Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2)

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Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2) Page 8

by Tracy Lorraine

“Sure, why not?” Biff says with a shrug, looking up at Zach like he just hung the fucking moon. I hope the motherfucker knows just how lucky he is to be able to officially call that woman his now.

  “Burgers and beer, and then we’re hitting the strip. Good with you two?”

  “Sounds perfect, man.”

  “Whatever you two want,” Danni says, although with much less enthusiasm.

  No one even bats an eyelid as we walk into the burger place. It’s easy for us to think that this is a little weird, but we seem to be forgetting that we’re in the home of crazy. Everyone here has seen everything at least once. Us turning up from a shotgun wedding is probably an everyday occurrence for these people.

  “Congratulations,” the waitress sings as she comes over to hand us menus and to take our drink orders.

  Zach and Biff beam at her while I take advantage of the table covering us from the waist down and place my hand on Danni’s bare thigh. She’s jumps a fucking mile, but thankfully both Biff and Zach are too distracted by the waitress to notice.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Danni spits, trying to push my hand away.

  “Nothing,” I say, attempting to sound innocent. “If you didn’t want my attention then you should have worn a different dress. Or a hazmat suit,” I quickly add, because I’m not sure a bigger dress would have made all that much of a difference. I’d still desperately want her out of it.

  “How many times, Carter? I’m not interested. Even less so with my brother only feet away.”

  I lean forward so only she can hear my words. “He’s fine with it, doll. I got us the all clear.”

  “You… you told him about…” She trails off, her voice rising an octave in shock.

  “Yeah. I told him how I fucked up but explained that I’m intending on proving myself to you. He’s happy. I even came out of it without any bodily damage.”

  “Don’t worry. I can still cause you some if you keep touching me.”

  Moving so close that my lips brush her ear, I whisper, “Stop trying to deny what you want. I know you’re wet as fuck for me right now, and I have every intention of proving that too.” She gasps as I slide my palm higher.

  “Carter,” she squeals, now earning us the attention of everyone within a ten-foot radius.

  I allow her to push my hand away, for now, while she blushes bright red and everyone wonders what’s wrong with her.

  “I’m sorry. Is there any chance I could get a dry white wine, please?”

  The waitress startles a little at her sudden demand but quickly recovers and writes it down.

  “Same for me,” Biff adds, “and beer for you guys?”

  Zach and I agree before she leaves us to look at the menus.

  The girls both pull theirs closer and look down at them, but Zach’s eyes remain on me.

  “What?” I ask innocently, but his eyes narrow. He knows exactly what kind of game I’m playing.

  “I might have let you off easy earlier, but things can change, Titch. Fast.”

  “Loud and clear, boss. Loud and clear.” I lift my hands from my lap in surrender and to prove that I’m not currently knuckle-deep in his sister. Chance would be a fine thing.

  “If the waitress comes back, please can you order me a bun-less chicken burger and a side salad. I’m just going to use the bathroom.”

  “A bun-less burger. What the fuck is that?” Zach asks, looking like the idea of it totally offends him.

  “I’m going to go and check she’s okay,” Biff says, pushing her seat back.

  “No,” I bark, a little harsher than intended if Biff’s wide eyes are anything to go by. “You two don’t need to get in the middle of our drama. Just enjoy yourselves. I’ll make sure she’s okay.”

  “Don’t do anything in the fucking toilets.”

  “Z, man. I’m not a fucking animal.”

  “I’ve seen evidence of the contrary in the past, my friend.”

  “The past is the past. We’ve all seen things that don’t need talking about, eh boss?” He shifts uncomfortably in his seat before nodding and turns to smile at his bride.

  “I don’t even want to know,” she says, leaning forward to kiss him.

  Zach winks at me before accepting her kiss, and I walk away from the happy couple to give them some privacy.



  Closing the door behind me, I fall back against it and tilt my face to the ceiling as I pray for the strength I need to get through the rest of tonight.

