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Lieutenant Commander Stud

Page 39

by Carter, Chance

  It was harder than Molly wanted to admit. With every word that came out of her mouth, Molly could see Xander losing hope.

  I can’t look at him anymore. This is too much.

  Molly shut the door in Xander’s face.

  Why do I feel like the mean one now? He deserves to be shut out, right?

  Xander persisted in knocking on the door, pleading for Molly to hear him out. After a few minutes, the knocking faded until finally, he just left.

  “Who was that? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Elodie was scrunching her wet hair with a towel, wrapped in her favorite silk robe. One that Johnny had bought her, of course.

  “That’s what it feels like. It was Xander. He ... he knows about the baby.”

  Elodie dropped her towel.

  “Oh boy. Does he know it’s his?”

  Molly nodded her head and picked up Elodie’s towel from the floor, folding it onto the back of a chair.

  “And he suddenly wants to be a part of everything. He looked completely defeated, El. The L.A. scene must have chewed him up and spit him out. I know it’s bad but ... I kind of pity him.”

  Elodie raised an eyebrow at this.

  “Pity him? Pity isn’t going to make him be a better person, let alone a good partner to raise a child with. How convenient that he’s here in Texas, crawling back to you after L.A. apparently didn’t want him anymore. What did you tell him? To get lost I hope? If I was there I would have done more than that.”

  Over the last couple of months, Molly had started chewing her nails when she was nervous or stressed. The doctor had prescribed a foul tasting nail polish to help prevent her from biting her fingers off, but Molly had no such luck. She was tearing at them now, although there was little left for her to get at.

  “See! Look how stressed out he has you and you only spoke to him for what, five minutes? He’s not good for you. And you being stressed is not good for the baby. Please, don’t tell me you’re seriously considering letting him into your life again?”

  Molly slumped onto the couch, laying her head back on a cushion.

  “I don’t know what to do. On one hand, I wanted to slap him across the face and tell him to get lost. Which happened to be closest thing to what actually happened, by the way. On the other hand, I wanted to run into his arms and head off to get our freaking family photos done. I just need some time to think.”

  Elodie sat down beside Molly and stroked her hair.

  “Scott may be good for you Molly, but if it doesn’t make sense to you, then it doesn’t make sense, and there’s nothing anyone can tell you that will make you feel any different. This is your life, and this will be your family. Listen to your gut. Don’t think too much with your brain or you could end up like those gross, fake nuclear families that only pretend they’re happy. Doctor Scott Holloway and his trophy wife, Molly Holloway.”

  Molly wasn’t impervious to Elodie’s obvious disdain for her new beau. From the moment Elodie met him, she regarded him as a pompous guy who thought he was better than everyone else just because he went to med school.

  “Thanks, El. I appreciate you supporting me, no matter what.”

  “Even if you do end up marrying Mr. Hollow-Gay, I’ll still be your Maid of Honor.” Elodie said, laughing at her own joke.

  “Speaking of which, you should probably go get ready for your date. Want me to do your makeup?”

  Molly put one hand on the back of the couch and pulled herself upright.

  “Why would you do my makeup?”

  Elodie thought of Molly’s heavy-handed makeup application the last time she had gone out.

  “Because the last time you touched an eyeshadow brush, you ended up looking like the Bride of Frankenstein. I however, pride myself on my beauty skills. C’mon.”

  Rolling her eyes, Molly followed Elodie reluctantly into the bedroom.

  Chapter 60

  At 5:30 pm on the dot, Molly heard a knock at the front door.

  “Mol! Scott’s here. I think he has flowers, but act surprised. They look kinda pretty, I guess,”

  Elodie said, peaking through the curtains at the front porch.

  “See you tomorrow morning, El. Thanks for doing my make-up and hair, you do have beauty skills after all.”

  Molly slipped on her most comfortable fancy kitten heels and opened the door. Scott was wearing a suit and holding a large bouquet of flowers out for Molly.

