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Flirting with Finn

Page 2

by Violet Vaughn

  He speaks in a quiet voice. “Says the woman who hired a troubled teen.” He’s referring to Ethan, who I met in a local alternative school’s cooking program when I volunteered last year.

  We work our way through the appetizers, and when I get to the last one, I slide the plate over slowly. It’s a new recipe I’m excited to share.

  Finn tilts his head at me when I take a deep breath, and I say, “I think this is the one you should serve for your closing dinner. Make sure to get every flavor on your fork.”

  I watch as he stabs a spicy scallop, watermelon, and greens. He puts it in his mouth and chews slowly.

  I find I’m leaning forward, waiting for his approval, and I sit back quickly when I catch myself. Clients have different tastes, and I don’t take it personally if they don’t like one of my recipes. It should be no different with Finn. I steel myself for his reaction.

  He lets out a small moan and licks his lips. I lick mine too, because I can’t keep myself from imagining what it would be like to kiss Finn’s soft lips. His gaze lands on my mouth, and he holds my eyes as he inhales quickly. Something complex and exciting, like the flavor profile of my salad, lies before us. I want to roll around in it, but he blows out a breath and says, “Amazing.”

  I smile in relief and chide myself for caring so much. My pen digs into my note pad a little harder than necessary as I write down his choice. I focus on the words I’m writing as I say, “Great.” I’m doing a lousy job of not letting Finn affect me.

  As I stand up quickly to clear the dishes away for the next course, I’m aware of his gaze on me, and I fumble with the plates as if I’ve never cleared a table before. When I turn to him with the first dinner, his intense stare makes me frown. I wonder what’s wrong.

  The food on the plate slides a bit as I set it down too quickly. Finn reaches over to wrap his fingers around mine. His touch sends currents of desire through me that I fight to squash. His voice is laced with teasing as he asks, “Do I make you nervous, Meg?”

  A quick laugh that borders on a snort escapes me before I regain my composure. I’m not up for meaningless banter, so I speak in an even tone. “Too much caffeine.”

  A metal cover clashes against a plate as I remove it to reveal a lobster pasta. “Try this and let me know if it entices your taste buds.”

  “You already did.” He forks pasta as he looks at me with a heat that make me feel helpless. “Weeks ago.” His teeth gleam as he bites down on the food.

  Oh my God. He has to know how he affects me, because I’m sure he’s done this to numerous women. When he lets out a low noise of appreciation for the food, I can’t decide if I want to grab his shirt and pull him toward me for a kiss or slap his face. I control myself and squeak out, “What do you think?”

  He tilts his head at me and raises his eyebrows as he speaks in a suggestive voice. “I think the one thing I’m dying to taste isn’t something I can have just yet.”

  I scowl because now he’s just playing with me, but I’m not going to fall for it this time. “I’m not sure what you mean. Was there something I forgot to make?”

  “Huh.” Finn sits back with a frown of his own. “I’m sorry.” His expression turns serious. “No. You didn’t leave anything out.”


  I continue to offer him the dinners to taste, and when we’re done, his voice is flat when he says, “Everything is delicious. You can run with the menu as planned.”

  I force a smile. I usually deal with the desserts too, but I think a rip-the-bandage-off approach would be best for my disappointment over Finn. “Good. Now let’s move on to what you’ve been waiting for. I’ll go get Lexi.”

  When I get back to the kitchen, I tell Ethan to go clear the tray for me and find Lexi to tell her to make the dessert presentation. Her brow knits with concern. “What happened?”

  I shake my head. “It’s nothing. I think all these years I made him out to be more than he really is, because whatever attraction I had isn’t there. Besides”—I sweep my hand out—“these are your creations, and you’ll do them justice with the descriptions.”

  Lexi squints her eyes as if she doesn’t believe me, but she doesn’t push. “Fine.”

