need to do is go shopping for new dresses. Do you have your dress yet, April?”

  “No, I had one picked out, but Jake’s mom hadn’t seen it yet, and when she showed me hers it was almost the same design and color. Even though it was a sexy dress, after seeing hers I just felt… for lack of a better word… matronly? I decided to go with another dress. I have this Friday afternoon off so I was going to go look for one then. If you guys want to join me I would love the company.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Sounds good to me, too. We can figure out the details later this week.”

  Jess is beaming; she loves parties and shopping. I sometimes wonder if she was a princess in another lifetime; she knows just how to dress and act in all situations. She’s saved me on numerous occasions from putting my foot in my mouth.

  We talk some more about the party and our plans for next weekend. Dinner is fantastic—so much so that we give the boys a round of applause for not burning anything and to boost their egos just a bit. Jess and April start talking about dresses again while I enjoy the view of the sunset.

  Daniel leans over and whispers in my ear, “Penny for your thoughts?”

  Turning my head, I give him a quick kiss. “Nope, not sharing them with you now, but if you’re lucky I may show you what I’m thinking later.”

  Daniel’s eyes seem to grow a little larger and glimmer at me. “Well, in that case, let’s get this night moving.” He jumps up from the table. “Come on, guys. Let’s get the table cleared and put the food away. I think we still have a cake to eat.”

  Jess pours me another margarita while the boys are cleaning the table. “I think you’re trying to get me drunk.”

  Smiling, Jess replies, “Damn straight I am. It’s not a birthday if you aren’t drunk. Besides, tonight should be epic, and a little liquid courage goes a long way when creating the most epic of nights.” We all laugh. Maybe I’m already pretty buzzed. I better slow down or I won’t make it to the epic part.

  Chapter 9 – Daniel

  I still hear the girls laughing; nothing like alcohol to make girls giggly. Jake’s putting the food away, I’m rinsing off the dishes and watching the girls from the window, and Connor’s loading the dishwasher.

  “Someone’s got it bad,” Jake says, laughing as he hands me another dish.

  “Why do you say that?” I ask him sarcastically.

  “Seriously, dude, I don’t think I have ever seen you look at a girl the way you look at Kate. You haven’t taken your eyes off of her since you got here. What’s the deal? Don’t get me wrong, she’s definitely pretty. Actually, those three girls out there are probably the hottest girls I’ve seen together in one place at one time. But what I want to know is what’s so spectacular about her that you have finally moved past bitch face Vanessa? You’ve been approached by equally beautiful girls before and have never once gotten out of your mopey mode.”

  Sighing, I answer him as best as I can, “I guess it’s like this, she isn’t just some girl where I’m wondering what her intentions are or why she wants to be with me. Connor has talked about her for almost a year now and considers her family. From the beginning, I knew I needed to like her because he was bringing her into the circle. What I didn’t expect was that we would just…connect. I think I’m a pretty decent guy and she seems like the girl version of me, if that makes sense.”

  Connor pipes in his two cents, “I told you that I knew the perfect girl for him, Jake, you just had such little faith that I could be right.”

  “So says my brother, the man whore. Considering the girls you have fucked in your life, Connor, I figured you were just trying to get him laid.”

  Connor fakes a shocked look. “Well, of course I was trying to get him laid! What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t? However, I was trying to get him laid by the right kind of girl.”

  “Speaking of getting laid, man, what’s your plan tonight? She’s very likely drunk already, or will be shortly. Are you going to make some moves tonight or just let her pass out and miss your chance until the engagement party?”

  Leave it to Jake to want to live vicariously through my sex life, although from what I hear, his is pretty fucking fantastic. He really is a nosey SOB. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m just going to play it by ear. Kate is extremely desirable; if I said I didn’t want to have sex with her I would be lying. It’s her birthday, though. I’m going to let her lead the way and follow her cues to see how the night ends up. I want her more than I’ve ever wanted anyone, so I’m fine to wait until she’s comfortable. Fortunately, I think she feels the same way, so maybe I won’t have to wait too long. I won’t have sex with her if she is falling down drunk, you know that. I’m not a womanizer. I may have had a few causal hook-ups, but for the most part all of my relationships have evolved to a sexual nature over time. The difference is I’ve never felt this connection before
with anyone. I’m seriously fucking drawn to her in some crazy-ass way. The feeling makes me want her more, but it also makes me more willing to wait for as long as it takes for her to be ready. So we just wait and see. Now why don’t you pick on Connor? I mean he does have his very first girlfriend and all.”