  The heat of his palm is still burning into my thigh. I shouldn’t want him, yet after just one look he’s all I can think about. Add his touch to that, and he’s damn near consumed my entire body.

  I suck in a deep breath before blowing it out through pursed lips. Biff’s words from earlier come back to me. I start wondering if we could pull off the quickest holiday fling ever. I can’t deny that what she said was right. What happens in Vegas should stay in Vegas.

  My stomach clenches as the idea of this being possible starts to build. I’ve had many nights of meaningless sex with guys and never wanted more afterwards. Surely, I could spend this time getting what I need from him and then move on from it the second we step foot back on English soil. Right?

  A little voice in my head reminds me that I wasn’t able to forget after the last time, but I push it down. It’s easier to ignore than it probably should be due to the amount of alcohol racing through my body and the emotions still raging within me after watching Biff and Zach tie the knot.

  Telling myself that I can do this, that I can see what happens, enjoy myself and then move on to what I really want from life, I push from the door and step towards the single toilet in this small, slightly dark bathroom.

  A click from behind me has my heart jumping into my throat. I locked it. Didn’t I?

  I soon realise the answer because the light from the brighter corridor outside fills the room. As he shuts the door, I swear he takes all the air with it.

  He’s a pretty big presence at the best of times, but right now, standing before me in this small bathroom, he practically takes up every available bit of space.

  “Danni, I–” he starts, but I don’t allow him to say any more. My body takes over, and in seconds, I’ve closed the space between us, my fingers are in his hair, and my lips are reaching up for his. “Fuck,” he groans as I press my entire body against his.

  He stumbles back in surprise, hitting the door I was leaning against not so long ago as his hands find my waist and his lips part, accepting my kiss.

  My tongue sweeps into his mouth and immediately finds his. His taste, the exact one I’ve craved, although with the added hint of beer, hits me and my knees buckle.

  Dropping his palms to my arse, he squeezes, successfully forcing me even harder against him. The unmistakable shape of his growing erection is obvious against my stomach, and I can’t help the rush of heat heading to my core, knowing that I affect him so much from just a kiss alone.

  “Jesus. Fuck. Danni.” His voice is no more than a growl as he spins us and pins me against the door.

  He takes my wrists in his hands and lifts them above my head. The slight cowl neck to my dress falls forward, showing him just how little I’m wearing beneath, and the already short hemline lifts.

  “This dress. Fuck,” he barks, his eyes frantically running over every inch of me.

  My chest heaves, my nipples brushing against the loose fabric of my dress, and my knickers are already soaked for him. I have no choice but to stand there and allow him to take his fill.

  My blood boils as my skin tingles everywhere he looks.

  “If the point of this dress was to ensure I saw no other woman tonight, then you’ve been successful. Although I must admit, you could have worn a bin bag and I’m sure it would have had the same effect on me.

  A moan of desire rumbles up my throat. I try to catch it before it escapes, but I can’t. The second a smirk appears on Carter’s face, I realise it was worth it, becaus
e with his long hair hanging in his face as he stares down at me and his dark, lust-filled eyes, it only makes him hotter.

  Taking both of my wrists in one hand, he trails one fingertip from the other over my wrist, and, tortuously slowing, he continues down my arm. Every muscle in my body locks up at his touch and the pounding between my legs is the only things I can focus on. My skin pricks with goose bumps and my breathing becomes embarrassingly erratic.

  “Oh god,” I whisper when he gets to the spaghetti strap on my dress and follows the edge of the fabric towards my breasts. My nipples become painful as he makes his way over the swell of the first one. I arch my back, desperate for him to do something, anything to quash the ache and need he’s creating.

  He never dips below the fabric and instead continues along to the other side.

  “Carter, please,” I moan, not caring quite how desperate I sound.

  He leans towards me, his scent filling my nose and making my mouth water for more of his kiss. But instead of capturing my lips, he moves to my ear.

