Book Read Free

Take Me Now

Page 12

by Sullivan, Faith

  Slowly, I peek from underneath my lashes. Everyone is intently focused on the screen. There’s only a hint of movement to the right and my head automatically turns in that direction. It’s Lauren and Eric. Forget that they’re in the first row. Forget that they’re surrounded by influential people. Forget that my heart belongs to him. They’re kissing. They gently come together, then part, then come together again. They’re trying to be discreet about it with a series of featherweight pecks but they’re the only ones close to doing anything that risqué in the entire theater. It’s like they’re putting on a show for my benefit. I haven’t even made eye contact with Eric since I arrived but I have no doubt he knows I’m here and where I am sitting.

  “I have to go to the restroom,” is all I mumble to Will before sliding out of my seat and striding past row upon row of enraptured theatergoers. Will has let me escape for now. Maybe he finally realizes the strain I’m under and actually feels sorry for me. There are a few people in line at the refreshment stand but I hurry by them and head for the exit. Once I make it out the door without incident, I keep going. The night air envelops me with its exhilarating sense of freedom. I got away from my captors. They’re not going to keep me locked up to watch my dreams disintegrate. I may be the victim in all of this, but I’m also a survivor. And I’m going to get through this, even if it kills me.

  The garden center is about a mile from the center of town and Eric’s house is another mile beyond that. I’ve walked this route before, although not in the dark. I’m not afraid of what can happen to me, now that the worst has already occurred. I just have to get away from that theater.

  I take my time traipsing over the rocky surface of the road. There’s no need to trip and fall. I’ve already blended into the darkness, thanks to my black dress. The crickets are chirping and the quarter moon is providing just enough light so I can find my way while still remaining somewhat camouflaged. An owl hoots in the distance and a chorus of frogs greets me as I approach a nearby pond. I have no set plan in mind and I really don’t know what I’m doing. I just had to get out there before I suffocated.

  If I make it to Eric’s house, he said he was leaving a key for me under the mat. I can either go in and wait for him or call Sophie from his landline to come get me. I still haven’t decided what I’m going to do. My biggest fear is that if I wait it out and he comes home with Lauren, it’s a sight I’ll never be able to remove from my brain. They’ll probably be all over each other in some state of undress as they happen upon me sitting at the kitchen table. Lauren would just love to throw that in my face. Here I thought I was the one supposed to get laid tonight, but watch it end up being her. Why is everything always about her?

  I kick a pebble hard with my shoe to vent my frustration. A cow bellows in the adjacent barn and the unmistakable aroma of livestock permeates the air. I’m halfway to the garden center. I learned how to walk in these conditions without the heel of my shoe falling off. No one’s going to have to carry me to safety this time. Again, that twinge ricochets through me at how much I stand to lose because Eric was just stringing me along.

  I rub my bare arms when the wind feels chilly against my skin. It’s a humid evening but it’s always a little cooler in the country. I wish I had brought a jacket or a sweater or something, especially since I’m usually cold in a movie theater when the air conditioning is cranked up. At work, I was so caught up in all of Lauren’s menial chores that I barely had time to freshen up, much less consider grabbing something out of my car. Once I saw my flat tire, my mind pretty much zeroed in on that.

  I’ve been thrown off balance nearly the entire day. Whether on purpose or not, these distractions have kept me from thinking clearly. Now for the first time away from it all, I can’t help but wonder why this summer took such a nasty turn. It started off pretty well. I got the internship, thanks to Ryan. I reconnected with Will. I met Eric. Then it all came crashing down with the gala being the biggest fiasco of them all.

  Eric…Will…Ryan…why couldn’t just one of them be a halfway decent guy? Why did they all have to be bad? Is my judgment that impaired that I can’t recognize potential heartache when it’s staring me in the face? Am I that hungry for some guy’s approval that I’ll put up with things no other girl would put up with? It’s frightening to run down the list. Ryan attacked me. Will used me. Eric…I still can’t bring myself to believe he was out to harm me. Lauren must have brainwashed him or something. The pieces just don’t seem to fit when it comes to Eric’s rapid turnaround.