  “Simple, he’s my brother and I always pick on him. I know he got laid last night because he’s in a great mood, and so is Jess. They couldn’t keep their hands or their mouths off each other at dinner, but I’m not quite sure I buy the whole girlfriend thing yet. If they’re still together at my party then I’ll buy into it and tease the hell out of him.” Jake can be such a smug son of a bitch sometimes. Connor’s actually blushing, which is something I don’t think either of us have ever seen him do.

  “Hmmm. Maybe I take it back, baby bro. Are you really serious about her? She really isn’t just a fling to you?”

  Connor’s pissed. “No, Jake, she really isn’t. I’m not saying I’m going to marry the girl or anything, but barring any unforeseen circumstances, I’m going to stick this one out for the duration and see how it goes.”

  Jake whistles low. “Well, I guess that’s something then. Okay, lover boys, let’s get you closer to getting laid tonight. Me, too, for that matter. If I’m going to sit through Wicked I sure as hell better be tapping that ass tonight. Let’s get this show on the road—get the damn cake and candles already.” Just like that the conversation is over.

  Connor gets the cake and Jake puts the candles on it. I grab the lighter and light them as we walk outside singing Happy Birthday.

  “Make a wish and make it a good one, sister from another mister,” Jess tells her sweetly. Kate blows out the candles. Watching her lightly moisten her lips and then blow them out so slowly is seriously erotic. She looks up at me with a wistful gaze, so I go to her and wrap her up in a big hug.

  “I hope that wish was about us,” I whisper in her ear. She blushes bright red and winks. Yes! It was about us. Maybe she’ll tell me what it is later and I can make it come true. Jess cuts the cake and gives us all huge pieces.

  “Kate is going to eat a big piece and so am I. That means all of you get to eat huge pieces, too. Later tonight, I’m sure we can figure out ways to work off the extra calories. Besides, this cake is way too good to not pig out on it so Bon Appetite!”

  She’s right. This cake is really good, and normally I’m not a big cake eater. I’ll share some on dates every once in a while because god forbid a girl eat a whole piece of cake by themselves, but it isn’t something I usually go out of my way to eat. If I eat sweet things I’m more of a cookies, peanut butter cup, or brownie kind of guy. I might start making exceptions, though. This bakery had a ton of stuff that looked really good; it might be fun to buy some stuff to try out with Kate.

  I watch Kate eat her cake. I love the way she licks the extra frosting off of her lip. I really want to be the one to do that so I scoot over closer to her. Jake and April finish their cake and go inside to get ready. Connor and Jess are lying together on one of the lounge chairs, watching the sunset. Kate takes another bite and has just a little bit of frosting on her upper lip. I bend over, take her lip in mine, and suck, slowly tasting her—she’s delicious. She lets out a soft moan. Reaching up, she begins running her fingers through my hair, pulling me in deeper and exploring my mouth with her tongue.

  It’s a deep, slow, tantalizing kiss, and it’s I all can do not to take her right here, but this isn’t the time or place. I want nothing more than to bury myself in her, kiss, touch, massage, and lick her all over. I want to make love to her and fuck the hell out of her—make her come again and again while she repeatedly cries out my name. I want her to be mine in every sense of the word. I pull back slowly, looking deeply into her eyes.

  “Slow down, sweetheart. I want you more than you can even imagine, but I think you’re a little drunk. I want you aware and alert later before we make any decisions on how far we’ll go tonight.” She’s pouting, popping her bottom lip out a little bit, and crosses her arms.

  “That’s not fair. It’s my birthday and I want my wishes to come true. You should note I said wishes not just wish. That’s for my benefit as well as yours. I may be a little bit drunk but I’m in no way wasted.”

  “Your pouting is probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, but I’m not giving in. I don’t think you’re wasted, but if you don’t slow down you will be, then we’ll both be pouting because we’ll have to wait until I see you again to make those wishes come true. Be a good girl and switch to water or something else non-alcoholic for the rest of the night. Besides, I would much rather spend the night making love to you than holding your hair back while you hug the porcelain god.” She smirks at me.

