ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4)

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ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4) Page 7

by Amanda Anderson

  “She should be out of harm’s way. All we need her to do is talk to the brother, Harper, see if he lets anything slip. She seems to think he’s just like her, on the outskirts of the club, but he may have some info that could help us gain some ground.” Spec looked around the table. “She is risking more than you know.” His eyes cut to Ace. “She’s a total innocent. She’s never done more than kiss a few boys back home and more recently the prospect, Tommy.” His eyes burned into Mike. “They get their hands on her they will destroy her and make sure we know how bad. Having somebody in their ranks will offer a measure of protection if that happens. Damn it Mike, you look like the bastard.”

  Mike just nodded. His jaw was hard, but he didn’t say a word.

  Ace had held his tongue, but he couldn’t let this go. “I can’t take this shit Preach. You are sayin’ that you are willin’ to put Marty in the hands of the fucking Devils to gain a little ground? That’s fucked up and we both know it. That’s my blood. Why don’t you send one of your own fucking kids?”

  “We’ll keep her safe Ace. You know we will. The brother is her connection. We can’t send anybody else.” Preach assured.

  “And if she’s taken the only person that we have to count on is him?” He pointed and accusing finger at Mike. “Fuck that shit, send anybody but him, fuck that prospect kid would be better than him. He’d probably volunteer to hurt her himself if he got the chance, he sure hasn’t missed a chance around here.”

  “Fuck you Ace. I can handle my goddamned job. I know how to keep personal shit out of business and I think you need to figure it out or take up the fucking rocking chair.” Mike spat.

  “I don’t trust you to take care of this one. No. I say no to this and if Marty knows he’s her safety net she will too.” Ace demanded. “He won’t take a risk for here and that’s what I’m asking for here. I just want somebody who’ll put her safety first.”

  “Then we won’t tell her.” Preach was serious now and the look on his face showed that he meant business. “This is club business and she don’t need to know it. Our man Vest will protect her as well as he did Lacey of I’ll have his balls for it.”

  Ace thought his teeth would shatter, he gritted them so hard. “That’s how it is then? I don’t get a say in how this goes down?”

  Preach nodded. “That’s how it is.”

  Ace looked to each of his brothers. He saw anger on many faces, but none were willing to stand up with him on this one, not even Law. Ace stood. “We’ll be heading back to Georgia in the morning. This shit ain’t happening.” He was hurt. His brothers had turned on him. He couldn’t believe it. He left the room and didn’t look back. He didn’t care if they kicked him out, right now all that mattered was keeping Marty safe and he would do anything to make that happen.


  Janice looked up from washing dishes when Ace slammed the front door. It was getting dark and he had been gone for hours. She saw the pallor of his face and knew things weren’t good.

  “Ace, what happened? Are you alright?”

  “Fucking bullshit. Pack your shit. We’re heading back to Georgia first thing in the morning. No fucking way I’m standing for this shit.”

  “What’s going on? Where have you been?”

  “You know I can’t talk about it. Don’t ask. Went for a ride to cool off. That’s all you need to know.”

  “This is you cool?”

  “Don’t start with me Janice.”

  “This is bullshit. Whatever though, I need to go home anyway. I have a business to run.” She turned back to her dishes and tried to ignore the nagging ache in her heart.

  Marty slammed the door and glared at her father. “What the hell did you do? I found a way to earn the respect of your brothers and you go and pitch a fit and ruin it? I’m nineteen Ace, I can do this if I want. I know the risks, I’m not an idiot!”

  “Like hell you will. I’ll tie you to a fucking chair if I have to. I’ve seen what those monsters do to women. There is no way in hell I’m letting my kid risk it.”

  “You can’t decide what I do. I sure as hell don’t get a say in what you do.”

  “Yes I can! I’m your fucking father so I get a say!”

  “You’ve been my father for all of five minutes and you can’t stop me.”

  Ace narrowed his eyes. He had warned her before about throwing that shit up in his face. “They will rape you Marty. Not just one, but all of them. Over and over again. They will slice you up and do it again and again until you are praying for death.” As he spoke he walked closer until they were toe to toe. “They will violate you in every way you can imagine and in many you can’t. They will force you to parade around naked in front of all of them and suck so much dick you won’t be able to hold all they pour down your throat. They will beat you until you can’t move and then they will fuck you some more. They will drug you until you don’t even know who you are anymore. We will get you back a piece at a time and they will send us video of every minute of it. That’s what you’re risking here Marty. That’s not worth the respect of anybody that would risk you that way. If that’s the only way you can win respect then I say fuck it.”

  Janice stood behind Marty. The girl had grown so pale Janice feared she might faint, but Marty locked her knees and stood toe to toe with her father. Any other time it might be funny how similar they were, but nothing was funny right now. Janice was afraid, not only for Marty, but for Ace too. He looked like he had one foot in the grave already.

