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The Leper's bell sf-14

Page 10

by Peter Tremayne

  ‘An astrologer predicted that if the child were born on a certain day he would be chief jester of the five kingdoms of Éireann. If he was born on the following day, then the position of the stars would be more auspicious and he would become the most powerful king in the country. So when Moncha felt the birth pangs and the day of the better prediction had not yet come, she left the palace at Cnoc Rafoan and walked into the shallows of the nearby River Suir. She sat on a flat stone to delay the baby’s coming. So that day passed, and the baby came on the day when it was predicted that the child, if born then, would be a great king. But Moncha died from her efforts to delay the birth. When the infant emerged, the force of being pressed against the stone had flattened his forehead and hence he bore thereafter the sobriquet of Muilleathan or broad-crowned.’

  The chieftain spoke in all seriousness and Eadulf controlled his features, which were about to give way to mirth, and merely nodded.

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘Fiachrae, or Fiacha, for he was also known by the diminutive form as a token of affection by his people, became a great king. He ruled here during the time when the great Cormac mac Art held the high kingship, which was about four centuries ago. The Uí Néill, of the sept of the Dál Riada, expelled Cormac for a time from Tara, but Fiachrae came forward and fought in his support, and Cormac regained the high kingship. For a time, all was well between the two kings, but Cormac was ill advised. An ambitious administrator told him that this kingdom of Muman, being the largest of the five kingdoms, should pay double the tribute to the High King of any other of the kingdoms. When this was demanded, Fiachrae refused.

  ‘Then Cormac did a very unwise thing, spurred on by the ambitions of his bad adviser. He came with an army into Muman. Fiachrae’s own army gathered here at this very spot, on this very hill which is shaped like a ship, and here it was that Cormac’s army surrounded Fiachrae’s men. Again Cormac was ill advised. His generals told him to burn out the army of Fiachrae and they set fire to the trees and bushes, but Fiachrae’s druid Mag Ruith caused a great wind to arise and the smoke was blown on to Cormac’s warriors, suffocating them and causing them to flee. Then Fiachrae gave the order for his warriors to pursue and punish Cormac’s army. Cormac had to pay reparation to Fiachrae.’

  Eadulf smothered a yawn, doing his best to hide his boredom.

  ‘And everyone lived in happiness thereafter?’ he said.

  The chieftain shook his head.

  ‘Life is not like a fairy story in this land, Saxon,’ he rebuked his guest, not picking up on Eadulf’s sarcasm. ‘Cormac had his revenge.’

  Eadulf had glanced quickly round, wondering why Fidelma was so long in rejoining them. He realised that he should say something, and asked: ‘How?’

  ‘Cormac had a fosterling named Connla, son of Tadhg, lord of Éile, a rival to the Muman throne, and cousin of Fiachrae. Connla had contracted leprosy while at Tara…’

  Eadulf stirred uneasily as he was reminded of the purpose in coming to Cnoc Loinge. ‘Leprosy?’

  ‘Indeed. And Cormac played a subtle game for his revenge. He persuaded Connla that a cure could be found if he bathed in the blood of a king who was kin to him. Connla went south and was welcomed at the court at Cnoc Rafoan and treated well by Fiachrae. Connla bided his time and one day he and Fiachrae went swimming in the Suir at Áth Aiseal, the ford of the ass. When the opportunity arose, he drove his sword into Fiachrae…’

  ‘And was cured of leprosy?’ Eadulf smiled.

  The chieftain frowned at his flippancy.

  ‘Of course not,’ he snapped. ‘Connla was taken by Fiachrae’s guards but the dying king, showing his nobility, told them to spare his life and sent him to the house of the lepers in the land of the Corco Duibhne. The king died and was succeeded by his tanist Ailill Flann Bee from whose noble line descends our present king, Colgú … and, of course, your wife Fidelma.’

  The chieftain suddenly smiled and cast a sideways glance at Eadulf.

  ‘But I hear that Fidelma is now mother to a son. How is the child? I believe his name is Alchú, is it not?’

  Eadulf seized the opportunity to tell Fiachrae what had brought them to his small settlement. The chieftain’s garrulousness vanished.

