Book Read Free

Broken Road

Page 12

by Addison Kline

  “I just want you to be aware… You know they can’t stand me,” Colt said with a cocky smirk.

  “They don’t have to like you.”

  “I’ve thought about it long and hard. You’re the one good thing I have.”

  “I’ll always be your friend.”

  Colt pulled Averi in. Bringing his hand to her chin, he brushed a thumb across her blushing cheek.

  “That’s not enough anymore, Averi…” he said looking into her eyes. There was an urgency to his voice and the bass in his timbred tone caused goosebumps to rise on the flesh of Averi’s arm. He looked around to make sure they were alone and they were, it was just the two of them in the middle of the baseball diamond. His hands moved along the smooth skin of her cheek and down her neck. Resting there, he pulled her in. With their lips just inches apart, she whispered to him, “What do you want?”

  “This…” Colt softly said. His lips brushed hers ever so gently. His tongue licked against her soft lips seeking entry. Averi could feel the heat rising between them. His hold was getting tighter, more protective by the second and his wet tongued danced with hers, and he showed her what it meant to be kissed. Averi was breathless. Her heart was racing and she had never experienced anything so delicious, so exhilarating in her life. Colt’s heart felt like it was going to explode. He had never thought that she’d be his. Too chicken shit to make a move, too afraid that he’d destroy the one relationship that had he was able to maintain and strengthen since his younger years. Every other relationship was dead. He had no interest in the other girls at the high school. Sure they were nice to look at, but as soon as they opened their mouth, he was reminded, they weren’t Averi. Their vapid conversation, shallow hearts and immature minds all gave them away. But here she was, kissing him back. Colt had never known a moment more glorious than this. A spark rippled through his body, a jolt of electricity that threatened to set his nervous system ablaze.

  Colt let out a breath as their lips departed. She stood before him doe-eyed and expectant. This would change everything and nothing all at once. He could never go back to the way things were, just friends. Hell, she couldn’t move on from this and just pretend to be his friend. They were more, they’ve known in their hearts that they would be more since they were children. What had changed? He had grown the courage to take what he wanted. What the hell did he have to lose? Her. Only her.

  “That changes things now, doesn’t it…?” Averi said breathlessly. The sun shone brilliantly off his nearly black hair, his natural blue highlights catching her attention. She ran her finger through his wavy hair, waiting to hear his response.

  “Yes… and no…” Colt said.

  “Yes in the sense that I never in a million years thought you felt the same…”

  “You’re nuts.”

  “And no because it’s always just been you and me anyway.”

  “You have to be sure though. I cannot handle seeing you with another guy.”

  “I’ve never even kissed another boy.”

  “Still. You’re pretty. It doesn’t mean that they won’t try.”



  “What am I to you?”

  Colt was taken aback by her question. But he knew the answer. He’s known it for years.

  “You’re my girl,” he said, grabbing her hand. He placed it over his heart. “You’ve always been my girl.”

  Averi grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and pulled him down to her level. Giving him a kiss on his lips, she said, “Your girl wants to ride on the back of your bike.”

  Colt laughed and said, “Let’s go, then.”

  He grabbed her hand with a smile and the crossed the field. Ducking out of the baseball diamond through a hole in the fence, Colt led Averi to his bike.

  “Here, wear this…” he said passing his helmet to Averi. She noticed he only had one.

  “What about you?”

  “I have a hard head. I’ll be fine.”

  Averi shook her head. “I’ll remember to bring my own next time.”

  Revving his engine, Colt’s bike catapulted them down Mercy Street. With Averi’s arms grabbing him tightly, Colt had never felt more alive.


  “Baby, what are you doing?!” exclaimed Cheyenne as Randy moved his hands further up her shirt.

  They were sitting in Randy’s truck in a parking lot just off Rt. 1. Up to absolutely no good, Randy smiled broadly resting his hands on Cheyenne’s bare hips. She straddled his lap, moving in rhythm with the radio that currently played Limp Bizkit’s dreadful version of “Faith.”

