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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 24

by Kelly, D.


  We had the best weekend; Saturday was spent mostly in bed. We made love more times than I can count and just talked about everything. Daniel was so happy that I accepted his ring. I would have never guessed he was nervous about asking, but he confessed that he was really scared I would say no because it was so soon. There is no way I would have turned him down. I don’t care that it’s so soon; he’s my forever and now everyone can know it. Today we’re having brunch with Jess and Connor before Daniel heads back home. I’m going to miss him so much, but it will only be four days. Pretty soon he’ll be living at Connor’s house again and I won’t have to miss him at all. Just thinking about Daniel moving closer brings a smile to my face.

  “What are you smiling about, gumdrop?” Daniel asks as he grabs me around the waist, pulling me in for a quick kiss.

  “Just thinking about you moving closer and how happy it makes me.”

  “It makes me happy, too; you have no idea, Kate. The thought of going home in a few hours is unbearable, but it will only be four more days and I will have you for the weekend again. So, when did Jess say they were going to be here? Brunch is pretty much done, and if they don’t get here soon, I just might eat it without them. I worked up quite the appetite this morning, but I might be persuaded to nibble on you until they arrive.”

  I swear, this man makes my knees weak. He kisses his way up my collarbone, across my neck, and lingers behind my ear just as I start to succumb to his excellent idea.

  “Oh, no you don’t! You invited us for brunch, and although you might be all he needs to eat, we need real food!” Daniel groans and I look over his shoulder.

  “Good morning to you, too, Jess. The food’s ready and you’re late as usual, so we were keeping ourselves occupied.” She smirks at me.

  “Yeah, we can see that, but it’s not like you haven’t had all weekend to keep yourselves occu…fuck me, what is on your finger???” I hold my hand out to her proudly displaying my promise ring. “Damn, Daniel. I know you said a promise ring, but that is breathtaking, simple, and stunning.” The boys move into the kitchen while Jess continues to look at my hand. Suddenly, we’re moving and she’s pulling me out onto our patio.

  “It’s a big step, Kate. Are you sure you’re ready for all of this? Don’t get me wrong, I am really happy for you, but you have a lot of unresolved issues to deal with still and I just need to know you’re okay.” I wrap her up in a big hug.

  “Jess, I’m positive. I’ll fill you in on details later, but it’s been a weekend of awakenings and revelations, and just so you know, I told him everything.” Jess looks at me, wide-eyed and obviously surprised that I had told him about Lila Hope, and her eyes glass over.

  “Jess, it’s okay. It was a good thing, and it made me realize that I don’t tell you often enough that you need to forgive yourself. It was an accident, no one was at fault, it just wasn’t meant to be. One day, when the time is right, I will be a mom and you will be the best aunt ever.”

  Nodding her head and trying not to shed her tears, Jess looks at me. “I know you don’t blame me. I think it helps to talk a little about it. I hope you aren’t mad at me, but I told Connor about the accident this weekend. It’s just a part of my life I don’t want to hold back.”

  “It’s your life and you need to talk about it, too. I trust you and I trust Connor. It’s not like it really matters who knows—it’s not something shameful to hide—it’s just sad. With time, though, it gets a tiny bit easier. Daniel wants me to find Michael and tell him. It’s not going to be easy, but I need to tell him about the money, too. I don’t have any clue how he is getting by. He may have a ton of student loans about to come due and it might alleviate some pressure for him and Claire.”

  Shaking her head, Jess lays into me, “Kate you are too fucking nice. Just remember this, he left you, he cut off all communication with the both of us, and he treated you like dirt. Yeah, he deserves to know all that, but it’s his fault he doesn’t know it already. Remember that when you do find him don’t let him off easy. Make sure you give him a piece of your mind before letting him know you’re going to make his life better after all this time.” Jess’s voice drops a little lower and sounds a little sadder, “I guess that all the money in the world won’t cushion him from the blow you’re going to give him when you tell him about Lila Hope, though.”

