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Mocha Chocolate: Taste A Piece of Ecstasy

Page 14

by Greene-Dowdell, Shani

  “What’s up?” Shelby asked walking by Patricia and opening her front door. Leaving the door open for her sister to follow, Shelby headed straight for her bedroom. Her body screamed for a hot shower.

  “Nothing,” Patricia answered closing the door. “I just came by to return the clothes I borrowed. I don’t need them any more. I can wear Jasmine’s now.” Jasmine was their other sister who never struggled with a weight problem. She was 5’6 and the perfect size ten. The weight she did have was all tits and ass.

  “Okay. Put them in the hamper since I know you didn’t wash them.”

  “That is right I didn’t wash them. I took them to the cleaners,” Patricia replied laying the clothes in plastic across the bed. Shelby was clearly surprised and Patricia laughed.

  “Girl, my weight loss has inspired me to do things differently. I want to experience life and do things I’ve never done. Bringing back your clothes clean is just a small fallout of this change.”

  “Well, thank God I can benefit from your weight loss.” Shelby joked as she hung the clothes in the closet.

  “Shelby all you gotta do is get the surgery. You know your doctor will sign for it and your insurance will pay for it.”

  Shelby shook her head. “I will do it the old-fashioned way.” Shelby didn’t believe in a physical and potentially dangerous operation to fix what was a mental problem unless it was a life and death situation.

  Patricia moved to examine her flattened stomach and smaller behind in the mirror. “Suit yourself with your antiquated thinking. You could be like me. On your way to ecstasy.”

  “Whatever Patricia,” Shelby dismissed. “ And just where are you going tonight?”

  “That is the other thing I came to tell you about.” Patricia sat on the bed while Shelby began to undress. “James and I are going on a tantric sex retreat.” Shelby stopped and looked at her sister. “We always wanted to go but I was uncomfortable with my body so I wouldn’t. However, both James and I agree that although I am not at the size I want to be, I look good enough to go.”

  “You looked good enough before, but anyway, whose idea was this?” Shelby asked her sister as she stood in shock. She never thought her little sister was into stuff like that. Whenever Shelby talked about what she saw on sex documentaries, Patricia was the first to change the subject.

  “It was mine. I have wanted to for some time. Ever since I lost weight, the sex with James has been off the hook! I can do things now that I never thought possible. Because of that we have become more adventurous in that aspect of our lives, so it’s on.” Patricia stood up and snapped her fingers and shook her behind seductively.

  A horn honked outside and Patricia screamed “That’s James. I‘m out.” She ran over and gave Shelby a kiss. “I will call you when I get back.” Patricia ran out the house leaving Shelby sitting on the side of the bed.

  The whole idea of a sex retreat was appealing to Shelby. She never had any hang ups about sex or her full body until recently.

  She enjoyed sex and enjoyed it on a regular basis; however, her recent break-up sent her insecurity about her weight into a realm where she was unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Shelby got undressed and looked into her full-body mirror. Her breast, although not extremely large, sagged under their weight. Her rounded belly was smooth showing no sign of children. Her thighs were large and jiggled with a bit of cellulite but not enough to keep her out of nice short skirts. Her ass sat large and was definitely what some would call her “moneymaker.” It was her physical asset that drew men’s attention – that and her beautiful caramel complexion that didn’t need an ounce of make-up.

  Shelby allowed her hand to rub across her breast and lift them feeling their weight. Her nipple began to harden as she thought about the few months that she had been without sex. Closing her eyes, she ran her fingers across the buds and pulled lightly at them. The moisture began to flow between her legs. She moved herself back to the bed and lay back on it continuing to squeeze her tits and pull at their tips. She began to burn in her honey pot and she lifted her feet and placed them flat on the bed. Allowing her knees to fall away from each other. She left her heat open to the air, which further excited her. Her hand meandered down her stomach in search of the flower bud that wanted so desperately to bloom. With her eyes closed, she began to let herself fantasize what a sex workshop would be like and what movie star would be there with her. She let the thought of her and her partner sitting naked in a roomful of people while his hands lifted her breast and pinched them until they hurt roam through her mind. She could feel his dick snaking up her back and she knew that if she just lifted her behind up about five inches, he could sneak himself in and allow her to ride him. When she turned around to look into her partner’s eyes her pussy contracted more.

