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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 21

by Kelly, D.


  For the rest of the night, we talked about anything and everything. I found out her favorite movie is Stealing Home with Jodi Foster, which she’s shocked to learn I’ve actually seen since most people haven’t. We talked about sports, childhoods, her pictures, and Marc who she calls her soul –keeper—again not too happy about that one, more about my ex-girlfriend’s, and more about Michael. I’m a little apprehensive about him, but it’s not something I’m willing to share with her yet. I don’t know how I feel about her trying to rekindle her friendship with him if the opportunity were to present itself. That is just too much history to overcome. I would never tell her no, but I just don’t know what to think. For now, I won’t worry about it. After all, I’m the one that got to make love to her for the rest of the night.

  Now she’s off with the girls shopping, and I’m out doing the same with Connor, except we’re shopping for jewelry. I never realized how “important” engagement party pictures are, but all of us have been reserved the same tux for the night of the party. It’s fine; I don’t care what I wear as long as Kate is taking it off of me at the end of the night.

  “Ummm, Daniel, are you really sure you want to do this? Isn’t it a little soon? Are you actually going to give this to her tonight?”

  I’ve got Connor a little freaked out. After last night, I’ve decided to buy Kate a promise ring. I used my friend Google this morning and found the perfect one at a local jewelry store. I got her ring size from Jess with the explicit instructions not to tell Kate, and also clarified that it was absolutely not for an engagement ring.

  “Yes, I’m sure this is what I want to do. I love her, Connor, more than I ever thought possible. This ring is perfect, just wait until they bring it out and you’ll see why.”

  Perfect timing, here comes the sales lady with the ring I bought online this morning. All I had to do was come and pick it up.

  “Here it is, Mr. McCormick. We just cleaned and polished it for you, please look it over and be sure it’s to your liking before I box it up.” The ring is stunning; it looks even more spectacular than it did online.

  Connor whistles and looks at it appreciatively. “You’re right, you picked the perfect ring, not only does it match her eyes but it matches your tattoo. It’s unreal you were even able to find a ring this perfect without having to special order it or wait for it. Damn, I guess when you know, you know, right?”

  “I hope so. I just hope Kate feels the same way or it’s all for nothing.” I tell the sales lady I’ll take it and hand her my credit card.

  “Daniel, you know you could have bought her an engagement ring for the price of that promise ring, right?”

  I just shake my head at him. “This coming from one of the richest guys I’ve ever known? You know it’s not about the money. Who cares about the money? It comes and it goes, but this ring may never come around again in my lifetime. I would pay ten times this much if it meant getting this particular ring.”

  “Sure, I get it, but you don’t have the same money insecurities that I do. I’ve always said when and if I decide to propose, the girl is getting the most Cracker Jack of Cracker Jack rings. If she says yes and loves it anyway and wears it with pride, I’ll buy her any ring her heart desires for the wedding. If she turns her nose down at it and has a fit, I’ll know she’s not the one.”

  “I think one day you’ll change your mind about that. Seriously, you have to know Jess has more than enough money of her own and doesn’t need anything you have. Connor, would you seriously do that to her just because of your own insecurities? I think she might give you shit over the ring, not because it’s cheap, but because a girl as beautiful as her should not have to wear something so hideous just so you can prove a point. Would you walk out? I guarantee you, once that girl got over the shock of such an ugly ring she would still wear it. She’s all heart and an incurable romantic. Would you want to wreck her memories of your proposal that way?”

  Surprisingly, Connor actually seems to be thinking over what I just said. “If we get to that point someday, you’re right, I might get her the real deal; she deserves it for sure. If it’s someone else, though, never—they will have to prove their worth. The only person I would ever give a real ring to right off the bat, no questions asked, would be Kate. I would give that girl anything she ever asked for because she gives that way of herself all the time. Don’t look so shocked, Daniel. I love Kate, but we’ve been over this before. I love her like a sister. I was just saying that to make a point, you have the best girl out there so don’t blow it. I’m lucky enough to have her best friend, so I’m going to try not to blow that, either. Now, if we can get Mike past the ex and on to Misty, we’ll be set. This way, April will still let Jake hang out with us since we won’t all be single.”