  ‘But… but this is terrible. You should have told me immediately,’ he said. ‘This is catastrophic. A tragedy. Awful.’

  Eadulf had the impression that Fiachrae’s words lacked sincerity. He felt a compulsion to point out that he had had little opportunity to tell the chieftain anything. It was only after he had told the story about the dwarf leper that he remembered Fidelma’s reticence about revealing the reason for their presence to Fiachrae earlier.

  ‘Well,’ Fiachrae said after a moment or two, putting down his mug, ‘there have been no reports of itinerants or lepers of any shape or size passing through here.’

  ‘Fidelma thought that he might have joined the dwarfs who are here…’

  Fiachrae shook his head immediately. ‘These dwarfs are crossan. I hardly think that a leper, or a religious of any sort, would join them.’


  ‘Crossan or drúth — gleemen or players. They are performing some play and the word has spread so that many people are coming to the fair from the surrounding countryside. I am told that they come from the Féis Tailltenn where they had great success in the entertainment of the High King.’

  ‘And none of them has been seen with a baby?’

  Fiachrae was frowning. ‘You have reason to suspect these performers of the abduction of your child?’

  ‘There is reason to suppose that a dwarf was involved,’ Eadulf said shortly, for he was not entirely sure he agreed with Fidelma’s intuition on the matter.

  ‘Well, they do not have any babies with them. Nor have they come from Cashel. I am told that they came from Cluain Mic Nois and Tir dhá Ghlas, the territory of the two streams, directly north of Imleach.’

  ‘You seem well apprised of their movements.’

  Fiachrae smiled thinly. ‘I have to be, my friend. I can take you to the top of the hill behind us and show you where the territory of the Uí Fidgente commences.’

  ‘So close?’ Eadulf had always associated the Uí Fidgente with a territory well to the west and slightly to the north.

  ‘Cnoc Áine, where we defeated the Uí Fidgente last year, is only five kilometres north of here. We are on the borderlands of the fractious clan that is always plotting against the rule of the Eóghanacht. That is why I have to take an interest in all the travellers passing through here. My people know this and have orders to tell me of any strangers passing into the country of the Uí Fidgente.’

  Eadulf leaned forward with interest. ‘So you would know what travellers have come this way in the last few days?’

  Fiachrae smiled complacently. ‘I do. I can tell you of a very strange person, for example, travelling with a religieux from the northern Uí Néill kingdom. He hardly knew our language, although he spoke several including the tongues of the Greek and the Roman.’

  ‘Ah, I have heard of them,’ agreed Eadulf. However, the chieftain was disposed to continue.

  ‘Brother Basil Nestorios was his name,’ he went on. ‘His companion, whose name was Brother Tanaide, told me that this Basil Nestorios was a healer from lands in the east. He boasted, or rather Brother Tanaide boasted on his behalf, that he could cure leprosy by his potions and herbs. He was a probably a madman, but most foreigners are…’

  He suddenly realised what he had said and glanced at Eadulf to see if he had taken offence.

  ‘Anyone else?’ pressed Eadulf, ignoring the remark. ‘We are particularly interested in anyone who carried a baby with them.’

  Fiachrae shook his head. ‘No one has passed here carrying a solitary baby.’

  Eadulf sat back, disappointed.

  There was a movement at the door. Fidelma entered, having washed and changed into dry clothing.

  ‘I am sorry to be so long, Fiachrae,’ she said, coming to the fire and ta
king her seat before Fiachrae could rise from his chair.

  ‘Do not worry, cousin. I have been entertaining our Saxon friend with stories of our history, and how it is that this small spot ensured the prosperity of the Eóghanacht.’

  Fidelma grimaced. ‘The story of our ancestor Fiachrae son of Eóghan? The story of Cnoc Loinge and the siege is one of the sagas of our kingdom. I remember that you are fond of telling it.’ There was a sense of weariness in her voice as if Fiachrae and his storytelling were well known to her and not really appreciated.

  The chieftain beamed a little and rose, moving to the side table.

  ‘Mead to keep out the cold after your immersion in the stream?’ he offered.

  ‘I do not wish to seem an ungracious guest, Fiachrae, but I had expected Capa and the others to have returned by now. Surely, the fair is not so large?’