  Shelby touched her self and the electricity shot through her like lightening. Allowing her fingers to be absorbed in the folds of her womanhood she worked her self to an earth shattering release that was long over due. She lay on the bed trying to catch her breath. After a moment sinful bliss, she sat up and walked toward the bathroom trying to figure out why Terrance Howard was replaced in her fantasy by Larenzo, the man she met this afternoon.

  Over the next few weeks Shelby continued to go to the track. She had reached her short-term goal earlier than she had anticipated, but she didn’t want to stop too short on the progress of her long-term goal.

  Everyday like clockwork just as she finished Larenzo would be coming. She would talk to him as he stretched. She found out that he was Puerto Rican, which accounted for his slight accent, the first in his family to go to college and was working as a public defender. After each conversation Shelby would rush home to get in the shower and romanticize herself to the thought of him. It soon got to the point where she wasn’t even waiting to get home. If her car could tell secrets, she would be front-page news in the parking lots, she was sure.

  One day, she was running late getting to the track and arrived at the same time Larenzo pulled up. She hadn’t had time to go home and change, so she wore the workout clothes that were in her trunk from her dance class. She came out to the track in a fitted stretch sweat suit. When she saw Larenzo she immediately became self-conscious. Although she had lost some weight, she was unsure how he would respond to her voluptuous figure on full display.

  “Hey Shelby. You look too good to be working out today,” Larenzo commented slickly as he did his stretches. She blushed and let out a slight giggle. Out of all of the time they had shared the track – or saw each other in passing – that was the first time he complimented her on her physical appearance.

  “Thanks but working out is what I am here to do.” She slowly squatted and began her own series of stretches.

  He turned to her giving her his complete attention. “Aren’t you late today? You usually are finished by the time I come.” His gaze fixed on her slowly bending over to touch her toes.

  “Yes. My braider took a bit longer than usual.” She touched her tender head.

  “Your hair looks nice.”

  “Thanks.” He resumed stretching and they warmed up for their exercise in silence. Shelby wasn’t sure why words escaped her. When she was just about to ask him about his usual workout he stood up.

  “I will talk to you when I cool down.” Larenzo took off on the track. Shelby watched him for a moment and then started her walk. As she walked her laps, Larenzo would jog past her. He managed to lap her three times before she completed her five laps.

  The last time he lapped her, he was shirtless. His back glistened with perspiration and the muscles that corded his back flexed with every movement. She almost tripped over her feet looking at him. Her body responded so feverishly that she felt her nipples fighting against her tight tee and she could smell her essence permeate the air. She didn’t even realize she had stopped in her tracks until he circled the corner coming up behind her. She was so embarrassed when he lapped her again, this time with a big grin on his face. Finally, after finding some way to
finish her final lap, she began to place her things into her bag.

  “Hey, you are not having a proper cool off. You need to stretch some more,” finished with his laps, Larenzo came up behind her.

  “Yeah, well, I gotta go.” She hurried their conversation along so she wouldn’t trip over her tongue. He stood before her bare chest and breathing hard. She could feel her nipples got harder until she knew the little stones would make their appearance in any second.

  “Just stretch a little so you don’t get a cramp or something.” He grabbed her bag and set it on the grass. He then put his hands on her shoulders leading her to a space so they could do stretches together.

  Shelby closed her eyes praying that he couldn’t tell that she was horny as hell. When they stopped she began to do lunge stretches. He stood directly behind her.

