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Sharing Britney: A Hotwife Novella

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by Lexi Archer

  Sharing Britney

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2015 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, January 2015

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  Table of Contents

  1: The Picture Sharing Game

  2: New Obsession

  3: After Work Fun

  4: Confessions

  5: Photo Shoot

  6: Green Light

  7: Naughty Plans

  8: Tease

  9: Watching Britney

  More From Lexi Archer

  1: The Picture Sharing Game

  “Check this one out!”

  Chris held his phone out to James but didn’t actually relinquish it. James glanced down at the screen and then his eyebrows rose appreciatively. “Nice. Very nice!”

  He high-fived Chris who turned back to me in the break room. “Want a look?”

  “I don’t know,” I said.

  “C’mon man. You know you want to,” Chris said.

  “Fine. I’ll look but I’m not sharing,” I said.

  Chris shrugged. “That’s fine man. You know this is just some friendly sharing anyways. No pressure to participate.”

  Chris moved his phone over to me. I glanced down and my eyebrows shot up as well. His latest girl was definitely a stunner. I think I recognized her as one of the newer hires but it was hard to tell. She looked slightly exotic, maybe half Asian or something though it was hard to tell, and she was in a skimpy set of lingerie taking a selfie on her bed. She looked like she was drowning in pink fluffy sheets, but it’s not like I was paying attention to the sheets anyways.

  I’d seen her walking through the store a couple of times before, seen her walking out with Chris on their lunch break. It seemed like things were getting more serious with her than with other girls, though it was hard to tell with a guy who seemed to have a different girl every other week. Not that I looked down on Chris for that. Far from it. He was young, and why not have a little fun? Hell, it was kind of fun for me, the old guy of the group even though I was only a couple of years older, to live vicariously through them now that I was mostly settled down.

  “Very nice,” I said.

  “Thought you’d like this one,” Chris said. “I’ve heard the way you guys talk about her down at the sales counter.”

  I rolled my eyes. That was just some good-natured talk. Again, a little bit of living vicariously through the younger guys who were still in college rather than the old man with the ink barely dry on his college degree who was still stuck working retail while trying to find a job in this shit market.

  Chris pulled his phone back and I couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment. That girl really was gorgeous. Not as hot as Britney, mind you, but it was nice to have a little variety in life from time to time. Especially when I’d been with the same girl for the past couple of years. Again, it was just a little bit of friendly vicarious living. Nothing serious.

  James pulled out his phone and glanced around the break room to make sure nobody was looking and made a couple of surreptitious motions with his thumbs. I didn’t know it was possible to look sneaky while thumbing at a phone, but James managed to pull it off without a hitch.

  “I figured we might be doing this again soon so I made sure to have Stacy take a couple of good shots for me.”

  James held his phone out to Chris who glanced down and whistled appreciatively. “Damn! That’s a good one.”

  My cock was already rock hard and it was twitching in my pants as James moved his phone over so it was facing me. He had a more stable relationship with his girlfriend, though they hadn’t been together for nearly as long as Britney and me. He’d definitely been with her longer than Chris and any of his ladies of the week though. And Stacy was definitely a looker. Some hottie he met in one of his classes with long brown hair and a perfect body.

  The shot he had up was one of her wearing a skimpy bit of black lace lingerie. It was the same as in some of the bikini pictures I’d seen her post online, but there was something about the forbidden nature of this little sharing thing we did in the break room from time to time that made it so much hotter.

  “Very nice,” I said.

  James kept his phone in his hand. That was one of the rules. No swiping through photo galleries. I suspected they had pictures of their women on those phones wearing a hell of a lot less than lingerie and sexy underwear, but they never shared it. Not that I could blame them. That was all part of the unspoken agreement. That would be taking things too far. This was all casual and fun. No showing anything the girls would be too pissed off about if they found out.

  Chris leaned back in his chair and turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow. “So how about it?”

  “I already told you guys. I’m not going to do it.”

  Chris shrugged. “Can’t blame a guy for trying. And I’m going to keep trying every time we do this,” he said.

  I shrugged and tried to laugh it off. Every time they played this little game with each other they tried to get me to participate. Tried to get me to share pictures of Britney. And every time I turned them down, politely but firmly. I knew she definitely wouldn’t appreciate that sort of thing.

  “She’s my fiancée guys,” I said. “It’s different.”

  Chris raised an eyebrow. “So she stopped being interested in sex after you got engaged?”

  “No! Nothing like that. It just feels different since we’re engaged. It feels like it’d be more…”

  I trailed off. I was about to say that it felt like it’d be more of a betrayal if I shared some of the pictures she’d shared with me. Only that would paint these guys in a bad light. That would make it seem like I thought they were assholes and I was some sort of a hypocrite looking down on them while I was still more than willing to look at half naked pictures of their women.

