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Executive Decision: A Romance Novel

Page 23

by Mandy M. Roth

  I glanced at Dale who kissed my forehead lightly. “I can promise to help but I won’t commit Liz especially not if she turns out to be pregnant.”

  “The odds of that are....”

  Dale glanced towards the trashcan. “Sitting at the bottom of that.”

  I gave him a droll look.

  He smiled. “Let’s get you cleaned up and then when your stomach settles you need to eat something.”

  My stomach picked then to gurgle in protest.

  He laughed. “Oh, yep, I’m being blessed with another stubborn you. Beth-Ann may soon lose the title.”

  I held tight to his forearms. “Your mother is going to pop a blood vessel.”

  “Why? Because my wife and I are having a baby?”

  “We’re not married yet, Dale.”

  He pulled his cell phone off his belt loop, flipped it open and hit a button. Grinning, he wagged his brows. “Hey, Seth, it’s Dale. She agreed to marry me. Can you get with the girls and her mother to start the planning?” He covered the phone with his hand and stared at me. “Do you want a rushed wedding or would you like to wait until after the little one comes because I’m voting for tomorrow.”

  I just stared at him as he went back to talking to Seth.

  “Yes, you heard me right. We’re thinking you and Jeffrey might be uncles before too long. Just a hunch though. Nothing has been confirmed. Well, unless you count Liz tossing her cookies in the trash—”

  I slapped his arm and he stopped making fun of me. “Jerk.”

  “Yes, but I’m a jerk who is hopelessly in love with you.”

  “Figures,” I said, laughing as I hugged him.


  About the Author, Mandy M. Roth

  Mandy M. Roth grew up fascinated by creatures that go bump in the night. From the very beginning, she showed signs of creativity. At age five, she had her first piece of artwork published. Writing came into play early in her life as well. Over the years, the two mediums merged and led her to work in marketing. Combining her creativity with her passion for horror has left her banging on the keyboard into the wee hours of the night. Mandy lives with her husband and three children on the shores of Lake Erie, where she is currently starting work on her Master’s Degree. She was nominated for Romantic Times Bookclub Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Paranormal Erotic.

  Mandy has topped the Amazon bestselling charts more than once and has a loyal and steady following. She does cover art under the brush name Natalie Winters and is very involved with helping authors learn to market their books. In 2009 she and fellow author Michelle M. Pillow started their own self-publishing endeavor named The Raven Books. It spawned from the name of a nightclub in Mandy’s wildly popular Daughter of Darkness Series. In July 2010 they opened The Raven Books to third party distribution and by Dec 2011 had sold WELL over 150,000 ebooks.

  Mandy writes for The Raven Books, Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Harlequin Spice, Pocket Books and Random House/Virgin/Black Lace.

  To learn more about Mandy, please visit or send an email to

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  The Raven Books’ Complimentary Material

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  Simmering Seductions

  by Mandy M. Roth

  Sometimes, it’s possible to forgive but never forget. Can true love conquer all?

  Devan Seward is in the process of starting over—moving to the big city and doing her best to move on from an ugly past. When she waylays “Mr. Right” in the stairwell of her new apartment building, she feels an instant connection to him. There is something about the tall, dark and handsome man that leaves her feeling as if she’s known him all her life. Devan no longer trusts blindly, a hard lesson learned but can’t seem to stop herself from confessing things better left behind.

  Chef Kurt Holland is like a rock god in the culinary world. Cooking is his passion. His restaurant, E&E, caters only to the rich and famous. When a sexy blast from the past literally falls into his lap, he refuses to retreat like he did last time. No. Seizing the moment and Devan’s heart becomes his ultimate passion.

  Sometimes, it’s possible to forgive but never forget and the web of hurt reaches out further than most realize. Second chances at first loves and shocking revelations leave Devan and Kurt fighting not only their true nature, but outside influences as well to be together, hoping love truly can conquer all.