  When she stretched her arms above her head, she swore she felt his hands run lightly along her sides and her body quivered. Without thinking, she bent over to stretch the muscles in her legs and her derriere rubbed against his groin. Stunned, she paused for a moment feeling him grind against her before he moved away.

  Her already wet panties were soaked in seconds. She didn’t hear him talking until he touched her shoulder again. “I’m sorry what?” Shelby said snapping out of her trance.

  “I asked if you will have dinner with me tonight?” She wasn’t expecting that. “Really?”

  Larenzo smiled and added, “I have been intending to ask you out since I first met you, but you were always leaving when I was coming and I couldn’t figure out how to get you to stay long enough to ask.”

  It was Shelby’s turn to smile. “Ok dinner sounds good.”

  “I will pick you up around eight.” Shelby agreed and gave him her address and phone number.

  When she got home, she showered and pulled out a black dress she hadn’t worn in about two years. It fit like a glove and with her recent weight loss there was no need for any extra foundation.

  “Oh goody- goody gum drops,” she said to herself. “My pretty underwear get to come out of retirement.”

  Tonight, she decided, Larenzo wasn’t going to see the chubby girl trying to lose weight, but the sexy siren, that given the opportunity, would rock his world.

  Promptly at eight o’clock there was a knock on the door. Larenzo stood there in a burgundy sweater that outlined every muscle on his upper body, a pair of black slacks and men’s fashionable shoes.

  “Damn, girl you look good,” he whispered. Shelby smiled and spun around so he could get a good look. When he saw that ass, he almost choked. Her smiled broadened knowing that he liked what he saw.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Some place exclusive.”

  “Sounds intriguing.”

  “It will be.”

  A half an hour later they pulled up to the Chocolate Company, an exclusive restaurant that specialized in chocolate desserts.

  “Does this meet with your approval?” he asked opening the car door for her.

  She smiled and in a brave gesture leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered her approval in his ear. When she pulled away, she winked.

  He licked his lips and led her inside. They dined well and Shelby decided to treat herself to one of the famous decadent chocolate desserts. She chose the three-layer chocolate cake with chocolate mousse icing. As she ate the desert, she noticed Larenzo watched every bit that entered her mouth. She, like most women, loved chocolate, so when she took her first bite she moaned just a little to loudly.

  “Damn this tastes so good,” she whispered with her eyes closed.

  “Not half as good as you would taste,” Larenzo murmured.

  Shelby heard him and her face turned up into a smile, but she somehow managed to keep her eyes closed and focus on the indulgences in front of her. Both of her chocolate treats – Larenzo and the three-layer cake.

  Deciding she was ready to play, she began to lick the spoon on the pretense of getting all the chocolate off. Each bite dallied around her mouth a bit causing her to have to lick around her lips to make sure she got it all. A devious grin touched her lips and allowed her exaggerated swallow to speak volumes for what was on her mind. Shelby wasn’t sure if it was Larenzo’s ragged breaths or the chocolate that caused the heat between her thighs, but she knew that Larenzo was going to be the fireman to put out her fire!

  After she seductively cleaned her plate, Larenzo ordered another dessert to go and then ushered her out of the restaurant holding on to her waist tightly.

  When they got to her house, he walked her to the door. She unlocked and opened the door.

  Not wanting to be presumptuous, Larenzo started to say goodnight. “I had the most wonderful time this evening Shelby. . .”

  “Honey, it hasn’t even begun to be wonderful.” She brought her mouth to his and tasted him as if he were a second helping of the chocolate dessert from earlier. Her moan against his mouth grew louder as he caressed the ass that teased him all evening. He picked her up and carried her over the threshold.

  She was shocked, but the fact that a man was carrying her turned her on to no end. Her large thighs wouldn’t quite let her wrap herself completely around him, but it had been enough for him to carry her to the bedroom. And he did so with such precision, as if he had been there before. He sat her down on the bed and pulled away from her.

