Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2)

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Trick You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Rebel Ink Book 2) Page 9

by Tracy Lorraine

  “We’ll see. My willpower is stronger than you like to believe.”

  He chuckles, and it pisses me off. “Let’s face it: had I have touched you in that bathroom, you’d have already come all over my fingers.”

  My body sags in the seat, knowing that the motherfucker is dead right.

  “Whatever,” I mutter flippantly. “Oh, look, dessert is here.”

  I smile at the waitress, who places the giant sundae between us, and pick up a spoon. I might not be hungry, but fuck if I don’t need something to distract me from wanting a taste of the man sitting beside me.

  “Ummm… that’s so good,” I mutter when the chocolate sauce hits my taste buds.

  “It would be better if I could lick it straight from your body.”

  I don’t respond. I don’t think I react, but then his chuckle says otherwise as I lift the next spoonful to my mouth.



  I’m still hard as fuck after watching Danni lick the ice cream from her spoon. In my head, it wasn’t a metal object she was giving that attention to. I know it’s wrong with her brother staring daggers at me, but I can’t help it.

  “Let’s get out of here. The slots are calling my name,” Zach says, throwing a load of cash down on the table that will more than cover our bill before taking his wife’s hand and leading her from the diner.

  “After you,” I say, pulling Danni’s chair out and gesturing for her to go ahead. She does as she’s told, for once, and takes off after the others, her arse swaying nicely as I trail behind.

  By the time I look up, Zach’s already found a taxi that’s going to take us back to our hotel.

  I watch as he and Biff climb in before Danni goes to do the same.

  She bends, the hem of her dress rising enough to reveal exactly what—or not, as the case may be— she’s wearing beneath that sinful dress.

  “Carter, what the fuck?” she barks, stiffening when I stand right behind her, her arse just happening to fall into my hands.

  “Every motherfucker out here is staring at your bare arse right now, doll. I’m doing you a favour.”

  “I don’t give a shit. I’m sure they’ve all seen an arse beforrrrre,” she squeals the last bit as I run my little finger over the damp lace of her underwear. She hops inside the cab faster than I thought possible, but at least she’s no longer flashing anyone.

  “This dress was a bad idea,” Danni sulks to Biff.

  “There’s nothing bad about that dress, doll. Trust me.”

  Zach shakes his head at me before leaning forward to tell the driver where we’re heading.

  Only minutes later, we’re climbing back out and walking towards our hotel.

  I’ve seen Las Vegas time and time again on the TV, but even still, it never could have prepared me for what it’s like in real life. The sheer size, brightness, and excitement of it all could never be accurately portrayed. It’s one of those things that has to be seen to be believed, and I’m so glad I’ve been able to tick this place off my bucket list.

  “Right, boss. You ready to put your money where your mouth is?”

  “Yeah, but I ain’t listening to any advice from you. I’ve watched you lose every game of poker we’ve ever played.”

  “Cards aren’t my game. The roulette wheel, however… that’s where I sense I’m going to be lucky.”

  “Sorry, but I’m not going by your sense. I know how much of that you have, and I’m not putting a penny on it.”

  “Whatever. We’ll just watch you show us how it’s done. Ready, doll?” I ask, wrapping my arm around Danni’s waist and pulling her to me.

  “To watch Zach lose? Hell yeah.”

  Time seems to speed up as the four of us make our way around the casino. All of us lose money that I’m sure we all need, none more so than Zach, but he’s having the time of his life right now with his wife on his arm.

  At some point we break apart, Zach and Biff wandering over to the other side of the room.

  “So, are you feeling lucky, doll?” I look up at her, her eyes a little glassy from the wine she’s been drinking since we arrived, and a sly smile curls at her lips before her eyes drop from mine.

  “I’m always lucky, Trick. I just need to find the right guy to help me out.” She spins on the spot as if she’s looking for someone.