  “They won’t get me. I won’t leave the diner with him. Janice will be there with me the whole time. I’m just supposed to talk to him. I’ve been on dates with Harper several times, he’s not a bad person. I could help here. You told me to win their trust. To make them respect me and this is the only way I know.” Tears rolled down her pale cheeks. “Nobody likes me here except Spec and a couple of prospects. I thought it would make you proud of me.” Ace was firm.

  “It’s not worth the risk. Plus I know that’s bullshit. The old ladies loved you.”

  “They treat me like a kid. I want to be respected as an adult.”

  “The only thing these guys want from a woman is her pussy so I don’t see what that will do for you.”

  “If that would make them see me as an adult I’d do it.”

  “Then they’d just see you as a whore like all the other bitches that hang around so they can fuck a brother.”

  Janice felt shame crash over her and felt Marty’s arm slip around her shoulders. Ace had all but called her a whore to her face and Marty had picked up on it.

  “You’re a pig!”

  “Tell me somethin’ I don’t know.” Ace wouldn’t even look at Janice. She tried to hide her hurt, but she knew it showed. She forced her face to blank.

  Marty threw her hands up and stomped to her room. Janice helped Ace to a chair in the living room. His skin had gone and ashy grey and she knew he was in pain.

  “Should I call Lizzie?”

  “No. I don’t want a fucking thing from them anymore. Just leave me alone.”

  “You can’t live like this Ace.”

  “Give me a shot of whiskey and stop bitchin’ at me for two seconds so I can catch my breath.”

  Janice got him the shot and watched as he wince when the liquor hit his stomach. She knew she would pay for it later, but she picked up her phone and dialed Lizzie’s number. Lizzie answered on the first ring and Janice could tell she’d been crying.

  “I can’t help tonight Janice. I’m so sorry. Daddy just left and he’s pissed at Ace. Said he deserves what he gets for putting shit before the club. Call an ambulance Janice. Don’t let him suffer. Please. If he won’t let you… call mama.”

  Janice heard Ace groan and the whiskey glass hit the floor. She rushed to his side to find him gripping his stomach.


  “Call.” He let out a guttural moan that made Janice want to cover her ears and brought Marty from her room.

  “Lizzie can’t come tonight
Ace. I need to call an ambulance.”

  “Fuck no.”

  “Call mama Janice.” Lizzie insisted. “He needs to be in a hospital and he can’t get pissed at her.”

  “What’s going on?” Marty looked like a child. She was terrified.

  “Ace is sick honey. Get me a cold rag while I make a call.”

  “No fucking ambulance Janice.” Ace insisted.

  “I’m just a stupid whore Ace, I only know how to do what you say.” She knew she was being petty and he couldn’t handle it, but she couldn’t hold back her venom. She dialed the number Mrs had given her the night of the party and waited.

  “Shit doll tonight is not the best night for a chat.” Mrs’s voice sounded strained.

  “Ace is in bad shape. Won’t let me call an ambulance.” Ace let out another low moan.

  “Fuck. I’ll call the ambulance. Hang in there honey. This anger shit won’t last and I don’t always do what Preach says. Ace matters to us all.”

  “Let her call and I promise I won’t go near the Devils. Show me I matter enough.” Marty had tears streaking her face and her hands shook, but she held her father’s eyes.

  “Fuck. Call somebody.”

  “On the way Ace. Just hang on.” Janice tossed the phone away.

  Before Ace was loaded in the back of the ambulance the yard was filled with bikes. The brothers looked grim as they watched one of their own scream in pain as he was loaded into the back of the ambulance. Janice climbed in the back with Ace and Marty was left. She stood alone, apart from the brothers as she stood in the yard and Janice wanted to break in half. Marty needed her right now almost as much as Ace did. The poor thing looked so lost. Before the ambulance turned the corner Janice saw Mrs. step up beside Marty and pull her against her side. Janice felt better in that moment. She knew Mrs would see to it that Marty was taken care of.

  She looked down when Ace gripped her hand.

  “I didn’t mean that shit Janice. Don’t ever call yourself a fucking whore again. I mean it.”

  Janice wiped her eyes. Ace looked so pale and he was drenched with sweat. The paramedic had started an IV, but hadn’t given him anything for pain. It was a short ride to the hospital, but it seemed to take hours.

  Janice just held his hand and prayed like she had never prayed before.

  She looked out the back window to see a seemingly endless line of motorcycle headlights. The brothers had put aside their anger and they had come out to support their brother when he needed them most. She hoped they would see how mush this hurt him and rethink their plan of using Marty.


  Ace sat in his recliner and tried to get comfortable. He had been in the hospital for six days, but they hadn’t told him anything new. He had been referred to a hospital in Atlanta who specialized in difficult cases and he took that as a sign to head back. Janice had moved him right into her little house without a second thought. He knew he’d hurt her the night he went to the hospital, but he didn’t know how to mend fences. Preach was due to come for a visit and he was bringing something Ace hoped would finally take the hurt out of Janice’s eyes once and for all and show her she wasn’t just any woman to Ace.