  Rating: This story deals with sensitive subjects such as domestic violence, drug abuse and deception. It has explicit sex, strong language and violence against the heroine (not by hero). It also deals with issues of abuser rehabilitation, second chances at redemption, forgiveness and the fact that life is not always black and white. In many cases, it is not possible to forgive or forget. In other’s it is possible to forgive but never forget. Author cautions that this book is not for all and that it is merely the creation of a character that needed to tell her story.

  Simmering Seductions Chapter One Excerpt

  “You’re going to need to move that sexy ass or I’m going to toss it onto this sofa and carry it up four floors before having my way with it.”

  Turning, I saw only the green leaves of the oversized fern plant I carried. Unfortunately, I knew the voice and knew its owner, Jake, would actually do exactly what he threatened to do. “Let me go first so I don’t have to play ‘follow dink and dork’ up the stairs.”

  “I’m dork,” Jake called out, chuckling from his end of the sofa. “Your brother can be dink.”

  “What’s a dink?” Gideon, my brother, asked.

  Jake and I laughed. I did my best to find the door handle. Although covering my eyes and finding a needle in a haystack might have been more productive. “Nothing. It’s a good thing, really.”

  “Uh-huh. Why am I not believing you?”

  Jake snorted. “Probably because you’ve known her for over thirty years. Now, as for you, Devan, you need to get your ass up those stairs. This thing isn’t getting any lighter. I’ve already lifted more things in one morning than I have in ten years.”

  “Hey, be nice or I’ll do it.”

  Gideon groaned. “If she breaks into song again I’m kicking your ass, Jake. Then I’m leaving. I thought she stopped all that. Now, I’m afraid to turn my television on for fear of seeing her dancing and singing with some guy in black leather.”

  “Hey, your little sister is a gem. Back off,” Jake said, laughing. “But if you do leave, can I keep her?”

  “I’d like to see you try,” I said, rushing through the door. I broke out into an interesting rendition of Do Wah Diddy replacing the she’s with he’s and hurried through the door. I knew the staircase was directly in front of the door so I lifted the fern high in the air to watch for the first step and began to jog up them.

  “Watch where you’re—”

  “Nope. Not stopping until you both sing along and tell me that you will miss me horribly when you leave. Next up on the jukebox is an eighties song. I’m feeling very Madonnaish. Consider yourselves warned.” I went right back into Do Wah Diddy.

  I made it up about six steps before I slammed into something that felt like the equivalent of a brick wall. I went backwards instantly. When two large arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me forward instead of back, I realized the brick wall was actually a person.

  Before I knew it, I was being twisted around and suddenly on said person’s lap and we ended up sitting on the stairs. The massive fern blocked my view of him but if the size of the arms were any indication—the person was male, definitely. I couldn’t help it. I burst into laughter at the absurdity of it all.

  Parting the fern, I peeked through to find a pa
ir of emerald green eyes staring back at me. The squared face they were set in made my breath catch. This was no ordinary man. No. This man was amazing. He had a pronounced jaw and forehead, giving him that dark brooding look I liked so much. His black hair was cut in one of those stylishly messy ways. It stood about two inches off the top of his head but was cut close on the sides and back.

  Taking a deep breath in, I caught the familiar scent of figwood and fruits. It was something I hadn’t smelled in years and the memories it brought back made my insides flutter. Sighing was an option I was more than willing to take. As my gaze traveled over his thick, corded neck I laughed harder. “Only I would make an ass of myself in front of a living god. I am so sorry. Are you hurt?”

  I leaned through the fern more and glanced down. The snug fitting short sleeved Roberto Cavalli shirt he wore drew attention to his steely upper body. I gulped as I looked down at his dirt covered groin. The flat front kakis he had on did little to hide the bulge growing quickly beneath them. “Looks really fine,” I sang softly.