  “Ladies, I hate to interrupt your female bonding time, but we are wasting away waiting for you to stop being weepy. Honestly, with the two sexiest men in southern California sitting twenty feet away I really don’t understand what you two have to be weepy about.” I wrap Connor up in a big hug and Jess walks inside to give us a minute.

  “You’re right. We shouldn’t be weepy, because not only do we have the sexiest men, but we also have the most understanding and caring men we have ever known. I know she told you about the accident. Thank you for being there for her. I know she holds things in that she is afraid will hurt me. It wasn’t her fault, it was just an accident.” Connor kisses me on the cheek.

  “She carries a lot of guilt, but she knows she isn’t to blame. I’m really sorry you had to go through that without Michael. I really, really want to kick his ass, Kate. There is nothing good that I have heard about that guy so far, but even so, he should know about his baby girl.”

  “I know. I’m beginning to see that more clearly now. Daniel really helped me with that last night.”

  “He loves you, Kate, like nothing I have ever seen before. He cherishes you, and when I saw that ring I knew it was perfect for you. I hope you guys are the real deal, because if for some reason it doesn’t work out with you two it might just make me stop believing in true love.” I giggle.

  “Since when does play master Connor Houston believe in true love?”

  “Well, it started when Ariel made it out of the sea to marry Prince Erick, and it faded somewhere around eighth grade spin the bottle where I realized I could have many Ariel’s of my own. However, most recently the belief of true love has reared its ugly head ever since watching you and my best friend prove to me that it really can happen.”

  “Well, I would hate to disappoint you, so I guess I will just have to get my happily ever after so you can believe again. Come on, let’s go eat before they both come out here and start yelling at us.”

  We spend the day watching movies and the boys end up staying into the early evening. After a long round of goodbyes, Jess and I both pretty much drag our tired, sexed-out asses up to our rooms and crash.

  Chapter 15 – Michael

  I have been parked across the street of her house since five a.m. I don’t really know why I’m waiting; I’ve already been here two hours and need to be at work in an hour. I guess I really just don’t want to leave a letter bearing my heart and soul on the doorstep. Deep down, I’m hoping to get a glimpse of her, my beautiful Katherine. I can only imagine how much she has changed, both inside and out. I’ve got my sunglasses on, my baseball cap covering my head, and the car I drive is new. I traded my Porsche days for a work truck long ago and couldn’t be happier about that. Katherine was never materialistic; she used to always tease me about being high maintenance. I guess I was back then and just didn’t realize it. Hell, I didn’t realize a lot of things back then. I was young and stupid and let other people’s feelings and accusations get in my mind and interfere with my happiness, which is why I’m in this mess. If only I could go back to that night, I would’ve never let her leave the hospital. We would have talked it out together and made sense of what happened.

  My thoughts are cut short when I hear a garage door opening. I peek over the edge of a magazine, trying to keep my face covered with just enough space to be able to see who comes out. Jessica is getting into a BMW SUV and she looks incredible. She’s still gorgeous, just older and more womanly. My heart aches when I see her. I don’t just miss Katherine, I really miss Jessica, too. How could I just cut the only people besides my family that I ever loved out of my life like tha
t? God, if I could kick my own ass I would; I’m such a fucking prick. Katherine’s Porsche SUV is next to Jessica’s car in the garage. Absentmindedly, I wonder why Jessica got a new car. She was over the moon with the little Audi Coupe she got for graduation from Chloe, but maybe she just decided she would feel safer in something bigger; I know I do.

  Okay, it’s now or never. I have to do this quick. I have no clue how soon after Jessica leaves that Katherine leaves, and I don’t want to risk her seeing me. Once Jessica is fully out of sight, I hop out of the car and sprint to her door. I really hope her neighbors don’t see me. I slide the envelope to where it’s sticking halfway out of the door and sprint back to my car. My heart is pounding a million beats a minute and it has nothing to do with the quick sprint to the door. My palms are sweating and my hands are a little shaky.