  “Nothing in the store would have done your beauty justice, but these were the best I could find. My lady?”

  Scott handed her the bouquet, and held out his hand for Molly. His dark hair had strands of gray throughout, and Molly thought of how dignified he looked wearing a suit and tie.

  “Thank you, my ... um ...”

  Scott laughed.

  “You can just call me by my name. So, how does going to The Rose sound? Too fancy?”

  The Rose? The least expensive meal there is like, $50 a plate.

  “Are you sure? Isn’t that place a little, you know ...”

  Scott opened the door to the taxi, motioning for Molly to get in.

  “It was a trick question. I’ve already made the reservation.”

  Sly. Xander wouldn’t have done that. No, no thinking of him while you’re with Scott. You told yourself you wouldn’t do that.

  The drive to the restaurant was quiet. Scott was regaling Molly with a story about his most recent patient who wanted to get a set of ‘huge breast implants,’ but he stopped when he noticed that Molly was glancing out of the window, disinterested.

  “This is us,” Molly went to open her door but Scott stuck out his arm to stop her.

  “I’ll get the door. I don’t want you straining anything.”

  I wish he would stop treating me like a fragile princess. What does he think I did before he came along? Wait for random strangers to open all of my doors?

  Scott paid the driver his fare and ran around the cab.

  “I’ve reserved us a seat on the balcony. The sunset should be beautiful tonight.”

  When he held out a hand and helped Molly to her feet, she noticed that his nails were perfectly kept, while hers still had old, chipped nail polish from the week before.

  The hostess led them to their seats, where Scott asked for there to be a platter of appetizers set out for them upon their arrival.

  Molly took in the array of food, most of it spread out in intricate designs and only as minuscule portions.

  I would have been fine with a burger and fries. Or maybe a milkshake to start.

  “This looks delicious, Scott. You really didn’t have to.”

  Really, you didn’t have to.

  “It’s the least I can do for my Snookums. Now, where would you like to start? The mussels or the caviar?”

  Chapter 61

  Course number four had come and gone. Molly couldn’t fathom stuffing back anymore crusted filet mignon or gnocchi served in truffle oil.

  Scott took his folded napkin from his lap and wiped his mouth.

  “Well, my darling, what do you say we go back to my place and have a glass of wine? Well, you can have some sparkling water, and I’ll have another glass.”

  You’ve already finished a whole bottle. How much more do you need?

  “That sounds lovely. I’ll just go to the washroom and meet you on the front steps, okay? I’ll be quick.”

  Before Scott could come over to help her, Molly had already gotten to her feet and started toward the bathroom.

  Molly pushed open the handicap stall and lowered the toilet seat. She didn’t need to pee, but the thought of another minute of sitting with Scott at the table was going to drive her mad.

  I just need a minute to myself. To clear my head.

  During their meal, Molly had tried to pay attention to Scott and his extravagant stories about being a doctor and how fulfilling his line of work was, but couldn’t stop herself from thinking of Xander. A man with a similar stature and appearance walked past them to
a table nearby, which only made her more distracted as the night went on. She tried to fight the urge to glance over at him, but repeatedly caught herself staring, imagining she was the woman beside him.

  Don’t do this. Scott is a good man and Xander has done nothing but hurt you. Go out there and give Scott the kind of woman he deserves.

  Molly walked out of the bathroom to where Scott was waiting for her.

  “I was wondering if you fell into the toilet or something. In two minutes if you didn’t come out I was going to go and send for help.”

  Scott was smiling up at her with his pearly white teeth.

  He really is nice to look at. And it’s not like Mrs. Holloway sounds bad. Better than everyone thinking I’m some Spanish mobster’s wife.

  “I just wanted to freshen up and make sure I didn’t have any spinach in my teeth. So, back to your place?”

  Molly put out her hand this time, waiting for Scott to help her into the cab.

  “It would be my honor, Ms. Molly.”