  “Your eyes are…”

  My gaze went to his as I soaked in the sound of his deep voice. It was the kind of voice I could get used to hearing whispering sweet nothings to me in the wee hours of the night. “Disturbing? Two different colors? Yeah, I know one is blue and one is brown. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” He shook his head. “They’re beautiful.”

  I blushed and did the only thing I could think of, I laughed. The man’s eyes widened more before he too began to laugh. There was something about him that was so familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it. “Do I know you?”

  He stopped laughing and tipped his head a bit, seeming to study me. Something moved over his face that looked to be shock. “You can’t be her.”

  “Her who?” I asked between chuckles. “To be perfectly honest, since I’ve already made an absolute fool of myself, you make me think of The Clash. Why is that? You aren’t planning on rocking any Casbah are you?”

  His green eyes widened. I fought the urge to trace a line with my thumb over his full lips. It was hard. Somehow, I managed.

  “So, should I stay or should I go?” I asked, giving him a smile I hoped appeared to be sexy while I continued my Clash skit.

  “Stay.” He shook his head slightly and smiled back. His smile was for sure sexy. “How?”

  “How?” I cleared my throat. “How am I me? Or how am I her? Are all sexy New Yorkers this odd? Do you feel like you know me, too?”

  The slight, stunned nod was the only answer I got out of him.

  “My guess is we’ve crossed paths. You don’t play a professional sport, do you?”

  “No,” he said, staring at me with an odd fascination. “Is that a prerequisite?”

  Liking the man more than I should, I shook my head. “No. My list of must haves isn’t too long. Not playing a professional sport is at the top.”

  Jake snorted. “If you can pick up a phone and order a pizza she’s yours. If you can actually make one yourself, you may never get rid of her. If you’re able to make anything above that you just met your future wife.”

  “Why thank you, Jake.” I shot him a dirty look. He grinned like a schoolboy. “I always love it when my friends try to push me off on men who could be married, in a serious relationship, or not ones to pick women over men.”

  “If you would spend less time trying not to drool and more time looking at the guy, you’d see he’s staring at you like it’s taking everything in him not to touch you and I don’t see any rings on his fingers.”

  I snorted. “Oh, like that means anything. How many times did other women have at you know who?”

  “Oh, right. I forgot.”

  The man touched my cheek lightly and I drew in a sharp breath as familiar feelings washed over me. Closing my eyes I savored the moment.

  “Devan, get off the nice man and move. This thing is heavy,” Gideon said, sounding annoyed.

  The man’s eyes lit. “Devan?”

  “Right.” I nodded and stood slowly. Lifting the fern off him, I gasped. “Ohmygod, you’re covered in dirt now. I’m so sorry. Here, give me those and I’ll take them to the cleaners.” I set the fern down on the stair and turned to face him. “Wait, umm, I didn’t mean to just ask you to get naked. But I’d honestly be okay with that.”

  “Devan,” Gideon growled out. “I get you’re an adult. All I’m asking is to not be reminded of that—ever.”

  “Jake, do you still have my wallet?” I glanced at Gideon. “Just so you know, I’m ignoring you.”

  Jake laughed. “Yeah, what do you need?”

  “Five hundred dollars to replace the nice man’s clothing. I’m guessing he doesn’t want to take a check from a lady he just met in the stairwell. The Cavalli alone is three. It’s in this season which tells me the guy pays attention to fashion. I’d get into the jeans but Gideon would demand to have his eyes gouged out and I’d enjoy it too much.”

  Gideon coughed, not bothering to hide his shock. “People here wear five hundred dollar outfits? I was with you when you bought a dress for a dollar at a thrift store, Devan.”

  “The one that’s brown with obnoxious orange flowers on it?” Jake asked, knowing full well it was that one.


  I rolled my eyes. “It’s a Betsy Johnson. I saved a few hundred dollars. And how can you think brown and orange is obnoxious, Jake?” I rolled my eyes. “Ooo, I really liked the avocado green sweater I got that day, too.”

