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More, Please (Please Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Willow Summers

Gagging, skin crawling, I put some of the lotion onto him, just to make it seem used a little, and wiped my hands on his pants. I put the unused lotion into my clutch, so no one would be the wiser, and grunted sexually a few times in a male voice.

  There was no way this would fool anyone, but I had to try.

  Straightening up, and mussing my hair and clothes, I quickly swept my gaze around the area to make sure everything was in order, took off my shoes so I didn’t make too much noise, and snuck off toward the door. Hopefully no one would check on him for a while.

  I left the house and slipped on my shoes, bringing out my phone to call a cab. As I hurried down the front walk, I caught sight of someone walking in rapid strides toward me. My breath caught as I lowered the phone, ready to run or scream or who knew what.


  The dominating voice shocked into me, releasing the stress from my body and relaxing my muscles. I should’ve been nervous as Hunter reached me and grabbed my shoulders. I was on enemy soil, after all. But I wasn’t. Not even a little. Just utterly, completely relieved.

  “What happened? Are you okay?” he asked.

  His gaze went to my hair and then down to my clothes, lingering on the brooch for a second. He looked back at my eyes. “Did he touch you?”

  Tears of relief came to my eyes. “No. He didn’t do anything. I’m okay.”

  Hunter pulled me in, squeezing me tightly to his chest.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked in a breathy voice, not able to properly breathe with his bear hug, and not caring.

  “First, I need to sort this out—” Hunter released me and turned toward the street. “My car is over there. It’s unlocked. Get in and wait for me there.”

  “No!” I stepped into the middle of the path hastily, putting my hands out. “You can’t go in there!”

  His expression closed down into one of suspicion. “Why?”

  I took the vial and the waiver out of my clutch and held it up to Hunter. “One, because I drugged him, which is illegal. Two, because I got what I came for. This absolves your contract. Or…absolves Rodge’s portion—I’m not really sure how it works. But Kimberly’s lawyer drew it up, so it’s binding. All you have to do is file it and you should be okay.”

  Hunter took the waiver slowly, scanning the writing before glancing at the moon. He must not have had enough light to see what it said. He took the vial next, wiggling the little bottle. The remaining pill clattered against the plastic. His gaze hit me again. “How did you get him to sign this without—”

  “Can I explain in the car, please? I have no idea when his maids will check on him. I’d rather not get caught out here.”

  Hunter glanced at the door again, his expression turning into a mask of cold anger. The small hairs on my neck rose as his upper body muscles flexed against his shirt. He wanted to go in and have words with his father.

  His chest rose before he exhaled loudly. He brushed the stray hairs from my face before sliding his arm around my shoulder and leading me back to his car parked across the street.

  Once on the road, I asked again, “What were you doing there?”

  “I came home—excuse me. I showed up at your flat after I took care of some things. Kimberly and Janelle were there watching the remote transmission from your brooch. They didn’t think I’d be over…”

  “I didn’t either. Earlier today you didn’t think you would…”

  “Two nights without you is too many.”

  Shivers raced across my arms. I couldn’t help the delighted smile, masked by the darkness in the car.

  “You were just sitting down to dinner. I…wasn’t happy when I realized where you were.” His voice dropped in pitch, the anger at the discovery burning hot. “Kimberly tried to explain, but I was already headed for the door. She played the video as she chased me to the car. What was being said finally sank in as I was sitting into the seat. I watched the whole thing then. Listening to you two explaining what you were doing. She told me why…”

  “I couldn’t let you lose everything for me.”

  His hand balled into a fist in his lap. “My father isn’t the most trustworthy person. What if you’d got yourself in too deep and couldn’t get away?”

  I reached into my clutch and pulled out the pepper spray. “Then I would’ve sprayed him.”

  Hunter rolled his shoulders, getting onto the on ramp to cross the Bay Bridge. “I wish you hadn’t done that. This. Any of this. This shouldn’t concern you.”

  “But it does. You wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for me. Also, did you know that Blaire can’t have kids? She doesn’t want them.”

