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ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4)

Page 5

by Amanda Anderson


  Ace watched Marty light up when she realized what Ace had done for her. She bounced on her feet as the furniture was unloaded and she got her first look at all of her things.

  “You did all this for me?”

  Ace nodded and was rewarded with a huge hug from Marty.

  She wiped at tears as she met his eyes.

  “I don’t know what to say. I wasn’t sure you would want me to ever come back… or… I just didn’t know.”

  He pulled her in again. “Marty, this is your home anytime you want it. You don’t have to ask, it’s just here and it’s all yours.”

  He didn’t tell her that he had already put the whole place in her name. It was legally her place.

  She burrowed into his chest and he felt sorrow hit him hard. How could she think he would ever turn her away? He tried to clear his throat.

  “Marty, I love you kid. You are the only blood I have left. I’ll always stand by you.”

  She looked up. “Ace? Can I call you something else?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like dad or something?”

  “You can call me anything you want to.”

  “I’m not sure what will stick so I may try out a few things…”

  Ace laughed. “Whatever makes you happy Marty. Now go help Janice get this place in order so we can move in. I’m tired of sleeping in the clubhouse.”

  She let out a little squeal and ran into the trailer. It wasn’t much, but it was more than he had given her in her whole life and it meant more to her than he could have imagined. It meant she was wanted.

  He let his mind wander back to the scene in the garage and picked up his phone.

  “Hey Preach, got a sec?”

  “Yeah, just a few. What’s up?”

  “Got any idea what’s eatin’ Mike? He laid into Jack a while ago, didn’t seem to be a reason.”

  “Yeah some shit going on with him.”

  “Got anything to do with my kid?”

  “Not that I know of, but he don’t like her.”

  “I noticed. He touches her and I’ll kill him.”

  “I know how you feel, but let Marty fight her own battles here Ace. There might be a day when you aren’t here and she will need to know how.”

  Preach’s words stung because Ace knew that day was coming sooner than he wanted. “It’s one thing if it’s justified, but he just hates her.”

  “Shit. Jack looks half dead. I’ll call you back.”

  Ace turned off his phone and frowned. He hoped that shit wasn’t somehow Marty’s fault, but he had a feeling…

  He pulled himself up the steps to his new home and opened the door. He turned as he heard motorcycles nearing and threw his hand up when Spec, Law, and Ink pulled to a stop. Nikki and Angel slid from behind their men and almost bounced to the porch.

  “We came to help!!” Angel announced as she passed him and made her way inside.

  “We came to drink.” Law held up a six pack. The others pulled beer from their saddle bags and carried it inside.

  “I hear Law is good at assembling furniture.” Spec put in and dodged to fist Law aimed at his chest.

  “Fuck no. I’m not building shit today. I’m just here ‘cause Nikki wanted to come help and I figured I could drink here as good as at home.”

  “Come on in then. Anybody else heading this way?” Ace asked.

  “Maybe Moose and Bambi. Shad and Lacey might stop in. Rider and Lizzie…” Ink grinned. “This place needs breaking in right. Been thinkin’ about Marty too. She needs some ink.”

  “No she doesn’t.” Ace frowned and Ink slapped him on the back.

  “What you don’t know…”

  The men filed into the new place and made themselves at home. They didn’t sit around. They had the beds up and mattresses on in no time at all and even went out to build a make shift fire pit out back.

  The place was looking like home and the brothers turned out to make it feel like one too. There was a party by dark and most of the brothers showed up with well wishes. It was a night for families so the old ladies were the only women around. It was a rare was the kind of night Ace liked best. No skanks up in your face, just the brothers sitting around sharing stories and talking about the good ole days. Even Shadow talked. Ace always marveled at the man. He seemed to feel more himself in the flicker of the fire light.

  Ace remembered Shadow as a boy. He’d run around the campfire many nights before Preach had discovered that Shadow was his son. It had been a different time then. The Devils had been more pests than a threat and the Defenders were untouchable. Now the Devils were a threat that if left unchecked could wipe the Defenders out for good.

  Ace looked around the fire. Their numbers were down and they were getting in fewer prospects. In a few years they would be extinct if things didn’t change.

  He felt a slap on his shoulder.

  “Stop that brother. The Defenders will be fine. You know I’ll make sure of that.”

  Preach sat down beside Ace.

  “Not as many as there used to be.”

  “I’m calling in a few from Tucson. Things are starting to get real and we may need them. Did you know Marty used to date Harper Towery?”

  Ace’s eyes landed on Marty who was sitting with Tommy.

  “Fuck no. Is that a problem?”

  “May be just the opposite. She didn’t try to hide anything. She’s willing to see if she can get some information out of him.”

  “I can’t have her in danger right now Preach. I’m askin’ you not to do that to me right now.”