  There had been no more mention of Marty helping with the Devils, but Ace wasn’t foolish enough to think it was because they had scrapped the plan. Mike had gone missing after that explosive day in church and Ace had a pretty good idea where the sick bastard was. Marty had promised though and he hoped like the devil she held to that promise.

  Janice walked in wearing a tight little top with shorts that left nothing for the imagination and Ace felt his dick stir.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re goin’ dressed like that?”

  “For a run.” Ace watched as a slow smile curved her pretty pink lips. “Got another suggestion for my work out?”

  “Get your ass over here and I’ll give you a work out.”

  Damn she was pretty when she blushed. She walked slowly toward Ace. One thing Janice had never done was treat him like he was broken. If he wanted to fuck she was up for it without question and when he wasn’t she would suck his dick until he felt no pain. She was one hell of a woman. She slid into his lap and he grabbed a handful of her springy red curls, forcing her mouth to his.

  “I want you to ride me right here Janice.”


  She stood up and slid her shorts and panties to the floor and kicked off her shoes. Then she started working Ace’s pants down to his thighs. His dick sprang out and she made a little humming sound in her throat that made Ace groan. He knew what that sound felt like and remembering it made his balls draw up tight.

  She slid into his lap and rubbed her wetness against him until he thought he would lose his mind. He reached up and tugged off her shirt releasing her breasts. He began sucking her big round nipples and she moved faster. Ace grabbed her ass and positioned himself so the head of his dick was even with her opening. He slammed her down on it, impaling her on his hardened flesh. She let out a sound that was half scream, half moan before she started moving again.

  Ace never let up on her breasts. He loved sucking her nipples. He could happily do it for hours. He felt his balls draw up and knew he wouldn’t last long. He slid one hand between her legs and found her little hard button. He played with it until he felt her tighten around him. She screamed his name as he spilled himself inside her pussy.

  Janice collapsed against him and he wrapped his arms around her.

  “I love you Janice.”

  He wasn’t sure she had heard him at first, but she slowly lifted her head and stared at him as if she hadn’t understood what he’d said.


  “I said I love you.”

  “Oh my God Ace.” She covered her mouth with her hands as tears leaked from her eyes.

  “Well hell, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  She kissed him them. “I love you too Ace.”

  “Why the fuck are you so surprised?”

  She shrugged and hid her face in his neck.

  “Answer me damn it.” He smacked her ass.

  “I thought you just wanted somebody…”

  He had no idea what to say. She still thought she was just a warm body.

  “Janice. Fuck. I love you. You aren’t some woman I picked up because I needed a nurse. You raised my kid. You took care of me. You fuck like a dream and you’re a damned fine woman. I’d be a fool not to love you. I couldn’t find a woman to hold a candle to you if I had a hundred years to look. You’re it for me babe.”

  Janice wrapped her arms around Ace. “I love you so much Ace. I was willing to be anything you wanted me to be.”

  “I don’t deserve you.” Ace had never been loved that much. Janie had loved him, but she had been afraid to live a life with him. She hadn’t been strong enough to face the kind of life he would have given her, Janice did and she did it without hopes of anything more than what he gave. He felt like the worst sort of man. He vowed to love her enough in the time he had left to last her the rest of her life. He kissed her head and held her tight. He ran his hands down her silky back and felt his body stir again and she giggled.

  “You are frisky today.”

  “Babe, when you’re around I feel like a kid again.”

  He loved her again, but this time was different. He savored her. He cherished her and he watched her bloom before his eyes. He felt her open up to him and he was amazed at her depth. She really was the woman he needed. The woman who could take all his shit and still look at him with love.

  Preach arrived late that night and Ace offered Janice her own cut. She accepted it with tears in her eyes. She knew what it meant to be his old lady. She was a part of the club for life and that meant she would always have someone to turn to. She would always have a family. He knew he couldn’t see to her needs forever, but this was almost as good.

  He and Preach had mended fences. It had taken a while because both were stubborn sons of bitches, but they had. Ace k
new it was partly because of his illness, but he still accepted the truce.

  Marty had started her last year of college and still worked in the diner as much as she could. Janice had hired a new woman to help pick up part of the slack at the diner so she could be with Ace as much as possible and she seemed to be working out alright.

  Ace spent more time than he liked at a hospital clinic. The doctors had promised him that the treatments could add years to his life and he’d finally found something worth fighting for so he’d agreed. He admitted he didn’t mind Janice fussing over him either as long as she still treated him like a man in the bed room. This shit wouldn’t beat him, not until he was ready to let it and he damned sure wasn’t ready yet. He had years more hell to raise and a family to raise it with.


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