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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 19

by Kelly, D.

  “Oh, babe, those sounds you’re making are really turning me on. My dick’s so hard. I need you, Kate, so badly. I hear your breathing; you sound so turned on. Are you ready, baby? Slide your fingers inside and tell me if you’re wet.”

  “I’m dripping wet. I’m so ready for you. My two fingers are sliding in and out just like you asked, and my other hand’s rubbing my clit. I’m not going to last long. I’m picturing you, your fingers inside of me, moving in and out slowly, then faster and faster until I just can’t take it anymore. Are you stroking yourself, baby? I hope you are. I can just imagine how hard and perfect your dick looks right now. I can see the pre come dripping from the head of your dick. I wish I was there to lick it up, to taste you on my lips, to hear you say my name as I pleasure you. Now, take your other hand and gently grab your balls. Picture me stroking you, grinding on you, moving up and down just the way you like it.”

  Shit, I’m not going to last like this.. All I hear is her sexy, breathy voice hitching as she’s trying to get me off, but I can tell she’s about to come. This is so fucking incredible.

  “I’m rubbing my cock just like you do, squeezing it tight just like your pussy does. I’m going to come. Come with me, please.”

  “Oh Daniel, yes. Oh fuck yeah, I miss you so much. Oh god, ohohohoh.”

  I hear her screaming as she comes and I find my release. That was fucking awesome. Now I need another shower but it was so totally worth it.

  “Kate, that was the most amazing thing any girl has ever done with me. It was so erotic. I’ve never, ever had phone sex before but now I see what all the fuss is about. That was also a perfect way to show me you miss me, by the way.”

  She’s laughs. God, I absolutely love her laugh; I can just picture her dimples.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I did, too. Just so we’re clear, I’ve never done that before, either. I miss your touch and really wanted to thank you for being so sweet this week. I know this is going to sound awful, but I wasn’t expecting for us to do that and I have study group in less than an hour and now I most definitely need a shower. Would it be okay if we talk later?”

  Now I’m busting up. “So, just a quick hit and run, huh? It’s okay, I was actually on my way over to Mike’s. I’m surprised he hasn’t called yet. We have a business meeting and then we’re going to hang out. You’ve made me late and I need to shower again, too. Speaking of showering, that’s definitely something I need to do with you this weekend. Sex in water is so hot, but for now I’ll let you go and I’ll call you tonight when I get home. And, Kate, one more thing, I think I love you.”

  I know that’s a lie. I don’t think I love her anymore, I know that I do, and I’ll do anything to make this girl love me back.

  “I think I love you, too. I’ll talk to you tonight.”

  After my second shower, I arrive at Mike’s about a half hour late. I’m surprised he didn’t call or text; he’s sort of anal about people being on time. I’m so happy, I feel like I’m walking on air. Mike will definitely pick up on my mood as soon as he sees the look on my face. I still don’t know how I got so lucky to find this girl who literally fills the other half of my soul, but I won’t question it.

  “Hey, Mike, how’s it going? You look pretty confused looking at those plans. Sorry I’m late. I got held up.”

  Mike looks up and smirks at me. “Yeah, um, held up, huh? Where is she?”

  “She isn’t here, she’s at school. I just talked to her before I came over. That’s why I’m late.”

  “Talked about what? My guess is sex. So, how long are you going to keep her to yourself?”

  I know I’m probably giving it away with my ridiculously large smile, but I don’t like talking about sexual acts with the guys. I respect my girlfriends enough not to get into details, but I don’t have to give him details to confirm the sex part.

  “Yeah, I sent her flowers. Actually, I’ve been sending her a gift a day all week. I guess the flowers just really impressed her because one second we’re having a casual conversation and the next minute we’re having phone sex. Who knew it could be so hot? I always thought phone sex was kind of creepy.”

  Mike pats me on the back, laughing. “Welcome to the real world, brother. Phone sex is pretty cool if the girl knows what she’s doing. From looking at your goofy grin, she must know what she’s doing. You’re still pretty head over heels then, huh?”

