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Coming Home

Page 3

by Ava Rose Johnson

  “Let’s cut the crap, Cade. You’ll be going back to New York sooner or later. You don’t need the ranch. Give. It. Up.”

  Give it up. Interesting choice of words. And if Brett had been talking about sex, Cade would give it up in a heartbeat. But not the ranch.

  He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table as he matched the determination in Brett’s face. “I’m not giving it up, not yet anyway.”

  Watching Brett try to contain his fury was priceless. Cade glanced to the side for a second to hold back the laughter.

  “Why?” Brett asked through gritted teeth. “What would you do with a ranch?”

  Cade looked back at him and shrugged carelessly. “What do you do with a ranch?”

  Brett’s chair squealed as he pushed it back and rose to his feet. “You’re not fucking serious.”

  “Why not? A few weeks ago three people ran this ranch—you, your dad and my old man. Now it’s just you. Don’t tell me you’re not falling behind.”

  “I have help.”

  “Not enough, I’ll bet.”

  Brett strode to the glass doors at the bottom of the kitchen and stared out. Cade could almost hear his mind searching for an argument.

  “You wouldn’t know what to do on a ranch,” he said finally, facing Cade once again. “You wouldn’t be any good to me.”

  This time Cade couldn’t hold it in. He laughed, a loud chuckle that turned Brett’s face to thunder. “You’re forgetting I grew up on this ranch too. Your father took me to Kentucky every year to check out the horses. I picked half the animals in that stable out there.”

  A tic pulsed at the side of Brett’s jaw and his eyes blazed with anger. Cade relaxed back in his chair, enjoying the sense of victory. Brett knew he couldn’t argue. At a time like this, with roles changing and a larger workload, there was no one better to have around than someone who knew the ranch like the back of his own hand. And that was Cade.

  The fire in Brett’s eyes faded as he sank back into his chair. “This will be a temporary thing, right? You’re not sticking around forever.”

  “Who knows?” Cade swallowed the last of his beer. “We’ll have to see how it goes.” He got to his feet, wishing they had a relationship that allowed them to relax and kick back with a few beers and some TV. He wished too that he could ask how Brett was doing since the accident, but he knew all the response he’d get would be stony silence. “I’ll come over in the morning to help with feeding.”

  Brett didn’t reply, just took another gulp of beer. Cade left him like that, sitting at the kitchen table, looking like the Dallas Cowboys had just lost the Superbowl.


  That Friday night on the drive into Steeplecrest, Brett punched up the volume on the stereo so high he was sure even the goddamn cows would be singing along. The riffs and bass of the classic Aerosmith hit vibrated in the cab of his truck but it wasn’t enough to drown out the thoughts circling his head.

  The past week had been hell, plain and simple. The week following the funeral had been a long one but he’d been able to lose himself in the mountain of work that needed to get done. But these past few days had been a hell of a lot worse and he blamed Cade. Having that kid hanging around wound him up so tight, he couldn’t believe he’d made it through the week without shooting his mouth off. It was bad enough Cade was determined to help out on the ranch, but what made it worse was the fact that he actually knew what he was doing. Watching him round up the cows and take care of the horses made Brett’s teeth grind. The guy worked magic with the animals and from the way he kidded around with Jimmy and the other ranch hands, he obviously enjoyed the work.

  It didn’t look as if he’d be heading east anytime soon.

  Brett gave his head a quick shake. He wouldn’t think about Cade tonight. A round of beers and a game of poker would set him straight. He needed to unwind and have a few laughs. He didn’t think he’d ever needed it more.

  He pulled into a spot outside Billy’s Bar and got out of the truck. Heads turned in his direction, people recognizing the Chevrolet and peering in the dark to see if it really was Brett Miller. Once they saw him, they either nodded stiffly or looked in the other direction. Brett drew in a deep breath and slammed the truck’s door shut behind him. He needed to rip off the Band-Aid, face the music. Once he got past the door and saw the guys everything would go back to normal.

