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The Cowboy's Baby: Mpreg Romance (Black Meadow Ranch Book 1)

Page 17

by Giovanna Reaves

  “Let me see him.”

  Kane turned his head and looked at Cole who was waiting eagerly to meet their son. He sat back down on the stool and positioned the baby so that his husband could see Preston.

  “Hey there,” he said and Preston turned his head toward the sound of Cole’s voice.

  Kane leaned down and kissed his husband on his forehead as he continued talking to the baby. He was grateful for what he had. A new husband and a child to accompany him to his new life.

  Kane stood by the window of the nursery watching his son. It was a couple hours later and although he was exhausted, he didn’t want to go home. The rest of the family had seen Cole and met Preston. The only one that hadn’t held or spent much time with the baby yet was Cole, because he was too tired from giving birth. His father cried when he found out that Cole had given the baby his name. Denny did as well. He smiled and leaned against the wall and just stared at his son.

  “Which one is yours?” someone asked beside him.

  Kane pointed to Preston who was wrapped in the baby blanket his mother had knitted that matched the blue hat on his head. The initials of the Black Meadow sewn on the front. “That one.”

  “He’s a handsome little man.”

  Kane nodded then looked at the stranger beside him, the guy was his height with cool brown skin, gray eyes, and closely shaved bald head. His voice wasn’t as deep as Kane’s but it still left an impression that whenever he gave an order, it must be followed. He wore jeans and a T-shirt. For some reason, he didn’t like the way the guy was looking at him. “Yeah, he is. Is your kid in there?”

  “Nope,” the guy said. “I’m here visiting an old friend.”

  “And so, you decided to stop by the nursery?” Kane didn’t mean to sound suspicious, but the guy was giving him a different vibe. The smirk on the guy's face didn’t help brush away the feeling.

  “I should take offense to the way you’re questioning me when you just met me. And to answer your question, my lover is pregnant and he’s about to have our first baby and I felt like stopping by before leaving the hospital.”

  Kane grunted and turned to look back at Preston, ignoring the stranger. He wasn’t going to let anyone ruin his good moment.

  Cole opened his eyes and blinked a few times to wake up properly. He sighed and looked down at his stomach and felt a sense of loss knowing that his child wasn’t inside of him anymore. For nine months, he carried his son and now that he was born he missed his small comforting presence.

  A tear slipped down his cheek, he was also happy that he would finally get a chance to hold his son in his arms and see his face. He wiped away his tears just as the door to his room opened and Kane walked in with the baby in his arms and a nurse following behind him.

  “Mister Cartwright, please, you cannot just take the baby out of the nursery.”

  “Why not? His father hasn’t had a chance to hold him yet.”

  The nurse seemed to be exasperated with his husband. He smiled at his last thought. “You’re my husband.”

  Kane turned around and looked at him. “You’re awake.”

  “Can I hold him?”

  “Of course.”

  Cole sat up in the bed and the nurse rushed over and helped him sit up properly, fluffing the pillows behind him. He held out his arms and Kane gently placed the baby in his arms. Preston was sleeping but Cole didn’t care, he was holding his child. He leaned over brushing his nose lightly against his cheek, taking in his scent. Preston smelled like him and oddly like Kane.

  “Beautiful, isn’t he?” He nodded unable to answer. The bed dipped behind him and he felt Kane’s arms surround him. Tears slipped down his cheeks again. He was so happy he couldn’t describe it in words. He had his child and a husband that loved him, there was nothing he wanted or needed in life and nothing or no one was going to take that away from him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kane snapped his eyes opened and looked around his bedroom, he had the strangest feeling that someone was watching him. He looked over at Cole who was fast asleep beside him.

  Maybe it’s my subconscious playing tricks on me.

  Throwing off the covers he grabbed his T-shirt and walked into the next room to check on his son. Cole and Preston had been home for two weeks, they were still adjusting as a married couple and as parents with a newborn. He’d taken off work for a couple of weeks, letting Winston handle the day-to-day operation of the ranch.

  His mother was helping out at Heavenly Meadows while his father took more therapy riding lessons. Things weren’t going smoothly for them, they’d hit a couple of stumbling blocks. Kane found out the trick in changing his son’s diaper, getting peed on more than once was a lesson learned. He also found out how demanding his son was when he was very hungry or needed to be changed.

  He looked down at his sleeping son and smiled while lightly caressing his cheek. With all the little bumps, he still couldn’t believe how his life changed for the better in a matter of months. He leaned over and picked Preston up, trying not to wake him, and quickly looked and noticed that it was only a few minutes before Preston’s next feeding.

  Deciding not to wake Cole, he walked downstairs to the kitchen without turning the light on and got a pre-made bottle out of the refrigerator and set it in the bottle warmer. He enjoyed moments like this when it was just him and Preston; he spoke to his son every night just as he did when he was inside of Cole.

  Preston stirred in his arms and he looked down at his son for a second then snapped his head up when he heard a strange noise coming from outside. He walked over to the window and peered out, wondering if it was just his imagination when he didn’t see anyone out there.

  Maybe it was a critter that I got on the ranch. He made a mental note to consider getting some dogs, something you should’ve done a long time ago.

