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Wyatt's War: Hearts & Heroes, Book 1

Page 5

by Myla Jackson

  “What are you going to do?”

  “We’ve agreed to share the room.” When Fiona said the words, she knew how crazy the idea sounded.

  “You’re sharing a room with a strange man?” Maddie’s brows furrowed. “Want me to run a background check on him? He could be a serial killer or rapist.”

  Fiona’s lips tipped upward on the edges. “He’s military and on loan with Homeland Security. I’ve already run it up the chain of command. I’m stuck with him on the project.”

  “But you’re not stuck sleeping in the same hotel room.” Maddie lifted the phone and started dialing.

  “Who are you calling?”

  “The hotel. This will never do.” Maddie held the phone to her ear.

  Fiona took it from her. “Don’t bother. I’ve already talked until I’m blue in the face. The hotel is booked. It’s sleep in the streets or share a room with Wyatt.”

  “Wyatt?” Maddie set the phone back on the desk. “You two are already on a first name basis?”

  Fiona’s cheeks warmed all over again. Hell, they’d seen each other completely naked. They ought to be on a first name basis. “Yes. He’ll be reporting directly to me about the security. He’s already come up with a good idea.” Why she hadn’t thought of running bomb-sniffing dogs through the convention center was a mistake that could have cost her.

  “The point is he’s got to be nearby. We’ve already had an incident.” Fiona explained about the shooting.

  “Well, crap. Things couldn’t go smoothly, could they?”

  “There’s a lot of unrest between some of the countries attending. I had hoped everyone would get along while they were here. And then the shooting had to happen. We don’t know who’s responsible yet. The police are looking into it.” Fiona glanced at Maddie, her lips twisting in a wry grin. “In the meantime, I’m sharing a room with the head of security.”

  Maddie’s eyes narrowed. “Want me to come stay with you? I’m sure I can convince my boyfriend that sharing a room with my boss and a strange man is perfectly acceptable.”

  “Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?” Fiona’s lips pressed together. “As much as he’s annoying, I trust him not to do anything stupid.” Perhaps that was why she’d agreed to share the room. That and he made her blood burn through her veins and the thought of catching him naked again… Damn. She had to get her mind out of the gutter. The man was there on a mission and so was she. “I’ll be all right.”

  “You have that pepper spray I gave you last Christmas?”

  Fiona nodded. “On my keychain.”

  “Leave it on the nightstand and use it if he gets too friendly.” Maddie crossed her arms. “I don’t like it.”

  “I promise I’ll be okay.”

  “I have a mind to check in on you tonight. I could have a little chat with the squatter and let him know in no uncertain terms that he’s to keep his hands to himself.”

  Fiona laughed. “Thank you, Mother, but that won’t be necessary.” A naughty thought insinuated itself into her head. What if he didn’t keep his hands to himself? Maybe she wanted him to touch her. After the kiss they’d shared in the room, she was sure there was enough attraction to lead to more. Did she want it?

  Maddie’s gaze narrowed even more. “Just how old is this DHS guy? Is he a fatherly type?”

  The heat burned in Fiona’s cheeks again and she didn’t turn away fast enough to avoid Maddie’s pointed stare.

  Her eyes widened. “He’s not, is he?” Maddie grabbed Fiona’s hands and forced her to face her. “Crap, Fiona, tell me all about him. Is he tall, is he handsome, is he nice?” A grin spread across her face. “You do realize you haven’t had a boyfriend in at least a year. It’s about time you got laid.”

  Fiona tried to shake free of Maddie’s grip. “Oh please. It’s not a crime to be without a boyfriend. I simply haven’t had time.”

  “Ha! You do plan on getting laid.” Maddie whooped. “You go, girl. Take charge of your sex life and rev it up.”

  “Really, Maddie. I have no plans to get laid.”

  “You can’t plan everything, sweetie. Some things have to be spontaneous. The important thing is…does he make you hot? Is there any fire between the two of you? Has he kissed you?”

  The more Maddie pushed for information, the hotter Fiona’s cheeks burned.