  A warm glow comes over me as the lights of the garden center come into view. My feet are killing me. I think I’m going to rest here a while. Even if the door to the main building is locked, I can sneak around back to the greenhouse and find a way to slip in. I’m a little nervous about sitting out front, in case Ryan or Will come riding by to look for me. I don’t know if I’m being hunted and it’s not a good feeling.

  As I approach the grassy incline, I remove my shoes and make a run for it. My legs are sore but they carry me down into the parking area. Gingerly crossing the path, I see that there’s a light on inside. I’m just about to push my body against the front door when I hear the approach of an oncoming car. I duck around the side of the building and leap over a roped-off display of tree saplings. They’re crowded together, giving me a chance to hide behind them.

  The headlights turn off the road and head in my direction. My breathing starts to increase as I recognize the make and model of the car. It’s Will and he’s hot on my tail. Luckily, I just missed him. He circles the area, scanning the property, but he doesn’t get out. “Ivy!” He calls, making me jump. I disturb the branches in front of me and for a moment he hits the brakes when the movement catches his eye. Unsure of what he saw or if he noticed anything, he continues his patrol. Obviously satisfied that I’m not here, he speeds away down the deserted road.

  I’m unsure if I should leave my hiding place, especially when he’ll have to pass the garden center on his way back to town. Most likely, his next stop is Eric’s house. So I probably have five minutes or so before he returns. The light inside Eric’s office is beckoning me and I can’t resist its call. The promise of safety is irresistible to me at this point.

  Gathering my courage, I make a break for it, hurling my body against the door. Instead of staying rooted in place, it gives way and I collapse into the familiar environs of Eric’s domain. The atmosphere is moist and earthy, a botanical refuge. I feel welcome among the hanging baskets and decorative wind chimes. But there’s no time to waste, I have to get out of here. I’ve made up my mind.

  Springing behind the counter, I reach for the phone and begin to punch in Sophie’s number. I don’t even get to the third digit when I hear the flush of a toilet and a door creaking open behind me.

  “What the hell are you doing in here?”

  I drop the receiver as my jaw falls open. All I can do is stare at the man standing before me.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The movie is finally over and my cheeks are aflame. Lauren made a spectacle of the two of us. I don’t know how I’m going to face anyone in this town again. We must’ve looked like two teenagers who couldn’t keep their hands off each other. She did everything she could possibly get away with in public, short of taking off my clothes. I heard her uncle cough next to her several times but she ignored him. A lot of business owners from the Chamber of Commerce were sitting in our row and I heard a few of the whispered remarks about our conduct that passed between them. Lauren may be bulletproof thanks to her family’s influence in the community, but I’m not. She probably damaged my reputation beyond repair.

  But in this instance, I could care less about all of that. I turn around, frantically trying to find Ivy, but she’s nowhere to be seen. I have no idea how much she witnessed of this farce, but if she’s not here, she must have bolted, and I can’t say that I blame her. It must have been an excruciating performance to have to watch. I could kick myself for going al
ong with it. There had to be a better solution than giving in to Lauren’s demands. I just didn’t have the time to think. I gave in to the pressure.

  “Are you ready to grab a drink at the bar?” The theater is emptying out but I still cringe when she plays with my hair. All I want to do is go home and take a shower. I feel dirty both inside and out, and for a landscaper, that’s saying something.

  “I think I’m going to call it a night. I have an early day tomorrow.” I fake a smile, hoping she’ll take the hint.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Our evening isn’t over. Not by a long shot.” She shimmies out of her seat, waiting expectantly for me to follow.

  “Lauren, I don’t know. Haven’t you had enough?” She’s asking too much and she knows it. Ivy isn’t here anymore. There’s no one to put on a show for. The masquerade is over.

  “I can never have enough of you, and the sooner you realize that, the better.” The corporate, no-holds-barred side of her takes over. She’s used to intimidating men. She does it for a living.

