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Executive Decision: A Romance Novel

Page 15

by Mandy M. Roth

  I hesitated. “Dale, are you going to freak out on me if I spill something on this because I think we both know I will.”

  “Put your arms in,” he instructed as he started to undo the sheet wrapped around me.

  Sliding my arms in, I watched him carefully, trying to guess what he was thinking. I couldn’t. Not being one known for my patience, I decided to just ask, “A penny for your thoughts.”

  He opened the sheet and just stood there. His eyes were the only part of him that moved. They seemed to linger over my breasts before continuing downward. “I’m just thinking about how amazingly beautiful you are.”

  “I’ll give you two pennies if you never say that to me again.”

  “Nope. Not worth it. I’ll get it tattooed on my arm if you tell me not to say it again.”

  That made me laugh. The idea of Dale marring any part of his perfect body was hysterical all in itself. I’d never even seen him have so much as a blemish. “Before you go putting something permanent on your body, you should try to shave just once a day. See if you can make it with stubble for an afternoon. It’s called taking baby steps, sweetheart.”

  Dale just stood there, staring at me. For the first time ever, I wanted to cover myself in front of him. Heat moved through me, and I knew I was blushing. I tried to pull the shirt together but Dale caught my hands in his.

  “No, let me just look at you a minute, Liz.”

  Annoyed, I blew a piece of stray hair from my face and rolled my eyes. “You’ve seen me naked before. And, didn’t you tell me that you put me in the tub, held my head, and then got me out?”

  The crafty slight smile he gave told me I was right. “Uh-huh, but they made me stare at the wall. And--,” he bent down before me, “--they didn’t let me do this.” Dale drew my nipple into his mouth and sucked greedily on it, making my insides jerk and threaten to ignite. He pulled off, blowing gently, watching as my nipple rose in his direction, responding to him.

  Tracing his fingers along my side, he sent shivers down me. Dale moved to my other breast and gave that nipple equal attention, sucking, blowing, arousing it. I felt his hand press against my mound.

  “And when I mentioned you were shaved, they hit me and wouldn’t let me do this,” he said, spreading me open as he kissed his way down my stomach.

  My belly tightened as he knelt down before me. The tiny kisses he was placing on my upper thighs stimulated me enough as it was, if he went any further I’d join him in the ranks of needing to sit down. “Dale....”

  Dale glanced up at me as he inserted one of his long fingers into me. I tried to step back but he thrust another one in and began to swirl them slowly. He pressed his mouth against my slit, and the moment I felt his warm tongue caressing my clit, my knees weakened.

  My hands instantly went to his shaggy hair. I held it gently, needed to use him only as a focal point to keep from crumbling. He chuckled into my pussy--the sound shook me, vibrated through my swollen bud, causing me to jerk. He increased his thrusts, sending his fingers deep into me.

  “Ahh ... please, Dale.”

  I heard myself beg him, but I wasn’t sure what exactly I was begging him for. I just knew that I needed something, and I needed it now.

  Dale drew my clit into his mouth and began a series of back and forth licks. The backs of my legs twitched and I felt it all the way through my butt and lower back. Whatever he was doing was causing involuntary movements throughout my lower half, and it was wonderful. I hugged his head tighter to me.

  Deep within me, pressure began to build. I tipped my head back and moaned softly. I rotated my hips and the pleasure inside me intensified. Dale moaned, digging his face into me, licking, swirling.

  I tried to hold it back, the pinnacle point where I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop my own actions. I failed. Increasing my motion, I rubbed my pussy against Dale’s mouth wildly and gripped his hair tighter than I should. Instantly, my entire body went rigid. A tingle sensation started in my toes and swarmed up me, through my legs, my womb. I continued to ride Dale’s face, prolonging the pleasure.

  It was too much, too powerful. I needed something to ground me, pull me down before taking me higher again. I pushed off him and broke contact. Still the tingling continued.

  Dale tried to rise. I dropped down to my knees before him and attacked his mouth with mine. The taste of my own essence only served to drive the insatiable need that had consumed me. Dale didn’t fight me. He returned each kiss.