  “Yes. I do. She threw that in my face at one point. It wouldn’t have mattered. She was a means to an end. She wasn’t any more cruel than I was. We each wanted certain things. I’m the one that backed out. She deserved more.”

  I scoffed. “Yeah, right. She was in it for the money.”

  “So was I.”

  “No harm, no foul, then. Plus, you can’t tell me you were just in it for the money. You were also preventing your father from siring another heir, weren’t you? He took a bunch from your mom that wasn’t his, and if he’d had another kid, he would’ve split the inheritance. Or cut you out entirely.”

  Hunter’s jaw tightened, the green from the dash illuminating his handsome features. “You must’ve had a long chat with my father.”

  I laughed. “I might’ve…goaded him a little. He’s just so creepy. And such an asshole. I would advise you not to watch the transmission.” I glanced out the window, wiping under my eyes to clear any straying makeup. “He spelled out why he’s such an ass to you. Basically, he thinks you betrayed him. That’s all you really need to know.”

  “I did know that. He’s not as sly as he thinks he is. He wanted to sit on his empire with his son pulling strings and helping him with his unethical tricks. Since I wouldn’t, I became the enemy.”

  “And I thought my mom was bad…”

  “Can’t even compare. Your mother is narcissistic. My father is…”


  Hunter kept his silence for a while. The rumble of the car filled the space as the streetlights flashed by. The scenes from the night flashed by with them, my memory highlighting all the things that could’ve gone wrong. All the things that almost did go wrong. I got lucky. Barely, but I did get lucky.

  “Are you mad?” I asked in a whisper. “That I went to his house, I mean. Are you fighting trust issues or anything?”

  He glanced over before moving his right hand off the steering wheel and taking mine. “No. I’m not mad. Or suspicious. I can’t say I wouldn’t have been, though. If you hadn’t recorded it, and if Kimberly hadn’t explained… You know me. Better than anyone else. You can read me.”

  “It’s not hard. A person just has to pay attention.”

  “Not many would. Or do.” His fingers threaded in between mine. “I was afraid that I’d be too late. That something would happen and you wouldn’t be able to get away. I underestimated you.”

  I scoffed, still staring out the window. “That’s not hard. Even Kimberly said I was terrible at espionage. You should also know that I had to touch his…you know. It was gross, but it had to be believable. I don’t want to go to jail.”

  “You won’t.” His voice filled with power and determination. “Nothing from tonight will come near you. I’m sorry that you thought it did in the first place.”

  I dropped my head against the seat as he said, “So you followed through with your plan. With the condom and…”

  “Yeah. That’s why I had to touch…you know.”

  “And he signed on his own? You didn’t forge?”

  “He signed. I said I wouldn’t touch him unless he signed. He thought I would go through with it at that point. If I hadn’t drugged him, I wouldn’t have been able to take the waiver unless he let me. He thought he was in control.”

  Hunter nodded slowly as he pulled into the garage of my flat. When the
car was silent, he sat for a moment, holding my hand without moving. Finally, he looked over at me, the light from the garage shining in and highlighting his features. “Thank you, for what you did. It was an act of selflessness. I realize that. Regardless of my hang-ups over your involvement…thank you.”

  “I was worried you’d find out and not understand.”

  “I know,” he whispered. He leaned over and touched his lips to mine softly. “I don’t deserve a woman like you. I haven’t done anything in my life to warrant this luck.”

  “You’re calling hanging out with me luck? I’d better get that engraved—no one will believe you actually said luck. As opposed to misery.”

  He kissed me again, deeper this time. Warmth filled my body, my mind falling into the kiss as I had into his eyes a few moments ago.

  “C’mon,” he murmured against my lips. “Let’s go upstairs.”

  Something occurred to me as we walked up the stairs and into the flat. He dropped his keys into the bowl by the door and led me down the hall to our—my—room. “You watched the whole video Kimberly took?”

  He switched on the light and turned to me, pulling me into his body. His lips found my neck, kissing down to my collarbone. “Yes.”

  “The whole video?”

