The Cayman Proxy (Box One): An Erotic Hotwife Box Set

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The Cayman Proxy (Box One): An Erotic Hotwife Box Set Page 28

by KT Morrison

  He felt someone brushing up against his back while he danced. They were pushing their backside against him, and he knew who it was without having to look. He put his hands behind him and she grabbed them in hers and pulled him against her while she pushed herself into him. The music flashed and the music was loud, too loud. Not the best quality system, but it made up for it in volume and everyone here was drunk on Muscat anyway and they all loved it. He turned and danced face to face with her getting up right close and they could look in each other’s eyes.

  The little blonde girl with the big nose put his hands on her sides and she was very slim. He could feel her moving under his hands, her hips swaying with his to the music. She looked deep in his eyes and it was unnerving but he wasn’t going to look away. She was quirky and unusual, beautiful despite her features. He wanted to get to know her.

  He got her off the dance floor and they went to the bar and he ordered drinks for both of them. She still danced next to him and she had her hand slid into his back pocket. Omar was slimmer now in the last little while. He’d lost weight from working so much. He didn’t get to the gym as often but he looked better because he still had muscle, you just got to see it better now. He knew he looked good. He’d let his hair grow out on top, it was light and wavy and he had a summer tan.

  He asked her her name and she told him it was Gracja. She was Polish and her French was not very good. Enough to communicate but it was clumsy. She called her friend over and introduced her as Katarzyna. Her French was a bit better but they’d both been drinking.

  “What are you doing in Frontignan?” he asked them, yelling over the music.

  “We’re going to Spain for a month.”

  “How old are you?”

  Katarzyna leaned next to Gracja and said something in her ear, her hand held up to block her mouth. They both laughed too hard at whatever it was. Gracja said “We’re twenty,” finally.

  “Twenty-one,” Katarzyna corrected her.

  “We’re backpacking,” Gracja said, shrugging an imaginary bag up over her shoulders. They’d stumbled on a middle ground of English. They were making more sense to each other that way.

  “Yeah, we’re staying at a hostel on ZA La Peyrade. It’s shit,” she said and they both laughed and touched their heads together.

  “What do you do in Poland?”

  “We went to Nazarenes together,” Katarzyna said.

  “It’s a Private School,” Gracja told him.

  “The world is full of rich girls,” he said.

  “We’re not rich girls,” they said together but he could tell they were.

  “Did you wear uniforms?”

  “Yes, we had little...” Gracja struggled for the English, said, “sweaters?”

  “And skirts, too,” Katarzyna said, sashaying like she had a short skirt.

  Omar laughed at her and she stood next to him and wrapped her hands around his upper arm and squeezed him like she was trying to strangle him. Omar looked at Grajca, saw her face still smiling and drunk. They were both into him it seemed. Omar hadn’t anticipated it but he was excited by the proposition.

  “It’s so loud, we should go somewhere nice. Somewhere we can talk.”

  “Do you live around here?” Katarzyna asked.

  Gracja said, “Yes, and do you have more wine?”

  He got the two girls into his bright blue M3 and they went right to the stereo, fighting over it and he hadn’t even turned the ignition yet. He fired it up and revved it, made the straight six roar but those two didn’t care, they just turned the knob and messed with his presets. They were arguing with each other in Polish and he accelerated out of the parking lot, making them jostle around and yell. They buckled up.

  He took them out of the township, raced them down the sandy rural roads to his place. He showed off the twin turbos and the handling but they genuinely didn’t care. Didn’t care about the twenty-inch rims, the sport tuned suspension, nothing--Katarzyna said she liked the leather in here but that was it. Mostly they talked to each other, friendly but somehow in an aggressive heated sort of way.

  He was on Chemin des Moulieres, and slowing down to turn into his place. They didn’t even care about the sheep that were right up at the gate alongside the narrow little road. Most girls would comment on that, want him to stop to pet them or at least say awww.

  He pulled into the gravel lot of his little compound. He had an apartment in this complex of three bungalows that were built right up against each other in the middle of a community of farm houses. They were shoddy cheap stucco, plain and rectangular with terra cotta roofs and pale blue wooden shutters you could close up over the windows. Someone had built enclosed passages between them and turned the houses into six separate apartments that could share some amenities.

  There were always a lot of cars parked in the big lot, lining up against the concrete block walls that separated them from the neighbouring home. More than there should be for the number of people living there. He pulled in and shut it down.

  “You live here?” Gracja asked, noticing they’d stopped.

  “Yes, just this one on the end,” and he pointed to a honey-stained oak door up a few stairs and across a flagstone patio. Gracja got out and she helped Katarzyna out of the two-door, holding her hand and pulling her out until they both stumbled away. They couldn’t stop laughing. He crossed the parking lot with them and got his keys. His neighbour or a friend of his neighbour had a Range Rover parked along the wall under a cypress tree that was there since this afternoon. He wondered which one of those deadbeats could afford a car as nice as his. He got them up to the patio and while he got the door open Katarzyna sat down on the stone railing that ran around the patio.

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  Gracja hopped over to him, said quietly, “She has to pee.”

  “I have a bathroom,” he said, and shook his head.