  “He has!” Maddie hugged Fiona. “I’m so happy for you. A kiss is just the beginning. Tonight you need to meet him in the bar in that little black dress that shows off your figure so well.”

  “I’m not dating the man. I’m just sharing a room with him. The kiss could very well have been a mistake on his part.”

  “But not on yours?” Maddie shivered. “Makes me wish I could be a fly on the wall tonight in your hotel room.”

  “Maddie! I never knew there was a naughty voyeur in you.”

  Maddie gave her a wicked smile. “Only because you never asked. My boyfriend and I belong to a BDSM club and they have a voyeur viewing room.”

  Fiona poked her fingers into her ears. “I don’t want to hear this.”

  “Oh come on, Fiona. You’re not that old. BDSM can be a lot of fun. You should bring Wyatt. I’m sure I can get you in for a trial run.”

  “No, no, no. Get this straight. Wyatt and I are sharing a room. Not a bed, not sex, not BDSM. He’s not my boyfriend and he’s not my lover. The end.”

  Maddie pouted. “Spoilsport. You really need to loosen up. Life is going to pass you by if you’re not careful.”

  “I have a convention to run. I suggest we get back to what’s important.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Maddie left Fiona in her office, and giggled all the way back to her desk. “Methinks the boss has met her match,” she muttered loud enough Fiona could hear.

  “He’s not my match!” Fiona slammed the door between them.

  Alone in her office, she could no longer ignore the fantasies that had plagued her all the way across town. Her body was on fire, her core hot and wet.

  No stranger to pleasuring herself, she clicked the lock on the door and went to her desk where she kept her little secret. A shiny silver bullet vibrator that fit in the palm of her hand.

  Maybe if she got herself off, she wouldn’t be so aroused by Wyatt when she met up with him later.

  She swept the papers on her desk to the side, pulled her skirt up to her waist and sat on the edge of the polished mahogany, thankful she’d worn thong panties. The cool wood surface did little to chill the rise of desire thrumming through her veins.

  Fiona switched on the vibrator and let it shake in her palm for a few seconds, warming the cool metal. This was crazy. Maddie had given her the vibrator for her birthday, along with a sexy nightie and permission to seduce a man. She’d tucked the tiny tool away, preferring to use the larger one she kept in her nightstand at home. In private. What professional businesswoman fired up her vibrator in the office?

  The vibrator had remained in her drawer for the past six months, unused, untested, tucked behind her pain medication for the occasional headache. What kind of medication was a vibrator?

  She hoped it was the right kind to get her over her lusty feelings toward the naked security supervisor.

  Spreading her legs wide, she imagined Wyatt stepping between them and rubbing his big cock against her clit. She parted her folds and pressed the pulsing device against the highly sensitive strip of flesh packed with what felt like thousands of little nerve endings, begging to be fired up.

  At the first touch, her breath caught in her throat. Dipping it into her pussy, she coated the magic bullet in her juices and slid it back over her clit, the vibrations bringing her senses to attention, firing off synapses throughout her body.

  She pictured herself naked, Wyatt dropping to his knees, draping her legs over his broad shoulders. He’d flick his tongue over that nubbin, again and again.

>   Fiona tapped the vibrator over her clit, pretending it was Wyatt’s tongue. Her breathing grew more ragged, her body tightening, her core so hot she might spontaneously combust on her desk.

  When she was close to the edge of orgasm, she slipped the bullet into her pussy and clenched around it, while finger flicking her clit.

  “Oh my,” she moaned, her finger working faster, trying to match the pulsing beat of the vibrator. “Oh yeah. There. Right there.” Fiona threw back her head, her back arching, her finger doing double-time as the vibrator shook inside her.

  Tingles began at her center and shot outward to the very tips of her fingers and toes. She held her breath as tremors of lust rippled across her body. For a long moment, she cupped her sex, the vibrator charging on until the last of the orgasm faded.