  “Yes.” He pushed my hair from my face as he kissed my jaw, and then my lips. His hands fell down to my shoulders, pushing the dress straps down my arms. The dress slunk down my chest and then thighs before pooling on the floor.

  “There was talk of editing things out…”

  My bra fell away. His hot tongue flicked my taut nipple, sending shooting sparks of pleasure throughout my body. His hands skimmed my ribs. Thumbs hooked into the elastic of my panties where they wrapped around my waist. He pushed the lacy material down.

  “Yes,” he said right before his hot mouth fastened around the nipple, sucking.

  My head fell back as deft fingers worked between my slit, making everything slick. Two fingers pushed into me as his thumb circled my clit. “And me trying to get the video away from her…”

  His mouth left a trail of heat up to my lips. He shrugged out of his dress shirt before unbuttoning and pushing down his pants and boxers. He pulled me closer again, the feel of his delicious body against mine making my eyes flutter closed.

  “Yes.” He kissed me passionately, his hands applying pressure on my back until my front was basically coating his. He shifted a little, backing away to adjust. His erection slid between my legs, rubbing against my incredibly wet and aching sex.

  I sighed as his lips sucked softly at my neck. His hands rubbed down my bare back and squeezed my butt cheeks. His hips moved away and then came back, rubbing his soft skin against mine.

  “And you’re not going to fire me for breaking the rules?” I asked in a hush, torn between extremely turned on, and uncomfortable because I knew he’d heard the love admission.

  “We’ve broken a lot of rules, Livy.” Hunter sighed as he pulled his hips away, dragging his velvety manhood against me. He angled up and brought his hips back in. His tip pushed past my barriers and entered my body slowly, filling me up.

  I slid a leg up his thigh and hooked it around his hip. He nibbled my lips as he pulled out, rubbing just right. He thrust slowly, deep and intense. His tongue entered my mouth, matching his body’s movements. He pulled out, and this time, his thrust came hard and fast.

  The contrast made me moan, melting into him in erotic bliss.

  “I want to pleasure you, Livy.” Hunter pulled out of me. “Pull the sheets back. Get your heating lotion, the handcuffs, and the blindfold.”

  Chapter Eleven

  A thrill zinged through my body. With tingling legs and a nervous smile, I went to the closet and retrieved what he’d asked for. When I came back, he took the items from me before turning me around. The soft material covered my eyes, tightening as he tied it behind my head. I felt the whisper of fingertips down my arms, giving me goosebumps.

  His heat moved away, leaving my back uncomfortably cold. In darkness, I heard the bed creak and shift, fabric being ruffled. Metal jingled. Butterflies filled my stomach.

  I’d never done this before. I’d never trusted someone enough to let them tie me down in any way. I’d never met someone that I could trust so completely.

  I’d also never been with someone like Hunter.

  Without warning, he scooped me up into his arms. I squealed in surprise. A moment later, I felt his muscles lengthen and contract around me, as he climbed onto the bed. The soft mattress received me as he put me down. He drew up my hands above my head. Cold metal encircled each wrist.

  Another thrill tore through me as the ratchet sound announced the handcuffs closing. I moved, feeling the shackles catch and hold my wrists.

  A warm hand settled on my shin before moving up my body slowly. It traveled over my thigh, going wide around my hip and over my belly. I sucked in a breath as his palm cupped a breast. His thumb ran across my nipple.

  I moaned, arching into his hand. His other hand touched down on my other breast, his thumbs now moving and tweaking both nipples.

  I licked my lips and spread my legs, pulling at my hands, feeling the fire of being completely at his mercy. His hands left my breasts, making me whimper in disappointment. A moment later, though, cool wetness rubbed into my breasts and around my nipples. Between my legs was next. My nipples began to tingle with heat before my sex did the same, the warming lotion spiking the pleasure.

  The bed moved under me. Some part of him glanced across my thigh. The soft clunk of the lotion bottle touched down on the nightstand. I felt his movement before a warm tongue licked up my center.