  Ignoring the stares and the quick glances, he strode into the bar. The familiar mist of cigarette smoke and cheap perfume wrapped around him and he felt himself relax. Billy’s was the same as it had been before the accident. Dark wood paneling on the walls, a large flat screen hanging to the side of the bar, tables and stools in clusters on the floors. Booths lined the walls and a small dance floor was off to the side where some of the ladies liked to show off their moves after one too many vodkas.

  He carved a path through the crowd, already settling into the warm, loud atmosphere. A sea of people surrounded him, most of whom he recognized. He caught a few eyes but didn’t stop to make conversation until he reached the bar.

  “Hey, Karl, can I get a whiskey?”

  The bartender turned and surprise crossed his face as he looked at Brett. Then he grinned, grabbing a glass from under the bar and getting to work on fixing the drink. “Good to see you, Miller.”

  Brett did a quick survey of the room but the mass of bodies made it hard to see anything. “Are the rest of the guys in yet?”

  “Sure, they’re over by the pool tables.” Karl set the whiskey down in front of them. “On the house.”

  The gesture twisted his stomach, reminding him of the many free cakes and casseroles that had been brought into the house right after the accident. Nice people doing good deeds. They meant well but it only served as a reminder that things had changed.

  Brett’s cheeks ached as he struggled to keep the smile on his face. “Thanks, Karl,” he said, taking the glass from the bar. As soon as he turned, he let the corners of his mouth drop.

  “There you are, buddy.” A hand came down on his shoulder and steered him through the crowd. “Wondered if you’d make it.”

  “Course I made it.” Brett glanced at Tommy, his best friend since high school, and felt his face relax into a genuine smile. “You started without me.”

  “We’re on round two.” Tommy pushed the way through the last of the crowd and they slid into the booth occupied by the rest of the guys. A couple of them looked a little awkward at first and mumbled a few words of condolence, but as Brett kept the easy smile on his face they soon settled into the old, lighthearted banter. After a while, with the Jack Daniels warming his blood, Brett felt almost relaxed. But then his eyes caught on a familiar outline through the haze of smoke. Son of a bitch, he thought as he watched Cade lean down to whisper something in a barmaid’s ear. What the hell is he doing here?

  “Hey, there’s Cade.”

  Brett turned to Tommy who was getting to his feet. It sounded like his buddy had expected Cade to be here tonight. And damn it, now he was gesturing for the kid to get over here.

  Every muscle in Brett’s body tightened as Cade headed their way, his long, lean body sauntering carelessly toward them. The girl he’d been talking to stood where he’d left her, her cheeks pink and her lips slightly parted as she watched him go. It was enough to make Brett hurl.

  He was so focused on the horny bartender, he didn’t notice Cade sliding into the booth until the bastard was sitting smack bang in front of him. Cade swapped greetings with the rest of the group and then faced forward. His brow furrowed as he held Brett’s gaze, probably wondering what he’d done now to piss him off. For the sake of the rest of the guys, Brett tried to rearrange the scowl on his face to appear more welcoming. Cade’s blue eyes widened and twinkled and his mouth twisted in a knowing smirk.

  “Didn’t know you’d be here, Miller,” he said, leaning back in the booth. The friendly tone made it sound as if they were tight. Brett would have laughed if he hadn’t been so ticked off.

  “Where else would he be?” Tommy asked, bringing a hand down on Brett’s back. “You should have rode in together. Then at least one of you could get wasted.”

  Brett shrugged. “Didn’t know he was coming.” I sure as hell didn’t invite him.

  Cade’s grin widened and Brett noted the dimple in the guy’s left cheek. Back in high school girls had dropped their panties for that thing. He couldn’t count how many times he’d caught Cade screwing some chick’s ass off behind the barn. Couldn’t count how many times he’d stopped and watched.

  Shaking Cade out of his head, Brett looked down the table and focused his attention on Mitch who was bragging about a woman he’d scored with a few nights back, but after a few minutes his interest waned. And he couldn’t relax with the “suit” sitting right across the table.

  He got to his feet. “I’m going to get another drink. Anybody want anything?”

  Orders were hollered in his direction and, as he wound his way back to the bar, he was glad the guys were relaxing around him. He didn’t think he’d have hung around if it had been a night of awkward silence and somber glances.

