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The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica

Page 7

by Victor Hadnot


  “Tist better to have served and died than to have died and never served.” Beatrice Cummings

  The area was crawling with police and military. Defense robots were patrolling the parameter. The heavily armed suspects were suppose to be barricaded inside of the building. Stella was with her pack, as she observed paramilitary spy machines, called Snoops, as they flew by on their way to the building to see what they could find. Sella glanced over the obvious chaos and sew civilians, looking on, some with cameras talking pictures of what was happening. It had long since been a law of Tral-Gothica that civilians could not film military or police as they carried out their job. The politicians tried to put a spin on it, but the truth was that, if civilians filmed the police or the military doing something illegal, the government could get sued. It was totally unconstitutional. People had a right to film in public places. Think of the mom and pop photos in the park. The pretty girl walking down the street. The social event. Basically citizens had a right to freedom, and that freedom included taking a picture. But the super-corps, which were the government, decided that only the military or the police could film or photograph, when it pleased themselves. What was once a democracy on Earth, became Fascism throughout the colonies. Oh, the politicians who were bought and paid for through lobbyist money and super-corps funds, tried to tell everyone that the original Constitution, was the ultimate word. But everyone knew that was a crock of shit. The only rights people really had, were the rights that the super-corps so gracefully bestowed upon them. Which we not very much.

  The situation was tense, as Stella had her weapon out. A sergeant came to her. “We might have found a way in, Lieutenant.”

  Stella looked about. There was weapon fire all over the place. Police and military were shooting into the building without regard to civilians. They considered collateral damage. As she rounded the bend, she spotted a group of police and military watching the real time surveillance of the Snoops, that she had earlier watched fly in.

  Stella asked. “What have we got?”

  Someone answered. “Three targets, like we suspected. Two men and a woman.”

  Stella was shocked when she saw who the woman was. “Aunt Jenny?” she whispered under her breath.

  Someone else said. “These three have escaped from a maximum security prison. They are terrorist. Armed and dangerous. We are to use lethal force. The super-corps don’t want them talking to the press or regular civilians.”

  Stella said. “These people were just part of The Take Charge Movement?”

  Someone said. “The Take Charge Movement is a terrorist organization.”

  “They are just civilian protestors.” Stella countered, trying to figure out a way to save her aunt.

  A superior ordered. “You all have your orders. You know what to do. No one leaves that building alive. Kill them all!”

  The rest ran off to their respected spots. Stella moved on but didn’t return to point. Instead she reasoned about and figured out a way to enter the building. She went on in. Weapon fire was all around. Mostly the paramilitary firing at the so called terrorist. She managed to breach a few barricades that the so called terrorist had put up. And after awhile, she found herself, in the room with her aunt. Aunt Jenny quickly recognized her niece.

  The two women hugged. Then Stella said, “I’m going to get you out of this.”

  Jenny uttered, “My, my, how you have evolved, Stella. You are working for the opposite side now?”

  Stella countered. “Don’t let this uniform fool you. I was forced to accept it. When you first went missing. They came to your apartment while I was there. Two spooks. I had no choice, Aunt Jenny.”

  Jenny nodded. “I understand. You had to do what you had to do in order to survive.”

  “I’m not very proud of myself right now.”

  “No. You be. You have managed to infiltrate their ranks. Lieutenant is it? I am the one proud of you. You can effect change from within. You can’t fight city hall from without. But you can win from within.” Jenny looked at Stella with pride.

  “Well. Right now I have to get you out of this alive.”

  “We can just give up and come out with you?”

  Stella shook her head. “They have standing orders to kill the three of you on sight. No one is to leave this building alive.”

  Jenny frowned. “Is that right? One floor down, there are old people and young women and children. They were trapped, when the shooting started.”

  Stella was confounded. “Dammit! The military and police don’t give a shit about their lives. They are collateral damage.”

  Jenny spoke. “Then you know what you have to do. Their lives are the reason why I am doing all of this. It is the everyday civilian who matters. Not the super-corps. Save those people.”

  Stella shook her head. “Aunt Jenny, I can’t. You are my flesh and blood. In order to save them, I’ll have to abandon you.”