  “Sounds like a good plan in theory, but I think Mike has a long road ahead of him. Loving someone like he did and having it get royally fucked up is a hard thing to put back together. You haven’t seen him, but just the way he talks about her is raw. I really hope they can make it work. I would have never guessed all this time he was in love with someone else just trying to push past the pain. It makes sense looking back I guess; I just hope she doesn’t break his heart all over again.”

  “I hope it all works out for him. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what he says next time I see him. I’m not going to bring any of this up since he hasn’t told me himself. I’m sure he’ll fill me in when he’s ready. On that note, I gotta go. There are a few things I need to get done for Jake before Jess gets back to the house. Let me know how it goes tonight with the ring. I can’t imagine she won’t love it, especially since she knows about your tattoo. What girl wouldn’t want the promise of forever? I’m happy for you two; I love seeing you both so happy. Later, Daniel.”

  “Later, Connor. Tell Jake I’ll see him Friday, but if he needs help before then to let me know.”

  I’m so nervous about tonight. All I can think about the whole time I’m shopping and setting things up at the house is how freaked the hell out I am over what Kate’s reaction will be. I hope by making this a romantic night, it will help ease my nerves. I’m not too worried about it being so soon—not after our talks last night—but there’s always a chance of rejection, especially after gossiping all day with the girls. Jess knows about the ring and I hope she doesn’t say anything. April would only encourage the relationship, so I’m almost positive I don’t have anything to worry about, but I worry anyway.

  Chapter 14 – Kate

  I had so much fun with the girls today. It’s been so long since I’ve gone out with someone besides Jess and April is so fun to hang out with. We all found our dresses on the first try, too. That seriously never happens, especially when shopping for formal wear. The minute each of us came out of the dressing rooms and saw each other we all squealed at the same time. Jess picked a floor-length black gown with a fully open back and very low cut front. On most people it would look inappropriate for this kind of event, but Jess fills it out the way the designer intended, sex appeal galore, but it still looks very classy. Connor’s going to pass out when he sees it for sure.

  April found a gorgeous midnight blue dress that is floor-length. It has a beautiful pattern woven throughout but very subtle since it’s all the same color. The dress definitely hugs her curves and she looked so damn sexy in it I might have taken her home if she wasn’t already Jake’s, the girl looked hot. I really wasn’t sure about my dress, but before trying it on the girls assured me it was perfect for me and they were right. I picked an emerald green floor-length satin dress, no bells and whistles, it’s just a classic look with a low cut bodice and a half cut back which my hair more than covers; it definitely brings out the color of my eyes. April actually gasped when she saw it and insisted that I buy it just to make her happy on her special day. Jess and I bought April’s dress as an engagement gift which she vehemently protested but Jess and I both dragged her to Jess’s favorite store already knowing
it was out of April’s budget. She loved the dress so much she finally relented. Looking for shoes wasn’t as easy as we originally thought it would be, though. We all found shoes to match but when I tried on my Louboutin’s April almost had a heart attack.

  “Kate, you absolutely cannot wear those shoes, even if they are to die for with that dress.” Jess and I exchanged ‘what the fuck’ glances. “There’s no way you could know this, but Daniel hates girls who wear Louboutin’s. I’m sure someday he’ll get over it, but he checks the soles of every girl’s shoes before he will have anything to do with them anymore. All Vanessa ever wore were Louboutin’s, and she would always weasel a way to get Daniel to buy them for her. By the end of their relationship, he felt like she was only with him for what he was willing to give her, which was pretty much the truth. After they broke up, the only thing he ever really said to me about it was ‘If I ever meet another girl in red-soled shoes, I will turn around and never look back.’