  I still needed more, and I wanted it while I was still in the throes of the climax he’d given me. Leaning back, I pulled on the back of Dale’s neck and brought him with me.

  My back hit the hardwood floor and I spread my legs wide. Dale followed me, still attached to my mouth. The feel of his warm body above me made it all seem right.

  Running my hands down his back, I traced over each muscle and went straight for his silk bottoms. I slid my hands under his waistband and moved one around his hip. Dale gasped as I cupped his sac and massaged it gently. Sliding my hand up his rock hard erection, I knew he was more than ready to go again. I pushed his bottoms down, freeing his cock and baring his ass.

  “No, Liz,” Dale said, between fiery kisses, “Not like this. Not our first time.”

  Ignoring him, I lined him up with my soaked core. “We can stop if you want.”

  Please say no.

  Dale nodded but kept kissing me. “Bed. Let’s move to the bed. I need to put a....”

  Taking hold of his shaft, I stroked it fast, letting the tip of it slip into me slightly. I couldn’t stop rubbing him. I needed him in me. “Mmmhmm, bed.”

  Suddenly, Dale seized hold of my wrists and yanked them above my head. He pinned them under his and thrust hard and deep in me, burying himself to the hilt. I cried out into his mouth and he drank it away with his kisses.

  He stayed there for a moment, with his body still and his breathing slow. I ground against him, wanting more. Slowly, Dale began to withdraw from me. I thought he’d exit completely. He didn’t. Instead, he slammed down into me and didn’t stop, didn’t slow. He pumped into me with a fierceness I never knew he had.

  I wanted to hold him, touch him, anything, but he wouldn’t loosen his grip on my wrists. Needing to caress him, I used my leg, lifting it more before running it over his thigh.

  Dale thrust into me, keeping his fast pace. I writhed beneath him. The walls of my channel began to clutch at his shaft, trying to hold it in me. Wet slapping noises came from us as our bodies stayed joined.


  Slowing just a hair, Dale’s body rubbed directly against my clit, instantly causing the overwhelming pleasure to return. I bit at his tongue lightly and felt my abdomen tightening. He freed my wrists, and I grabbed hold of his ass, squeezing it, guiding it as I hit my zenith. Every part of me wanted to claw at his flesh, mark him as mine. I didn’t. Extending my fingers outward, I was careful to touch him with only my palms as I panted hard into his mouth.

  Dale’s body stiffened and he began to pull out of me. Desperate to maintain contact with him, I yanked hard on his backside and wrapped my long legs around him, holding him tight to me.

  “Liz, no ... uhh,” Dale murmured as he slammed into me and held himself as he shot his seed deep within me, filling me, warming me. I pressed up against him, knowing he couldn’t move, and swayed slightly. He shuddered and brought his arms in tight to me, squeezing me tighter and tighter to the point it bordered on painful.

  He pulled his mouth away from mine and stared down at me with an expression I’d never seen him have—a blend of astonishment, satisfaction, lust, and caring. I wondered if my face looked the same. I know that was exactly how I felt.

  I grunted. “You’re squeezing me too tight.”

  “Oh,” he said, inching his arms out a bit, “Sorry. It was either squeeze you or press you through the hard floor. I took what I thought would be the least painful for you.”

  Laughing, I leaned up and kissed the tip of his
nose. “Funny, I was of the opinion you did both.”

  Dale’s eyes widened, and he propped himself up above me. “Did I hurt you? Is your back okay? I swear that I was going to pick you up and put you in the bed, but I couldn’t stop myself. I also wanted to—”

  I pressed my mouth to his to shut him up. It worked.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Feeling better?” Dale asked as I finished pulling a wide-tooth comb through my wet hair.

  “I felt fine before. You were the one who has been staying at least three feet away from me since we had sex.” It was true. When Dale had pulled out, he’d gotten to his feet, pulled me up and then backed away like I was a leper. It was more than a little off putting. He’d not made a move to touch me again.

  Dale baulked. “I’ve not stayed away from you. I just thought you’d want to get cleaned up before we eat. Plus, this saves you a step before you go shopping today.”

