The Cayman Proxy (Box One): An Erotic Hotwife Box Set

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The Cayman Proxy (Box One): An Erotic Hotwife Box Set Page 29

by KT Morrison

  He climbed over Gracja and got himself out of bed without waking either of them although Katarzyna stirred after he was gone. She swallowed up the space he left and got in next to her friend. Omar went to the bathroom and relieved himself, peeing against the edge to keep the noise to a minimum. Those two girls last night were fun, but they seemed so young, so juvenile. It was hot but it was empty and dispassionate. He’d done that so many times before, fucked some girls he brought home. He wanted a woman again. A woman in his life to love and to share with. Someone sexy and dirty but who he could spend time with doing the other things too. He rolled his eyes at his own thoughts. He knew who he meant. He shook his thing off, cleaned it with some toilet paper and went to the kitchen.

  He brought a glass of water back into the room with him and he drank it while he watched the two friends sleep. They were two little girl-heads on a pillow with messy, dirty morning hair tangled with each other, two lumps under his pale blue duvet. Katarzyna’s foot was out of the cover and he ran a finger over it and felt her toes. She didn’t even wake.

  He went back out to the living area and got his laptop to wake up. He went through his itinerary for the next week. He’d prepared everything he could think of for the race coming up in Italy, but there was no harm in thinking the whole thing through right from the beginning again. He went through all his notes and thought he would double check with his trailer. The team was going to trailer their race car themselves. It wasn’t that far and he’d made arrangements with one of the auto part sales reps he knew to borrow a flatbed trailer that could haul the car. He called him on the cordless while he walked around the apartment. He looked out the front window at the gravel car park. That Range Rover was still there, shining black and glossy and looking as out of place as his M3 did. He got a hold of the guy and he was assured everything was still a ‘go’. Omar could send his guy with a truck to pick it up tomorrow morning. He hung up and heard someone moving down his hall. The sound of bare feet on his floor.

  He went back to the bedroom and saw only one shape under the covers. He slipped in behind them and got next to her bare body. She was laying on her side and he spooned himself behind her and took his soft penis in his hand and gently brushed it between her legs. He could feel her dry and shrivelled sex scratch along the top of his head.

  She moaned and brought her arm up over her head and face, covered herself and moaned in pain. He laughed and let his cock go so he could run a hand along her side, up her hip and over her waist. She moaned and fake-cried like she was hurting.

  She turned and it was Gracja, she couldn’t even open her eyes. She covered her forehead with her hand and rubbed her brow.

  “Head is pounding,” she managed to say.

  He kissed her forehead and she groaned again. She moved into him and put her soft cheek against his shoulder. He rubbed her neck, dug his fingers into her where it met her collar and she whimpered thankfully. He heard the damp sound of bare feet in the hall again and he looked to the door. Katarzyna was in the doorway, completely naked, peering away into the apartment like she was looking for Omar or she couldn’t remember where she was. She looked his place over, her posture kind of sheepish, her arms crossed over loosely under her breasts. She turned and looked startled when she saw him back in bed. She covered herself up, smiling, and got under the covers next to him.

  “What are you covering up for, I saw everything last night,” he said and he lifted the covers and looked at her body.

  “That was night,” she said, and he saw her blush. She looked good in the morning. She’d rinsed with mouthwash and her breath was fresh, and there was a sparkle in her eye. She was happy and in the mood.

  He looked in her blue eyes and she stared back at him. He smiled at her and ran his hand up her leg. Her breasts were very petite, the nipples not much different colour than her flesh. She had a thin turquoise necklace on and he saw that she had a tiny gemstone in her navel that he hadn’t noticed last night. He kissed her and she opened her mouth and he took her tongue into his. He ran his hand through her hair and held her head. Her hands were moving over him now and she felt warm and soft. She found his cock and she worked it with her hand and got him harder.

  “This hurt…” she didn’t know how to let him know what she meant. “It’s very big,” she said. He pulled her on top of him as he rolled over and she lay on his chest and kissed him some more. He felt his erection hard enough now to enter her and it was between her legs already, somewhere over the bottom of her ass cheek. He ran his hand down and pushed the tip between her legs and she tilted herself to it. He entered her slowly and she gasped. She was wet and she felt so hot inside.

  “You’re like a little furnace.”


  “Hot inside,” he said, and she laughed.

  Gracja groaned and she pulled the duvet over her head and all that was showing was a crown of her dirty blonde hair.

  He wanted to be gentle with her this morning, he knew he was rough last night but she had seemed a bit annoying. Being juvenile and silly, and it was distracting him. But she was sweet and sexy this morning and he wanted to make love like a man and woman would. He let her find a way onto him that was comfortable but he could tell she was grimacing while he kissed her. He put both hands over her soft cheeks and pulled them wide and put himself inside her a little deeper. She didn’t like it, she just wanted to kiss and she wouldn’t move with him, wouldn’t fuck him.

  So he kissed with her, let his hands explore her back and her rump and down her thighs. She felt good and soft under his calloused hands. He was still part way inside her but he let her figure out what she wanted down there, she might be sore this morning.

  “I had a good time last night,” he told her.