  I let out a long sigh. “Yeah, man, a little more head over heels than I even want to admit to myself. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but someday, when there are little kids running around, I can tell them I loved their mom at first sight. And if for some reason the universe is cruel enough to keep that from happening, you and I never had this conversation.”

  “Sure thing, man. This conversation never happened. I’m glad you found her, though. I like seeing you this happy over a real woman who isn’t trying to play us against each other. That Vanessa shit was the nastiest mess I have ever been sucked into. That girl needs serious psychological help.”

  “Has she finally stopped trying to contact you? I know she was periodically trying to reach out to you.”

  “Yeah, that stopped a few months ago; I think she finally got the hint. She kept saying she had something really important to talk to me about. I told her she was lucky I didn’t press charges against her for stalking and to leave me the hell alone. Speaking of girls, I’ve been thinking about what we talked about the other day, and I started writing her a letter. I’m going to be downtown next week, so if I finish it I can just drop it in her mailbox if no one’s home. I’m definitely not ready to see her and try to talk to her in person. Hell, I don’t even know if I’m ready to talk to her at all, but I have to try to make this right. I miss her too damn much not to.

  “Good for you. I hope it all works out. Whether you get her back or you get closure, I think you definitely need to be able to move on and get out of your sexual rage.”

  “Seriously? I wouldn’t call it a rage. I don’t hurt anyone, not physically at least; rough sex never hurt anyone. I never had rough sex before we broke up and it’s just been easier to keep my feelings at bay if I never let anyone in close enough to have feelings attached to sex. I haven’t, you know, made love to anyone since her.”

  “Mike, rough sex may not physically hurt anyone when you’re careful, but emotionally you mess people up, man. I know I mentioned this briefly the other day, but do you remember that chick Misty you hooked up with at our graduation party? She was a really sweet girl. We bumped into her the other day at breakfast. Not only did she recognize Conner and me, but she said she had really made an effort to get to know us because she really liked you. The poor girl had no clue that you were just going to one night stand her. She was still a little pissed you never called her after. She didn’t seem like the type of girl who would do that kind of thing.”

  Maybe I shouldn’t have brought her up; Mike looks like he just paled a little.

  “Of course I remember her, she was really nice. You know, I wasn’t going to sleep with her; we were on the road to a really great friendship. Unfortunately, I was drinking and started thinking. It was around my dad’s birthday and I was pissed and sad. So when she kissed me, I went with it. I’ve realized I don’t cope with things well. I never used to push things away, I always dealt with them head on, but once I lost Katherine I just basically gave up trying anymore. I felt really bad about sleeping with Misty, but I didn’t call her because I really couldn’t explain myself without sounding like an even bigger dick. Look, I’ve known you the longest out of all of my friends and I’m only opening up to you now after all this time. Maybe someday I can go talk to Misty; I have always felt bad about that.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. I’m sure she would really appreciate it. So, speaking of girls, are you taking anyone to the engagement party next week?”

  “Nope, I’m going solo. I really want a fresh start, and until I resolve all my issues, I just don’t want to screw up a
nymore. I want her back more than anything, but to even get her to consider it I’m going to have to come clean and she’s not that kind of girl. Even if she can forgive what I did to her, I don’t know if she can forgive everything I’ve done, and before I could even try and move forward I would have to explain it all. Shit, my chances are really slim to none, but at least with some closure there will be some finality to it. I need this to be over and done with.”

  I feel bad for him; he’s been running his hands through his hair for the last fifteen minutes, he does that when he’s super stressed out. I don’t really have anything to say but I have to try and make it better.

  “Mike, if she’s the one, I mean truly the one you’re meant to be with and spend your life with, she’ll forgive you. If it’s not meant to be, there’s a reason why. I think the key for you is going to be patience. I know you aren’t a patient man but you’re going to have to be. The ball is going to be completely in her court. Maybe if you’re comfortable with the girls next week, you might let them give you their perspectives; they won’t judge you, they aren’t like that.”