  I noticed he didn’t include himself in the shopping trip.

  I tossed the comb into the basket on the shelf under the cabinet and tightened the red towel that was wrapped around me. “I take it you’re not coming along now.”

  Dale ran his fingers nervously over the waistband of his silk bottoms. He didn’t want to talk about any of this. Whatever this even was. “I, uhh ... I’ve got some errands I need to run. You go have fun with the girls and I’ll catch up with you tonight at Seth’s.”

  Errands, right. I smell a brush-off.

  “Are you at least staying to eat. You know what--it’s already close to noon. You might want get a quick shower and get a move on it. Seth and Jeffrey are expecting us all at eight. Be sure to call if something suddenly comes up and you can’t make it.”

  Dale nodded. “Yeah, of course. I don’t foresee anything coming up. Do you want me to pick up a something to take?”

  No, I want you to stop being a coward and avoiding the obvious problem you have right now.

  I held back. “No, I’ll handle it.”

  “Oh, I wanted to ask if you had tomorrow afternoon and early evening open?”

  I stared at him, wondering if the real Dale was going to pop out and yell boo. He didn’t. “I need to get packed tomorrow, but I think so. Why? Are we penciling each other in for things now? Hey, while you’re marking me down in your PDA, do you think you could set a little time aside when I get back from Ohio? I’d like to see you, even if it’s just for an hour or so.”

  Dale’s brow furrowed. “Liz, did I do something wrong?”

  What do you think?

  Someone knocked on the front door, keeping me from having to answer him. He turned to go answer it and I pushed past him. “I’ll get it. You should really get cleaned up. And you know it’s the match-making triplets checking on us.”

  I left him standing there. If he had issues with what we’d done then he was on his own. The only issue I currently had was that I’d given him another chance which he was fast preparing to blow. The sound of the shower running told me that he didn’t really care about going into his problems with me just yet. And that was fine.

  Tossing the bedroom door open, I froze. Large bouquets of flowers sat all over the white-washed cabinet the television hid in. There were red and white roses in one tall, crystal vase. White lilies filled two other vases. The one that caught my attention was the holder that was tin but looked identical to a birdhouse. It was overflowing with white daisies.

  Startled by another loud knock on the door, I stopped staring at the flowers and went to the door. “Does everyone have their eyes or was a gouging necessary?” I grabbed the handle and flung it open.

  Charles took a step in and leaned against the doorframe. He threw me for a minute because one, he was standing in front of me and two, he didn’t have a suit on. The light tan, cotton polo and matching suede jacket had been a gift from me. I’d gotten so sick of seeing him in a tie all the time I bought him other clothes for his birthday. This was the first time I’d seen him in them. I had to admit that he looked good. He managed to pair it with the black cotton pants I’d gotten him. I’d wanted to buy him jeans but knew he’d never wear them.

  Charles’ gaze ran over me. I knew that look. It was the one he wore right before sex. Having a horny lover in my doorway and a something in the shower was not a good combination. Especially, considering how they seemed to agree on the other not being involved with me.

  And the fun begins.

  “Now, why would I want to gouge my eyes out with you looking that good in a towel?” Charles asked, meeting my gaze and letting me know what he wanted.

  I forced a smile to my face and held the center of my towel tight, fearing he’d actually yank it off. He’d been known to do it before. “Hey you, what are you doing here? And who let you into the building?”

  “Not the reception I was looking for, but I’m here because we were supposed to meet for coffee this morning and it’s already noon. I was worried about you. You haven’t answered your phone and I’ve left messages on your machine and your cell’s voice mail.” He stepped in, forcing me to take a step back. “A tiny little blonde thing was walking out and held the door open for me. Or I would have just rung for you. Is there a problem with me being here?”

  I never heard either of my phones ring. It hit me that my well-meaning friends had most likely shut the ringers off.

  Charles cupped my neck in his large palm and backed me up a bit more. “Elizabeth, is there a reason you didn’t meet me this morning or answer my calls?” He ran his hand down and over the exposed portion of my breast before bringing it to my face. Pushing my hair back, Charles leaned into me and kissed my cheek gently. “You smell so good.”