  She nodded and looked in his eyes, he could feel her gently squeezing his cock, flexing on him while she swayed on his body.

  “You two are lovers?” he asked her.

  Her eyes went wide and she looked very embarrassed. She couldn’t even utter the answer, she bit her lips and shook her head. Don’t talk about it, it seemed like she was communicating. If that was their first time together last night then this day might be a bit uncomfortable for them. They were more than just friends now.

  “Are you sore?”

  She nodded her head. He slid himself out of her and she seemed relieved. He kissed down her chest and her breasts, down her belly, and ran his tongue through her belly button and over the piercing. She shimmied up him, she seemed eager to have him do what he was intending. She got her hips over him and he was between her legs now and his tongue worked through her hot, bitter flesh. She smelled dirty, like he had been fucking her all night. She smelled like faded perfume, and sweat, and condoms; it got his heart racing. She gripped the headboard while he worked her and he felt the bed tremble when he ran his tongue up her very front, over her hard little button. He kept at it, getting aroused listening to her gasps, feeling her thighs shake around his ears. Gracja groaned while they shook her with their movements. He wondered if these two would be alright as friends after what had happened last night.

  She came finally, she barked out and she shook and she squeezed him between her thighs. He let up, let her get away. She moved down until her thighs were over his chest and she smiled at him, still looking lusty. She turned herself around, got on all fours and she put her mouth over one of his balls. Her knees came over his shoulders and he got his tongue between her legs again. She trembled again as he touched her with his tongue. She used her hand on him, stroking his foreskin over his glans using her fingertips and it was making him crazy. She ran her tongue over his balls, taking one in her mouth at a time and pulling on them. The smell of her and her heat and wetness in his mouth was driving him crazy. He couldn’t hold on anymore, he wanted to come. He stopped what he was doing and felt her mouth on him. She ran her tongue down the underside and over his balls again while her hand stroked his skin over his glans. He came hard, he could hear the spurt of it a
s it launched between them. She laughed down there, and he felt himself shooting his hot liquid on to her chest and his belly, making it slippery between them. She stroked him firmly until he stopped.

  She kissed his balls and then got herself around to lay against him again, her head rested on his chest. She was covered in his semen.

  He put his arm around her and he thought about how well everything had been going. He felt content. They both slept in for another hour and a half.

  Gracja sat on a metal stool in his kitchen. She looked like she was still in pain. Omar had given her two Advil when he got up but she still wasn’t much better. He felt for her. She was in pain and you could see she had shame from what they had done last night. Partly the things he’d done to her but probably, he guessed, she might remember what she had done with her friend. In daylight the weight of their actions would be naked and heavy.

  Katarzyna made toast for them but Omar skipped breakfast and Gracja couldn’t eat. She’d spent some time in the bathroom this morning too, most likely being sick. She looked very pretty and vulnerable, and for some reason it made him feel like laughing at her. In a good way, to laugh and put her arms around her.

  “Did you call a cab?” Gracja asked her friend. Katarzyna was standing behind her by the fridge and she was eating.

  “He said he’d take us back,” she said. Omar was going to go into the garage and he offered to take them to La Peyrade when he went.

  Gracja said something to her friend in Polish, she sounded irritated.

  Katarzyna said to Omar, “She just wants to go now.”

  Omar was on the laptop and he was trying to work out his budget for their trip to Italy. This whole thing could cost him fifty-thousand euros.

  “Fine, call a cab,” he said. They could go if they couldn’t wait.

  “Sorry,” Gracja said, “I’m just tired. I want to be back in bed.” She still couldn’t open her eyes past a squint.

  Omar picked up his cordless and called them a cab. “Fine,” he said, “Taxi is coming.”

  Gracja said something to her in their language and they argued a bit. Gracja was resigned; she had no fight in her. It looked like she might cry now.

  “Can you cancel,” Katarzyna asked him. “We don’t need to pay for a taxi.”

  He closed his laptop, purposefully gentle, trying not to lose his temper. “Christ,” he said, and he called them back and canceled. Gracja heaved herself off the stool and shuffled towards his bedroom.

  “No,” he said and he picked up his car keys. “Let’s get you out of here,” he said. He could figure out his expenses when he got back from the garage.

  Mitch was devastated. He didn’t know what to do. Kate was gone yesterday morning and he hadn’t seen her all day. Now it was thirty hours later and there was still no sign of her. No word from her at all. She hadn’t even sent a text. He’d sent dozens. He’d left her messages. As the day wore on the more desperate his messages had become. He needed her. He wanted so badly to hear her voice, to see her face. He wanted her to walk through that door right now and throw her keys on the table. Act like everything was okay. He wouldn’t ask a thing. If only she’d walk through that door. Please Kate.

  Nothing. He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was nothing in there that he wanted. He had not eaten all day, nor last night, but he just couldn’t bring himself to make something.

  What was she doing right now?

  He felt like she’d run off. He didn’t know why. She’d left of her own accord in the dark of night so that was a sign that she’d done this on her own. It didn’t mean she was safe though. What if some harm had come to her? He went back to the couch and sat himself in it, sitting in the darkened room, midday sun blotted by curtains. He had a bottle of whisky and a glass on the low coffee table. He poured himself another. It was having no effect on him. His mind was racing, revving itself too high in the red zone to get pulled down by a stupor.