  I watch her blond braid fall over her shoulder when she squats down to lift her tray. As she strides across the kitchen with her long, slender legs, I fight the heat of jealousy that makes my ears burn. No matter how much it hurts, if Lexi’s attracted to Finn, I’ll wish her only the best.

  My throat tightens with the urge to cry. Damn it. This ugly duckling hoped she’d turned into a swan, but apparently I was wrong.

  Chapter 3

  The dock is hard under my thighs when I move my feet, and water swirls around my toes as I dangle my legs in the lake after a long day of work. Lexi’s desserts were a hit with Finn earlier, and he didn’t have any changes for that portion of the menu, either.

  While it shouldn’t have made me so happy, when I asked Lexi if she thought Finn was hot, she shrugged and said he wasn’t her type. Since I believe Finn is everyone’s type, I think she was trying to make me feel better. I’m not foolish enough to believe she won’t succumb to his charms if he pursues her the way he said he planned to this morning.

  Laughter from the campers carries over to me, and I gaze out across the lake at flickering lights of cottages on the other side.

  I recall the nights I spent in college fantasizing about Finn, only to be crushed when I learned he had no interest in me. Back then, I was naive, but I’m not any longer. Sure, my ego might have needed stroking when I first started talking to him about his retreat, but when I fell for his charm again as an adult, I don’t think I misread the signs. I’m secure enough to know that’s what he intended to happen, and instead of being hurt, I realize I’m angry. The game Finn needs to play in order to build himself up is cruel, and he doesn’t deserve my adoration.

  My thoughts are interrupted when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn to see who might be coming and notice it’s a very tall man. I let out a sigh because even though it’s dark enough that I can’t make out his face, I’m sure it’s Finn.

  As he gets closer, he says, “Hey. Lexi told me you’d be out here. Mind if I join you?”

  Like I could possibly get away with saying no to a paying customer. My hand slaps the dock. “Have a seat.”

  Finn slides off his shoes before he lowers himself next to me. “You’re very good at what you do, Meg.”

  Great. He plans to butter me up for the slaughter. I answer in a cool tone. “Thank you. I love being a chef.”

  “Right.” Finn lets out a sigh. “I want to apologize for my behavior earlier. It was inappropriate of me to flirt with you during a business meeting, and I know I made you uncomfortable.”

  “No apology necessary.” I gaze at him and notice the light from the camp shining in his eyes. My mind floods with the familiar pain of pining for a guy who never wanted me. While I can chalk up his over-the-top flirting in college to youth, I can’t forgive him for the same behavior now. It makes me brave enough to say something. “What you should be apologizing for is the way you’ve led me on the past few weeks.”

  “Led you on?”

  I let out a huff. “Please. Don’t insult me. You don’t spend hours on the phone with someone, telling stories about your past, if you aren’t trying to draw them in. What I want to know is how long you planned to keep up the charade? Just long enough to start something with Lexi and throw it in my face?”

  Finn shakes his head. “I’m not sure I follow.”

  I lift my feet out of the water and twist to sit cross-legged, facing him. “So you deny that you’ve been flirting with me the past few weeks?”

  “No. I was definitely flirting with you, and I did intend to draw you in so you’d like me.” I stiffen as I prepare to dress him down, but he continues. “Because I really like you.”

  I let out a noise of disgust. “Wow. You must think I’m a fool. I know you have plans to start something with

  He jerks his head back with a confused look on his face. “I seriously don’t know what you’re talking about. This afternoon was the first time I’ve even seen her, and she was so busy giving me the evil eye I didn’t have a chance to form a thing for her.”

  I throw my hands up. “Stop. Okay? I overheard you this morning talking about going after the hot chef.”

  Finn blinks as his face relaxes, and he bursts out laughing. It makes me angry enough that I’m afraid of what I might say. I jump to my feet. “I think it’s best if you stay as far away from me as possible this week. Got it?”

  He jumps up too. “Meg. I’m sorry for laughing. Let me explain. Please?”

  I step back and cross my arms. “Go ahead. This ought to be good.”

  “You are the hot chef.”

