Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2)

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Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2) Page 5

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Fuck you,” I spit.

  “Yeah. That’s the exact thought in my mind too.”

  A frustrated growl rumbles up my throat. Who does he think I am? Some cheap hooker who’d do anything to spend the night with him? He was good, but he wasn’t that good.


  “How about we get out of here?” He takes a step closer until the heat of his body seeps into mine. My nipples pebble, knowing that another inch and he’d be brushing up against them.

  “Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “I’m pretty sure I could convince you.” His hand lifts until he’s cupping my cheek, and he drops his head so his lips are to my ear. “I know you’ve not forgotten how good it was. That’s why you can’t keep your eyes off me.” I flinch when his palm lands on my waist. His touch burns but in such a good way.

  I open my mouth to respond, my compliance right on the tip of my tongue. It would be so easy to agree and to take him back to my place for an hour or so to finish off the night, but I can’t. Thankfully, my rational side perks her head up and reminds me of the list of reasons why that would be a bad idea. The only positive outcome from allowing it to happen would be the orgasms, but I’ve got a perfectly suitable rubber vibrating friend in my drawer specifically for this kind of situation.

  “I really doubt that, Trick. There’s not enough alcohol in this place to make that mistake again.”

  He pulls back and looks at me. His brows are drawn together, but he’s way too cocky and arrogant to be hurt by that comment. His ego probably just took a bit of a hit, that’s all.

  “You know my name is Titch, right?”

  Dropping my eyes from his, I run them down his body. “Riiight. See, I think Trick suits you much better. Although, I’m sure I could come up with a few more options.”

  I tilt my head to the side as he chuckles at my comment.

  “Oh, doll. Do you know how irresistible you are when you get all fired up?”

  “Good to know. Now enjoy the last of it, because I’m about to walk away and never look back.”

  I take a step around him, but his hot fingers wrap around my wrist.

  “This isn’t over, doll. And you damn well know it.”

  I straighten my back and square my shoulders in an attempt to appear unphased by his words. I hate to admit it, but I’m already getting a little excited about the next time we meet. It’s wrong, but it is what it is.

  Pulling my wrist from his grip, I walk away exactly as I told him I would: without looking back. It damn near kills me.



  Zach: I need you in Vegas. Flight at 12.30. Biff’s cancelled your clients. Check your email for check in info.

  I stare down at his message, my brows pulled together in confusion. I thought he was in LA with Corey. Why the hell are they in Vegas? And more importantly, why do they need me?

  Rolling my eyes at him, I swing my legs from the bed and head towards the shower. It’s already long past lunchtime seeing as Spike and I sat drinking long into the early hours after our shifts last night.

  Stripping out of my boxers, I stand under the water while it’s still cold in the hope it’ll help rid me of the lingering effects of the whiskey.

  My mind wanders as I stand there, and as always it’s to her. Biff and Zach disappeared first thing the next morning on an impromptu trip to LA, so I haven’t even had a chance to convince Biff to tell me where I can find her. I’ve searched all social media sites now I know her full name, but she’s got them locked up tight with her security settings and, surprise, surprise, she’s not accepted my friend request.

  I really thought she was playing with me that night. I expected to find her back on the dancefloor with everyone else when I re-joined them not long later, only she was nowhere to be found. Spike had no idea where she’d gone, not that he was paying much attention while he danced with Kas, and I daren’t ask Zach.

  It turned out that she’d made an excuse about not feeling well and disappeared the second she returned from the bathroom. Biff could see I was concerned, but still, she refused to give up the information I needed.

  Every minute since our interaction in that hallway, I’ve regretted allowing her to walk away. I thought it was just the beginning of an inevitable end to our night. Turns out it was the end.

  After checking what the weather is like in Vegas right now, I pack a small carry-on with a few necessities, leave a note on the fridge for Spike, and head out to grab some food on the way to the airport.

  Why he couldn’t have given me some damn warning fuck only knows.

  It’s not until I’m standing at the security gate that I have time to really focus the email Zach forwarded with all my booking information on.

  “Fucking hell,” I mutter when I see that he’s booked me first class, much to the annoyance of the family behind me. This trip might be last-minute, but at least he had the forethought to send me in style.

  I get through security without much hassle and I’m soon heading through departures, following the signs for the first-class lounge. Like fuck am I buying myself a drink when I can get it for free.

  I’ve never flown first class before. Hell, it’s been years since I’ve flown full stop. Zach’s always told me that he’d organise for me to head to one of the US studios for a bit, but it’s never happened. We’re always too busy, which leads me to wonder what the deal is right now. It’s not like we’re quiet in London and he needs my talented hands elsewhere; we’re pretty much booked solid. Or at least, we will be now we’re two artists down.

  The large electric doors open as I walk up to them, revealing a very sharp woman sitting behind the desk. She looks like she’s got a stick shoved so far up her arse I’m surprised it’s not coming out of the top of her head. She takes one look at me with my creased t-shirt, inked arms and piercings and turns her nose up. Apparently, I don’t fit her ideal customer.

  “Hi,” I say, plastering my fakest smile into place.