  “Well, if I have to choose between the two I guess I choose sex; I am not a huge fan of hugging toilets. You should pay attention, though. Next time we’re together, even if I’m drunk, we’re still having sex. Drunken sex can be very fun, so I will give you sober consent tonight for any and all future drunk sex, capiche?”

  I slap a loud wet kiss on her lips and she giggles. “Understood and agreed. Drunk sex can be fun sex, especially in the beginning because you tend to let go of your inhibitions. Just remember what I said, I want you to be yourself at all times and that includes during sex. I want you to let those inhibitions go while you’re sober. Do what turns you on, tell me what turns you on, talk to me if you want to try something, and don’t be ashamed if you want to say something. I would never judge or think badly of you. Just trust yourself and let go with me and I promise I’ll do the same.”

  The door opens and April and Jake step outside. I whistle at them—they both look really nice. “Sexy people in the house! Who would have known Jake could scrub up so nice?”

  “Just trying to get used to being in a monkey suit, so laugh while you can. Soon enough you’ll have to scrub up nice with me since you’re the Best Men.”

  “Whatever, big brother, you should be more worried that I’ll outshine you in my tux and April will be so taken with my sexy self she’ll accidentally say my name instead of yours during the vows.”

  Jake doesn’t look too happy but the rest of us are laughing.

  “Sorry, Connor, but Jake’s my one and only, I can’t imagine my eyes being on anyone but him. Now can you please do your favorite sister-in-law a favor and move your car so we can get out? You’re blocking us in.”

  Connor pops up and kisses April on the cheek. “Sure thing. We were actually going to run to the store anyway.”

  I get up and give April a hug goodbye and she whispers in my ear while Kate says bye to Jake, “She’s a keeper, Daniel. I really like her and I can tell she makes you happy. Don’t take that for granted. Make sure she understands how much you like her.”

  I give her a kiss on the cheek and nod because she’s right, Kate does make me very happy.

  “It was really nice to meet you both. I can’t wait to go shopping next week. April, I’ll get your number from Connor and text you. Have fun at Wicked, Jake, it’s pretty awesome.” Jake flips us the bird and Kate bursts into giggles as she leans back against the wall and looks out at the moon rising in the sky.

  God, she’s beautiful. I stand in front of her and put my hands on the wall, blocking her in.

  “Did you know that your mother wasn’t a glass maker?” I look at her, puzzled, as a huge smile spreads across her face. “You’re blocking my view.”

  “No, I would say you have a pretty good view right now. I know I have the best one ever.” I slowly run my finger down the side of her face, along her neck, and across her breasts. I feel myself getting hard and groan.

  “What’s the matter, Daniel? Tell me what’s on your mind and why it’s making you groan like that,” she whispers in my ear and grabs my earlobe with her teeth and lightly nibbles.

  “In the essence of full honesty?” She looks at me and nods. I grab her, wrapping my arm around her waist, and pull her in close to me. I know she feels how hard I am, b
eing pushed up against her. “Kate, you do things to me in a way that no one ever has before.” I move her hand down to my erection so she can really feel it. She gasps, but in a good way, and it’s sexy as fuck. “I would like nothing more right now than to throw you up against this wall and fuck the shit out of you. I want to hear you scream my name and feel you come on my dick so fucking hard that you pass out from the rush.” Her eyes grow big and I think she’s scared. “I don’t want you to be scared. You asked me what I was thinking and at this moment that’s exactly what I’m thinking.”

  “Shit, Daniel, that has to be the most erotic fucking thing I’ve ever heard. Holy shit! I’m not scared, but I am extremely wet and turned on right now.”

  I hear Jess and Connor; they’re back from the store. It’s starting to cool down but the pool’s heated. I want to get her sober and upstairs and I think I know how. “I think I have an idea, do you know how to swim?”

  “Yes, of course I know how to swim, why?” Before she can protest I pick her up, peel off her shoes, kick my shoes off, and jump in the pool. “Oh my god! I can’t believe you just did that!” She’s squealing and laughing.

  Connor and Jess make their appearance and they’re laughing as well. “I’m going to get you two some towels and then I’m taking my woman to bed.”

  Connor goes inside and Jess comes to the side of the pool, not close enough where I can pull her in, but close enough for Kate to be able to splash her. “Keep your kinky foreplay in the pool, don’t bring me into it,” Jess says, laughing.


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