  Gideon sighed. “What was that? A Lou Reed?”

  Flipping him off, I smiled at the sexy man and did my best to avoid touching him. It was hard. “I feel like singing Little Orphan Annie songs. Who’s up for a night of that?”

  “Put the sofa down. I’m going to tape her mouth shut and hide her wallet. She does not need to be spending money.”

  Jake laughed hard. “Stop being over protective. If the girl wants to hand the man money to replace his clothes then let her, Gideon. Don’t you think she’s had enough issues with having control of her own life? Stop making her out to be on the verge of poverty. She’s worked her ass off to have what she does and I, for one, am damn happy to know that she doesn’t need to worry about money. You know, she still hasn’t accepted a penny of the, umm, other stuff.”

  I wanted to throw my shoe at Jake. His code words for alimony were ridiculous. Instead, I glared at my brother, already anticipating the coming argument. “And I’m not going to, Gideon, so don’t try to make me.”

  “Milk the bastard dry, Devan. You earned the right.”


  “Hey, you’re entitled to half,” my brother said, his gaze narrowed and locked on me. “Ask Jake.”

  Rolling my eyes, I sighed. We’d had this talk more times than I could count and I was beyond tired of it. That didn’t mean he’d stop. He’d chirp about me taking my ex to the cleaners until I was dead. Of that, I was sure. “I’ll pretend you didn’t say that.”

  Gideon growled. “Fine, whatever.” He nodded towards the stranger before me. “Give the guy the money and get him off the step. This isn’t getting any lighter. Tell me again why I didn’t let movers do this for her?”

  “Because you have a guilt complex that won’t quit and the very idea of your baby sister being so far away from you is killing you on the inside. And you keep running various ways to get her to come home, or move your practice up here, through your head.”

  I snorted. “Jake, he pushed me through the living room window when I was five. I don’t think that’s it. Try again.”

  “I did not push you. You were spinning around pretending to be a princess ballerina and hit my model car,” Gideon bit out. “I just moved you away from it.”

  “Yeah, and right through the screen. That bush had so many wasps in it that my ass hurt for weeks. It did get me out of a few annoying recitals. Thanks for that.” I glanced down at the sexy man on the step. “For reference, wasps don’t take kindly to people invading their
area.” I rubbed my butt for effect and winked.

  He just stared up at me, looking as though he was both shocked and pleased. I hoped he was both. It wasn’t every day that I felt I wowed someone.

  Jake laughed so hard he sounded like a seal barking. “Why didn’t I know about this?”

  “You did,” Gideon said. “Remember the month I refused to come… err… couldn’t come out and play? It was because of that.”

  “Mom did not ground you. She didn’t have to. You were a mess. You grounded yourself. Uncle Robert talked to you for like twenty minutes about how you only have one sister.” I put my hand out and started to impersonate my very Italian uncle. “Gideon, look at her. She hurts but is worried about your toy. She is a gift, a dove sent to bring us all joy and happiness. Treat her as such for you do not know when they will ask for her to return home.”

  “Holy shit, that’s why you were on your porch crying your eyes out. You were upset you hurt her.” Jake’s laughter wrapped around me and was infectious.

  “Worse than that,” I blew Gideon a kiss, “he kept sneaking into my room at night to make sure I wasn’t dead. Uncle Robert convinced him that angels would show up at any minute and snatch me up. Tell him what you did, Gideon.”

  “No.” His grunt was heard round the world. The tiniest of blushes stained my brother’s cheeks and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  Jake grinned and gave me a ‘spill it’ look.

  “Gideon found a spool of ribbon from one of those overdone dresses Mom used to put me in and tied my ankle to my bed. I woke up with it wrapped around me so tight that dad had to cut it off and then point out that if Gideon did it again I could lose my leg. That only made him worse. How he became a doctor is beyond me.”

  “See he loves you.” Jake laughed. “He dedicated his life to understanding how not to kill you.”


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