  “Good afternoon, sir. Please could I see your boarding pass.”

  “Certainly.” I hand it over, smug as fuck as she flicks her eyes over it.

  “Well… okay then, sir. The lounge is just through there on the left. You’re welcome to any of the refreshments on offer. I hope you have a wonderful journey to…” She looks back down at my phone and rolls her eyes. “Las Vegas.”

  “I can’t wait. I hear there are strippers and hookers everywhere,” I announce loudly, knowing that the doors have opened at least twice behind me in the time I’ve been standing here.

  She blanches and quickly returns my phone before looking over my shoulder to her next victim. He’s probably some square in a suit, a type I’m sure she’s much more used to. Someone just like my brother, no doubt.

  I take in the over-the-top arrangement of flowers on a side table as I make my way through the doors she pointed me through. It’s a bit like I’ve walked into Narnia. The loud noise and excitable screaming kids are long gone, and in their place is soft music, businessmen sitting at their laptops, comfortable-looking seating, and a vast array of food and drink. Walking over, I get myself a bottle of beer and grab a couple of cakes to pass the time.

  Just about managing to juggle both along with my small pull-along case, I turn and look for a seat, but I don’t get very far because everything stops.

  What the actual fuck?

  I stand there, staring. I’m probably right in the way, but I’m too shocked to care about the square behind me.

  I’m dreaming. I’ve fucking got to be.

  I blink a few times, thinking that my vision is going to clear and the woman sitting before me staring down at her tablet isn’t anyone I recognise, let alone her.

  Twelve days I’ve been desperate to find her without much luck, yet I walk into the first class lounge in Heathrow and there she fucking is.

  My mouth opens as my heart starts to race. This is a coincidence, right? I think back to Zach’s vague message and ideas about being s
et up start firing off in my head.

  She either gets bored of what she’s reading or she senses my stare, because after a few more seconds of me trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, she looks up and right at me.

  She doesn’t register anything for a few seconds, but I see the moment reality hits her. Her eyes go wide, her lips part, and every muscle in her body tenses.

  She drops her tablet to the table a little too harshly as she stands. “Carter, what the hell?”

  “I was going to ask you the same thing, doll.”

  “Why are you even here?” She glances around, probably noting, exactly like I did when I first entered, that I don’t really fit in.

  “Why? Am I bringing the tone of the place down a notch?”

  “What? No, that’s not what I—” She shakes her head, trying to gather her thoughts. “Why are you here?”

  “I got a message asking me to be. You?”

  Her eyes narrow at me before she mutters, “Same.”

  I open my mouth to say something, but the reason why we’re both being summoned to Vegas suddenly hits me. “They’re fucking not, are they?”

  “Trust me, I have no fucking clue what they’re playing at.”

  “Is anyone else here?” I ask, thinking of the rest of her family who I’m sure would be desperate to be there if what I’m thinking is correct.

  “Nope, just me. Biff said she needed me and emailed me these flight details. I was in the middle of work, for fuck’s sake. I love that they think I can drop everything and come running.”

  “Well, you have.”

  “Yeah, silly me. I’m questioning that even more now.”


  She blows out a frustrated breath. “Go and find somewhere else to sit. I’ve got work to do.” After righting her jacket, she drops back down into her seat and puts her tablet back on her lap, making a show of staring down at it like she’s actually reading something on it.

  Sadly for her, she’s not woken it back up, so all she’s staring at is her reflection in a black screen.

  “You know how to use that thing, doll?”

  “Fuck you. This is a fucking disaster.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think it could be a lot of fun.”

  When she looks back up at me, her teeth are bared in frustration. “How’s that exactly?”

  “We’re heading to the City of Sin. What’s not fun about that?”

  “You’re clearly going to be there.”

  “Jeez, it’s no wonder you’re single. Not only have you got a stick up your arse, but you’re a bit of a bitch.” I tilt my head, allowing my hair to flop into my eyes, hoping that I look innocent.

  “Don’t give me that look. Nothing I can say touches your massive ego.”

  “I think you could do with some loosening up, doll.”

  Dropping my stuff on the sofa beside where she’s sitting, I turn on my heels and set about softening her rough edges. If I’m going to have to spend the next fuck knows how many hours with her, then it’s in my interest to make her at least a little more compliant.

  I pull a small bottle of sauvignon blanc from the chiller, and a wine glass.

  “Here, have this. If you’re nice, I might even let you share my cake.”

  “I don’t want your damn cake.”

  “I’m sure I can tempt you. It’s triple chocolate.” I wave it under her nose, and despite the fact that she wants to look indifferent, I see the way her pupils dilate. Almost like they did when they locked on my cock that night.

  I drop down right beside her, stretch my long legs out, and make a show of eating my first piece, moan of satisfaction and all.

  “You’re a real fucking pain the arse, you know that?”

  “It’s not news to me, doll,” I say, I keep my tone light, not showing the emotions that statement threatens to erupt inside me.

  “Carter, why can’t you be more like your brother? You’re a pain in my arse, boy.”

  Shaking the memories away, I focus on the explosion of chocolate in my mouth and the tempting woman beside me.