  “Me?” My heart stops for a moment, and the warmth of my attraction to him rushes in. I shake my head. “Nice try.”

  Finn steps closer to me. “Yes, you.” He reaches out and picks up a lock of my hair to twist around his finger. “You really don’t know you’re attractive, do you?”

  I scowl because I know what the right answer is. But I can’t help the feelings of insecurity that have come to the surface with Finn.

  He lets my hair slip through his fingers and says, “The past few weeks, you’ve taken up residence in my head, and I can’t stop thinking about you. I find a stupid reason to call you each day because I want you in my life. I came here with the intention of making our relationship something more than conversations on the phone.”

  A tingle of excitement races down my spine. “Oh.”

  He offers me a sheepish grin. “Jeff noticed our daily phone calls and the way I couldn’t stop talking about you. I may have been a little cocky when I told him my intentions. I didn’t know you were listening.”

  “So you like me.”

  He smiles slowly as he leans forward, and I catch a whiff of his cologne. “I was sure our connection would be even stronger in person. I wasn’t wrong, was I?”

  I lean toward him too. “No. You weren’t wrong.”

  “Good.” His voice drops. “Because I have my plan all mapped out.”

  My skin hums, wanting his touch. “You have a plan?”

  “It’s quite brilliant, actually. Each day, I’m going to do something to convince you I’m worth it.”

  He places his hands on my hips and tugs lightly. I step closer and put my palm on his chest. I drop my gaze and smooth an imaginary wrinkle on his shirt. I want to believe he means what he’s saying, but guys like Finn never have to work hard at winning over a woman. “Are you nervous?” he asks.

  I glance up and recall earlier at the tasting, he asked me the same thing when my hand was shaking from anger. “Yes.” I feel as if I’m on the edge of a cliff and about to jump without a safety net. The Finn I knew in college chose a prettier, thinner girl over me, and I can’t shake the fear he could do it again.

  Stop it, Meg. My rational brain kicks in and tells me I’m being foolish. I think about the laughter and hours of conversation Finn and I have shared over the past few weeks. What the hell. I throw myself at him, and when I lose my balance, I grab his shoulders to pull him down and launch my mouth toward his.

  I connect, but only because I fall faster than he does. Our lips smash together as Finn stumbles back and lands on his butt—hard, if the loud thud and rattling of my bones as I fall on top of him is any indication.

  “Ow,” says Finn as he rubs at his lips.

  I taste the metallic tang of blood on my tongue, and my cheeks burn with my embarrassment. I scramble to get off him. “I’m so sorry. I—” Oh God, did he even plan to kiss me? Or did I take him by surprise? “Did I hurt you?” I shake my head because he had just said ouch. “Stupid question.”

  “I’m fine. Are you okay?”

  Even though I might combust from the heat radiating from my face, I nod. “I’m so sorry.”

  He stands up easily and says, “It was my fault too.” When he grins, I notice his lip is swollen. “I was overzealous since I’ve been dreaming about tasting your luscious mouth.”

  I stare down at my feet and notice the red polish on my big toe is chipped. “You don’t have to say that. I’m the awkward one who was overeager.”

  Finn slides his hands over my arms, and my skin tingles from his touch. “Meg, look at me.”

  I glance up and see that his upper lip is now twice its normal size, and a snort of laughter escapes me. He reaches up to touch his mouth as he chuckles too. “You look like your silicone injection went bad,” I say.

  “Yeah?” His eyebrows rise up. “So do you.”

  My tongue darts out over my swollen flesh, and I grin back.

  “That is not how I imagined our first kiss,” he says.

  My heart skips as if it’s dancing with joy. “Me either.”

  Finn takes my face in his hands and leans down slowly. “Hold still and let me show you what I had in mind.” He kisses me with a tenderness that makes all my fantasies seem pale in comparison. When he pulls away, he gazes into my eyes with a warmth that makes me believe this time, his actions are for real.

  “That was nice,” I say.