  “Maybe. That’s not a bad idea. I know she has all the control right now, and I’m okay with that. I would wait forever for her if I thought there was a chance she would take me back. Alright, enough sappy chick talk. We’re men, damn it! And seriously, right now we have major problems with the plans for this new building. Turns out the drawings for the courtyard overlap into the neighbor’s property line. I don’t know how the fuck they screwed it up but the architect really made a mess of this. It’s going to put a halt to the entire project because the courtyard was the selling point for the buyers. There’s no grass in this place so this was supposed to be the highlight. The plans are off by a lot, Daniel, and when we tell your dad he’s going to flip. The whole project is in jeopardy. On the plus side, the owner of the land is willing to sell, for a price, but then we need to utilize the extra space. I think they could use it to their advantage. They can add more parking and a park, making it a more desirable place to be. We could also add a gym and make the extra space an all-inclusive place for tenants to work out. There’s a lot of potential with this extra space; it could be a blessing in disguise. Raising the homeowner’s fees would be necessary for the amenities, but I think it would be a solid selling point. I had one of our office architects draw up a couple of ideas. Let me know which one you think is the best so we can take it to the big man.”

  Shit, this is going to piss my dad off to no end. He’s threatened to fire that architecture firm before. This is going to be the final straw and put him in a piss-poor mood for the weekend. It also may keep me from being able to go see Kate. FUCK!

  “Okay, let’s look at these, because I have some serious plans this weekend, and if my dad thinks this project is in jeopardy there’s no way I’m going to get to go anywhere. Then he isn’t going to be the only one that’s pissed.”

  After about two hours of banging our heads together and going through new plans and old plans, we finally get a layout that will work way better than the original one. It seems like we can get the property at a fair price, and in all honesty, Mike not only catching this major screw up but coming up with a way better plan to fix it will open him up for a big promotion. My dad’s been wanting to move him up past this jerk he’s been trying to fire, so this should give him the chance. Most likely, we’ll get all our fees back from the company that did the designs which will more than make a dent in what we have to pay out for the property.

  “Mike, you really should think about going back to school. If you had an engineering or architecture degree you could really make a killing. I know you do well for yourself, but you have a knack for this business. Besides, the fact that you had this fixed a day before taking it to my dad is freaking incredible.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not sure I’m cut out for school. That’s something my dad really wanted for me and I never really felt it. I was happy to go and keep an eye on my girl but I was really doing it more for her than for myself. Telling my dad his son wasn’t going to college would not have been acceptable. I guess one thing I gained from his death was the ability to skip school.” He looks sad so I try and change the subject.

  “Well, this is going to get you big kudos with pops, and you saved my weekend, so I owe you one.”

  “Daniel, is this what you want to do? With your life, I mean. I know you’re good at it but does it make you happy?”

  “You know, it’s therapeutic for me being outside most of the day, I don’t mind it. Eventually, I know I’m going to take over and end up being mostly inside in meetings, periodically checking out sites when I need to. I’m really happy just doing whatever. There’s never been anything that I’ve wanted to do more and I definitely don’t feel forced, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  “Yeah, I was. I guess I just wondered since my dad’s expectations weren’t what I wanted with my life if the same went for you. I’m happy that this is what you want for yourself; it makes things easier, trust me on that one. So, you ready to eat and play some pool? I am seriously starving right now.”


  Last night was fun once we got the work stuff out of the way. Before I even got home, Kate sent me a message saying she was going to bed early and that she would see me this afternoon. I was supposed to meet her at her house at six, but my dad was so impressed with Mike’s plans he let us both leave early today. I already called Jess and told her I was going to get there early, so I’m meeting her at Connor’s to pick up her key so that I can surprise my girl. I figure some Chinese take-out, a couple of beers, and some fortune cookies and we should be set for an easy night in.

  “Well, it’s about time you show your ass up down here! I’m all for assisting in romance but there’s only so much a girl can do before crossing a boundary you know?” Jess gives me a big hug with a huge smile on her face. “And for the record, can I also just say that I’m not the only one you made an impression on, Romeo. Our girl seems pretty happy this week and that has everything to do with you.”