  “Please, what? I didn’t think you wanted me, doll.”

  His breath caresses the sensitive skin of my neck, and I damn near explode with frustration.

  “M-maybe I was wrong.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite make that out. Could you repeat it?” I don’t miss the amusement in his tone. On another day I’d rip him a new one for it, but right now, I don’t have it in me.

  “Please. Please touch me. Kiss me. Anything,” I demand between my heaving breaths.

  “Anything?” His fingers brush down over my waist and come to a stop where my dress stops very high on my thigh. He moves it towards where I need him the most. My teeth sink into my bottom lip as I pray that he’s going to give me relief from this delicious torture.

  He makes it to the edge of my knickers, and then he stops, his eyes finding mine.

  All the air that I wasn’t aware I was holding in my lungs comes rushing out in one go.

  “Carter, come on.”

  “I think…” he pauses, making me wish I had control of my own hands because I could make use of them right now. “I think we should really get back out there before your brother comes looking for me. Excuse me.” He takes a step back, pulling me from the door at the same time, and before I blink, he’s gone.

  “Carter?” I squeal, standing there with my body not knowing which way is up. “Motherfucker.” I race to lock the once again closed door, now needing to put myself back together even more than I did when I first walked in here.

  What the fuck was he thinking, storming in here and doing that to me?

  “Fuck.” I bend slightly and drop my hands to my knees in utter disbelief.

  My own movement catches my eye in the mirror beside me, and, when I turn to look at myself, my chin drops. I look like I’ve just been fucked six ways from Sunday despite the fact that he didn’t so much as touch me.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I start digging into my bag that I thankfully brought in here with me to find my lipstick and to try to do something with the mess staring back at me.

  I have no idea how long I’ve occupied this bathroom. I’m grateful that it can’t be the only one, because no one’s knocked yet demanding to use the facilities.

  With one final fiddle to my now slightly messed-up hair-do, I reach for the door handle and attempt to prepare to walk back out there with my head held high and sit beside him.

  All three heads turn to me when the sound of my heels clicking alerts them to my arrival.

  “Everything okay?” Zach asks sceptically.

  “Uh… yeah. Think I’ve just had a bit too much excitement for one day.”

  His brows pull even tighter as he glances between Carter and me, but he doesn’t say anything else as I drop into the chair opposite him. Biff, on the other hand, has a shit-eating grin on her face.

  “What?” I mouth.

  She flicks a look at Carter before wiggling her eyebrows at me.

  Picking up the napkin that’s sitting in front of me on the table, I throw it at her, much to her amusement.

  “Okay, okay.”

  “What’s going on?” Zach asks, still looking concerned as he wraps his arm about his bride’s shoulders and kisses her temple. If it weren’t so damn cute, I might turn my nose up at his display of affection.

  “Nothing. Girl chat.”

  “You didn’t say anything,” he points out.

  “We don’t need words. We just know. Right, Dan?”


  “Fucking hell, we don’t stand a chance, mate,” Zach says with a laugh, turning his eyes to his best friend.

  “They’re women. We never stand a chance. You probably should have learned that before marrying one, man.”

  Zach barks out a laugh before our waitress comes over carrying the largest burgers I think I’ve ever seen.

  “Wow, I’m going to look so lady-like in my wedding dress, tucking into his,” Biff mutters, her eyes wide as she takes the colossal thing in.

  “See, mine doesn’t sound so stupid now, does it?” I ask Zach sarcastically when my bun-less burger turns up, the potion size almost achievable. At least without all the carbs I should be able to leave this place without looking like I’m growing a food baby. This dress won’t hide any excess, that’s for sure.

  Silence descends on our table as we all start eating. Thankfully, no one else says anything about my disappearance, but I feel Carter’s eyes on me every few seconds as I try to focus on my food and not what happened in that enclosed space down the hallway.