  “Whatever the hell I want…” he said and he bit his lip, his hands traveling up her belly, over her breasts and down her back. He unsnapped her bra and let her breasts fall free. Just as he brought his tongue to her nipple, Cheyenne seemed to remember something.

  “Hey, are we going to that party tonight?”

  “Fuck no. What party?”

  “The one Shelly’s throwing. Word is Ricky Carmichael’s getting a keg.”

  “Could be fun. I’d rather grab some grub and go off-roadin’.”

  “C’mon Randy… It’s the same shit every Friday night. Let’s do something adventurous.”

  “Adventurous… I’ll give you adventurous,” he said as he tickled Cheyenne, pulling her in for another lengthy make-out session.


  “Where are you taking me?” Averi asked as the wind swept through her hair.

  “You’ll see!” Colt shouted over the hum of his motor.

  Averi watched as the rural scenery led to a more urban setting. Colt weaved onto the highway, keeping the speed limit, but Averi felt like they were going a million miles an hour.

  “You okay back there?” Colt shouted.

  “Yeah!” Averi yelled, although she wasn’t entirely sure if that was the truth.

  Colt followed the signs for San Antonio, and Averi’s curiosity was piqued. She had no idea what Colt had up his sleeves. He pulled off exit 15A and took the main road to Jefferson Avenue. When Colt parked outside the Metroplex Cinema, Averi had to let out a laugh.

  “Are we seeing a movie?”

  “Sounded like a good idea for a first date.”

  Date. Averi liked the sound of that.

  With his hand on her back, Colt led her into the theater, ready to show her just how serious he was about being her man.


  “Shit!” Cheyenne said as she saw the time. The time on the digital clock in Randy’s truck said 6:02. “Shit… shit….shit!”

  “What?! What’s wrong?! Friggin mellow out!”

  “I was supposed to be home to make his dinner at six!”

  “God! He treats you like a goddamn servant!”

  “He’s my step-father. I have to do it or he’ll kick me out.”

  “Let him. You can come live with me.”

  “Your grandfather will love that.”

  “He’ll get over it.”

  “Yeah, right. Look, just get me there. I just need to put something on the table before he gets home so he don’t go postal when I return later tonight.”

  Rolling his eyes, Randy put the truck in gear and hit the gas pedal, heading back towards Oakeley.

  “Let me tell you Cheyenne, if he puts his hands on you again, I’m moving you out.”

  “I wish it was that simple…”

  “It is. If he hits you again, you can have my room at my grandparents. I’ll sleep on the damn couch.”

  Cheyenne gave Randy an appreciative glance. He really did love her. More than anyone knew – even Randy himself.

  Randy noticed how nervous Cheyenne appeared to be as she stared pensively out the window. Her right leg tapped anxiously against the floor of the truck. Cheyenne’s face was blanched and the happiness that Randy found there earlier was gone. She was nervous to go home and that pissed Randy off.

  “Calm down, Chey…”

  “I can’t.”

  “Sure you can. I’m with you
. Everything will be okay.”

  “I’m nervous. I need to get the hell out of here.”

  “Do you want me to talk to my grandfather?”

  As much as Cheyenne wanted to say yes, desperate to get out from under her step-father’s roof, she didn’t want to be a burden to Randy or his family. Things were already tense when Grandma Hall found Randy and Cheyenne doing the dirty in Randy’s shower. The incident alone nearly gave the poor old girl a heart attack. While Tim and Uncle Shawn found the incident to be hilarious, Averi wasn’t laughing. She thought it was disrespectful and that he was putting too much stress on their aging grandparents.

  “No, Randy… You have a good family life. I don’t want to mess that up. We will get our own place after graduation like we talked about.”

  “That’s the plan, but if he hurts you…”

  “It’s not your problem…”

  Randy looked at Cheyenne with daggers in his eyes.

  “You’re my girl. Anyone messes with you, they’ve become my problem.”

  Randy’s outburst caused a smile to cross Cheyenne’s face. “Okay killer… down boy!”

  Despite his best effort to maintain his serious expression, a grin formed across Randy’s stressed face. The smiles would not last though. As Randy turned the corner of the street where Cheyenne lived, there was an ambulance parked in the middle of the block – right in front of Cheyenne’s step-father’s house. Paramedics were carrying a stretcher out of the house while two other medics tended to the patient’s needs.