  A knock on the door made her jerk the vibrator out. “Y-yes?” she said, her voice hoarse. Clearing her throat she aimed for her usual clear tone. “What is it?”

  “I thought I heard you call out,” Maddie said. “Is everything all right in there?” The doorknob wiggled. “Why is this door locked?”

  “I was just resting my eyes. I’ll be out in a moment.” Fiona hopped off the desk and nearly fell flat on her face when her heel caught the carpet and sent her flying forward. Once she’d righted herself, she wrapped the vibrator in a tissue and stuffed it into her purse and slung the strap over her shoulder. On her way to the door, she tugged her skirt into place and patted her hair, pleased she’d been able to provide her own orgasm without the help of a man.

  Well, almost. Fantasizing about a certain man didn’t count. It could be any man, not the one she’d be sleeping with that night.

  When she stepped through the door, she gave Maddie a cool smile. “I’m on my way to the convention center and I won’t be back to the office today. Call me if you need me.”

  “One thing before you go, boss.” Maddie’s lips quirked upward on one side.

  “I’m not going to have sex with Wyatt Magnus, so save your breath.” Fiona was proud of herself remaining firm on that subject and for having taken care of her own needs.

  “I wasn’t going to say anything about getting laid by the sexy security guy.” Maddie made an attempt to wipe the smile off her face, failing miserably. “I just thought you might want to know that your skirt is tucked into the back of your thong panties and your ass is showing.”

  “Oh, good grief.” Her face flaming, Fiona yanked the back of her skirt down over her bottom. “Am I covered?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Grinning broadly now, Maddie waved. “That silver bullet does the trick, doesn’t it?”

  She never could pull one over on Maddie. “Yes, it does. Let’s hope it holds me through the night.” Fiona paused at the exit. “And thank you for the gift.”

  “Just glad you’re getting some use out of it. Although the real thing is so much better.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind for the future. After the convention.”

  Her resolve strengthened by her release, she headed for the convention center, charged with the wicked thrill of anticipation as unavoidable as breathing.

  Chapter Five

  Wyatt met Joe Goodman on the front steps of the convention center.

  His friend had brought with him a black and tan German Shepherd on a thick leather lead. When Joe stopped, the animal stopped and sat automatically, his tail sweeping the floor in a steady motion.

  “So what gives, Magnus?” Joe stuck out his hand.

  Wyatt gripped it and pulled the former linebacker and Special Ops soldier into a bear hug.

  “Good to see you, man. How’s the rehab going?”

  Joe nodded. “Okay. The dogs helped me come through better than anything the Army could provide, although the staff at SAMC was great.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Tell me.” Joe leveled a stare at Wyatt. “I did some checkin’. Seems you did some time at SAMC yourself recently.”

  Wyatt nodded. “Not as bad as what you went through. A few holes, broken bones and messed up head. I’m headed back after TDY with the International Trade Convention.”

  “Good for you.” Joe stared at the convention center. “Not a day goes by that I don’t wish I could go back.”

  “Why?” Wyatt waved toward the dog at his feet. “You’ve got everything any man could ask for. Unconditional love, a job you can get passionate about and you’re helping other vets.” Wyatt bent to scratch the dog’s ears. “You’ve got it all here. Seriously.” Wyatt straightened. “You look better than the last time I saw you.”

  Joe snorted. “Last time you saw me, I was bleeding like a stuck pig. I wouldn’t have made it had you not gotten me out of the hot zone so quickly. Thanks again.”

  Wyatt shrugged. “You’d have done the same for me.”

  “Damn right. You still owed me money for that poker game you lost to me.”

  “That’s right. I forgot all about that. What was it, twenty bucks?” Wyatt reached into his back pocket.

  With a shake of his head, Joe put his hand up. “I don’t want your money.”

  “I pay my debts.”

  “It’s me who can’t repay you,” Joe said. “But if it’ll make you feel better, buy the animal shelter a bag of dog food and donate it in my name.”

  “I’ll do that. And you owe me nothing.” Wyatt nodded toward the convention center. “I’m supposed to meet the man in charge of additional security staff inside. What say we get to work?”