  “Kate, if you have any other shoes, or can find another designer, I’m sure Daniel would appreciate it. At least until you get to a point in your relationship where he’s comfortable with you and realizes you’re nothing like Vanessa and your shoe choice doesn’t matter.”

  Jess replies while I’m still thinking about what April just told us, “Well, she was one fucked up bitch! My god, could you imagine asking your boyfriend to buy you fifteen hundred dollar shoes? And that’s on the moderate side. I mean, if you don’t have the money, you can find a great knock off; you don’t have to make someone buy you the real thing. Damn!”

  “Agreed, I have lots of knock offs. I don’t have a lot of money, but I do have pride. I would never ask someone to buy me something like that, not even Jake. He insists that after we’re married our money is together, but he comes from so much and I come from nothing. I offered to sign a pre-nup so many times but he always says no. Even his parents refuse; they consider me one of the family. A few years ago, his dad put me in his will along with our future kids. I was not at all happy about it, but I understand. Rich people have to think ahead, I guess. I know they think of me as family, and I’m grateful for it, but my pride gets in the way when it comes to handouts. I have a hard time differentiating kindness versus handouts, in case you couldn’t tell. I know your dress was kindness, but in my head I’m already thinking of how I can repay you two for it. I know it’s a gift… blah blah blah… but expect something really nice from me one day is all I’m saying.”

  “Well, Kate, are you going to speak up or what?” Jess is tapping her toes, looking at me expectantly.

  “Yes, I was doing a mental inventory, hoping Daniel doesn’t go through my closet while I’m gone, but I was also figuring out what else I have or if I need to shop further. Do you remember the Jimmy Choo’s I bought when Chloe was in town last time?”

  “Oh yeah, the ones you spent all week breaking in and she didn’t even stop by and take us out after all? Kate, those would be perfect with that dress. You’re right, you don’t even need to shop anymore!”

  Turning to April I fill her in, “They are perfect silver heels, open toed and shiny with sequins. I have a gorgeous pair of diamond studs in platinum, with a matching bracelet and necklace to go with it. They’re very simple; I hate flashy jewelry. Okay, since that’s settled, you two find shoes. I’m heading over to the lingerie department to find something for tonight, I owe Daniel a surprise. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Hey, Kate, make it good. He deserves it, especially now.”

  I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean, but I don’t question it. Jess is right, Daniel deserves this and much more.


  I’m so excited on the drive home, thinking about spending the weekend with Daniel. I already texted him to let him know I’m on my way. I can’t wait to try on my new lingerie for him. I ended up getting a white corset with pink trim and matching garters, and also a black one with black satin trim and matching garters for next week to wear under my dress. I know most men have a weakness for garters; I’m sure Daniel is no exception to that rule. I also bought Daniel a really nice watch. I’m sure he doesn’t wear them often, but I thought it would look really nice with his tux next week. I had it engraved. I just hope he likes it. As I walk into the house loaded down with my bags, I gasp out loud. How embarrassing. But hot damn, what a sight to see. Daniel’s in my kitchen, barefoot with no shirt on. He’s wearing tight jeans, but the top button’s undone, and he’s standing over the stove tasting what smells like homemade spaghetti sauce. I’m seriously about to pinch myself because this is too good to be true.

  “Hey, sweetheart, how was your day?”

  “It’s better now. I could get used to you in my kitchen like this. Let me go put my stuff away and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  Daniel rushes over to me, taking my stuff. “Let me go put it upstairs. I promise I won’t look at anything, I’m just going to put it in Jess’s room. I have a surprise for you for later and I don’t want to spoil it. Is that okay?”

  I give him a quick kiss. “Sure, babe, whatever you want. I’ll just be here waiting.”

  Wow, he really went all out. There’s wine chilling, a small rack of JELL-O shots, spaghetti and sauce, garlic bread, and chocolate cupcakes that just need frosting. Where has this man been all my life? The table is set and there are candles just waiting to be lit. There’s also a beautiful arrangement of roses. Feeling his arms reach around me, I squeeze back, loving the way he feels.