  “I can’t tell you how much it sucked to be away all week. It’s definitely not ideal to start a new relationship with so much distance between us, but I’m hoping that will change. We may have a project starting down here next month, and although I love my location up there, I wouldn’t mind spending the next couple of months down here if my old room is still available for me.”

  Connor gives me a high five.

  “Hell yeah! I can only juggle two gorgeous girls by myself for so long, especially when I’m only allowed to sleep with one of them. Ouch, Jess. No need to get violent. There’s a time and a place for that, angel.”

  Jess actually looks like she packs one hell of a punch and I make a mental note not to piss her off, ever.

  “Speaking of juggling girls, just a heads up, Mike’s going solo next week. He finally opened up about some stuff, and although it’s his story to tell, I’ll tell you this much—he’s going to try and make amends with his ex-fiancée. Says until he does, he’s backing off the chicks. I also told him we ran into Misty; he has some real regret there. Looks like once he gets his shit in order he may even go apologize to her. I hope he does. She was nice and really seemed like she might have been a good match for him.”

  Jess looks confused. “Why do you think he should go talk to Misty if he’s trying to get back with his ex? Wouldn’t that be a little counterproductive? I mean, Misty already thinks he’s an ass and I can’t say I blame her.”

  “Jess, I really hope his ex takes him back, but not only does he have to make up for breaking off their engagement and leaving her, but he also wants to explain his actions with girls the past few years. I don’t know too many girls that would look past all of that and didn’t want to tell him I think his odds are slim. What I did tell him was the truth. I told him if she’s really the one, it doesn’t matter what has happened between them; it will work out if it’s supposed to.”

  Connor shake
s his head. “Man, you really don’t believe that crap, do you? Daniel, he didn’t just break up with her, he cancelled a freaking wedding. She probably hates his guts, and who could blame her? I’m glad he’s getting his shit together, because as much as I love the guy, he can be a real douche bag.”

  Jess is shaking her head. “Well, I can’t wait to meet your douche bag friend; he sounds like a real winner. I know we all have that one friend, so I’ll keep an open mind and so will Kate. Is he coming down this weekend?”

  Connor grabs her around the waist and spins her in a circle pulling her close. “Hell no. This weekend is for us. We’re locking ourselves in and turning off the phones. Kate has Daniel and I have you. Mike can wait until next weekend to meet you guys. It will be better that way since you two will be looking sexier than all hell. Maybe he’ll realize he misses a woman’s company and get this shit with his ex over with and go talk to Misty.”

  We all nod in agreement. He has a point, it’s time to move on.

  I try to leave but Jess isn’t done with me. “Not so fast, lover boy. I want the details on this gumdrop business.”

  Connor groans. “Let it go, Jess. Kate said it might piss me off.”

  “Hell no, Connor. I had to give my name as ‘gumdrop’ at Starbucks and the perv behind me had the nerve to ask me if I was a dancer at the strip club down the street. You can be mad about that. Now spill it, McCormick.”

  I try and stifle my laugh, that’s some funny shit. “I can’t, I promised Kate. Don’t even bother protesting, Jess. If you want to know, ask her. I’m not the kind of guy who breaks my promises, especially the ones I make to my gumdrop.” I give her my best ‘don’t hate me’ smile.

  “Okay, you win. I’ll get it out of her eventually, I always do. Enjoy your weekend.”

  It takes me about an hour to pick up everything and get back to Kate’s place. She just called to see if I was going to be on time. I told her I was going to be about fifteen minutes early, but not to rush; I would just wait until whenever she gets home. Fortunately, she’s only about ten minutes away, so I’m sure she thinks she has plenty of time to come home and freshen up before I’m supposed to be here. Their condo is really nice; the builders did a good job. I especially love the way each master bedroom has its own bathroom. I can’t wait to get Kate in that giant tub of hers. Just thinking of the things I want to do with her in there makes me hard. I feel weird exploring uninvited but I want to get my stuff into her room so I don’t have to worry about it later.


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