  I take a deep breath, start my truck, and head to work. The ball is in her court now—I just hope she calls. I think she will; Katherine isn’t unkind. I don’t think she would leave me hanging, even if she only calls to tell me to fuck off and never contact her again. I keep asking myself if I don’t hear back from her, what then? Will I try and contact her again? I know I will, so how long do I wait before trying again? I will wait one week; it’s been almost four years, I can wait one more week.

  I can’t wait to tell Daniel I finally did it. I don’t know where I would be right now without him. Daniel is like a brother to me. He is absolutely my best friend; his family is one of the best I’ve ever known. If it weren’t for them, I might literally be in a gutter somewhere. With their love and support, and the love and support of the Houstons, I feel like I belong. They have taught and given me so much, it’s time I show them how much I appreciate it by piecing myself back together. First and foremost, that means resolving things with Katherine. Once I fix that relationship, I need to call my mom and deal with her. Lastly, and probably the hardest one of all, will be Jessica. I say hardest because Jessica can hold a grudge like no other. I don’t think she will be an obstacle in trying to redeem myself with Katherine, but I don’t think she will open her arms wide to friendship, either.

  Oh well, one thing at a time. Hopefully, work will be enough to keep me busy and I won’t think too much about Katherine, if she has read the letter, and what she is going to do once she does.

  Chapter 16 – Kate

  It’s already Wednesday afternoon. This week has flown by. I’m running late getting home to meet my dad because I stayed late at the center to help Lauren with some homework. Natalie has been trying to pick up some extra hours at work so I offered to stay and help out. I need to call Daniel and change our plans for this weekend. Natalie is working the night shift tomorrow and has no one to stay with Lauren. I offered to have Lauren sleep over at my place and then I can just drop her at school on Friday morning. After that, I can just drive out and meet Daniel at his parents’ house. Although I won’t get to see him on Thursday, this actually works out better. I know how crazy things are for him at work right now. Since he got approved for his transfer down here, he’s been working fifteen-hour days. We really haven’t even talked much since he left on Sunday and I miss him. Random text message conversations are not the same, but once my dad leaves tonight, we are supposed to catch up. I can’t wait, and I’m sure I’ll need the release once I’m done talking to him. With the change in plans, he’ll get the chance to get a really good night’s sleep on Thursday and not have to drive all the way down here.

  I’m nervous. It’s been a while since I have seen my dad, and it’s typically awkward with the two of us, so this night is going to go on forever. Jess called a little while ago. She and Connor are at the house. Apparently, they have set up a baby monitor somewhere discrete so they can hear what is going on and intervene if necessary. Connor promised Daniel he would watch like a hawk, and since I banned them from being in the room, this is the next best thing. My dad and I pull up at about the same time. I really wish I would have had time to have a drink first. Oh well, I just need to get this over with. He’s already knocking on the door as I walk in from the garage.

  Deep breath in and open door.

  “Hi, Dad, let me help you with that.” It looks like he bought out P.F. Chang’s with all the food he has. I look him over. He looks relaxed, which is rare. He’s wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. What the hell? I don’t think I have ever seen my dad in jeans my whole life. He reaches in for a hug—not a classic Joseph Moore pat like I’m anti-social hug, but a real squeeze hug. I seriously think I have entered The Twilight Zone.

  “Katherine, sweetheart, thanks for letting me come over for dinner. I wasn’t sure if Jessica would be here so I brought plenty. Oh here, this envelope was stuck in your front door.” I glance down at the envelope; it’s addressed to Katherine Moore. It’s probably from the homeowner’s association because only my bills and official paperwork come addressed to my formal name. I chuck the envelope in my purse so I can focus on my dad. Did he seriously just call me sweetheart?

  “Dad, it’s good to see you, too, but can you please for the love of all that is holy call me Kate? I haven’t gone by Katherine in years.” I start unpacking the food, getting out plates and silverware to eat with. My out of the carton Chinese food rule doesn’t apply with my dad. He’s too proper, and we really just aren’t close enough to eat comfortably like that.

