Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2)

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Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2) Page 6

by Tracy Lorraine

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck it all to hell.

  I had one thing to do when it came to Carter James fucking Wright, and that was to avoid him. Easier said than bloody done when he just keeps appearing in my life despite the fact that he has no way to contact me. His friend request on Facebook taunts me every time I open the bloody app. I knew it was him immediately, despite the dark profile picture. He’s in the shadows, but even still I could almost feel his green eyes staring at me, demanding me to give him more than I’m willing to.

  He’s had a night from me—well, an hour at most. What more does he want? He’s not exactly the forever, or at least for a decent amount of time, kind of guy I was looking for.

  Rolling my eyes at myself in the mirror, I pull my gloss from my jacket pocket and top up my lips just as an excuse to waste some more time. Glancing at my watch, I see that we’ve not got much longer until hopefully we can start boarding. I just pray to God that Zach and Biff got these tickets so last minute that we’re sitting as far apart as possible.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I say, coming to a stop beside the two empty first class seats with the corresponding numbers to our boarding passes.

  The seats themselves look incredible, and I might actually be able to get some sleep seeing as they’re the ones that turn into a bed, but they’re right beside each other. It seems there’s no getting away from him.

  “Wow, look at that. We’re going to be flying buddies,” he announces, stopping so close behind me that his groin presses against my arse. I jump forward, but his hand lands on my hip, stopping me from escaping. “Looks like you’re stuck with me for a few hours yet.”

  “There’s a screen. I can shut you out.”

  He chuckles behind me. “I thought you’d already been trying to do that. It doesn’t seem to be working out all that well for you, does it?”

  “I’ve got work to do, and I need to sleep. The time difference is going to fuck me up, so I need to get on US time as soon as possible. What I don’t need is you chatting bullshit in my ear for the entire flight.”

  “Okay, okay,” he says, lifting his hands in surrender and thankfully backing away from me. “I’ve gotta say, I’m looking forward to spending our first night together.”

  “Glad one of us is,” I mutter. I sort my belongings out, drop my tablet and diary to my table, and, after kicking my shoes off and carefully folding my jacket, I drop into my chair in the hope of catching up on some of the work I should have done this afternoon before that text came through from Biff.

  He remains silent, watching the other passengers get comfortable and then the flight attendants as they do their safety demonstration and final checks.

  The second I’m able to, I lift the divider between us to block him out. The last thing I need is his smug as fuck face looking over at me every few seconds. He thinks he’s got me all figured out, he thinks he knows what I want, but he couldn’t be more wrong, because this right now is what nightmares are made of. All I can hope is that I’m going to wake up soon and find out it was all some fucked-up dream.

  I manage to work and sleep through almost the whole flight, and to my amazement, he allows me to keep the screen up until the flight attendant insists I lower it before we start our final descent.

  “Miss me?” he asks with a wide smile playing on his lips.

  “Like you wouldn’t believe,” I deadpan, rolling my eyes.

  “I’m glad you had a nice sleep and are now in a better mood.”

  I shoot him a glare, but instead of taking it as the warning I intended, he just laughs at me.

  “I love it when you’re angry. It makes you even hotter.”

  “Whatever you say,” I mutter.

  The second we’re allowed out of our seats, I’m gathering all my things and making my way towards the doors. I don’t bother looking to see if he’s following, because I already know that I’m not lucky enough to lose him that easily.

  “Anyone would think you’re trying to run away from me,” he says, stepping up beside me as we walk down the tunnel towards the terminal.

  “That’s because I am.”

  “Aw, I’m so glad we’re enjoying this trip together.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls my body into his. The move has my muscles locking up. I remember all too well how his body feels against mine, and it’s not what I need to be imagining when I should be getting as far away from him as possible.

  “And if you want to end this trip with your balls still attached to your body, then I suggest you get your hands off me,” I say, shrugging him off and picking up my pace a little. I’m unlikely to outrun him, seeing as his legs are just a little longer than mine and I’m currently wearing heels, but any amount of space between us right now is a bonus.

  He stays back and allows me to breathe some air that’s not tainted with his scent and follows me all the way to luggage collection.

  “Why are you even here? You’ve got your case,” I spit, looking down to his tiny carry-on. I’ve no idea how anyone fits what they need into one of those things, even for one night. It’s insane.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think we’re going to the same place. Plus, I thought I’d do the gentlemanly thing and carry your cases for you.”

  “While I appreciate the gesture, this is twenty-twenty. I’m more than capable of manoeuvring my own case.”

  “I don’t doubt it for a second, doll.”

  “Do you have to keep calling me that?”

  “Sure do, doll.”

  “You’re exasperating, Trick.”

  “I’ll prove that you want me eventually.”

  Rolling my eyes is turning into a regular exercise around this man. I come to a stop at the luggage belt and drop my laptop bag to the floor at my feet. He steps right up beside me, his arms lightly brushing mine.

  “I do hope they’ve booked us one room. That will be so much fun.”

  “There’s something wrong with you,” I say, turning to look at him, and I’m glad I do because just for a spilt second, I see a crack in his armour and a hint at the guy hiding beneath the humour and sarcasm. I open my mouth to ask something, but he beats me to it.