  “I know, dear.” The two women just stood there for a moment, looking at each other, as if to say goodbye.

  Stella reasoned. “Maybe I can save all of you, if I get you to them.”

  “No! Why do you think that we are up here? In order to save then if possible. If we are with the civilians, they will surely kill them too. You must save the innocent.”

  “But I can’t.”

  “Oh, yes you can and you will. Those little children deserve a chance at life. Why should their little lives be forfeited, in order so that I may live? When it is they, who are our hope. Just like you were mine.”

  “I was your hope?”

  “Yes. And you still are. I’m very proud of you Stella. You stay in there and make it a career. You convince them that you are one of them. And, whenever you can, you make a difference.”

  “Make a difference?”


  “But I don’t understand.”

  “You’ll have to do what they tell you to do, but, there will come times, when you can temper their orders. Believe me, saving even one person from the super-corps, is a monumental accomplishment.”

  Stella uttered. “So few?”

  “Without you, my dear. There would be none.”

  Stella nodded. “I tell you what. I’ll go and get the civilians to safety. The three of you keep your head’s down low. After I get them out to safety, I’ll come back in and free the three of you. I can’t let you die here, Aunt Jenny.”

  Jenny saw that the young woman was determined. “Ok. You do your best. We’ll hold down the fort.”

  And with that, Stella kissed her aunt and went off. The weapon fire had actually increased. As the paramilitary honed in or the so called terrorist. Stella, undergoing great peril. Managed to slip down a floor and find the civilians huddled up, frightened beyond belief. Stella looked up, and there were military and police infantry drones, marching up the building, tearing up everything they touched. Big massive machines, very scary, very strong, and deadly. Stella managed to evade the killing machines, and took the civilians out of the building as a group. As she turned back, to go and get her aunt and the others, she witnessed a full on assault. By now, it was very obvious that the paramilitary robots had found Aunt Jenny’s hiding place. Heavy weapon fire was all over the place. This was overkill, taken to a science. The super-corps had something to hide, and by taking out Stella’s aunt, they thought that they would succeed.

  Stella yelled in protest, as she quickly began to run back into the building. Just then, there was a vacuum pop, a twirl, then the entire building exploded. Kicking Stella back out of it with violent force. It all happened so quickly, the situation deteriorated so rapidly. Stella’s brain experienced time slowing down. It was a physiological phenomenon, that people reported, when traumatic things happened to them, like in an accident. Time, for Stella, had slowed down so much, that she could see each and every event as it unfolded around her, her body being blown back out of the building with violent force. In that moment, she saw her Aunt Jenny, stand
ing next to her. But, it really wasn’t her. It was more like an after image of her real aunt. The woman wore a smile on her face. Stella heard her words, or perhaps psychically experienced some kind of phenomenon, “I’m very proud of you, Stella. Save all that you can. You are not alone, dear. There are others, in diverse places, at diverse times. I love you...” And with at, real time kicked in. Stella went flying out onto the asphalt, rolling around like a rag doll. Then she slowly lost consciousness.

  It was an extended recovery, from all of what landed Stella in the hospital, and then in the recovery facility, where people go to get well. Seeing that there was a prevailing philosophy. Well people stay away from hospitals, unless you want to get sick. Hospitals were viewed as a place to go and to die. If you had to go to one, there was a 51/49 percent chance that you might not come back. So, most people did everything they could to stay away from them. It was late at night, Stella was sitting on the toilet, having a hard bowel movement. Some of it was coming out, but just little hard nodules. Kevin, a male nurse had been taking an interest in Stella. There was some serious sexual chemistry. He happened to pass by the area and spotted Stella sitting on the toilet, straining to get some poop out of her asshole. She was sitting on the toilet, completely naked. This sight, aroused Kevin, who finally got up the nerve to go other to her.

  “You need an enema?” Kevin asked, with the preparations in hand.

  Stella looked up and smiled. Then she noticed the bulge in his crotch. “Hmm. I could use a good dick enema. You know, get it all out of me.”