  “Fuck. That was good,” Carter announces, pushing his empty plate away from him and placing his hands on his still perfectly flat stomach. How do guys do that? If I ate that amount of food, I’d look like I was about to go into labour any moment.

  “I can’t do it, my dress is going to rip in half,” Biff says, copying Carter’s move but with a still mostly full plate

  “I’m not complaining.” Zach looks over at her, his eyes dropping to her tits.

  “Ugh. Sister here,” I say with a little wave.

  “You’re going to have to get used to it. Besides, I’m going to have to put up with you two.”

  “There will be nothing to put up with. There is no us two.”

  “Riiight. So do you want to tell the truth yet about what happened down there?” Zach gestures over his shoulder towards the bathrooms, and my temperature spikes. “No, I didn’t think so. Dessert, anyone?”

  “Yes,” Carter agrees as Zach reaches for the menu in the middle of the table.

  I stare at him in utter disbelief as he weighs up his options.

  “What?” he asks, looking over at me.


  “You want to share a sundae with me, doll?”

  I open my mouth to tell him where to go, but Zach beats me to it. “Doll? Fucking hell, it’s worse than I thought. They’ve already got pet names for each other.” Carter shrugs, not in the least bit bothered by Zach’s teasing.

  “Yeah, arsehole, dickhead… all the usual ones are up there.”

  “Oh, mate. Are you sure about this?”

  Carter looks from Zach and to me. His eyes soften as they do and something in my chest pulls tight at the sight.

  “Yeah,” he says with a slight nod to his head. “Yeah, I really am.”

  A lump crawls up my throat. How can he be so sure about this? I’ve done nothing but shout at him since he turned back up in my life.

  “Well, good luck to you. Don’t say I didn’t warn you when she cuts your bollocks off when you’re sleeping.”

  “I’ll take my chances. Just make sure you fondle them good first, yeah, doll?”

  My cheeks heat once more as Zach’s lips press into a thin line.

  “Would any of you like anything else?” the waitress asks, distracting us all from the weird tension that’s fallen around us.

  “Yes, me and the lil’ lady will share the chocolate sundae, please,” Carter says politel
y before she turns to Zach and Biff.

  “We’ll do the same.”

  “But,” Biff argues.

  “It’s our wedding night, kitten. Indulge a bit.”

  “I fully intend to later.” I can’t watch as she proceeds to check out my brother like he’s already naked before her.

  Glancing to my side, I find Carter’s eyes firmly fixed on me.

  “What?” I snap, just about done with him holding all the cards where my body is concerned. He’s played me right into the palm of his hands, and his smug-as-fuck smile tells me that he’s very aware of it.

  “Aw, a little frustrated, doll?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “All in good time. All in good time.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you tonight, so you can get any of those ideas out of your head.”

  He leans forward so only I can hear his next words, although the other two are now preoccupied if the lip smacking is anything to go by. “Now, now. We both know how desperate you are for my cock.” I gasp, shocked by his bluntness when we have company, no matter how quietly he whispers it.

  “There are plenty of other ways to get what I need, Carter. I don’t need, nor want, your cock.”

  “I think we both know that you’re only lying to yourself. But, by all means, do it your own way. I just ask one thing.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  He pauses for a second and pulls back so I have no choice but to look into his deep green eyes. “Let me watch.”

  “So you can see what you could have had? Yeah, maybe I will, just so you know exactly what you’re missing out on.”

  He groans as if in pain. “Oh, doll. You’re killing me.” He has my wrist in his hand before I know it, and he’s placing my palm over his crotch. My breath catches as I feel his length behind the fabric. “You feel what you do to me. We’re both taking what we need tonight. You can deny it all you like—it’s a fun game, I’m quite enjoying it—but we both know how tonight ends, and that’s with me as deep inside you as physically possible.”

  My mouth goes dry as the image of our bodies intertwined once again pops into my head. My body remembers how good he felt when he slid inside of me, and I can’t deny that I want to experience that again.


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