  “Daniel, this must have taken you all afternoon. I thought you had plans with Connor.”

  Turning me around to face him, he lowers his lips to mine for a long, lingering kiss. “I’ve wanted to do that for hours. I missed your lips and I missed you. I’m glad you’re back so we can officially start our weekend.”

  God his eyes are like a Pound Puppy—so soft and sweet, but they’re twinkling with happiness. This gorgeous man wants me, I have no clue why, but I’m not going to question it.

  “I did go out with Connor, but just for a little bit. We just ran an errand; I needed his opinion on something. He had to go get some stuff done for Jake that’s a surprise for April and I think he wanted to get some stuff ready for Jess, too. Besides, I wanted to be here to do some things for you. This is our weekend and I want it to be special.”

  Reaching up, I run my fingers through his hair, bringing his face to mine. “Thank you, baby, it’s perfect. You’re perfect.”

  I kiss him, slowly at first, but then he parts my lips with his tongue and gains entrance into my mouth. His tongue dances with mine, practically bringing me to my knees with his kiss. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the burst of emotions I feel when he kisses me. I wonder if it feels the same to him. I hope it does, it would be a shame if these feelings were just one-sided. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I wonder if you find the right person if that feeling lasts a lifetime. Daniel breathlessly breaks away gently from our kiss.

  “Come on, I made something special for you after last night, I couldn’t resist. Watermelon JELL-O shots just for you.”

  “Just for me, huh? I think this benefits you in more ways than one, lover boy. You get me tipsy and you get to taste me, but what do I get out of it?”


  Holy hell, he actually just growled at me. Granted, it was low and under his breath, but it was kinda hot in a caveman sort of way.

  “You have no idea how much you’ll get out of it, Kate. Just the thought of tasting you turns me on, gumdrop, but when I actually do it… Trust me you’ll be screaming my name.”

  I notice some of the jello shots are fully set and jiggly and others are in liquid form; he must have had to make two batches. I reach for one of the liquid ones—they’re easier to drink that way and still just as tasty.

  “Uh-uh the liquid ones are mine.” God his smirk is sexy. He hands me a spoon. “If you have a problem popping them out you can eat it with a spoon.”
Screw that, I’m not taking the easy way out. I pop one in my mouth like a pro and hand him the cup. This jello shot is orgasmic; it’s not a regular shot.

  “Daniel, this is the best jello shot I’ve ever had what did you do to it?”

  He takes my bottom lip and tugs it with his teeth, slowly gliding his tongue across, and then takes me in deeper for a kiss. He pulls back, to pour some of the liquid in his mouth and then pours the rest into my mouth and kisses me again. This time deeper; he’s staking his claim on me with this kiss and he tastes incredible. I can’t help whimpering, I’m seriously about to fall to my knees. Daniel unbuttons my pants and slides them off with my panties. I reach out for his zipper but he pulls back, instead taking off my shirt and bra while lifting me up and carrying me to the couch. Only then do I notice the couch is covered with the thickest comforter I have in the house. Daniel goes into the kitchen to grab the tray of jello shots as I start moving the comforter out of the way.

  “I wouldn’t move that blanket if I were you. It could get messy over here.” Daniel looks down at me his eyes full of desire. I reach up to unzip his pants but again he moves my hand away. “No way, baby, this is all about you right now; here, have another shot.” I take it without complaining.

  “You never did tell me what was in these. They’re so good.”

  Daniel pours some down my neck and it trickles down to my breast; it’s cold and makes my nipple harden immediately. “See, I told you it might get messy. Guess I have to clean you up; it’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.” Oh my god this feels insane. His tongue is gliding down my neck, following the trail of liquid, and he’s kissing and sucking along the way. “Mmmm… I taste watermelon jello up here on your neck. Along your breast it’s…hmmm, yep, I definitely taste watermelon puree. This luscious nipple is definitely flavored by passion fruit rum, but it’s the secret ingredient that makes it so damn delicious.”


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