  He opened the door and ushered them in, and Katarzyna went right to the bathroom down the hall. His place was small, just a living area that blended into an open L-shaped kitchen that was plain but tidy. He had a bedroom and one bathroom and not much furniture. Gracja asked him where his stereo was. He pointed over at a stereo setup his iPhone would plug into. Gracja plugged her phone into it and scrolled through her menus until he heard some Electronic beat come on. She left it low, but she danced to it and he watched her.

  He went to the kitchen and saw the wine he had was shit. But he had lots of little Cokes so he mixed them Kalimotxo and brought it out to the living area. Gracja was looking through his stuff hanging on the walls and she was dancing a bit, swaying her hips. He gave her the drink and she liked it.

  She was slender and shapely. Not too tall but taller than her friend, and she had a nice narrow waist. He sat down and let her know he was watching her. She put a show on then for him, her face beaming but she was half-lidded. She was pretty in the way that her confidence and positive energy made up for some odd features. She was sexy.

  She kicked her shoes off while she danced for him and she went around in circles letting him look her all over. Then she walked into his bedroom.

  He followed after her and found her next to his bed dancing and looking at the things on his shelves. He came up behind her and she swayed her hips against him. She put her arms up over her head and he put his arms around her waist. She kissed him over her shoulder and he kissed her back and let his hands come up over her breasts. Katarzyna came in and bounced on the bed, rolled over onto her belly and watched them dance, holding herself up on her elbows.

  Gracja said something to her in their language and she agreed, acted relieved. Gracja pulled her cotton top out from the waist of her dress, untucked it. Omar took it and pulled it over her head and Katarzyna laughed. He kissed her and she let him, holding her hands together between them up on his chest. He undid her bra at the back and then she took it off for him, threw it to the side and let him look at her. She had small breasts and hard tight nipples, he admired her confidence.
Some girls would have been embarrassed by them and hid them but she liked herself and Omar liked that. He put his hands over them admiringly let her know he liked them. She undid her skirt that was tied behind her back and she let it fall to the floor. He took off his shirt and they both said something foreign that seemed they really liked what they saw.

  “Are you just going to watch?” he asked Katarzyna.

  She smiled and then sat up on the edge of the bed. She didn’t engage though, just watched them kiss and swung her legs against the side of his bed. Gracja’s hands went across his wide chest and down the muscles at his waist. She ran them over him, really taking him in. He could feel himself starting to stiffen in his pants knowing that she was enjoying his body so much. Her hands went around his waist while his tongue pushed into her mouth and she squeezed his rump, her breaths getting quicker. Her right hand slipped around and came up the inside of his thigh. She stopped kissing when she felt him. He kept at it, letting her find time to understand what she had in her hand. She said something in Polish to her friend. He stepped away and let her look while she squeezed what he had between his legs.

  She looked up at him, incredulous and amused. She was caught in that moment when she thought she might be still mistaken and when the realization has sunk in.

  “What is that?”

  Omar didn’t answer her just kept her eye contact.

  “That’s not—” She squeezed it then smoothed her hand over his pants searching for something else, something she was used to. She said something to Katarzyna, and then they talked back and forth a bit and Katarzyna leaned forward to get a look at her hand on his bulge. Her face showed shock and then she laughed. She said something that sounded like she wanted her friend to take it out.

  Gracja undid his pants and pulled the zipper down. She put her hand in there and she laughed when she found it. She pulled it out and showed it to Katarzyna and then they both were laughing. Katarzyna rolled over on her back and looked at it upside down. She unbuttoned her dress and swayed her hips while she did. Omar pushed his pants right down and stepped out of them. He pulled his socks off while Gracja watched his half aroused cock swing and sway between his legs. He got up on the bed and straddled Katarzyna who had her top off now. She covered her face, avoiding his thing hanging over her. Gracja climbed up on the bed too and came to his side and started kissing him.

  Katarzyna put her hand on him and her eyes were crossed as she watched it in her grip. His hands went over Gracja’s tight body, one hand could cover both cheeks of her ass almost completely she was so small. Her hand came down and they were both stroking him clumsily.

  Katarzyna said something in Polish again and Gracja agreed. She asked him in French if Katarzyna could get a picture of it. He nodded his head, said they could if they wanted. He stood up again and watched Katarzyna as she went back out to the living area to find her purse. She had a soft little body, youthful but it jiggled a lot when she walked. It was sexy too. Gracja sat on the edge of the bed and she jerked him a little bit. He leaned over and pushed her back by kissing her. She lay on the bed and put her tongue in his mouth while she kept stroking him, the tip of his cock grazing her belly.

  Katarzyna bounced back in with her phone and she was watching where she was going through her screen. Gracja put her hands up to cover her face, she didn’t want to be on film.

  “I’m not getting you in it,” she told her in English.

  Omar stood up again so they could see it and they were both on his bed shoulder to shoulder looking at him through the phone.