  ‘It gets larger each year as our prosperity grows. But three pairs of eyes should have accomplished the task of finding a leper.’ His grin broadened as he saw her frown. ‘We have had a long talk, Eadulf and I. He has told me of your quest. You have but to instruct me and if it is in my power, I will accomplish the task.’

  Fidelma glanced towards Eadulf and then seemed to relax.

  ‘You are gracious, Fiachrae.’

  ‘As I was telling Eadulf here, I know of every stranger who has come to the fair. It is my duty. Your brother, our king, charged me with it after the victory at Cnoc Áine. No lepers are in attendance at the fair today. And the dwarfs are only crossan?

  The corners of Fidelma’s mouth turned down and she glanced disapprovingly at Eadulf.

  ‘Doubtless my fer comtha has been asking what strangers have been passing through your settlement and whether any carried babies.’

  Fiachrae suppressed a chuckle.

  ‘Sharp as ever, cousin. He has.’

  He had poured a second mug of mead for Eadulf without asking him and thrust it into his hand. Eadulf took it automatically.

  ‘And what was your answer?’ Fidelma asked coldly.

  ‘No one has passed through with a single baby that was not theirs.’

  She was about to rise when one of Fiachrae’s men entered unannounced into the tent and hurried to up him. He seemed slightly breathless.

  ‘Fiachrae, there has been a killing,’ he said without preamble.

  The chieftain’s brows drew together in surprise.

  ‘What? Who? Speak up, man.’

  ‘The Cashel warrior, Capa, sent me to inform you and the lady Fidelma that she should come at once. They have found a body on the far side of the fair ground.’

  ‘Capa? Is he hurt? Is he or one of his men involved?’ demanded Fidelma, rising immediately with Eadulf and Fiachrae.

  The messenger shook his head. ‘No, lady, he and his men were not involved, other than that they found the body and now ask me to take you to them.’

  ‘Lead on, then.’

  The messenger hurried forward with the three of them close behind, moving swiftly between the stalls and across a wooden plank bridge spanning the stream that acted as a border to the fair ground. After a short distance, on the far side, the forest of dark yews, holly and leafless blackthorns began. One of Capa’s men, Caol, stood on the edge of the wood and waved to them immediately.

  This way, lady,’ he called.

  It was only a short distance along a narrow path before they came across Capa and Gorman, who was looking unnaturally pale.

  By the side of the path was a small area where bushes of dogwood, still in its autumnal blood-red shoots and crimson leaves, grew among a number of ashwood stumps. Someone had obviously cut the ash trees in the past, for the stumps were old and covered with black crampballs of inedible fungus.

  Capa pointed dramatically downwards.

  ‘We have found him, lady,’ he said simply.

  There was no need to ask whom.

  The body of a very short man with a large head, clad in a religious robe, lay flat on its back surrounded by a mass of orange peel fungus which seemed to lend a surreal quality to the image, making a bright frame for the dead little body.

  There was no need to ask how the dwarf had met his death. The cord which had fastened his robe at the waist was still knotted in garrotte fashion round his neck. The features were distorted, the skin mottled and almost blackened, and the tongue protruding between the teeth.

  Chapter Seven

  Quiet!’ snapped Fidelma, as several voices began to speak at once. She moved forward and knelt by the side of the body. The dwarf had a young face in spite of the distortion of the garrotting. He had dark hair and there was no sign of a religious tonsure. The body was still warm to the touch. Not long dead. She noticed a piece of metal half hidden by the body and reached for it. It came away with a musical chime. It was a small bronze bell with a wooden handle. She looked at it for a few minutes before placing it on the ground beside her and then she carefully examined the hands and face of the body. As she did so a puzzled frown began to crease her brow.

  To the surprise of the watchers, she began to pull open the robes, slowly and carefully, to reveal the flesh of the body. In silence they watched her make her examination, and then she replaced the robe over the little body and stood up.

  ‘Is there a physician here in Cnoc Loinge?’ she asked Fiachrae.

  The chieftain had been watching her in bewilderment and now shook his head.

  ‘There is a herbalist and there is the man who dresses corpses for burial. The nearest physician resides in the abbey of Imleach.’