  “I have been wanting this for weeks. Since the first time I saw your big ass walking the track.” Normally the big ass comment would have bothered her, but tonight it held a sense of eroticism to it and made her want him more. He stripped down to his boxers and bronze-red skin glowed.

  She stood up and slowly removed her dress. Her breasts were encased in a black satin bra and she wore matching black satin panties.

  Larenzo watched her shapely body sashay toward him and immediately tugged at her love handles pulling her to him.

  “You sure you can handle all of this woman in front of you?” She asked resting her hand against on his hard chest.

  “Oh yes! I am very sure.” He unhooked her bra and tits fell into his hands. He immediately began sucking on her chocolate buds.

  His mouth moved from one breast to the other while his hands squeezed and pulled. After a few minutes, he laid her down on the bed. His hands slid down the length of her body and he raised her legs where her feet were flat on the bed and he lay between them. He kissed a trail down and all over her stomach.

  He nipped at her fleshy skin and squeezed it. His tongue lingered at her bellybutton for a moment until he ventured south. He began to kiss the insides of her legs and suck hungrily on her thighs.

  Shelby was sure visual evidence would be left long after he was gone and she was happy about it. After minutes of teasing pleasure, his tongue began to seek the flower in the center. It stood proudly before him with its own moisture and perfume. He tasted it and Shelby’s hips bucked up. Anticipating her reaction, he held her and dined on her nectar and until it overflowed.

  Shelby’s body quivered and she didn’t notice that he had removed his boxers. When she opened her eyes his manhood was thick, long, covered and ready for duty.

  She managed to spread her legs wider and he placed the tip near her cove. He could feel her heat and her southern lips began to pant yearning to suck him in.

  He finally gave in and planted himself deep inside of her. On impact, Shelby screamed a release like she had never known. He began to work her pussy so, that she released another scream with his moans following right behind her.

  Shelby, recovering from her orgasm, assumed Larenzo was finished, but he had just gotten started. Flipping her over on her stomach, he began kissing her sweet, round ass. Long tongue strokes brought on fresh sensations and Shelby didn’t think her nipples could get any harder. When she felt his tongue trace the linings of her crack, she went wild and tried to buck him off.

  “Oh no, Momma, I mean to have all this good pussy tonight.” He held her and attacked her pussy from behi
nd. She felt his fingers at work with his tongue and it made her so wet that she could hear her wetness pooling and spilling over onto her sheets.

  He rubbed her from her center to her asshole a few times and then managed to penetrate her behind with his finger and her honey box with his tongue. Uncontrollable spasms rushed through her body and she almost passed out from pleasure. In the midst of her recovery, she was made full again with him riding her behind. His long strokes brought on low moans and he slapped her ass just enough to get sting.

  Although the loving was good, Shelby didn’t think she could take any more and silently hoped he would finish soon. She didn’t have to wait long. Larenzo’s pace began to get faster and steadier causing his balls to slap against her ass.

  “This pussy feel so good baby. I could fuck this pussy all night.” He managed two more strokes before he busted his nut filling the condom with his seed and then fell down onto her back.

  They both lay there for a few moments without saying a thing. Shelby was the first to speak. “I have never had it that good in my life.”

  “Damn girl you just about killed me,” Larenzo laughed rolling over onto his back, pulling her to his chest.

  “My sister told me that sex was better after she lost weight,” Shelby said playing with his nipples. He stopped her hand and pulled away.

  “You think the sex was the bomb because you lost weight?”

  Shelby was surprised by his stern reaction, but answered him anyway. “No, it was just . . . my sister . . .”

  He realized that she didn’t really know how to answer him, so he placed his finger under her chin and made her look at him. “Your size had nothing to do with this…except turn me the hell on. You don’t have to lose another damn pound as far as I am concerned.”

  Shelby had mixed emotions about what he said to her. She loved the fact that her full figured body turned him on, but she told him she still had plans to lose weight.

  “Well let me love you all the way down to your perfect size. And if you happen to inch back up, I am going to love you on your way up too.”


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