  What if she’d responded to someone else’s call? What if the dreaded Omar had resurfaced. What if Omar couldn’t help himself and called her. He could picture that dumb mechanic, drunk on wine and horny. Calling her and seducing her. Would she fall for that? Wouldn’t she hate the man that had hurt her so much? Blackmailed her and threatened her husband’s destruction. He knew that Omar had a talent that appealed to Kate, and an enormous piece of equipment that definitely got the job done for his wife. But wasn’t that old news to her? Wasn’t she over that? Omar and the other man had really done a number on her. He saw that she was sore those days after. So sore she couldn’t sit straight. He watched her try to hide it and it made him feel so guilty. He was the one who hurt her. He had those men do that to her. He thought she wanted it. He knew she did. But it was wrong and now he was paying for it.

  What if she’d somehow discovered that he was responsible. Snooping through his things and seeing something. God, the video. What if she’d seen that? What would she think of him? He put his drink down and exhaled heavily. This was what he got for his crimes. This was his punishment.

  He stood and went to the window and looked out. It was midday in London, grey but bright. He went on to the patio and stood in the fresh air. He stretched until he felt he could pass out. He was hungry, slightly drunk and had no sleep. He sat on the chair for a minute.

  Another possibility came to him. It was remote, but terrible. Could Kate have gone to Frontignan to confront him? Could she still have such awful feelings for Omar that she still wished him harm even though Mitch had called it off. Was she wanting revenge? Or maybe she still worried about what he could do with that terrible video and she wanted peace of mind. Surely she wouldn’t harm him now, would she? Shit.

  Should he call Omar, should he warn him…


  Like Everyone Else

  Omar took the girls to their hostel right next to La Canal du Rhône à Sète. The place looked nice. He didn’t know why they’d called it shit. He had the feeling they were spoiled little girls when they were at home. It wasn’t a big place but it was right on a small bay that came off the river and there was a terrace that looked out over the water. If you looked southeast you wouldn’t see the tanker trucks parked next to the place behind ten foot chain link. Not everybody went to Cayman.

  There were a lot of young people out front all staying at the hostel. They sat on the front steps and smoked while he pulled up to the entrance. He set the girls off with a kiss on the cheek and headed out to his garage. He watched Katarzyna help Gracja into the building, getting smaller in the rearview.

  He got himself satisfied with the job the crew had done preparing for the race. He checked that all the tools had been loaded in their wheeled carriers, he checked their paperwork, and emailed the organizers for a final confirmation. He called the hotels they were staying at and confirmed that there had been no changes. Everything was as it should be. He stood in the dark bays of Frontec Motorsport and looked at the sexy shape of his open wheel racer hidden under a grey cloth.

  He’d come a long way this year. He’d done some crazy things and they’d paid off. The race in Italy was a great invitation. Expensive for his crew to make it out there, but there were more opportunities to be had and he intended to be in the right place at the right time once again. He checked their supply trailer one more time, then closed everything up and locked the doors, got in the M3 and headed home. He stopped on the way in Poussan and grabbed a slice of wood-fired pizza and a Brio at Café Beau Séjour.

  When he got back home he parked next to the black Range Rover with the British plates. The apartments seemed quiet today especially with all these vehicles here. Usually there was something going on. Someone out in the yard on the patio or there were a group of guys that would get together and drink and kick a ball around. He joined in with them one Saturday maybe a year ago. Did they even still do that? They maybe had grown out of it. He got into his apartment and went to the bathroom. He was going to go to bed early tonight. They had a lot to prepare in
the morning and they had to get the car sorted out with its transport trailer. Herve would pick that up using the Toyota with the Frontec logo they used as the shop vehicle. He could go and get that done while the rest of them got their convoy together. Once he got back they'd load up the race car and they were off to Italy. The president of the F3Euro race association was going to be in Florence. He would be at the race and if Omar and the team did well he could meet him; he could plant a seed for the future. He didn't want to do F3 forever. He loved it but he was twenty-five and he wanted to be in Formula One by the time he was thirty

  When he walked back into the kitchen, still zipping himself up, he gasped. There was someone in there. It was so quick he didn't recognize them. He walked around the corner and they were right there, just a few feet away. It scared the shit out of him. An intruder in your home so close to you, so unexpected…

  Short, hair pulled back, black sunglasses, long black coat, hands in pockets. He was stunned. It was Kate. But she wasn't smiling. She looked like she had bad news.

  All he could manage was, “Whats wrong?” For some reason he thought she had bad news about Kiley. Like they were all friends or something. She didn't answer him.

  Then he felt sheepish for some reason. He thought of her fondly but she wouldn’t know that. She could hate him. She didn't know his real feelings. She saw the man in front of her who blackmailed her. Who left her naked with her hands chained behind her. Left her alone in an apartment with no way to get out. Who had fucked her with another man. The two of them stuffing both her tight little holes while she struggled. Though her struggle was for show he knew that. Mitch wasn't paying him to hurt her just to put on a show. Why would she come here?


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