  Chapter 62

  Scott’s house was in one of the ritzier neighborhoods, one that Molly had never dared set foot in. Elodie had said it was where ‘the soulless people lived,’ and Molly believed her until she met Scott.

  Inside the house, everything was absolutely spotless. In most of the rooms, there was hardly any evidence of anyone having lived there at all. Scott had been to Molly’s house many times since they started dating, but he had always avoided bringing her back to his place. Molly could see why.

  He’s afraid I’ll be intimidated. My place is a disaster compared to ... this.

  “Don’t mind the mess, Molly. My maid took this week off and I didn’t have time to clean up before you came over. Can I get you a water? Maybe something a little sweeter?” Scott turned on his record player and scooped Molly in for a dance.

  An old Diana Ross and Lionel Ritchie song played over the surround sound. Molly hadn’t been to many concerts in her lifetime, but she assumed this is kind of what it felt like.

  “The only thing missing is the stage. And well, the people. But, I got this sound system so that when I was listening to music, it would feel like I was really there. In the crowd.”

  Scott was always coming up with reasons for why he did things. Molly reflected on how he didn’t seem to ever do anything just because he wanted to. It was like everything he did had to be calculated and logical. Never from the heart.

  “Xan… uh, Scott ...” Molly hoped Scott didn’t catch her mistake. Fortunately for her, he was distracted by the lyrics to the song.

  “Scott, I was wondering. Are you sure you want to be involved with someone who’s going to have a baby? Someone else’s baby? I know we’ve talked about it before, but we were only just beginning to see each other. Before things get more serious I just want to know.”

  Scott twirled Molly around, dipping her so low she was parallel with the floor.

  Not the most comfortable with a pregnant belly, but romantic. I’ll take it.

  “Do you think I would be standing here serenading you with the cheesiest music I could find on my shelf, if I didn’t want to be with you because of your baby?”

  Scott pulled Molly back up to standing.

  She flattened her skirt and fixed the bra strap that had fallen over her shoulder.

  “I just wanted to make sure that you understand how hard it can get in this kind of situation.”

  Now that Xander is back, it will only be complicated even more.

  “Let me show you how sure I am.”

  Scott leaned in to kiss Molly, grabbing her on either side of her neck with his manicured hands.

  In an instant, Molly imagined herself back in Xander’s living room and how he had grabbed her neck in the same way. She remembered how her hands had trembled and her legs had gone weak when he kissed her; and when he pulled the hair away from her neck and dove in to her. The passion was there with Xander, but for all of Scott’s efforts, Molly felt only a fraction of that same lust.

  Scott took her by the hand and led her to his bedroom door.

  “Wait here just a moment.”

  Scott slipped into the bedroom and returned shortly after.

  “Okay, come in.”

  The room had been lit with candles placed all around the furniture.

  I guess he’s going to see me naked and pregnant at some point. Might as well get it over with.

  They both fumbled to undress one another. Scott gave up on trying to unclasp Molly’s bra, and Molly had scratched Scott’s eye trying to take off his shirt.

  “Oh no, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

  Molly put a hand over her mouth, embarrassed, apologizing to Scott.

  He blinked his eye a few times and smiled.

  “I can still see you.”

  Scott picked Molly up off of the floor. She felt heavy and round in his arms as he carried her to the bed.

  “I’m sorry I’m such a whale right now. It’s the baby, you know, it’s getting bigger and ...”

  Scott put a finger to Molly’s lips, hushing for her to be quiet.

  “Stop apologizing, Molly. You have nothing to be sorry for. Here, why don’t we try you on your side? I don’t want to do any damage.”

  Molly pulled herself with great struggle to the top of the bed and laid on her side. Scott walked around the bed and crawled under the sheets beside her. As Molly turned to kiss him, he had already started to slip his erection inside of her.

  I guess we’re skipping past the foreplay then.

  Scott began to move in and out, changing his tempo so frequently that Molly had a hard time keeping in time with his momentum. She closed her eyes and pictured being back at the club, moving her hips with the music, but it didn’t help.