  “I can save you the trouble.” My hands land on her hips, and I pull her back into my body. I’m already rocking a semi from just watching her in action on the blackjack table not so long ago, so the second her arse connects with it, it swells.

  Feeling it, she grinds back against it, making a groan rumble up my throat.

  “Let’s see. As we both know, I have a thing for suave banker types. Suits, polished shoes, well-educated, and with a respectable job. About my age would be great, although I don’t mind a little older, it just ensures he knows what he’s doing. But also someone who’s not looking for anything serious. I just want a night of fun. Hot. Sweaty. No-holds-barred kind of fun.”

  My lips land on her neck. I lick up the skin before sucking it into my mouth. She shudders against me, her arse teasing me even more as she moves her hips.

  “Or how about…” I whisper, running the tip of my nose around the shell of her ear. “A bad boy with tattoos who can make you scream like no other?”

  She groans, and the sound goes straight to my cock. There’s no way she can’t feel it against her, but she doesn’t react other than to step away, allowing the rest of the room to see the tenting of my trousers if they so wished.

  She’s a few feet away, my eyes locked on her body swaying, when she turns back to me. Her dark eyes sparkle and her lips curl into a wicked smile.

  “Are you coming, or should I find—”

  “Do not finish that sentence, doll.” Catching up to her, I grip onto her hip and direct her towards the roulette table to try our luck.

  It’s a bad move. We should have gone to the slots, because every time she leans forward to put our chips down, her dress exposes even more thigh. Each time she does it, the temptation to drag her out and up to my suite is getting harder and harder to ignore.

  As she places our last two chips down, I reach out and run my fingertips up the back of her leg. She stills with her hand halfway towards the table and looks back over her shoulder. One side of her mouth quirks up, and if I wasn’t already sure I was going to get exactly what I needed tonight, then that one look tells me everything I need to know.

  Unable to remove my hand, I keep my palm on the top of her thigh and brush my thumb over the swell of her arse.

  We watch in silence as the ball is dropped into the wheel. Everything around me fades. The only thing I can hear and focus on is Danni beside me. I don’t need to look over to know her chest is heaving, I can hear her increased breaths.

  The ball lands on red and neither of the numbers Danni had selected.

  “Apparently it’s not my lucky night,” she says on a sigh, turning away from the table now we’ve run out of chips.

  “Oh, doll. I can assure you that it’s very much your lucky night.”

  As we walk away from the table, Zach and Biff appear from another direction and join us.

  “We’re spent out. Fancy hitting the club?”

  “Yes,” Danni squeals a little too excitedly. “I want to dance.” Her voice is a little slurred. I’m not surprised after the amount we’ve all drunk. The sensible thing would probably be to suggest we head to bed, but this is Vegas. It’s not the time or the place to be sensible.

  “Let’s go then.” Zach takes Biff’s hand and I do the same to Danni as we follow them out. To my surprise, she doesn’t pull away. Although when she wobbles slightly in her heels, I wonder if that’s more the reason than wanting to be close to me.

  We don’t leave the hotel, instead just head for the basement. The bass of the music booms louder and louder as we get closer. My fingers twitch in anticipation of what’s to come.

  “Drinks then dance,” Biff
instructs, pushing through the crowd, still proudly wearing her wedding dress.

  My excitement wanes slightly at seeing the queue, but the barmen are more effective than I give them credit for, because it’s only a few minutes later when another two rounds of tequila appear in front of us.

  I glance at Danni, wondering if she’s going to be able to stomach another two shots, but it seems she doesn’t share my concern because she’s the first to reach out and lift the small glass to her lips.

  “I’m so ready for this,” she says excitedly, going for the second as the rest of us take our first.

  I barely blink and my fingers are laced with hers and she’s dragging me out into the middle of the dance floor.

  The second we come to a stop, she pulls me into her body, rests her head back on my shoulder, and starts moving to the music.