  Kevin put down the enema kit and closed the curtain so they could have some privacy. He moved closer to Stella who began to take off his clothes, all the while she kissed him in sensuous spots. Finally, he was standing there, naked, with that gorgeous cock, all sticking out. Hmm. She was going to have to do something about this. This man’s dick needed serious attention and her mouth needed serious cock inside of it. So, Stella kissed his cock head, loving it ever so slightly, then, she slipped his honking cock inside of her wet wanton mouth. Mmm. She thought to herself. As the big fat dick entered her mouth. She could just taste all of the various flavors, that dick always has. Stella loved to suck cock. The fatter and the bigger, the better. And she was not about to let Kevin’s cock leave her mouth until she taught it a serious lesson. Imagine that. Kevin’s dick had the nerve to just stick out there, like nothing was going to happen to it. Seriously? Stella thought. She was just a sucking and slurping on his dick. Taking it all in. Inch by inch, she was letting nothing go to waste. Kevin placed his hands on Stella’s orange-red hair, as she moved back and forth, letting the dick bulge her cheeks. Oh, that was some nice juicy cock. Stella thought. As she sent to town on his dick. Swirling around, cherishing every sensation of nice juicy dick in her mouth. She slurped and sucked and gasped for air, as more and more dick banged inside of her mouth. Finally the two had a rhythm going, he was fucking her face and she was fucking his dick. She’d open her mouth to take it in, then close around the shaft, as she pulled back. The two would do the cock to mouth dance all over again. The intensity of the dick sucking was wild. As Stella rolled the man’s cock around in her wanton mouth, her lips grasping the beautiful prick, her tongue rolling around the cock head. It slipped out of her mouth. She grabbed his butt cheeks and drew it back inside of her mouth. Oh, no, mister! Your cock is all mine. She thought, as she fucked his dick with her experienced mouth. Cock sucking was something that relaxed her and she loved the musky smell of cock and the delicious taste of the dickness, as it raced around inside of her mouth and down her throat. A few times, Stella gagged, because the dick was rather massive and she was just plain old greedy. Was she going to just sit there on the toilet, with a hard turd hanging inches out of her asshole, refusing to budge? What the fuck was that? They went to the cool tile floor, Kevin on his back and Stella above him. She sucked his cock so good. Her butt was in the air, with the big fat turd sticking out of her asshole. But at that moment, it wasn’t the pain of the turd, it was the sensations of the cock in her mouth that caught her attention. Her head went up and down, covering the man’s dick like it was fine treasure. And it was, because cock sucking turned Stella on so much. She could feel Kevin’s cock as it twitched and expanded in her hot wet mouth. Spit dripped all around his dick, as she just let that big old hard thing have it. Oh, yes, you have been a bad boy. Stella thought. As her hungry lips found the right places to send him into total submission, as she just fucked his dick with her mouth, in such a wild way. At one point, the sound of cock sucking seemed to reach about the area. But, Stella didn’t care. All she wanted and needed in order for her to feel better was for Kevin to keep his cock extended inside of her throat, as she swirled her head around his dick. Giving him such wonderful pleasure. Kevin’s cock was pounded by Stella’s triumphant blow job, as she kissed his dick head and she began to work his dick with her hand, stroking it and holding such massive amounts of dick in her hands. The man’s dick didn’t know what had hit is, as Stella dove down on his cock, with her mouth finding a new spot in order to play. Then she came up and down, her hand loving some more. Stroking his dick better than he could ever imagine, even when he was masturbating. How could this beautiful woman, know how to beat him off so well? But, Stella was just getting started. She kissed the dick and licked the shaft. She went down to the musky balls and began to suck them. Kevin had nice sized balls. They were tasty as she licked and kissed and sucked them, placing one at a time in her wanton mouth, and just sucking the hell out of them. Kevin moaned, as Stella found a spot where his balls needed attention. All the while his erect cock, was banging her forehead, jealous, because the dick itself wanted the attention. Don’t you fret, my love. Stella thought. As she slowly moved back up to his cock, kissing it one inch at a time. Finally, she found the proud dick head. She kissed it. Licked it. Tasted the meatiness of his cock. Then, without warning, she dove onto his cock, and began to suck and fuck it like there were no tomorrow. Kevin’s dick stiffened up as she did this. Stella’s educated mouth was not going to settle for anything other than pure perfection. She knew how to work a dick and she was not going to settle for anything less. He shifted his body just ever so slightly, so that Stella’s dick sucking would be even more effective. The turd which was still sticking halfway out of Stella’s asshole seemed to move just a bit. This might have been because Stella was now able to relax her asshole muscles, because she was getting and giving such pleasure from sucking Kevin’s cock. His dick rose to the occasion, as he expanded inside of her hot mouth. Stella could taste it all, she knew because of this, that she was going to have a serious case of dick-breath. But, she liked dick-breath, it meant that she had just had some mighty tasty cock inside of her hungry mouth. Stella felt Kevin’s cock as it found a new depth of her throat. She held her breath as the dick slid down inside of her, and then just settled there. What the hell? Am I going to choke on this man’s enormous dick inside of my mouth? Stella thought. But, Stella had experience, she know how to handle situations like that. She began to twist and roll his cock inside of her mouth and finally she broke free of his dick siege.