  “I know that. I’m tellin’ you she won’t be and you will have a say in this. I just found out today. She and Spec have had their heads together.”

  “She is something isn’t she?” Ace felt pride swell in his chest.

  Marty’s laugh rang out over the crowd.

  “You did good there Ace. She has spunk and she knows how to handle herself.” Preach took a long pull from his beer.

  “I hope it stays that way.” Ace leaned back in his chair and watched his daughter. She needed to make her place and she needed to do it quick he was feeling this shit with every breath.

  “You alright?”


  “You told any of them?”

  “Fuck no. Not yet.” He met Preach’s eyes. “Just not yet. I don’t want them to fucking look at me like I’m broken. I just want her to know me as a whole man first.”

  “I get that. You doin’ what the doctor tells you?”

  “Yeah I’m taking whatever they tell me. Candy can tell you that if you need another word.”

  Preach shook his head. “Your word works for me. Need anything?”

  “Nope. Toothpick comin’ home next moth?”

  “Yeah. Might not want Marty around for that. It’s gonna be a rough party.”

  “She’ll be back home by then. Starts her last year of school.”

  “That’s good. Spec says she’s damn smart. We could use her.”

  “Since when do we use women for anything but fuckin’?”

  “Since our numbers got low and we needed more boys than we can fucking find. Candy been helpin’ Ink. Spec says he could use Marty. Not givin’ anything away, just extra shit. You got a problem with that?”

  “As long as she ain’t into nothin’ that could get her in trouble. You promise me that right fucking now.”

  “You know I can’t make that promise.”

  “Then leave her out of it.”

  Preach stood and stretched. “Should have thought of that before you brought her home, brother.”


  Janice hadn’t been to a party with the brothers in too many years to count. There were only a few that remained from twenty years ago. The old ladies treated her like one of them and when they had shown up to help finish the house she realized how good it would feel to be a part of a family like this. The women ended up in the kitchen while the men sat around the fire and reminis
ced. It was well after midnight when Marty stomped in looking more pissed than Janice had seen in a while.

  “What’s eatin’ you Marty?”

  “Well I was told it was my bed time!! Of all the asshole things to say to me. I’m nineteen years old.”

  The women erupted with laughter and offered Marty a seat and a beer.

  Angel rested her elbow on the table and propped her chin on her fist. “What got you banished?”

  Marty’s cheeks turned pink and there was another round of giggles.

  “Come on, spill it. We ain’t so young anymore.” Ginger, Fox’s old lady put in.

  “Fuck you Ginger, I’m still young.” Mrs. said as she downed the rest of her drink. “Spill it honey.”

  “Well, I guess Ace didn’t like…”

  Ace stepped in and pointed at Marty. “Bed. Now.”

  Janice stepped in. “What in the world happened?”

  “I found her with Tommy Rich’s tongue crammed down her goddamned throat. That shit ain’t happening under my nose. Damned fucker’s twenty-five.”

  Janice couldn’t help laughing.


  “Get out of here and let us get to know your girl better. She ain’t doing anything we all haven’t done.” Mrs. said.

  “Not what I want to hear. Fuck! She’s not like that.”

  Angel leaned back in her chair. “What you sayin’ old man? You think I’m a bad role model?”

  “You damned right I do. Marty you don’t need to talk to anybody at this table but Lacey.” He ran his hands over his head. The women laughed so hard Angel fell out of her chair.

  “Crazy fucking bitches.” Ace threw up his hands and slammed the door on his way back out to the party.

  “Marty set your ass down and have a drink. Now is your time to ask us anything you want to know about the club.” Mrs. put in.

  Janice stayed quiet. She wondered if she might learn a few things too. She wasn’t patched and she knew the rules, but these women were treating her like she was. She wondered what would happen when they figured out that she never would be.

  “Ok. Who’s Toothpick?”

  “Brother. Been in the joint for three years for beating a man nearly to death over his woman, Candy.”

  “Who is Candy? I haven’t seen her.”

  “She works with Ink. Pink tips on her hair… Good woman, not patched yet though. Everybody thinks he’ll claim her when he gets out. Well most do. I’m not real sure. Prison changes a man. I think she’d be better off movin’ on.” Angel said and grabbed another beer. “She’s smart as shit. Ink thinks she’s be a good second for him, but she won’t do shit until Pick gets out.”

  “No way! That man is crazy over Candy. I bet you fifty she is patched within a week after he gets out.” Lizzie insisted slamming her palm on the table.

  “It’s a bet!” Angel took a long drink and sat her beer down with a clunk. “’Cause you don’t know shit about men sissy.”

  “Like hell I don’t…”

  Lacey leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest. “Well I don’t know about you ladies, but I want to know what the hell is goin’ on between Marty and Mike. He’s been impossible since the day she stepped foot in the clubhouse and I for one would like to know why.”