  “Oh,” I moaned, tilting up into him. Palms pushed my thighs wider. His mouth sucked me in, his tongue swirling as it did so. His palms disappeared. I waited, wondering where they would touch down as his mouth moved up. His tongue played with my clit, his hands still absent.

  I breathed out the expectation. My core started to tighten in excitement as I gyrated up into him. I pulled at my hands, deliciously trapped. I arched, moaning as his suction increased.

  A finger flicked my nipple unexpectedly.

  “Oh!” I jolted, throwing my head back into the pillow. I pulled at my hands again and bit my lip. His mouth worked me harder as his fingers gently twisted my nipple.

  Shooting jabs of pleasure shocked into my body, pooling in my sex. The tightness intensified, winding up. I writhed, unable to move far with my hands caught. Unable to touch him.

  “Yes, Hunter,” I said through a tight throat, gyrating into his mouth. I strained against the handcuffs and arched, wanting his touch harder. Wanting more.

  His hand rubbed down my stomach. Another hand joined the first, firm strokes down my lower belly and over my thighs. I spread my legs wider and arched again, needing his touch to work with his mouth. Needing a part of him inside me.

  As if reading my mind, one of his hands lifted, appearing on my breast. The other felt down my slit before dipping in.

  “Oh, yes. Oh. Yes!” Unable to help myself, so damn aroused by the cuffs and blindfold, at his mercy, I writhed on the bed wildly. I swung my hips into and away from him, working with the pounding of his fingers inside me. I felt the pull of his mouth on my most sensitive spot. Aching in my core from his other hand rubbing my breast.

  I bit my lip again, pulling at the bed. Struggling. Wanting to touch him. Turned on that I couldn’t.

  “Yes, Hunter. Harder—” The sensations burned through me. My heart hammered as everything clenched tight deep down inside of me. So tight. Felt so good—

  “Ah!” I shuddered uncontrollably in release, pulling with my hands. The wood cracked under the strain.

  Hunter’s hands roamed over me, softly sending waves of pleasant shivers through me. I panted, rubbing my thighs along his body as his soft breath blew against my fevered and aching sex.

  “Fuck me now, Hunter,” I commanded, somehow feeling more powerful even though I was tied up and

  His body rubbed up mine, as my taut nipples rubbed against his harder pecs, ripping a moan from my throat. His lips hit mine. His tongue penetrated my mouth as my legs spread wider to accommodate his large body.

  Without hesitation, he entered me, diving in deep. I moaned, wrapping my legs around his waist. His kiss deepened as he plunged, thrusting into me. Filling me up.

  I started gyrating again, having skipped the second warmup phase and already tightening in anticipation of an orgasm. The bed shifted as he plunged, hard and fast. The wood creaked with the strain of me pulling on it, loving being tied down. Loving being taken.

  “Yes, Hunter!” I exalted. Our breath mingled, both of us breathing hard. I rocked my hips, meeting his downward thrusts. Our bodies slapped together. My moans grew louder.

  “Olivia,” Hunter whispered in my ear. He sucked in my earlobe as he dove into me.

  Heat, then a slow burn, took over me. I wanted to admit I loved him. That I needed him.

  I bit down on my lip. I held it in. Just in case. He knew, but he hadn’t heard it straight from my lips.

  Instead, I arched up, taking more of him. “Oh, Hunter. Oh God—I’m going to come.” It hit me. Blistering pleasure exploded and then wrapped around me, so tight it cut off my breath. Colors blasted behind my eyes. I trembled beneath him, feeling him shaking over me.

  His lips found mine again, deep and sensual. His movements slowed way down. “It just keeps getting better with you,” he said softly, reaching up and undoing my blindfold. His handsome face and soft eyes came into view. Moonlight sprinkled across his shoulders.

  He kissed me again as he let me out of the handcuffs.

  “This bed was chosen specifically, wasn’t it?” I asked with a tired smile, turning to my side. He pulled the covers over us and snuggled in behind me. “You wanted something you could use handcuffs with.”

  “Aren’t you glad I did?”

  I sighed in contentment as his arms came around me. “Yes. I liked that.”

  He kissed my neck. “So did I.”

  * * *


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