  Tommy sidled up beside him as he waited for the drinks. “You all right, Brett?”

  Brett looked up at his friend and then back at the booth. “Since when are you and Cade so tight?” he asked and immediately regretted bringing it up at Tommy’s expression of surprise.

  “I met him at Macy’s on Monday night. Didn’t think it would be a problem.” Tommy’s forehead creased in a frown. “You and Cade not getting along?”

  Shaking his head, Brett tried to brush it off. “We just rub each other up the wrong way, I guess.” Then, changing the subject, he asked, “How’s the folks?”

  “They’re good. Mom wants to have you over for dinner next week if that works for you.”

  “That’d be great.”

  With drinks in hand, they started back to the booth and found the whole table shaking with laughter. Brett had already set the drinks on the table before he realized they were laughing at something Cade had said. He lowered into his seat and took a long drink of whiskey, letting the amber liquid burn the back of his throat. When he put down the glass, he caught Cade watching him, waiting for a reaction. He looked away as a wave of tension tightened his body. He didn’t think he’d ever been so uncomfortable around anyone in his life.

  Chapter Three

  Even though Brett spent most of the night sulking, Cade had a good time. He’d forgotten how easy this was—talking sports with the guys, checking out the girls by the bar, smoking the cigars Macy’s had imported illegally from Cuba. A million miles away from a Friday night in New York. Sure he had friends in the city, more than enough. But he knew them through work. They were business associates. And he had no doubt that if any of them had half a chance to screw him over, they’d do it in a heartbeat.

  Cade held up a hand as Tommy began to deal another round of poker. “No way. I’ve lost enough money tonight. My pride can’t take it.”

  Tommy turned to Brett who was staring sullenly into his empty glass. “You in?”

  Brett’s head jerked up. “Huh?”

  Tommy held up the cards. “You want in?”

  He shook his head and turned back to his glass. “I need another one of these.”

  Cade raised an eyebrow. Brett was going through whiskey like water on a summer’s day. “You sure about that, buddy?”

  The glare he received could have cut through stone. He bit back a laugh and then reached out for one of the bartenders. “Lilly, sweetheart, come here.”

  The redhead who’d made a beeline for him the second he’d entered the bar sauntered toward him, swinging her hips from side to side as she moved. Cade licked his lips. The come on was clear and he was pretty sure he’d be taking her up on the offer.

  “What is it, sugar?” she simpered, batting her long eyelashes at him.

  He stroked his hand along the curve of her waist. Her low-cut top was made of some clingy material, light enough for him to feel the heat of her skin through it.

  He jerked his head toward Brett. “Would you get my friend here another drink?”

  “He ain’t no friend of mine,” Brett piped up.

  Cade ignored the slur but Lilly pouted. “Now that wasn’t very nice,” she admonished, glaring in Brett’s direction.

  The man shrugged carelessly, not lifting his gaze from his glass.

  “Don’t pay attention to him, sweetheart,” Cade said, sliding his hand lower to skim the full curve of her ass. A sultry smile tilted her lips. “He’s in a pissy mood. A whiskey will make it better.”

  She nodded slowly and pressed her ass into his hand. “I’ll be back in a sec.”

  He watched her go and felt his cock twitch as the swing of her hips became more exaggerated, for his benefit he guessed. Though it had been less than a week ago, it felt like forever since Jess had left for the airport and his balls were suffering in the absence of a woman’s touch.

  His attention flickered back to the man in front of him. Of course, spending a few hours every day in the presence of this guy didn’t help with keeping his lust to a manageable level. Brett worked hard on the ranch and his labor showed clearly in the ropy muscles down his arms and back and the golden color of his skin. He liked to get his hands dirty, liked to sweat. Cade shifted in his seat as his groin tightened. He liked to watch him sweat. Liked it too damn much. Catching a glimpse of Brett with his shirt off, perspiration glistening all over his chest, set his mind crazy with fantasies he’d rather not be having with Jimmy in such close quarters. Fantasies of following Brett into one of the fields and telling him to take his clothes off. He’d back him up against the fence, move so close to him he’d feel Brett’s breath on his face. Then he’d kiss him, claim those firm, masculine lips with his own, thrust his tongue in his mouth and taste him. After that he’d make him turn around and brace himself against one of the fence posts, ass high in the air. Cade would fuck him so hard Brett would be screaming his name as his come sputtered into the grass.