  “ooooH hell yes! What the hell is going on there?” Bambi piped up. “That man used to be so sweet and now he’s as prickly as a cactus! Then today he beat the shit out of Jack all because the clubhouse ran out of beer at the bar. There was a whole case in the back. Didn’t make a lick of sense until I heard Moose say Jack had run to the club with Marty.” She raised her eyebrows. “Then I had to wonder what the fuuuuck was up with that. Mike ain’t never beat the shit out of anybody that I know of! I asked Moose, but he just shrugged those big ole shoulders…”

  “Fuck!! Bambi is getting all wet thinkin’ about her old man! Look at her! She’s squirming in her chair!” Angel was laughing and pointing at Bambi.

  “Shut up! If you had what I do you’d stay wet all the time too.” Bambi’s cheeks pinked. “What’s with you and Mike Marty?”

  “Way to change the subject Bambi.” Angel let out a snort as she laughed.

  Janice watched the women together. This was what she had always wanted. She had always wanted close friendships. She had always wanted a family and that’s what this was. These women were so different, but when you bring them together for the sake of the men they loved they made it work.

  Mrs caught Janice’s eye and held it. Janice felt like a bug under glass. It took her a few beats before she winked and looked back to Marty who had started talking again.

  “Tommy went too. We just rode to town and back. I didn’t see the big deal.” Marty insisted.

  “That’s a dangerous ride girly. Pick the wrong two and it would have been a different kind of ride altogether. Don’t be pullin’ that shit.” Mrs. shook her finger at Marty.

  Bambi shrugged. “I guess Mike didn’t like it much.”

  “What the hell is it to him anyway? He seems like a grade A dick to me.”

  “He really isn’t. He watched my ass when me and Shad first got together. Then saved it when those Devil assholes shot up the club. Threw himself over me like a Kevlar vest and took my bullets. He’s one fine man. Somethin’ just crawled up his ass lately I guess.” Lacey explained and Janice could tell the woman thought a great deal of Mike.

  Marty rolled her eyes. “If he’s so great why doesn’t he have a good name like everybody else? It’s like he’s a club stepchild or something.”

  “Nothing suits him. I’ve wracked my brain, but he’s just Mike. I spent months with the guy while I was pregnant with Megan. Well the names I called him then don’t really suit. He’s never done anything remarkable except cover me and take my bullets.”

  Angel pursed her lips. “I think Vest would suit him. It’s his story. It’s how he earned his cut. Its’ his claim to fame. Covered you like a fucking Kevlar vest. That’s it. BOOM. I need a fucking gong or something.” She stood up and wobbled to the door.

  “Hey boys! Listen!! From this day foreward, Mike will be known as Vest!! He covered my girl Lacey like a Kevlar vest. So says the women. So let it be written, so let it be done. That is all.”

  She slammed the door and sat back down. Marty covered her mouth with her hand, but couldn’t help her laughter.

  “I would have loved to see their faces just now.”

  “Oh they had better listen when I speak damn it or all hell will break loose.”

  Angel ruined her moment when she missed her chair and ended up on the floor again.

  “Is that all it takes? A proclamation from the queen?” Janice couldn’t stifle her giggles. Maybe she shouldn’t have had that last drink.

  “Oh, I’m not the queen. That would me Lacey. Funny story.” Angel recovered enough to say and Lacey groaned.

  “Do you have to tell that story anytime someone new comes around?” Lacey laid her head on her folded arms.

  “Yes. It shows that these men are all bark and bite only when we want them to. Plus!” She said as she stabbed the air with her finger. “I really hate that I missed it so you have to suffer as much as me.”

  Angel proceeded to tell the story of how Lacey got her nickname of Queen and the women were rolling again.

  “I really thought I’d hate you.” Lacey said as she squinted at Marty. “Mike…Vest,” she corrected herself when Angel elbowed her in her arm. “Well he just isn’t a fan and I figured you must be a real skank, but I like you. I just don’t get it.”

  The look on her face softened her words. Marty shrugged. “I think he’s just a dick.”

  “That is true for all of these fine men, but we love them!” Mrs. proclaimed and that seemed to be the end of the subject.

  It wasn’t long before Ink came to collect Angel and the other men soon followed.

  Mrs. was the last to leave. She pulled Marty into a warm hug and kissed her cheek. “I love you sweetie. If you ever need any
thing, you come to me. I will stand with you, we all will. You don’t have to call, just show up. You are family and that means a hell of a lot around here.”

  “Thank you Mrs.”

  Then she pulled Janice in. “First off, I know you never fucked my man so we don’t have a problem. Second, be real good to Ace so we never do. Third… leave this shit and we will all be back to help in the morning. I’ll make sure the yard is done before you wake up. Those skanky bitches should be good for something, but I wouldn’t let them in the house.”


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