  Katarzyna said, “It’s so gross,” in French but he wasn’t sure what she meant. They took the picture then they knelt on the bed while she got it to come up on the screen then they both laughed. Omar knelt on the bed and took the phone from her and put it on his end table. He made out with them both, all of them on their knees, their hands going all over each other. He saw the girls were touching each other too and he was relieved, sometimes in a threesome you’d find girls who were kind of uptight and it usually caused problems down the road. If they were into each other too, even if only for the night, this would be fun.

  He let them kiss while he went to his side table and took a condom out of the drawer. These two weren’t pretty, well-cared for millionaire housewives. They were probably all right, couple of Catholic school girls with rich parents, but you never knew. They watched him struggle to put the condom on. He ordered them online and they were the biggest he could find. When he was ready the two of them laughed again, everything a big joke between them. It was like he wasn’t even here, they were so much into themselves. Katarzyna didn’t want to go first and Gracja was reluctant but let her friend hide behind her and push her forward.

  Omar took her thighs in his strong grip and yanked her hard and she yelped. Katarzyna thought that was funny too. Gracja fell back on the bed and her legs shot out awkwardly to the sides, still bent. But her thighs were apart and her shaved sex was exposed. She looked serious now and he leaned himself over her between her legs and put his mouth to hers. They kissed and her arm went around his neck. He could feel her other hand on his chest, it was surprisingly tender. He enjoyed his kiss with her.

  Gracja’s hand went around his cock while they kissed and she pulled the head between her legs. He pushed forward gently and she gasped into his mouth as he started to spread her wide. Katarzyna was stroking Gracja’s hair and watching her face while she was being penetrated. He was gentle with her, and he reared up so he could watch her face as she took it. Every woman he’d been with had never had one larger and he loved to watch their faces as they discovered what it was like. Those first moments were the best, the most satisfying. Their faces were honest, they didn’t act for him. It was feminine and introspective, they were thinking very much about how they felt. And he loved to watch that. Sometimes they asked him to stop and that was okay too. Sometimes they were silly like these two were. Beautiful Kate ate it up and begged for more.

  Gracja was taking it all right. She had closed her eyes but he liked it better when they were open. She squeezed his arms tightly as he got deeper. Katarzyna laughed at her friend. Laughed at her taking this huge cock. Katarzyna was next and he might not be so gentle with her.

  Gracja was shallow and he could feel himself bumping into her cervix and she squirmed. He gave her just enough that they could find a rhythm with each other and soon he was thrusting and she was gasping with it, enjoying it. Katarzyna put her mouth over her friend and they kissed while he fucked her. He watched them, feeling himself get harder while he was inside her. They kissed each other well, they were very passionate. He put his hand over Katarzyna’s soft tanned back and he ran it down over her ass and slid a finger right inside her. She was hot and wet and her little muscles squeezed and kissed his finger. It turned him on and he wanted to be inside her to feel what she could do to him.

  He pulled out of Gracja and moved her friend into his place between her legs. Katarzyna was over Gracja like they were making love in the missionary position. He watched them kiss each other deeply and seriously. Gracja’s arms came around her friends neck, and then they were making out like they forgot he was there. He stood next to the bed and got himself behind Katarzyna. He grabbed her ass in his hands and spread her wide. He could see her dark brown twists of flesh puckered and open, saw her pink insides. He sunk himself into it, felt how hot she was in there. She cried out and Gracja consoled her. He thrust himself into her again, and it made her yelp, but she was taking him and she wanted more. He slowed, he went gentle and gave her just a little bit and she arched her back and worked herself easily against his thrusts. She made strange noises while he fucked her. Gracja took her breasts in her mouth while they did it and Katarzyna would cry out a different vowel sound with each thrust.

  Katarzyna got uncomfortable and she wriggled away from Omar with her hand pressed between her legs. Gracja still lay on her back and she put her arms out for him to come to her again. He got himself over her and he bro
ught her knees up to her chest. Katarzyna got behind him and he felt her grab his cock from behind and put it into her friend’s wet entrance. She squeezed his balls gently as he slid back inside her and he felt like he could go off but he held it together. He went into her gently and Katarzyna was still back there. She was playing with his balls and he could feel her breath on his thighs. He went very slow so she could work. She was using her tongue on her friend, licking at where he was stretching her wide, and down her cheeks and into her anus. Gracja was going crazy. He could feel her hot little sex clamping on him, squeezing him tightly. He put himself in a bit deeper and let her work on it. She was rocking against him, grinding fiercely into him and her face scrunched up almost as if she were hurting and then she tightened up, she held still and she wasn’t breathing. Then she collapsed happy, and she gasped as she caught her breath. He slid himself out of her and Katarzyna came to her and held her face in her hands and she was whispering to her in Polish. She brushed her sweaty hair off her forehead for her and then kissed her.



  When Omar woke up he was dying of thirst. The bedroom was lit up by the bright but grey morning. He could see the sky out there, it was pasty and humid looking. He was in bed under the duvet with the two girls. They were all on their sides facing the window and Gracja was nestled in against him. He looked at her while she slept. She was so young and her skin was flawless and youthful. Her dirty blond hair was tucked behind her ear and he could study her profile while she was sleeping. Her nose was large but well-shaped and she had a beautiful jaw and neck. She looked very peaceful. Katarzyna was behind him, he could feel her soft skin against his bare back and his ass.


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