  “Molly, your pussy is so tight.”

  His voice sounded almost robotic, like he had just heard the phrase for the first time.

  Molly grabbed Scott’s hand from her hip and brought it to her nipples, but he only continued to move it back to where he had it. Molly tried her clit, hoping that by keeping a hand over his, she could show him how she would stroke it when she was by herself. He pulled his hand away again.

  Xander couldn’t keep his hands off me. He was so concerned with making sure I enjoyed everything too. Scott just seems interested in his own pleasure.

  Molly gave up on forcing Scott’s hand.

  “Oh my God, I’m going to cum.”

  Molly felt a wetness on her lower back as Scott pulled out.

  Scott rolled over to his bedside table and grabbed a box of tissues.

  After helping Molly clean up, he walked around the room and blew out all the candles.

  “I don’t know about you Molly, but I’m exhausted.”

  Lying back in bed, Scott let out a huge yawn and grabbed Molly, pulling her in to cuddle.

  “Me too. You sure do know how to tire a girl out.”

  Molly was uncomfortable faking, but didn’t want to hurt Scott’s feelings. She stretched to kiss his cheek good night and laid her head on his chest.

  Within minutes Scott was fast asleep, snoring loudly.

  Molly stared out of his window, remembering the beautiful view from Xander´s bedroom and how the light had shone on them so perfectly as they made love.

  Why did you have to mess everything up, Xander? This could have been us.

  Molly drifted off into sleep long after the sun had completely set behind the mountains.

  Chapter 63

  “Welcome to the Fakers Club, Molly. Population most women.”

  Elodie poured herself and Molly a cup of coffee and took a seat on the couch.

  “It was so different with Scott. It wasn’t bad, per se, it was just…”

  Molly ran her hands through her matted hair.

  “Different? That’s the word girls use when they mean disappointing or unsatisfying. Shall I go on?” Elodie asked Molly, knowing she wouldn’t have to.

  “I get it, I get it. It was like we had no ch
emistry or something. He says and does all of these amazing things, and I’m not even interested. And physically, it just didn’t start a fire in me. It’s just not there.

  “The way it was with Xander?”

  What? Now Elodie’s the one bringing him up?

  Molly shot Elodie a look of distaste.

  “We’re not talking about him, El. He has nothing to do with this.”

  He has everything to do with this. Who am I trying to fool?

  “Okay, so he has nothing to do with it. So what do you think it is then? Is he too nice? Too handsome? Too rich? Too ... pretentious?”

  Elodie had a certain way of probing someone into giving her the answers she was looking for, but it didn’t work on Molly.

  “No, not pretentious. I don’t know what it is exactly, El. It doesn’t matter anyway, I want this to work with Scott, so I’m going to try my best to make sure that it happens.”

  Even if that means forgetting about Xander. I can’t be with him just because he came crawling back to me now. I won’t allow myself to ruin things with Scott, a perfectly kind and caring person I could have a real future with.

  So, that’s your final decision? Make things work with Scott no matter what?”

  Elodie didn’t look completely satisfied, but Molly knew she would be supportive of her either way.

  “It’s my final decision.”

  Molly left the living room and went into her bedroom. She picked up her phone and dialed Scott’s number.

  “Molly, I was just thinking about you.”

  I’m making the right choice. This is best for me and for the baby.

  “Hi Scott, I was just thinking about you, too.”

  Chapter 64

  After Molly rejected him, Xander went home and locked himself in his bedroom. Winnie tried knocking on his door repeatedly, offering him food and drink, but he sent her away each time, telling her he wasn’t feeling good or pretending to be asleep.

  The truth was, Xander’s mind was playing constantly like a reel of film. Moving images of him and Molly holding their baby, playing at the playground. He was fantasizing about the family he never had, wishing that he could take back everything he had done to tarnish his one chance at true happiness.


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