  “Of course it’s not. You drive everyone else crazy too?”

  “Probably, but I have a feeling the crazy you’re experiencing right now is for you only.”

  Her head snaps over to me, irritation filling her eyes. “I’m not feeling anything right now aside from crazy mad that you’re here ruining my peace, and apparently my impromptu trip to Vegas.”

  “Vegas isn’t Vegas without a little temptation, doll. You need to embrace your inner wild child or you’re going to miss all the fun.”

  “Let’s get something straight. I’m going for my brother and my best friend. I’m not going to lose everything I have on the tables or to get so wasted I forget the whole trip. Now, I’ve got work to do, so if you don’t mind shutting the hell up, I might go a little easier on you.”

  This time, when she turns back to her tablet, she does at least turn it on, although I have a suspicion that she doesn’t read a word of the document that’s open in front of her.

  Silence stretches between us while the chemistry that’s been sparking since our first disastrous meeting is still crackling away nicely. And that’s how I know she’ll give in to what she wants eventually. It might be easy to avoid when I’m not around, but sitting inches from her… I’m all she can think about right now, I’d put fucking money on it.

  I eat half of the cake, enjoying every mouthful. But as sweet as it is, I can’t help craving a taste of something even better.

  “You really should try this. It’s incredible.”

  “Carter,” she warns, her voice low and husky. It does things to my body that probably shouldn’t happen in the first class lounge.

  “Come on.” I elbow her in the arm. “Open up.”

  I hold the fork full of chocolatey goodness out between us. After huffing a breath, she turns to look at it. Her eyes bounce between it and my eyes as she tries to weigh up her options.

  “If I eat this, will you shut up and let me do some work?”


  She rolls her eyes before leaning forward. Her mouth opens, and fuck if my own doesn’t mimic the movement. She wraps her red-stained lips around my fork, and a groan rumbles up my throat at the sight alone. Her eyes shoot to mine, the brown impossibly dark as she stares up at me before she pulls the chunk of cake free and sits back.

  “Hmm…” she says once she’s swallowed, quirking her lip. “I’ve had better.” She sits back in place, but I don’t miss her quickly checking me out before looking back at the boring shit on her tablet.

  “I very much doubt that. I’m an expert when it comes to… cake, so I know for a fact that you’ve experienced some good shit.”

  “Why are you still talking?”

  I wince, making a show of zipping my lips shut before returning to finishing off both the chocolate cake and the Victoria sponge I also grabbed a slice of. I moan in delight with every mouthful. It’s good cake, but it’s not really that good. What amuses me so much is the way her shoulders lock up each time she hears the growl come from the back of my throat.

  Once I’m done, I lean forward to place the plate on the coffee table, but just before it connects, the fork falls off the side, clattering right beside her foot.

  I glance up at her when I feel her hate-filled stare burning into the back of my head.

  “Whoops.” It was a total accident, but now I’m reaching forward to pick it back up, I can’t help but notice the opportune situation it’s put me in.

  My knuckles brush the bare skin of Danni’s ankle a beat before she gasps and swiftly moves it away.

  “I know what you’re doing,” she warns, “but I should tell you now that it won’t work.”

  Placing the fork back onto the plate, I look back at her. Her pupils are shot from me just sitting beside her, her chest heaves, and her breasts press against the light fabric of her blouse.

  “You might want to give your nipples the memo.”

  Truth is, I can’t see them. I can only imagine how pert and ready they are. That’s only confirmed when Danni looks down at her chest in a panic.

  Sitting back, I ensure my knuckles trail up as much of the bare skin of her calf as possible.

  Leaning over, I brush a lock of her curly hair from her ear. “Your mouth can tell me whatever you want. Your body, however, tells a very different story, doll.”

  “That’s enough.” She goes to move, but my hand landing on her thigh stops her as she’s about to lift her arse from the seat.

  “This is only the beginning.” She shudders as my breath tickles over her sensitive skin and her muscles clench under my touch.

  “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “Well, you’d better start believing, because it’s real, doll.” I sit back and once again stretch my legs out, my thigh pressing against hers as I rearrange my jeans, ensuring she knows exactly what I’m doing.

  “Excuse me. I need to— No. I’m not explaining myself to you.” With her chin tipped up in defiance, she marches across the room to the bathroom. Her hips sway deliciously in her fitted skirt, and her legs look killer in her heels.

  “Fuck,” I moan to myself. This trip could be fucking epic.



  The second I read the message I knew there was a very good chance of this happening. There’s only one reason why Zach and Biff could want me in Las Vegas at the last minute, and I’m pretty sure it’s not to help out in his studio—which, coincidentally, it seems he set up whilst Harrison and Summer were there pulling a very similar stunt to what I’m assuming they’re about to do.

  Our parents are going to fucking kill him. They were devastated when they discovered that Harrison married Summer without them there to witness it. It’s the reason Summer was ambushed into the huge wedding they had a few weeks ago.

  I lift my eyes from the water pouring from the tap and to the mirror in front of me. They’re dark, and my cheeks are still heated. If I can see that, then there’s no doubt that he could.


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