  “That wasn’t the deal. You got what you wanted—humiliating me in front of the entire town and making me look like a two-timing jerk in Ivy’s eyes.” I get to my feet and make her take a step back as I tower over her. She’s nothing but a little minx in a tight skirt and high heels. Her approach might work in the boardroom but she’s worked me over for the better part of two hours and I felt absolutely nothing.

  “Lauren, we’re going to need you and Eric out front for a few more photo ops.” It’s one of the reporters from the Gazette encouraging his boss to move things along with her psychotic plan. She probably told him to come get us if we lingered too long.

  “See, Eric? We’re needed. Come along.” She slips her arm through mine, tugging me up the aisle. Since we have an audience, I can’t very well run out the back door. I groan audibly as we join the reporter at the top.

  “Don’t worry, man. You’ll be out of here soon.” He gives me a knowing wink like I can’t wait to get Lauren alone somewhere. He couldn’t be further from the truth.

  We emerge into the lobby and Will comes storming up to us…without Ivy. “Can I speak to you in private for a minute?” He doesn’t even bother to acknowledge my presence. His full attention is on Lauren.

  “Of course.” Lauren makes an attempt at being polite but fails miserably, her voice cutting through Will like a knife. Turning to me, she continues, “Don’t even think about going anywhere.”

  Not caring about her intent to make good on her threat, I head for the door when someone steps into my path to stop me. I look up, ready to go off on whoever it is, but I’m shocked when I see that it’s Lauren’s stepbrother, Ryan.

  “Ivy left about a half hour into the movie. I don’t know where she went. Will went out searching for her at your place but couldn’t find her. I’m worried, man. What if something’s happened to her?” Ryan’s anxiety gets the better of him as he tells me things his stepsister probably doesn’t want me to hear. I have to get more information from him while I can. I may not get another opportunity or have him in such a vulnerable position.

  “Why didn’t you follow her? Wasn’t that your job?” I’m making assumptions. Let’s see if he backs them up.

  “Yeah, but I had to hit the head. I swear I was only gone two minutes and she vanished. It’s so dark out there. The valets saw her turn up the road leading to the garden center. But she’s not there, either.” Starting to hyperventilate, Ryan’s stops pacing and slams his fist against the wall. People are starting to notice his strange behavior. I better lure him outside.

  “C’mon, let’s get some air and figure this out. She couldn’t have gone far.” From the way he’s taking me into his confidence, he must think I’m in on the whole thing with Lauren. Otherwise, I don’t think he’d be so forthcoming with his emotions. I always took him to be sort of a surly, despondent kid. I’ve never seen him so worked up like this. But he is one of Ivy’s oldest friends. He has to have some redeeming quality. It’s clear that he’s worried about her. Ryan’s the first member of this evil trifecta who genuinely seems to care about Ivy and that makes me want to give him the benefit of the doubt. He can’t be that bad, right?

  “I don’t know. Lauren didn’t want me to leave the building.” He rakes his fingers through his hair distractedly. He’s on the fence about what to do. It’s time for me to cast the deciding vote.

  “Yeah, but she’s going to kill you when she finds out Ivy’s missing.” I lay it on the line and he takes the bait.

  “You’re right. Let’s go.” The hell with procrastination, he makes an abrupt turn and is already out the door. I have to sprint to catch up to him.

  “We’ll take my truck. I know these roads like the back of my hand. If Ivy’s out here, we’ll find her.” I have to maintain control of the situation. There’s no way I’m riding shotgun with some teenager. His shoulders droop, making it clear he’s not pleased with my suggestion, grumbling something under his breath as we get in.

  “So what’s the deal between you and Ivy, man? Are you just playing with her or what? Because a guy like you can’t be serious about someone like her.” We’re not even in the truck five seconds and Ryan’s already on the attack. He obviously feels threatened by me, but it’s a loaded question and I’m not sure how to answer it. If I ever intend to make a break from Lauren, this might be the place to start.

