ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4)

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ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4) Page 8

by Amanda Anderson


  Marty grinned when she slid into the booth with Harper Towery. She’d felt her heart start to race the minute he’d walked into the diner. Everything was falling into place and she hoped she wasn’t making a big mistake.

  “Calm down Marty and just talk to the guy.” Spec spoke through the tiny earpiece.

  She knew that Law was nearby and she had come to trust him as a brother. He had told her about her father and she felt like out of all the brothers she could trust Law the most. She also knew the dark haired man they called Shadow was nearby too. These men were her protection and they would lay down their lives for her. She knew they were the best of the Defenders and the fact that Preach had sent them told her two things, this was more dangerous than anyone wanted her to know and he respected her father enough to give her the best he had.

  “Hey there Vest. Where have you been for so long?”

  He met her eyes and they seemed colder than they had been before. His hair was cut shorter too and he wore earrings in his left ear. There was also new ink on his left forearm. Marty broke out in a cold sweat. It looked like neither of them were on the outskirts of the club anymore.

  “Here and there.”

  She grinned. “Sounds fun. I just started my last year of school and then I’ll be free to go here and there too.”

  “I was through here a while back and you were gone on some trip.”

  Marty wanted to squirm. He was watching her like a bug under a microscope. “Yeah I took a little vaca, nothin’ special. Didn’t you bring me anything?”

  For the first time since he’d walked in he grinned and looked like his old self. “Always mooching shit off me.” He pulled a silver bracelet from his pocket and held it in his palm. “Thought this looked like you.”

  Marty tried not to be touched, but she was. It was a really sweet gesture.

  “Probably bugged. Make sure you drown it in dishwater and I need to get a look at it. Don’t say anything until I do.” Spec said in her ear and she wanted to roll her eyes. Harper wasn’t like that.

  “Oh it’s beautiful Harper. I didn’t really mean you had to bring me anything.” She held out her wrist and he fastened it on.

  “Looks perfect on you. I knew it would. I’ve missed you Marty.”

  “I’ve missed you too Harper.” Marty blushed. She hated having Spec in her head. Hated him intruding on this moment with Harper.

  “I’d like to see you Marty, like we used to. Just dinner and a movie or something.”

  Harper was caressing her wrist and Marty was finding it hard to think.

  “I’d really like that.” She hated that her voice sounded all breathy, but she felt like she was going to faint.

  “Good then. I’ll have to call you to set it up. I have some shit to do down in Atlanta that might take a few days.”

  “That’s alright. You still have my number I hope.”

  “Burned into my brain babe.”

  Marty laughed and rolled her eyes. “Does any girl believe your crap lines?”

  Harper threw his head back and laughed. “Not many actually.” He pulled his wallet out and paid for his meal while leaving Marty a huge tip. “Gotta go babe. I’ll call you.” He stood and Marty stood too. She didn’t expect it when he leaned in and kissed her. He pulled her close and devoured her lips. She n her let go she had to grab the table to keep from falling and he winked.

  This was going to be harder than she thought.

  She heard Spec cursing in her ear and knew he had just had the same thought.




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