  Cade rubbed his hand over his jaw, painfully aware of how constricted his pants had become in the last twenty seconds. He shifted again and then gritted his teeth. Shit. The head of his cock pressed against the seam of his jeans and any move he made would only be friction he didn’t need right now.

  He glanced around the bar, searching the crowd for a head of red curls. Where was Lilly? She’d made it plain as day she’d take care of him tonight.

  “What would that girlfriend of yours think if she knew what you were up to?”

  Cade blinked and turned back to face Brett. The man was eying him, hostility plain in his dark, almost-black gaze.


  “The blonde I saw you with last week.”

  The blonde? Oh right. “That’s Jessica.” He shrugged, imagining how Jess would react to being called a “girlfriend”. It sure wouldn’t be pretty. “She’s just a friend.”

  “Right.” Brett’s mouth twisted into a humorless smile. “A friend you fuck.”

  “You got it.”

  “She’s a hot little thing,” Brett continued, his voice quiet but clear. “What the hell’s she doing with a guy like you?”

  The way he said “guy”, he might as well have called him asshole. Cade smiled, holding Brett’s glinting gaze. What would he do if he knew that each hard-edged glare and bitten-out word only served to turn Cade on even more?

  The intoxicating scent of perfume and cigarettes teased his nostrils as Lilly returned with Brett’s drink. She set the glass of whiskey down in front of him and then scooted over to Cade. He removed his elbows from the table so she could slide into his lap.

  A couple of the guys looked up from their game to make some wisecracks. Lilly played up to it, pushing her barely covered tits into the crook of his neck and nipping at his jaw. He pulled her further into his lap and let her straddle one of his thighs. Curved in all the right places and she knew it too. The kind of girl who went aft
er what she wanted, who did the sex-with-no-strings thing on a regular basis.

  He lounged back in the booth and swallowed a groan as Lilly’s long nails scratched a path down toward his belt buckle. Behind her, Brett was watching them, face expressionless as he nursed his drink. The one-man audience had Cade’s dick rock-hard. He held Brett’s eyes as he slid his hand beneath Lilly’s skirt and stroked the smooth, baby-soft skin of her thighs. She shuddered.

  “You cold, sweetheart?” he crooned, still watching Brett.

  “Nuh-uh.” She squirmed in his lap, her pussy seeking the caress of his fingers. His hand slid upward, finding the lacy edge of her panties. He slipped his fingers beneath the material and found her wet and swollen.

  “Very nice,” he murmured as her breathing grew labored in his ear. He drew his thumb along her creamy entrance. “All this for me?”

  “Mmm.” She let out a small gasp as he rubbed the pad of his thumb over the small button of her clit. “You sure know what you’re doing.”

  He grinned, glad to be able to focus his energy on her pleasure long enough to forget his own. Her hand, though still at his crotch, had quit its mission once he’d started touching her and as a result his erection had weakened slightly. Maybe he’d be able to walk out of here without the embarrassment of stuffing his hands in his pockets.

  A glance over Lilly’s shoulder told him Brett was still observing the show. His eyes were glazed over, a clear sign he was wasted, but Cade could make out the hunger in his dark pupils. Drunk or not, Brett Miller was horny.

  Continuing to stroke Lilly’s pussy, Cade wondered if he could help the guy out. Maybe that’s what Brett’s problem was—he needed to fuck and he needed it bad. And if Cade couldn’t be the one to do it…

  Slowly and reluctantly, Cade removed his fingers from Lilly’s dripping cunt. She let out a tiny moan of protest.

  “Shhh,” he soothed, patting her thigh. “I need you to do me a favor.”

  Her eyes, glassy with desire, searched his. “Anything for you, honey.”

  He stretched his neck to the side to whisper in the ear. After telling her exactly what he wanted her to do, he got to his feet and made his way to the bar to buy another round.


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