  “Oh, there’s plenty, but right now my biggest issue is that it’s been six weeks since I was inside you, and that’s entirely too long.”

  My cheeks flame as my mind immediately returns to Biff’s flat. Thankfully, movement in front of me is the perfect distraction. “Oh look, here come the cases. Let’s hope mine comes quick.”

  “I’m sure I could make you come quick.”

  A growl rumbles up my throat, but a response fails me because all I can focus on is the clench of my muscles and my body demanding that I take him up on the offer, despite what my brain tells me.

  Thankfully, my case only takes a few minutes, so before we know it, we’re heading out towards the awaiting taxis so we can head to the hotel to find the two people who instigated this whole palaver.

  “Go and grab a cab, I just need to shoot to the little boys’ room,” Carter says once the exit is in sight.

  “Fine,” I mutter as he veers off to the right.

  When I get out in the fresh air, there’s a line of taxis all waiting for passengers. I walk straight up to the first one and, without thinking twice, I give him the hotel name Biff included in her message and jump inside.

  “I’m sorry, do you mind being as quick as possible? I’m in a bit of a rush.”

  “Of course, ma’am. We’ll have you there in a flash.”

  “Thank you.” I sit back and look out of the window. Just as the car pulls away from the curb, I spot Carter walking out of the terminal and looking around for me. His brows draw together in confusion before he finds me. Our eyes lock. Mine probably sparkle in amusement while his harden in frustration. His head shakes slowly from side to side, but I don’t miss the smile that twitches at his lips.

  Game on, baby. Game on.

  I’m first to the hotel, no surprise there. After thank
ing the driver and giving him a generous tip for doing as I requested, I hop out and head inside. The second I push the door open, I spot her.

  I just about have time to drop my bags before Biff collides with me.

  “You’re here. You’re here.” She squeezes me tightly, her excitement palpable despite my exhaustion.

  “Not sure I had a lot of choice,” I say with a laugh into her hair.

  She pulls back and looks at me with a wince. “Yeah, sorry about that. It’s all a bit crazy.”

  “You’re telling me.”

  “Talking about crazy, where’s your travel buddy?”

  “Ha, funny story. So… I killed him.”

  “Joke away, but I should warn you, I’ve got our whole afternoon planned and it won’t end until you tell me everything. And I mean everything.”

  Groaning, I allow her to pick up some of my bags and lead me across the reception towards a lift.

  “Don’t I need to check in?”

  “Zach’s got you covered. You’re mine this afternoon.”

  “Why do I get the impression that it’s not going to be as fun as it sounds?”

  “I guess that all depends on how easy you give up the information I need.”

  “You’ve got some making up to do to me, first.”

  “Why? We just got you here first class, what could possibly have gone wrong?”

  “You’ve no idea.” With yet another roll of my eyes, I step into the lift beside her and we descend towards what seems to be the spa a few floors down. I can’t really complain about that after the day I’ve had.



  I shouldn’t have been surprised to see Danni disappear off in a cab without me. She’s made it clear since the moment I found her in the lounge that she didn’t want me here. I probably should have been angry that she’d abandon me quite so easily. Part of me was, but a bigger part of me was excited. She was playing a game, but she didn’t know me well enough yet to know that I never lose. All she just did was up the challenge. If I wasn’t already sure that this trip wouldn’t end until I was inside her, then I was fully confident now. She wants to run, to avoid this thing between us… well, I intend on reminding her every chance I get.

  By the time I turn to grab my own cab, all the ones that seemed to be empty and waiting when I first walked out to find her have vanished and I have to wait in line for another.

  I must be a good thirty minutes behind Danni by the time I arrive at the hotel.

  “Took your time, didn’t you? Dan was here ages ago.”

  “Don’t remind me,” I murmur as he pulls me in for a hug.

  “How you doing, man? Feels like it’s been forever.”

  “It’s not even been two weeks. I’m surprised you noticed while having full time access to Biff.”

  “She lets me out of bed every now and then.” The smug as shit smile that graces his face makes my fingers twitch into fists to wipe it off. It seems he’s getting more than necessary while I’m being cock blocked by the woman who should be enjoying it.

  “Speaking of, where is the little lady?”

  “Taken Danni to the spa for the afternoon to get ready.”

  “So I guessed correctly then. You putting a ring on it, man?”

  “Too fucking right. I’m not letting that one go. Here,” he says, handing me a key card. “For your suite.”

  “Suite? Fucking hell, you’re really pushing the boat out.”

  “Stop complaining or I’ll keep the bottle of Patron that’s sitting up there for myself.”

  “Most definitely not complaining. The others are going to be pissed, though.”

  “They’ll get over it. If we’re doing this, then it’s going to be our way.”

  “Wouldn’t expect anything else.”

  I follow him to the lift before he hits the button for a floor that must almost be in the clouds. I knew Las Vegas was bigger than life itself, but nothing could have prepared me for the sights of the strip as we drove here, or for the lavish hotel that we’re currently making our way through.

  Zach taps a key card to a little box before pushing the door open.