  He scowls at me. “Nice?” Finn waggles his eyebrows. “I’m going to have to work on that.” He kisses me again, and this time we both ignore our injuries as it becomes passionate.

  Once we break apart, I let out a low noise before I say, “Better.”

  Finn threads his fingers through my hair as he cradles the back of my head and moves in for more. “Let’s try for excellent.”

  Chapter 4

  Conversations buzz as I survey the dining hall full of real estate agents eating breakfast. I look for Finn and discover he’s holding court at one of the tables. I smile when I hear his deep laugh then reach up and touch my lips as I recall making out on the dock with him last night. I cringe a little inside when I remember what a dork I was, smashing into him and giving us both fat lips, but I push it out of my mind quickly and focus on the warmth that fills me when I look at Finn. I glance around the room and notice everyone else appears to be happy too.

  I walk over to check that the coffee urns are full. A glass pot clatters as I set it under the filter and flip a button to start a fresh pot. Light pressure from a hand on my lower back is followed by Finn’s soft voice. “It’s day one of Operation Win Meg Over.”

  I turn to him with a smile and notice his lip has returned to its normal size the way mine has. But the memory of his kisses still burns on my tender skin. “Really? And what are you going to do?” I notice he’s holding a coffee mug, so I grab a pot to refill his cup.

  “You’ll see.” His smile is sly and so sexy all I can think about is what it was like to kiss him. “What time do you get off work tonight?”

  “About nine,” I say. Hot liquid gurgles as I pour, and my hand shakes a little as I think about how far away that sounds.

  “Perfect. May I come get you at your cabin?”

  “That would be lovely.” I tell him how to find me before one of his employees comes over, and I excuse myself so he can work.

  As I make my way back to the kitchen, my stomach becomes queasy. Why am I so quick to let myself fall for him again? While I’m flattered that Finn wants to win me over, I can’t help but feel as if it’s a game to him. I wonder if he’s still the same guy he was in college, working his way through a long list of women.

  I’m scowling when I get back to the kitchen, and Lexi asks, “What’s wrong?”

  Earlier, I told her what happened on the dock last night. “Finn wants to see me tonight after I get out of work.”

  “And that’s bad because…” She swipes the back of her hand over her damp forehead.

  “Because I don’t know if I can trust him.”

  “Uh-oh. Need to talk?”

  I nod. I’m afraid I’m letting my insecurities get the best of me, but I think I need to hear an objective opinion to be sure.

xi wipes her hands on her apron and then reaches behind her back to remove it. “Let’s go for a walk.”

  When we get outside, we head down toward the path along the lake. The shade from the tree cover has kept the temperature cool, and I swat at a mosquito that buzzes near my ear. “I haven’t told you everything about my past with Finn.”

  Lexi knows I had a major crush on him, and I told her he barely noticed me. I relay the story about the party and how Finn was flipping through the girls there as if he were trying to find the ripest peach at a farmer’s market.

  “Wow. I see why you’re nervous,” she says. “I would be too. But it’s been over ten years. How do you know he hasn’t changed?”

  “I don’t. I’d love to believe he’s as into me as he appears, but I also don’t want to be an idiot.”

  “You are far from stupid. I hate that this is making you so insecure.” She picks a strand of hair out of her eyes. “In every other aspect of your life, you’re so put together. You run the kitchen with efficiency, and the way you deal with vendors makes me take notes.”

  “Thanks.” I think about how my confidence in my career has grown. I know I’m good at what I do, and it’s helped me fake the rest.

  We’ve reached a clearing where there are logs set out to sit on, and we stop. Lexi lowers herself first. She stretches her long legs out in front of her as I sit across from her. I say, “I don’t like that this is making me doubt myself either. I thought my days of feeling like I’m not good enough were over.”

  “I think two things are happening here. One, you’re reverting to the emotional maturity of your college days because Finn is dredging up those memories for you. Two, you’re dealing with a man who has a past that may or may not be an indicator of who he is today.”


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