  Kane walked over to the door and made sure that it was locked, something he rarely did. When the warmer went off, he grabbed Preston’s bottle and went back upstairs, instead of going into his son’s room he went into his bedroom.

  “Okay, little Pres, let’s get you fed and back to bed.” After feeding and changing Preston’s diaper and getting him back to bed, he was still unsettled and decided to walk around the house. Double-checking the doors and windows, making sure they were locked before going into his office to get some work done, which was where Cole found him.


  “Hey yourself.” He set his pen down on his desk and looked at his husband. Cole had lost some of the baby weight since giving birth but he didn’t care, he would still love the man no matter his shape or size. He got up from his desk and walked over to his husband. “What are you doing up?”

  “I woke up to feed the baby, but I realized you did that already, thank you.”

  “No need to thank me, he’s my son too.”

  “I love hearing that, you calling Preston your son.”

  “And I love saying it.”

  Kane bent his head and Cole met him in the middle as their lips touched. They wouldn’t be allowed to have sex for a couple more weeks, and it was a rule Kane was trying to follow, but he missed being inside of his man.

  “Let’s stop here before we go too far,” Kane said stopping their kiss.

  “What if I don’t want to stop,” Cole said backing him up toward his desk. “There are other ways for us to enjoy each other, or did you forget?”

  Cole went to his knees, pulling Kane’s sweatpants down with him. His cock was already hard waiting for his man to do whatever he wanted with him. He wasn’t disappointed when he felt Cole’s tongue swirl around the head of his cock before sucking it into his mouth.

  “Oh gods,” Kane moaned.

  He had one hand gripping the edge of his desk as the other went to the back of Cole’s head. Other than sharing a few kisses, that was the first intimate thing they’d done since they got married. A deep groan escaped him when his lover’s teeth lightly grazed the sensitive head of his cock. His finge
rs moved lazily through Cole’s hair as his tongue did wicked things to his dick.

  Cole licked his shaft down to his balls, licking and sucking them into his mouth. Kane’s head fell to the side resting on his shoulder, he was in heaven having his lover’s lips on him. He widened his legs when Cole’s wet tongue licked the crease and up to his pelvic bone stopping at his stomach. Cole nipped at his stomach while his hand jerked Kane’s cock, making his knees weak.

  Cole licked his way back to Kane’s cock, loving the feel of his man on his tongue. It felt like forever since they’d had a moment to themselves. The last time was before the wedding and the birth of their son.

  He moaned when he swallowed his husband’s cock all the way down, hollowing his cheeks as he pulled back. Reaching up with his free hand he fondled Kane’s heavy balls. His husband groaned above him, and Cole realized he missed the feeling of having his lover’s towering presence over him. His own cock was hard and leaking.

  Dragging his lips from Kane’s balls back to his shaft, sucking it back into his mouth. He reached down and slipped his hand into his pants, pulling on his cock in the same rhythm as his mouth. Fingers stopped their lazy stroke and tightened on his hair, grabbing it and pulling him back hard.

  Kane looking down at him, Cole couldn’t help the moan that escaped from his lips. The light tug on the back of his head had him rising to his feet. Kane released his hair and pulled his hand from his pants.

  Before he could protest his lips were taken in a fierce kiss that left him breathless and needy to have his lover inside of him. Cole gasped in their kiss when he felt Kane’s fingers wrap around his cock. He did the same, taking his lover’s in his. They jerked each other off as they made love to each other’s lips. Cole felt the start of his orgasm in the base of his spine. Kane kissed his way down to his neck, nipping at the flesh. Cole tied not to move his hips because he was still healing, but he couldn’t help it. Kane was licking at his mating mark.

  He gasped and tried to tell his lover that he was about to cum but his words got stuck, his tongue felt thick in his mouth and his mind shorted out for a second. He groaned as cum spurted from his cock and splashed on his stomach and on his shirt.

  Kane bit on his neck and he quivered, moaning loud and long, holding in his scream so that he wouldn’t wake the baby. He didn’t want anything to ruin the moment of them rekindling their bond. He felt hot wet semen join the cum on his stomach when Kane growled loudly in his neck. Kane removed his teeth from his skin and licked the spot before kissing his way back to his lips. They didn’t release each other’s cocks as they rode out their orgasms together.

  “We need to go get some sleep before the baby wakes up,” Cole said to Kane. They were lying in bed, basking in their afterglow.

  “I know,” Kane said kissing the side of his head. “But I just want to spend some more time alone. We’ve hardly had any alone time in the last two weeks.”

  “True, and you go back to being the boss tomorrow.”

  “I do and since you don’t have to go back to the bakery for another couple of weeks. This is one time I’m glad to be sleeping with the boss.

  “Speaking of bosses, there’s something I’ve been meaning to give you. Call it a wedding present.”

  “I thought we agreed on no presents.”

  “We did, but I wanted you to have this.”

  “What is it?”

  Kane didn’t answer as he rolled over and opened the drawer on his nightstand and pulled out a folder then handed it to Cole.

  “What’s this?” he asked sitting up properly in their bed, taking the folder from Kane.

  “Open it and find out.”