  “I’ve been dating Stacy for a while and I still show her off,” James said. “She doesn’t get mad about it. She likes it!”

  I blinked. “You told her?”

  James shrugged. “Sure? Why not? It’s not like we have any secrets from each other. And she likes the attention.”

  “Maybe you could just tell Britney about our little game,” Chris said. “Who knows, she might like it!”

  I barked out a laugh. “Ha! Fat chance of that.”

  I had a hard time seeing Britney going for something like that if I did tell her. Not because she was a prude or anything it, far from it. My fiancée was proud of her body and justifiably so. She was easily one of the hottest girls working at the store if not the hottest, and that said something in a big box store like this in a college town where the employment market was drowning in hot young college coeds looking for a job.

  No, the main reason why she’d never go for something like that was sitting right next to me at the table. Chris with that casual cocky smile on his face. Britney couldn’t stand him, and with good reason. He hit on anything with a pair of tits in the store, her included once. More often than not hitting on a girl was all it took for him to get a date, or much more. In fact, now that I thought about it, Britney was also one
of the few girls in the store Chris hadn’t gotten with because she was with me.

  That always gave me a smug sense of satisfaction knowing he couldn’t have her. He might have a different girl every week which was fun and all, I’d lived that life before, but the hottest girl in the store, the one girl that he definitely wanted and definitely couldn’t have, was all mine. Hell, it actually sort of excited me thinking about the guys in the store lusting after her in a weird way, though that’s not something I’d ever tell her. It’s definitely not something I’d tell these guys. They’d have a field day with it.

  Besides, Britney would probably kill me if she even thought I was having this conversation, let alone if she thought I was actually considering it. She was always smiles when he visited our apartment, but at the same time he was also something of a touchy subject with her. She knew we hung out, and she was a good hostess when I had friends over, but she also couldn’t stand him because of his reputation as the Casanova of our particular electronics retail store. Even if he hadn’t hit on her since that first attempt when he realized she was with me.

  What can I say? Britney got protective around the new girls.

  “You guys can keep dreaming,” I said.

  “Well I’ll certainly keep dreaming,” Chris said.

  Just because he was good and didn’t say anything to Britney didn’t mean he didn’t say anything at all, of course. He was always making comments to me about how hot he she was. Sometimes I wondered if they did this whole game because they were interested in catching a glimpse of her, but I hadn’t given in so far no matter how much the idea intrigued me. No matter how much it kind of turned me on knowing this guy who could have just about any girl he wanted in the store was endlessly fascinated with my fiancée in particular. It always made me harder when they were trying to cajole me into showing them pictures of Britney than when they were showing me pictures of their girlfriends.

  I smiled and went back to my lunch. And yet once again I was ending one of these little sessions wondering how much it would actually hurt to show them a little picture. Maybe something like Britney in a bikini. Something innocent enough like James and his picture of Stacy in her lingerie. It’s not like that would actually hurt anything. It’s not like I’d be showing them some of the more risqué pictures my gorgeous fiancée had sent me over the years.

  What could be the harm in that?

  I shook my head. Those were dangerous thoughts. Dangerous thoughts I needed to get out of my head.

  2: New Obsession

  Only for some reason this time I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I couldn’t stop thinking about it when we were back out on the sales floor. I couldn’t stop thinking about it when some asshole who didn’t know his computer from a hole in the ground was screaming at me because of something he broke that we weren’t going to fix for free. I couldn’t stop thinking about it when I hopped into the car and drove home. I definitely couldn’t stop thinking about it when I walked through the door and she was there waiting for me in a tank top and shorts that revealed everything and caused my cock to throb.

  As I saw her standing there looking stunning in that outfit I started to realize what it was that was turning this from a casual bit of fun in the break room into an obsession today of all days. I think it was James. James and Stacy. Particularly James saying that he had Stacy’s permission to take part in our little game.

  Of course I had no way of knowing whether or not he was telling the truth. No way of knowing if she was really in on it. He could be telling a lie to make himself look better for all I knew, but the idea that a girl would willingly participate in something like that, that a girl would send her boyfriend pictures to show off to other guys, had taken hold in my imagination.

  “You okay honey?” Britney asked.

  I shook my head and smiled at her. Moved forward and wrapped her up in a hug which she quickly reciprocated before pushing me away. She looked up at me and wrinkled her nose.

  “You smell like the store,” she said. “Get out of those clothes and take a shower and maybe we can have a little fun.”

  Britney didn’t have to tell me twice. I was stumbling out of my work clothes as I made my way towards the shower. We had a small apartment and only one shower, but that usually worked out in my favor. Especially on mornings when we both had to get ready for work at the same time and there wasn’t enough time for us to shower separately. I grinned as I thought of those mornings. I really liked those mornings when we were environmentally conscious and conserved water.