  “Mom!” Cheyenne yelled from the passenger seat of Randy’s truck.

  “Mom!” she screamed again, scrambling to unstrap her seat belt.

  Cheyenne’s mother was being carried out of the house on a stretcher. Dave, Cheyenne’s step-father was talking to the police and didn’t appear to be going with her to the hospital. Randy couldn’t stop her. Cheyenne bolted from the truck, running up the middle of the street, trying to see what had happened to her mother.

  “Mom!” Cheyenne screamed, sounding frantic and out of breath.

  Her shoes hit the asphalt heavily with each stride.

  “Miss! You’re going to need to step back,” one paramedic told her.

  “She’s my mother!”

  “Step back… This woman is overdosing. Let’s go!”

  The paramedic jumped in the back and slammed the door shut. With a loud whir, the ambulance rushed off, leaving Cheyenne alone in the early evening dusk.

  Randy’s stomach had turned to stone as he watched the ambulance pull off. Out of the corner of his eye he watched as Dave went back inside the house. This wouldn’t end well. Cheyenne and Dave being in close quarters was never a good idea. The two getting together was like a match near a powder keg… Sure enough flames would ignite from the tension that mounted between the two of them.

  Randy waited for Cheyenne in the truck, trying not to jump the gun. But just seconds after Cheyenne slammed the front door, the screaming began. Randy closed his eyes as he listened to Dave berate and belittle his girlfriend. He tried to stay out of it and he only got involved when Dave resorted to violence. Unfortunately it happened more often than Randy was comfortable with. Every time Cheyenne left his sight, he felt like he had swallowed a bowling ball.

  Dave’s voice carried out through the window, “Where have you been?! No doubt whoring it up with your loser boyfriend.”

  Randy could hear Cheyenne’s upset voice fight back.

  Dave barked, “No! You are supposed to be here to cook my dinner and make sure your mother doesn’t do anything stupid! And now look! I have nothin’ to fuckin’ eat and your mother took a near lethal cocktail of coke, meth and Jack motherfuckin’ Daniels!”

  Randy listened carefully. He knew what was coming. He took his keys from the truck’s ignition and unstrapped his seat belt. Gritting his teeth he began beating his boots against the asphalt, closing the distance between Cheyenne’s abusive step-father and himself.

  “Well nothin’, Cheyenne! You’re too busy out there being a fuckin’ whore than to give a shit about our needs!”

  “Your needs!” Cheyenne screamed, “You get her hooked and I’m supposed to play Mommy! Cook your own damn dinner. I’m done! OW! Get your hands off of me!”

  Randy’s calm evaporated into thin air. Breaking into a run, he pounded the pavement with his feet, ran up the front steps and walked right in the front door that was left unlocked. Randy’s sanity threatened to abandon him entirely when he saw Dave crouching over Cheyenne with his hands around her neck. He had her lying down on the couch. Her legs flailed as she tried to break free of his grasp, but it did no good. Her face was turning purple from the lack of oxygen. Randy could hear her struggle under the weight of his choke hold.

  Darting across the room, Randy’s eyes saw red. Grabbing Dave by his long, straggly black hair, he pulled him off of Cheyenne and turned Dave around to face him. Before Dave could get a single word in, Randy sent a fist flying straight towards his face. Dave crashed to the floor, scrambling to get up, but mid-ascent, Randy grabbed the Louisville slugger that was leaning against the door and hit a homerun alongside Cheyenne’s step-father’s face.

  Throwing the bat down, Randy rushed to Cheyenne’s side where she was struggling to breathe.

  “Chey, are you okay?” he asked as he inspected the handprints on Cheyenne’s neck. Tears flooded from Cheyenne’s eyes as she saw Randy. Grabbing his hand she coughed before saying, “Get me the hell outta here…”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “You’re not allowed to pick the movie, ever again!” Averi declared loudly as she let out a hysterical laugh.

  She and Colt were walking out of the movie theater. Averi’s stomach hurt from laughing so hard, while Colt’s face looked sheepish and a little embarrassed.