  “Holy fucking shit.” My chin drops in shock as I take in the view of the lights down the strip. “I’m not even going to pretend to have a clue as to how much this cost you.”

  “Probably best you don’t. Just enjoy it. I plan on only doing this once in my lifetime, so I might as well make the most of it.”

  I locate the bedroom once I’m able to rip my eyes away from the view. It’s still light out yet it’s breath-taking; I can only imagine what it’ll be like once night comes with all the neon lights illuminating the sky.

  “I need to shower,” I shout through to Zach.

  “Whatever. Just know that I’m starting without you.”

  “No fucking chance.” Walking out of the room once I’ve dropped my shirt to the floor, I swipe up the bottle that’s sitting in the middle of the coffee table before sloshing a generous measure into the glass waiting for me. “To irrational decisions and shotgun weddings,” I say, lifting my drink to tap to his.

  “Fuck, that’s some good shit,” Zach groans, looking at his now empty glass like it holds the answers to all the world’s problems.

  “Don’t drink it all before I get back. I need some more of that after the day I’ve had.”

  Zach eyes me suspiciously but allows me to retreat instead of grilling me on why my day with his sister was so draining.

  Stripping out of the rest of my clothes, I push through the door in the bedroom to find the biggest bathroom I’ve ever seen, let alone been in. It takes me a few seconds to figure out how to put the shower on, but once I do, water shoots from every direction imaginable.

  “Whoa,” I mutter, standing in the torrent of water. The electric shower that constantly cuts out on us at home is going to be a shock to the system after this, that’s for sure.

  Tipping my head back, I let the water run over me while thinking over the events of today, or more so the sass that’s fallen from Danni’s mouth. Every single time she comes back at me, it makes my dick hard.

  My semi bobs between my legs, taunting me. It would be so easy to wrap my hand around it and bring myself the release I’ve craved since the moment I found her in the lounge earlier. But I already know that it won’t be enough. I need more.

  I need her.

  I make use of the complimentary shower gel before stepping out and wrapping a humongous white fluffy towel around myself. The image of Danni, dripping wet and standing right here wrapped in it fills my mind.

  Fuck, that woman is messing with my head.

  Despite the fact that she’s spent all the time we’ve had together trying to prove that she doesn’t like or want me, it’s easy to see why we got on so well until reality was thrown into the mix. She’s exactly what I’ve been looking for. Sass wrapped in a hot little package. She’s not the kind of person to just allow me to do whatever. She’s the type of woman who will challenge me at every turn, and although she’ll probably be a massive pain in my arse, no day will ever be boring with her beside me.

  After pulling on a clean set of clothes, I head out to join Zach. He pours me a new drink as I walk towards him and passes it over after I fall onto the sofa opposite him.

  “So, what did she do to get you so wound up?”

  “I’m not wound up.”

  “Titch, I know you too well for you to try to bullshit me. We know you met before you discovered she was my sister. Time to spill, bro. Then I can decide if I need to hurt you or not.”

  I down my whiskey, wondering exactly how I’m meant to tell him the truth without ending up with a broken nose. We both know that I could overpower him. I might not have got in a ring for a while, but that doesn’t mean fighting’s not like riding a bike for me. But, I’m the one in the wrong here. I’m the one who slept with his sister, even if it was before I knew who she was. It still breaks the unspoken rules between us.

��Titch?” Zach warns, leaning forward and placing his elbows on his knees. His blue eyes drill into me, and I swallow nervously. This isn’t going to go down well.

  “Firstly, can I just point out that because you kept your family away from business, I had no hope in hell of knowing she was related to you in any way.” His brows rise, although I’m unsure if it’s in impatience or amusement at my trying to shift the blame.

  “Go on.”

  “Ugh. So got myself back on online dating—”

  “Why? You hate that shit?”

  “I know. I was just looking for someone… different. Spike said it was a stupid idea, but I used Logan’s picture and said I was a banker.”

  He laughs as the ball of dread grows in the pit of my stomach.

  “Anyway, I met this girl. Intelligent, funny, hot as fu—” My words falter when Zach’s eyes darken. “Err… really pretty, beautiful. We got on so well, and to be honest, I forgot that I was meant to be pretending to be someone more…”


  I shrug, not wanting to look insecure. “Posh, intelligent.”

  “Titch,” he says on a sigh, but I cut him off.

  “This isn’t about me. Just let me finish, okay?” He nods and gestures for me to do so. “She suggested we meet. I was fucking terrified. She thought I was this suave suited guy, and there I was going to be with messy hair and covered in tats. I’m not sure I’ve ever been so nervous in my fucking life. I nearly bailed,” I admit. “I was sitting there scrolling through our previous chat, knowing that no matter how terrified I was to admit the truth to her that I needed to see her, talk to her in person. Then there she was. Standing in the middle of the place, totally breath-taking and I damn near lost my mind. She was just everything. I walked up to her and…”

  “And?” Zach asks, sounding way to invested in this story when he already knows it’s about his sister.

  “She opened her mouth and basically ripped me a new one for tricking her, and before I knew my head from my arse she’d walked out.”


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