  “Ivy’s special, but you already know that. She’s someone who means a lot to me. If Lauren doesn’t it like it, that’s her problem.” I look both ways before driving onto Main Street. Once we’re clear of the theater, I breathe a sigh of relief like I’ve been released from my imprisonment.

  “So are you dating Lauren or something? She was all over you in there. It’s kind of hard to believe that Ivy’s so important to you.” Looking at him out of the corner of my eye, I can see him glaring at my profile. I think he wanted to get me out here alone. This has all the makings of a conversation that’s about to go terribly wrong.

  “It’s not like that. Lauren was going to hurt Ivy if I didn’t go along with her tonight.” My defense sounds hollow even to me.

  “So you just had to suffer through it, huh? It’s hard letting a woman who’s young, rich, and successful suck on your face. You’re full of shit, man. You know that?” He’s right but it doesn’t make me feel good to admit it. If he has Ivy’s ear, there’s no way he’s going to be in my corner when she comes crying on his shoulder. If she comes crying since he’s not exactly in her good graces right now either.

  “Well then, so are you. She crawled down an embankment to get away from you after you told her about your little peep show. It really shook her up, finding out her friend is such a pervert.” We’re approaching the garden center but I blow right by it. My gut is telling me if she’s anywhere, she’s at my house.

  “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. That was something private between Ivy and me. You wouldn’t understand. You don’t know her like I do. She just needs some time to get used to the idea. That’s all.” Ryan is seething, but under the surface he’s not too sure of himself. My remarks must have thrown him off balance. He actually thought Ivy enjoyed hearing his confession, like she’s into his sick, twisted crap? It makes me want to get out of the truck and punch his lights out for even thinking of her like that. Where does he get off?

  “You drove up here with her. Did she even talk to you? Because Monday night, it seemed like she was through with you.” I rub my hostility in his face. If this is turning into a pissing match, he doesn’t know who he’s dealing with, the little punk.

  “We did way more than talk. In fact, I have her panties right here in my pocket.” He dangles them in front of me before slinging them over the rearview mirror like some kind of trophy. He has to be kidding me. They’re probably just some random pair he bought himself. Ivy would never fool around with him.

  “Nice try, asshole. Sorry if I’m not buying it.” The house is in darkness. My stomach drops.
Ivy’s not here.

  “You don’t think I have what it takes? You think she’s only into guys like you…or Will?” He laughs as I bring the truck to a halt. “Her cherry lip gloss sure tasted good. I can just imagine how she tastes down there. Maybe I’ll find out when I drive her home.” He’s just about to open the car door when I let loose and hit him on the side of the jaw. The momentum sends him sprawling out of the truck and onto the driveway. Getting out, I intend to finish what I’ve started.

  He’s already on his feet as he rams me against the bumper. I easily have him by a good fifty pounds but he’s wiry. He kicks my legs out from under me and I drop to the ground. Sitting on my back, he grabs me by the hair, slamming my face into the dirt. My vision blurs as I hear the crack of my forehead hitting the earth. He flips me over and hurls back with his fist clenched. I block it and struggle to get him off me. His full weight is on my chest and it’s hard to breathe. He’s pinning me beneath him, giving himself the advantage. If I can only get to my feet, I’ll give him the proper beating he deserves. I’m not surprised he fights dirty—so does his stepsister.

  “She likes it rough too, you know. I had fun holding her wrists above her head while making her scream.” I have no idea if Ryan’s telling the truth but something inside me snaps. I grab him by the shirt and pitch him off me. He’s quick though, because before I have a chance to regain my footing, he charges into me from behind. My stomach connects with the front grill of the truck, knocking the wind out of me. He uses my moment of weakness to bash my head against the hood.

  And that’s when I black out.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I can ask you the same question. I know for a fact that Eric doesn’t have any employees on his payroll. So whoever you are, you better get out of here before I call the cops.” Spying a pair of garden shears, I hoist them like a weapon, daring him to come any closer.


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