  “I’m in.” Joe glanced down at his dog. “Bacchus needs some exercise too.” Together, they entered the building in search of Arthur Salazar, the dedicated security staff supervisor, and Preston Jones, the man in charge of the additional security staff hired by Fiona to help ensure the safety of the convention goers.

  He found both of them in the equipment room where the security camera monitors were located.

  Arthur was showing Preston the camera angles from different locations. He rose from his seat when Wyatt and Joe entered. “Sergeant Major Magnus, pleasure to meet you.” Salazar stuck out his hand and gave Wyatt a firm handshake. “Always good to meet another grunt.”

  “Prior service?” Wyatt asked.

  “Retired after twenty years, four deployments and a lot of nagging from mi esposa.” Arthur smiled.

  “Joe, this is Preston Jones, the man in charge of the contract security staff.” Wyatt turned to Preston. “Preston, this is Joe Goodman, he’ll be in charge of the dogs.”

  Joe held out his hand.

  As Preston raised his, Bacchus growled and Preston snatched his hand back.

  “Sit,” Joe commanded, shaking his head. “Sorry about that. He’s normally behaved.”

  “I never cared for dogs,” Preston said. “I was bit as a kid.”

  “Bacchus can sense hesitation. He’s one of my best.” Joe patted the dog’s head.

  Bacchus looked up at him, tongue lolling as if he didn’t have a mean bone in his body.

  “Nice to meet you, Joe.” Arthur shook Joe’s hand and turned to Wyatt. “Who did you piss off to get this assignment?”

  Wyatt shook his head. “I was in the neighborhood and got tapped before I could get out.” He glanced around the room. “Nice set up.”

  Arthur’s chest puffed out. “We just upgraded for the big auto show the McCanns staged here.”

  Joe leaned close. “The McCanns are the biggest name in auto dealerships in San Antonio. Loaded.”

  Based on the shiny new computer display spread out before them, the McCann money had gone to good use. “Nice.”

  Arthur turned back to the monitors. “I was showing Preston how far the cameras reach.”

  “Any blind spots on the outside?” Wyatt asked.

  Arthur pointed to the map of the building on the wall. “Here and here. We always position convention center guards at eac
h of these locations as well as at the doors and loading ramps.”

  “Joe and I would like access and a thorough tour of the facility tomorrow to clear it before the vendors and dignitaries arrive.”

  Arthur nodded. “I can be here to unlock whatever doors you need. We have nothing to hide here.”

  “Good, though it’s not what you’re hiding that I would have issue with.” Wyatt glanced at his watch. “I understand there is a social event scheduled for tomorrow night to kick off the convention.”

  “It’s at the hotel,” Preston corrected. “Nineteen hundred, sharp. The caterers will be arriving between four and five.”

  Wyatt nodded, glad Preston was on the ball. From the itinerary Fiona had provided, he’d known the reception would be at the hotel. He was testing Preston to see if he had his ducks in a row. “I’ll be at the hotel early to make sure everything is squared away.”

  “That really won’t be necessary,” Preston said. “I’ll have my people briefed and in place. The metal detectors are being installed as we speak and I have sufficient staff to augment the hotel staff.”

  “Thank you.” Wyatt nodded. “I’ll be there anyway.”

  Preston’s lips pressed together. “It will be overkill with two chiefs.”

  Wyatt glanced at Arthur. “Do you feel like it’s overkill?”

  Arthur shook his head. “Never when lives are at stake. And the threat level is heightened to orange. With all those foreign dignitaries arriving, the convention goers will be ripe for an attack.”

  “I don’t know why Ms. Allen hired me to provide security for the event if she was going to have someone else take charge,” Preston groused. “So be it.” He smiled and waved toward the door. “Let’s get through this tour so that I can make my personnel assignments. Some of us have more work to do.”

  Wyatt spent the first part of the afternoon with Arthur and Preston combing over the convention center, meeting with the permanent staff and the men Preston had brought in to take the first shift that evening.


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