  Placing my hands on her hips, I follow her lead, ignoring the burning stare from Zach only a few feet away when I lower my lips and press them to her neck.

  One song blurs into another. Danni’s movements don’t falter, and with her body crushed up against mine, I shut the world out and move with her.

  My head spins with the alcohol and the excitement of what the rest of the night might hold.

  The song ends. I’m only aware because, as the music drops out slightly, Danni spins in my arms. Her hands skim up my chest before locking behind my neck. She looks into my eyes for the briefest moment, and I swear I can see everything I want looking back at me.

  The thought rocks me, threatens to buckle my knees right here in the middle of a Vegas dance floor, but the second her lips meet mine, everything vanishes from my head. The only thing I can focus on is the woman in my arms. My hands side around to her arse, pulling her tighter to me as her tongue slips past my lips, seeking out my own.

  The outside world ceases to exist. The fact that her brother is standing feet away and probably about to take my head off doesn’t even register. The only thing I’m aware of is her and proving to her that I’m the man she needs. Fuck the expensive suit and the slicked-back hair. I’m it. I’m the one, and I intended on rocking her world so far off its axis tonight that I’m the only one she’ll think about ever again.

  Time stands still, but our kiss gets dirtier, more desperate. With her leg up around my waist, I grind my steel length against her core, making a moan vibrate up her throat.

  “Fuck, I need to be inside you,” I groan. I don’t expect her to hear me, but by some miracle with the music pounding around us she does, because her hold gets tighter, her nails digging into my back.

  Fuck, my need to carry her out of here and fuck her on the nearest available surface is painful.

  Sadly, any more thoughts of doing just that are squashed the second another hand lands on my shoulder. It squeezes painfully, and I don’t need to look up to know who it belongs to.

  “If this were any night but my wedding night, things would be different, but my priority is my wife, not you two.” He looks between us. Our chests heave, and I can only imagine that our eyes are wild with desire. I should not be looking into my best friend’s eyes right now while my cock is weeping to be inside his sister. “But,” he adds when I think he’s finished, “if you fucking hurt so much as a hair on her head, I’m fucking coming for you. Best friend or not.”

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about,” I say with much more confidence than I probably should have. The one thing I’m good at in life is screwing shit up, so I don’t know why this thing with Danni would be any different. Danni tenses in my arms, but I keep my eyes on Zach, needing him to know how serious I am about this.

  He nods, accepting my words before Biff stands between us.

  “You finished with the big brother speech?” she shouts in amusement.

  “Yeah. We’re out of here. Got plans, if you know what I mean.” He winks, and both Biff and Danni groan.

  “You go and consummate the shit out of your marriage.”

  “Oh I intend to. We’ll see you guys in the morning, yeah? Assuming she can walk,” he says with a smile, chancing a look at Biff, whose cheeks are beetroot.

  “Yeah, man.” Releasing Danni, I pull him in for a man hug and whisper my congratulations once again in his ear. I hope he knows that he’s won the fucking lottery with Biff. She’s one of a kind.

  I give Biff a quick hug before she embraces Danni. They have a very brief chat. I think most of their conversation is silent. After a few seconds they hug again, and, with one more warning glance from Zach, they disappear through the crowd.

  “And then there were two. What do you want to do with the rest of the night then, doll?”

  “I’ve got a few ideas.”



  As I attempt to move, what feels like a lead weight presses me into the mattress. Staying put, I try to figure out exactly where I am and how I got here.

  My brain pounds in my head. It feels like it’s too big and trying to escape through my temples.

  I crack one eye open, and at the sight of the hotel room things start coming back to me.

  Zach and Biff getting married.

  Giant burgers and diner bathrooms.

  The casino.

  Tequila. Lots of tequila.

  Dancing. And then… nothing.

  Suddenly realising who I’m in bed with, I flip over despite his arm wrapped tightly around me so I can look up at him for confirmation. Not that I need it.