  Cole opened the folder and gasped when he saw what was written on the document.

  “Is this for real?” he asked looking up at Kane.

  “Yes, Heavenly Meadows is yours. As a matter of fact, half of the Black Meadow is now yours.”

  “But why? I mean . . .”

  “I know what you mean.” Kane smiled. “You’re my forever one, Cole. I didn’t want to believe in things like that before. But being with you made me realize that I’ve been waiting for you to show me the actuality of love and soulmates.”

  “Soulmates,” Cole whispered.

  “Yes.” They stared at each other. “I love you.”

  Cole tilted his head and gently pressed their lips together. “I love you too.” He kissed him again. “And thank you for this.” He held the folder to his chest. “Now I wish I had gotten you a gift.”

  “You already gave me the best gift of all and he’s in the next room. I don’t need anything else but for us to live our lives together. And to show our children what love looks like, just as our parents did for us.”

  “You want more kids?”

  “I want as many as you’re willing to give me. I want our love to carry on through our children. You are mine and I’m yours, forever.”

  “I can give that to you.” Cole put the folder on the nightstand behind him and pulled Kane to him. They shared another kiss before cuddling into bed and fell asleep.

  Cole got in his car after securing the baby inside and started it. He needed to go shopping for a few things that he needed for dinner. And it also gave him a chance to get off the ranch for a bit. He’d thought about taking Preston to Julia but he didn’t want to be parted from his son even for one second.

  He had a couple of miles to go before he needed to turn off the highway when he noticed a car speeding up, moving in and out of traffic, seeming to be in a rush. He got over into the other lane, giving the other driver the chance to pass but the driver got in the same lane with him and sped up, practically riding his ass.

  “What the fuck is this guy’s problem?”

  He got his answer when the car hit him from behind. Cole jerked forward and his fear spiked. He had no idea what the hell was going on or who that could be, or why this was happening. The car jerked forward again just as Preston started crying.

  “Oh, Preston, baby, everything is going to be fine. Daddy just needs to get away from the crazy person.”

  He reached back to touch his son but in that second the car jerked forward again and Cole heard the distinct snap in his shoulder. He yelled out in pain which surprised and scared his son, making him scream louder.

  Everything was happening so fast Cole didn’t know what to do. Without thinking, he pulled off at the first exit that came up and was happy when he saw the police station and headed straight in that direction. He didn’t look to see if the other car was following him. All he knew what that he needed to get away and get help. He needed Kane.

  Kane smirked when he saw Cole’s name pop up on the screen. “Hey, baby.”

  “Kane, oh thank gods.”

  Kane was instantly on alert when he heard the fear in Cole’s voice. “Cole, what’s wrong? Are you all right? Is Preston all right?”

  “I’m in the hospital . . . the car kept hitting . . . and . . . Preston . . .”

  Cole wasn’t making any sense, but that didn’t matter to Kane, he was already running to his truck the second his husband said he was at the hospital. “Baby, I need you to calm down and talk to me.”

  He heard Cole taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. “Preston is fine, a little scared, me too for that matter.” That time he spoke much calmer than a few seconds earlier.

  “Where are you?” Kane pulled out of where he was parked and was on the road in minutes.

  “I’m at County General,” Cole answered.

  “Okay, do you think you can tell me what happened?” He was trying to remain calm while he talked with his husband. he tightened his fingers around the steering wheel taking deep breaths and tried not to imagine the worst.

  “That’s just it, I’m not sure. One minute I was on my way to the store, and the next someone was trying to kill me.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “Yeah, I pulled off the nearest exit and got to the police station.”

  “Are y
ou sure you’re okay?”

  “I am still a bit shaken up, but hearing your voice calmed me a bit.”

  “That’s good, look, I’m on my way.”

  “Okay, hurry, I don’t want to stay here any longer than I need to.”

  They hung up and Kane drove as if he was being chased by the cops. He got to the hospital and double-parked his truck before running inside. He needed to find his husband and child. That was the only thing on his mind. He stopped at the nurses’ station and was about to ask for Cole when Lakeland walked up to him.

  “Hey, Kane, what are you doing here?”

  “I’m looking for Cole and Preston.”

  “What? Is something wrong with Preston?”

  “I don’t know, Cole was a little shaken up when he called me . . .”

  “Say nothing more, let me see where they are.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Lakeland went behind the counter of the nurses’ station and started tapping a few keys. Kane for his part was pacing the floor and increasingly becoming impatient.

  “All right,” Lakeland said getting his attention. “They are in room three twelve, it seems Cole dislocated one of his shoulders and it had to be put back into place. Come on, let me walk with you to the room. It says Preston was checked over and he’s fine but I want to see him for myself.”

  Kane nodded, he couldn’t say anything. He was just relieved that his family was doing fine. They got on the elevator in silence, he was grateful for Lakeland’s help but he couldn’t stop wondering if Cole’s ex was the one that tried to kill him, if he hadn’t heard from the FBI they didn’t know if Ryker were caught or not.

  Where is the fucking FBI when I need them?

  “Are you sure there’s nothing else you can tell us about the car that hit you?” one of the officers asked him.


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