  Colt began to protest, “But the previews looked so good!”

  “Worst movie ever!”

  “C’mon! It wasn’t that bad, was it? Colt asked with a raised eyebrow and a mischievous smile. He pulled Averi into a hug and whispered in her ear, “My favorite part was when we weren’t watching the movie at all… I couldn’t even tell you what it was about. All I could think about was you.”

  Averi’s face flushed as Colt ran his thumb down her neck, the words falling hot against her ear. Blushing, Averi broke free of Colt’s embrace. “Bad… but you’re still never picking the movie again.”

  “Bu-” Colt began to protest.

  Averi put a hand up and stopped Colt right in the middle of his complaint.

  “Never ever.”

  While Averi joked around with Colt, she hadn’t noticed Lily Hearns strolling up the sidewalk with her son Jimmy, her arms full of bags and parcels. Lily had a friendly look on her face as she waved at Averi. By her side, her precocious son Jimmy, age eleven, had a mouth full of chocolate. He continued to gnaw at his chocolate bar until he saw Averi. Dropping the hand that held the melting bar of chocolate to his side, he ran to Averi, hoping to give her a hug, that is – until Lily stopped him in his tracks. Grabbing the back of his sweaty t-shirt, Lily held him in place and kept him from smudging up Averi’s outfit.

  “Jimmy! You’re covered in chocolate! You don’t want to mess up her pretty outfit!”

  “Mom!” Jimmy complained as she wiped chocolate from his face.

  Colt laughed at the boy, thinking, Who the hell is this annoying kid and why is his mother doting on him like he is two years old?

  “So… funny running into you... I was going to ask if you minded watching Jimmy tomorrow night…” Mrs. Hearns asked Averi, who had a surprised look on her face. Jimmy, on the other hand, looked excited at the idea.

  “Yeah! We can finish watching Spider Man!” Jimmy screamed loudly.

  Colt covered his ear as the child spoke. God, he is annoying.

  Averi laughed, patting Jimmy on the head. “No, I don’t mind. What time?”

  From behind her, Colt cleared his throat.

  “I’m sorry… Mrs. Hearns, th
is is Colt. My –” Averi began but halted, because she wasn’t sure if they had given their brand new relationship a name. He had been her friend for so long that the word just came naturally. But they weren’t just friends anymore.

  Colt took the reins. “Boyfriend. I’m Colt. Mind if I join her? We can take slugger here out for a catch.”

  “Oh, Jimmy! Doesn’t that sound nice?!”

  Jimmy glared at Colt through squinting, beady eyes.

  “He is not invited, mother!”

  Averi, Colt and Mrs. Hearns all looked at Jimmy with bewildered eyes. Slapping him gently on his shoulder in reprimand, Mrs. Hearns said, “Of course he is, Jimmy! Any friend of Averi’s is a friend of ours! Where are your manners?!”

  “Sounds good Mrs. Hearns. See you tomorrow… Bye, Jimmy!” Averi said happily as she bent down and gave Jimmy a hug, careful to avoid his messy face and hands.

  Colt, knowing that the kid already hated his guts, removed Jimmy’s baseball cap, messed up his shaggy hair and said, “Bye slugger! See you tomorrow!”

  As Jimmy and Mrs. Hearns walked away, Colt remarked, “Old boyfriend?”

  Averi laughed and whacked Colt in his gut, “Shut up!”

  “He is a really weird kid.”

  “Who are you telling?”

  “Why do you babysit him then?”

  “I feel bad. He seems really attached and he has no friends. Besides, his mother pays me twelve bucks an hour to watch him.”


  Colt and Averi walked through Paseo del Rio, admiring the sights and commenting on some of the merchandise that the vendors had displayed for passerbies. They were enjoying each other’s company, building upon an already solid foundation. Colt plucked a blossom off of a pink Dogwood tree, sweetly, he slid it in Averi’s hair. The soft colors playing off of the blush in her cheeks. As the warm weather radiated off their backs, they could both feel the slow crawl of jitters begin to swirl in their stomachs.


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