  Seen Britney looking so gorgeous in front of me had my mind racing again. It had me thinking about the pictures I’d seen earlier in the day. Sure the girl Chris was dating was definitely hot, but I found my thoughts were drawn more and more to the picture of Stacy.

  As I soaked up and rinsed off I was trying to figure out exactly why it was that picture of Stacy in lingerie that was getting me so excited. It was the same thing I’d seen when I saw pictures of her in a bikini. The same thing I’d seen when we went swimming together over the summer and she was in a bikini on the beach! And yet it was so strangely compelling.

  As I thought about it my hand drifted down to my cock and I started idly stroking as I thought back to that picture. On that forbidden window into my friend’s girlfriend’s life. Well, maybe not so forbidden if she knew about it, but you get the point.

  As I stood there in the shower stroking my cock and thinking about it I realized that maybe it was precisely because it was so forbidden that I was so turned on. Perhaps it was because she was willingly showing herself off when she was in a relationship that I was so turned on. With a start I realized that it wasn’t the idea of Stacy that was really getting me going. No, it was the idea of my girlfriend, wife, fiancée, whatever, showing herself off that was causing my cock to get hard in a way that it hadn’t since the first time I saw Britney stripping.

  As I stroked myself I was projecting myself into James’ head. I was imagining how he must feel watching other guys staring at his woman like that. As I stroked my cock I started thinking about how I’d feel if it was other guys looking at a picture of Britney like that. Watching them looking at her, knowing she was the holy grail for every guy in that store. Knowing that they’d been cajoling me and trying to get me to give up pictures of her for so long. Thinking about how hard their cocks would be as they looked at my fiancée. Thinking about what they’d like to do with her. Imagining Chris on top of her, sliding his cock inside her gorgeous naked body…

  I shook my head and stopped stroking my cock. Now where the hell had that thought come from? That was one hell of a leap from enjoying the thought of the guys looking at Britney to wondering how hot it’d be to watch a guy fucking her!

  I very carefully pulled my hand away from my cock. I was so turned on right now thinking about Britney with another guy despite how confusing it was that I worried I might actually have a little bit of a premature problem. The last thing I wanted to do right now was blow my load, especially when Britney had just promised we were going to have a good time when I got out of the shower.

  I quickly hopped out and started toweling myself off. I only bothered to put my boxers on. I smiled as I thought about what was waiting for me on the other side of the door. The most beautiful girl in the world as far as I was concerned. The woman I loved. Definitely the most beautiful girl at the store, and it was a big store with a lot of hot girls working there.

  My cock was rock hard as I thought about Britney waiting for me. My cock was rock hard as I thought about my gorgeous fiancée under some faceless guy who was…

  Damn it! Son of a bitch! Why did these thoughts keep popping into my head? Why the hell had James mentioned that Stacy was in on those pictures? This was driving me crazy. Sure it was also turning me on, but it’s not like I asked for this fantasy. I didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me.

  I was careful as I toweled off my cock. I was so keyed up, so turned on, that I didn’t want to risk acc
identally getting off and blowing a load in the towel when I could be blowing a load inside my fiancée in just a few moments. I shook my head one more time, glanced at the mirror and slapped myself on the cheeks a couple of times to clear my head, and then took a deep breath.

  It was time for a little post work fun. My favorite part of the day.

  3: After Work Fun

  “What took you so long big boy?”

  I turned as I stepped out of the bathroom and my mouth dropped open. “Damn.”

  Damn didn’t even begin to describe it though. Britney was definitely in a frisky mood tonight. She stood at the entrance to our bedroom, one hand up on the door frame, and she looked absolutely stunning in a set of red lace lingerie that put anything Stacy had been wearing in her photo shoot for James to shame. Her face broke into a broad smile at my reaction to her outfit.

  “I thought you might like it,” she said.

  “What’s the occasion?” I asked.

  And even as I asked I was kicking myself for asking. One of the things I’d learned in a long-term relationship was you never asked what the occasion was. You’ll just went along with it and tried to figure out what the occasion was supposed to be so you could pretend you knew the whole time. Anniversaries, birthdays, the advice basically worked in any of those scenarios. Play dumb until you could figure it out.

  Britney shrugged. “No occasion. I just had a conversation at work that made me realize it’d been a long time since I wore some lingerie for you.”

  I couldn’t argue with that logic. And yet something about what she said was tickling the back of my brain. If she worked at an underwear store in the mall or something like that I could maybe understand how lingerie would come up in casual conversation, but we all worked at an electronics store. The kind of place where geeks came to get geeky toys or older people came to get overpriced home theater equipment because they didn’t know how to order stuff on the Internet.


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