  Oh no! His cock was not going to win! Stella had already decided that one. Did this man actually think that his big juicy deliciousness was just going to sit inside of there, resting? Hell, no! Stella thought. She began to move up and down on the man’s penis. First slowly. Just trying to adjust to the sear girth of the man’s dick. As she would move down on him, her mouth would have to open up more, because the fatness of his cock, was in the middle. Making it harder for her to tame his cock. But, fuck that! Stella was going to make this man know that she was in charge. When his dick was in her mouth, she was the one in charge! And in charge she was as she fucked the hell out of Kevin’s penis. He sat back, as if to finally realize that he was not going to walk away from the viciousness, no, Stella was going to make him pull the trigger, and cum all inside her wanton mouth. So, she worked his cock all the more. Her lips covering as much of it as she co
uld at any given moment, rolling around, pulling back and then, sliding down on the shaft, it’s massiveness, expanding even as she controlled his cock. It was all hers, to win or to lose and Stella did not like losing to a dick. One, she knew that she had what it took inside of her to make this man cum, Johnny! A cum Johnny was when there was a massive explosion of cum, in which the man became so weak in his knees that he could not walk away, right away. All of his strength, he had given to the woman, who totally drilled for cum and struck the mother load. And the nice sticky creamy goo was what she was mining for, as she rocked back and forth, on his cock. Kevin by now was moaning so hard and loud, that Stella was almost suce that they were going to get caught. But, to hell with it! If she was going to be discovered, she was going to have something to show for it. All the while that turd was moving ever so slightly out of her butt. She really didn’t notice it at this point. It was the cock that held all of her attention, as the dick rose to the point, that she was sure it was going to blow up. Kevin’s cock was so hard that you could hit a home run with it. Batter up! Stella thought. Her mouth taking in dick like there was going to be a serious shortage on cock on the planet. This dick was hers now, she owned him and he was being naughty. Stella knew that Kevin should have cum by now, he was trying everything he could to defy her. That bastard! I dare you defy my womanly ways! Stella thought. Then it was time. It was in the bottom of the ninth. Three runners on base. Stella was now the designated hitter. Either this man had superhuman strength, and could control his cumming, or he was just one hard nut to crack. But, crack his nut she was determined to do. Then it began to happen, as his cock convulsed, with him trying to delay it. But, Stella has tasted victory. He finally began to cum! Oh, it started out with just a little stream. Maybe a trickle. But, then, he moaned so loud, as his cock gave in to Stella’s womanly ways, as his dick just let all that sticky goo flow. The poor thing was actually crying as his cum flowed with explosive convulsions, inside of Stella’s wanton throat, as she drank it all. Then, she discovered that he was a massive cummer. There was now too much cum firing inside of her throat, she was choking from all the goodness. But, she was determined, and she drank it all. Just then, that naughty old turd flew out of her asshole, and she just began to shit all over the place, as cum went in, and shit came out. She was in ecstasy and so was he.


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