  My body aches, my core sore from just this small amount of movement alone. There’s no denying what might have gone on in this bed last night.

  A flashback of his lips against my collarbone hits me, and my nipples pebble.

  I expect to find him sleeping, but when I look up, my eyes lock with his tired green ones.

  “Morning, doll.” His rough, sleepy voice does things to me, but sadly another issue makes itself known.

  “I’m gonna be sick.” Pushing from the bed, I race towards the en suite and drop to my knees over the toilet before last night’s tequila makes a reappearance.

  Sitting back against the wall, the underfloor heating warms my bum as I tip my head back and squeeze my eyes shut, begging for the pain to stop.

  “Well, I must say that’s the first time anyone has reacted that way to finding me in bed with them.” Carter’s amused voice comes from the doorway.

  “Stop,” I beg, not feeling at all strong enough to deal with the alcohol-fuelled mistake I made last night.

  I don’t look at him. I don’t even open my eyes. I know I’m sitting here naked while he stares at me, and I don’t need to know what the look in his eyes right now is saying.

  “You need to leave,” I demand.

  “Actually, we need to go and meet Zach and Biff. We’re going to be late.”

  Groaning, I drag my broken body from the floor, knowing that he’s right.

  My muscles pull, and my stomach turns over again, but thankfully it settles itself this time.

  Standing in front of the basin, I rest my palms on the cool porcelain and wait a few seconds before glancing up.

  When I do, I’m nowhere near prepared for what I find. My hair is a mess, my face smeared with the remains of last night’s makeup. But none of that is the most obvious. It’s the red marks littering my neck and chest that hold my attention and fuel my anger. It doesn’t stop the vague memory of him putting them there, though.

  Glancing up, I find him over my shoulder, still standing in the doorway. Our eyes connect, and an image pops into my head of him looking up at me from between my thighs.


  “You need to leave,” I spit. When he does nothing to look like he’s following orders, I spin on the balls of my feet. “No-ow.” The word cracks when I find his naked body staring back at me, his ink on full display, his semi-hard cock pointing at me from below the deep V lines travelling towards it.

  Heat stirs in my belly as a vague memory of rubbing my tongue over those exact lines comes back to me. Colour stains my
cheeks as I continue staring at him. I bite down on my bottom lip, having a feeling that we were very up close and personal last night.

  “There’s no point getting embarrassed now, doll. Not after last night.”

  My mouth opens and then shuts again when I realise that I don’t even know where to start with what could have happened between us. In the end, I go with my most pressing question, seeing as my body is telling me that whatever did happen went on for a considerable amount of time. I know I’ve not been with anyone since our last rendezvous on Biff’s sofa, but the tenderness between my legs is certainly not from a quick drunken fuck to end the night.

  “You… uh… you remember what happened last night?” I ask.

  His eyes drop down my exposed body. My arms are desperate to cover myself up, but I stand strong, appearing confident when all I want to do is curl up in a ball and sleep away this hangover from hell.

  His now fully erect, bobbing cock catches my eye, and damn if it doesn’t make my mouth water. I bite down on my cheek and try to conjure up a memory of how he might have tasted if I did have him in my mouth, but there’s nothing other than a very strong suspicion that it happened.

  “It’s kinda hazy, but all the important parts are there.” His eyes roam my body once again, and it heats, knowing that it’s a body he’s now very familiar with.

  “Oh god,” I groan, equally embarrassed and annoyed by what I might have done that have I no recollection of. Although if the heat in his eyes tells me anything, it’s that it was a good night.

  “You did call for him a lot. But I’m pretty sure it was me who answered your prayers, doll.”

  “You need to leave. We need to get dressed to meet Zach and Biff.”

  He nods, taking a step back. “We do. You’re right. But this isn’t over, doll. Not by a long stretch.”

  “Great,” I groan. I can’t help but question my irritation with him when he turns and I get to watch his sculpted arse walk away from me.


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