  ‘Have the herbalist take the body to a place where he can examine it thoroughly. I want his report within the hour.’

  ‘What is he to look for?’

  ‘He is to report whether this man had any afflictions.’

  Fiachrae turned to the attendant who had brought them hither and repeated the order. The man went off at a trot.

  Fidelma had turned back to the warriors.

  ‘Now, how was this body discovered?’

  Gorman shuffled his feet awkwardly.

  ‘I discovered it, lady.’

  ‘How was that?’ asked Fidelma sharply. ‘This spot is well away from the fair ground, where you were asked to search. The body is hidden in this wood.’

  ‘Indeed. When you left us, Capa told us to separate to complete our search more quickly. I had been wandering through the fair for some time when Capa came to me and told me that a woman had reported that she had seen a dwarf in religious robes with a leper’s bell lurking in the woods in this direction. He sent me to see if there was truth in the report.’

  Capa made to intervene but Fidelma raised her hand to silence him.

  ‘Go on, Gorman.’

  ‘I came here and began to look round. The body was not exactly hidden and so I came upon it quite easily.’

  ‘And was it in the position that I first saw it?’

  ‘Exactly so, lady. I touched nothing, but, ascertaining the little man was dead, and certainly not wishing to touch a leper, I ran back and found Capa who was still searching the fair with Caol. We came here and then Capa returned to the fair for a moment. He said that he had told a man to go to fetch you.’

  Caol moved forward. ‘Capa and Gorman remained with the body while I waited on the edge of the wood for you.’

  ‘And so, Gorman, when you came upon the body, there was no sign of anyone else nearby?’

  ‘No, lady. As soon as I saw in what manner the little man had died, I looked quickly round, so far as my eyes could penetrate the wood, but saw no one nor any sign of anyone.’

  Fidelma nodded slowly and turned her gaze on Capa.

  ‘I need to be clear in my own mind about the sequence of events. How did the woman know you were looking for a dwarf in religious clothing with a leper’s bell? If the woman told you that she had seen the dwarf lurking at the edge of the woods here, why did you not come to investigate yourself?’

  Capa’s smiled was disarming.

  ‘I was asking some
people if they had seen signs of the dwarf. I thought it might quicken our search if I did so. No one had seen him except this woman. I would estimate that she was some farmer’s daughter. She told me that she had seen this strange fellow while she was at the stream drawing water for her animals. Almost immediately, I saw Gorman,’ he indicated the raven-haired young warrior, ‘and told him to investigate. I went on asking people … and, shortly after, Gorman returned. The rest was as he narrated it, lady.’

  Fidelma sighed deeply.

  ‘Let us return to your tent, Fiachrae. Wait here,’ she added to Capa and his men, ‘for the coming of the herbalist. Impress upon him that I want a thorough examination of the body for sign of any affliction that he may have suffered from, and when it is done, one of you come to Fiachrae’s tent to report to me. Then I will come and speak to him. Make sure he is thorough in his examination.’

  Capa raised a hand in acknowledgement and Fidelma, with Fiachrae and Eadulf at her side, walked back towards the tent of the chieftain.

  ‘I don’t understand, cousin,’ protested Fiachrae. ‘I don’t follow any of this.’

  ‘No reason why you should,’ Fidelma replied shortly.

  Eadulf cleared his throat meaningfully. After all, this was Fiachrae’s village over which he had jurisdiction. Fidelma unbent a little.

  ‘I think this is the dwarf we were looking for. But I do not believe the dwarf was a leper.’

  Eadulf’s eyes rounded a little. ‘He did carry a leper’s bell.’

  ‘That is why I have asked that the body be examined by someone who can confirm my suspicion.’

  Back in the chieftain’s tent, Fiachrae went immediately to the jug of mead, pouring himself a large measure. Then he remembered his manners and turned, jug in hand, to Fidelma and Eadulf.

  ‘Will you join me?’

  This time Eadulf shook his head while Fidelma accepted.

  ‘A small measure,’ she added when she saw that her cousin was prepared to be generous with his liquor.

  ‘This has put a black cloud in the sky of our fair, cousin,’ muttered Fiachrae. ‘Who is this little religieux and who killed him? The slaughter was done in my territory and I am responsible for finding the evildoer.’


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