  I pushed gently on his chest and turned my head a bit. “Umm, Charles....”

  “What’s all this?” he asked, staring at the bouquets of flowers. He glanced down at me and a small, tight-lipped grin spread over his face. “Do you have another admirer?”

  Refusing to allow him to trivialize this, I stood tall and put a bit of space between us. “That is not your business, Charles. I don’t ask you about other women, and you don’t ask me about other men. It works out perfectly.”

  Charles walked further into my apartment. I took hold of his arm, trying to stop him, but it didn’t work. “Let me guess, he’s young, good with the ladies, an all around funny guy, he’s got a sense of style--,” Charles touched one of the crystal vases and looked back at me “--has money, and wanted desperately to have sex with you.”

  His profiling abilities were frightening. Stunned by how accurate Charles had been, I stood there like an idiot as he moved towards my kitchen.

  Charles looked back at me with an almost sad expression. “Did it not quite work out, Elizabeth?”

  “What?” I asked, fumbling my way towards him.

  He lifted an unopened bottle of red wine off the counter and pointed down at an untouched buffet of food that I hadn’t even realized was there. There was a huge bowl of chopped fresh fruit. A large bowl of uncut strawberries sat next to it. There was plate of bagels and one of muffins. Some sort of pastry sat to the side of those. Three different kinds of juice filled glass pitchers and various dips and spreads were littered throughout it all.

  Dale wasn’t joking. They really had worked all night to make this perfect.

  Charles ran his manicured finger over the top of the unopened wine bottles. “He has expensive taste, yet he didn’t bother to open it. That tells me that he was either unsuccessful in his quest for your bed or that--,” he narrowed his eyes on me, “--you didn’t make him work for it. You made me work for it, Elizabeth. Did you foolishly hand it over to him only to have him walk away?”

  “Charles!” I’d had enough of his psychoanalysis bullshit to suit me a lifetime.

  Yanking his hand off the wine as if it were hot, Charles shook his head slightly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I didn’t sleep well last night. Believe it or not, I was worried about you. Then you never called or came over this morning for
coffee and I couldn’t get a hold of you. Then I show up here to find that while I was worried, you were sleeping with someone else.”

  He would figure out a way to make me feel guilty when I had no reason to. “I’m sorry, Charles. This wasn’t planned.”

  “Really?” he asked, looking around the room skeptically. “So, where is this mystery man?”

  “Charles, I have never asked to meet someone you’ve made love to.”

  He chuckled and it wasn’t friendly or kind. “Made love? Is that what you did? Hmm, you can’t tell me that he’s pulled the wool over your eyes this fast in the game, Elizabeth.” He closed the distance between us fast and took hold of my towel. “Please don’t tell me that you bought into all of this. I was young once too and at that age when I wanted a woman, I did the same things. Once I got what I wanted, I was done.”


  He didn’t let me finish. He pulled me nose to nose with him, still gripping my towel tight. “Music, flowers, gifts, anything that would work ... then the next morning, hell, the same day if we were done soon enough, I’d roll out of bed and invent reasons to not have to stay or hold her. I’d gotten what I’d come for, there was no point in staying.”

  Instantly, I thought about Dale keeping his distance from me and suddenly changing his mind about spending the day with me. No. Dale wasn’t like Charles. He wouldn’t have done all of this just for sex, would he?

  Charles kissed my cheek tenderly. “I can see it in your eyes, Elizabeth, he did that, didn’t he? When he was done with you he changed instantly.”

  “No,” I said, unable to meet Charles’ eyes.

  “Honey, you don’t have to lie to me. I’m not judging you. You’re young still and this all would be overwhelming. If this is what you want, I can give it to you and so much more. And you know I’ll be there come morning.”

  “It’s not what you think, Charles.”

  It wasn’t was it? If Charles, the king of womanizers, turned out to be right I would give up on men altogether. I’d shop the rest of my life away and die a very well-dressed spinster.


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