  “Jess is here, but she’s upstairs with her boyfriend watching a movie, so it will be just the two of us tonight.” We both sit at the table and pass around the food until we each have some of it all. It smells really good and I realize I’m starving. I was too worked up about tonight to eat much today. I take some extra Mongolian beef and another eggroll because they are my favorites.

  “Kate, I wanted to see you so that we could discuss some developments in my life. I know I haven’t been the best father to you, especially since your mother died. I am not a very open person, and I don’t show my feelings and emotions well. Every time I buy you something or give you money, it’s my way of trying to show you how much I love you, but I’ve come to see that I’m doing a very poor job at that. You’re so much like your mother inside and out; it’s both wonderful to see and heartbreaking at the same time because I miss her so much.” I’m shocked that he’s opening up to me. I’m sure the look on my face is priceless. I just can’t help but wonder what is prompting his sudden confessions. Is he dying? I start to open my mouth to talk but he puts his hand up.

  “Please, Kate, let me get this all out. We don’t have much time tonight, but I hope that we will start spending more time together soon.”

  “When Grant died, a lot of things were put into perspective for me—things in the business I couldn’t talk about because I was under a non-disclosure agreement. Personally, I was reeling when you shut me out after that initial talk.” Oh, I remember that talk; it was me screaming at him about what happened while he was trying to board a plane home from the Bahamas. I flinch a little bit just thinking about it.

  “I felt terrible about what happened with you and Michael. I was devastated with Grant’s passing; he was the best friend I ever had. Just for the record, I didn’t know the board had let him go that day, not until after it had already happened. That’s why I cut my trip short; I needed to get back and try to straighten things out. I had just heard of his death mere minutes before you called and let me have it. When I got home, I went to see Claire, but she didn’t want to have anything to do with me. I found out about the board revoking the life insurance and had it reinstated immediately. I also cut two personal checks to the company from my own account and demanded they get them to Claire immediately and tell her they had made an accounting error. The money more than made up for what Grant would have received if it had been a legitimate firing. That’s the thing, though. It wasn’t legitimate. I was aware of the contract Grant was looking for that disclosed his ownership of the other company; I had a copy at home in my personal safe. If he had just waited to speak with me, and not gone out drinking and b
eing reckless, this whole mess could have been avoided.” Dad looks really shaken up and so sad. I know he has to be telling the truth.

  “Why the fake copy of the document? Who presented that as proof to the board to start the whole investigation in the first place?” I’ve suddenly lost my appetite. I wonder if Michael and Claire know all of this.

  “Tom Beringer did it; it took me three years to get to the bottom of it all. That’s part of why I needed to meet with you tonight. We have been trying to keep it all quiet but it’s turned into a scandal. Tom was a board member and also a good friend of Grant’s, or so we all thought. It turns out that Tom used to date Claire in high school and she broke up with him because of his temper. Tom always thought that Grant stole her away and was looking for revenge. He was delusional, and all the years he stayed friends with the family, he was really just trying to find a way to stick it to Grant, hoping to weasel his way back into Claire’s life.”

  “I hired investigators who found pictures of Claire and Michael all over Tom’s vacation home. There was a long paper trail of little things he did to Grant at work, proof that he was the one that stole the contract. We also found out that he was the one that initiated the board’s investigation into Grant. There were some minor misappropriations of funds within the company, but we have almost all of that figured out and corrected. Tomorrow, Tom is being arrested on a slew of charges that include stalking; he is going away for a long, long time. The photos in his house are quite disturbing. There are family photos with Grant’s head cut out and his in its place. Each photo has a label over each person’s head. Over Claire it says ‘my love’, over Michael ‘my son’, over you ‘my future daughter-in-law’, and over me ‘best friend for life’. That sick son of a bitch had pictures going back as far as when your mother was alive.”


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