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The Fight for Creation: Book 03 - Ultimate Warrior

Page 11

by Saxon Andrew

  Russell shook his head, “No, you were absolutely right to do what you did. You probably saved my life.” Russ looked confused and Russell said, “I was defined by my Royal Title and did not really know what the real world was until you forced me out in it. It was a hard lesson but it was one I needed. You have no reason to feel bad.”

  “I’m restoring your title.”

  “Please don’t.”

  Russ shook his head, “Why not?”

  “I’m still finding out who I am. When I complete my service, we’ll look at it but now is not the time.”

  Ana said, “Royalty is not always defined by a title, Your Highness.”

  Russ and Russell looked at Ana and Russell said, “There’s only one thing I would like and that is that I be allowed to come home.”

  Russ smiled and said, “You are welcome anytime, Son.”

  Russell turned to Ana and said, “Good, now would you mind if I come to visit you Mrs. Tarver.”

  Ana smiled, “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t. Besides, where could you find someone that can cook like this?”

  Russell laughed for the first time since Joe’s death and said, “Thank you. You’ve helped me a lot.”

  Ana nodded and Russell turned and hugged his father. “I won’t disappoint you again.” Russ nodded and Russell pressed his wrist unit and disappeared.

  Ana looked at Russ and said, “That’s some son you have there, Your Highness.”

  Russ turned and looked at her, “I know.”

  Ana smiled and thought, “So do I.”

  • • •

  Russell arrived at the Training Base and was directed to Mitch’s office. He rushed in and Mitch looked up from the diagrams he had drawn on the rooms display, “How did it go?”

  Russell smiled and said, “I’m ready to win an exercise. All I need is for you to tell me how to do it, Sir.”

  Mitch smiled and said, “You will be coming in with the Company Scout and making life miserable for the Second Regiment.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  Pixie said, “You have no idea.”

  Mitch filled Russell in and he looked at Pixie. She smiled and he looked forward to the next day’s event.

  • • •

  Admiral Dennis looked at the two officers and said, “Today, the Second Regiment will be going in to take out the First Regiment’s Fourth Battalion. The winner of the overall exercise will be determined by how many Warriors are lost in the two day exercise. Fourth Battalion is expected to eventually be overrun but the number of casualties they can inflict on the aggressor will be included in the two day totals. The second day, the Second Regiment will be dropping in from their transports to attack the Third Battalion in the First Regiment. Are there any questions?”

  Mitch looked up and said, “I understand that we will not be allowed to use our invisibility modes during the exercise.”

  “Neither side will use it Major. This is designed to determine your Warriors ability to use their tools and invisibility will make the exercise too drawn out. Are there any other questions?” No one said anything and Admiral Dennis said, “Report to your units. The Exercise will begin in an hour.”

  • • •

  Mitch teleported in to his battalion and hit the general frequency, “Alright, they’ll be dropping in one hour from now. You know your roles. We’re outnumbered four to one so make them pay for any ground they try to take. Go to your positions.”

  Three companies disappeared and Mitch looked at Pixie, “You know what Russell is going to need. Get it to him as quickly as possible and Russell, you will only have a squad to use against each of their companies. You need to time this precisely.”

  • • •

  Russell keyed the Company’s frequency and said, “We are restricted in the area we’re allowed to operate. The battalion may not move beyond the cliffs behind them nor leave the valley. The aggressor forces know this so they will be moving in on a wide front to pin the battalion down and overrun them. We are going to take out the center battalion and open a path for the three companies to split their forces. We have four platoons and each of you will be assigned a battalion to take out. We are not allowed to use our armor’s invisibility mode but there is nothing in the rules that restrict any other forms of camouflage. We will be out of our armor and wait for the Second Regiment to pass our positions. When they make contact with the battalion, we will attack the center of their lines and take out as many as possible. Trust your armor and keep moving. Partners, you know your places so do what you’ve trained for and let’s make this work. If we are able to take out the aggressor battalion, first and second platoon will move into the flank of the enemy to the right and third and fourth will attack the left. I’ll be sending you the aggressor positions as our Scout sends them to us. Once we have the first target plotted, we will initiate operations. Let’s make this happen, lads. You have your starting positions, move out.”

  D Company disappeared.

  • • •

  Sgt. Semy held on to the trunk of the tree he had teleported to and watched the aggressor second battalion move under him. He knew that the camouflage uniform blocked any heat signature and he wasn’t holding any weapons so he hoped he would not be seen by the aggressor’s scanners. He would soon know if the subterfuge was going to work. The warriors moving below him were moving fast and used an intricate weave as they pressed forward. He looked out into the surrounding trees and knew first platoon was in the trees around him but he couldn’t see them. He waited for the assignments to come in.

  Pixie was also in a tree but was constantly moving from tree to tree to get a good look at the aggressor companies moving below. She wasn’t wearing her armor but she was able to see them and keep their positions in her mind. She mentally laid out a pattern and tracked the movements of the aggressors. The front lines began firing at each other and she activated her armor and sent the assignments to Russell’s Company.

  • • •

  Semy heard the first blasters and immediately activated his armor. His assignment appeared on his combat circuit, “Boy, our Scout is good.” Lieutenant Gong teleported to the assigned coordinate and the First Platoon moved into the rear of the third aggressor company and began firing as they moved forward at an unbelievable pace. The fifty warriors began hitting the aggressors and their armor immediately deactivated, shutting off their communications. The front ranks were unaware of what was happening behind them. Semy didn’t think and just allowed his armor to guide him. He could hear the music and the exercise became a thing a beauty. The Aggressor Company was wiped out in less than thirty seconds and Semy’s platoon moved to the left and joined up with first platoon. Russell fought with the first platoon and watched his tactical display. He smiled and said, “The gap is open.”

  Mitch punched his com and said, “Move out.”

  First Company teleported into the gap and joined the four platoons rushing into the two remaining aggressor battalions. Mitch’s remaining two companies teleported into the front ranks of the oncoming battalions and occupied all of their attention. It proved to be fatal. Mitch lost half of his Warriors in the exercise, but the Second Regiment was wiped out with no survivors.

  Col. Tgon-nah, the Commander of the Second Regiment couldn’t believe what happened and called foul on the use of the camouflage uniforms. Admiral Dennis looked at him and said, “Are you serious? There are no restrictions on the uniforms worn under a Warrior’s armor. Using the camouflage suits was a brilliant idea. You could have seen them if you had set your scanners to look for any shifting colors.”

  “But there wasn’t supposed to be any camouflage in the exercise.”

  “No, there was not to be any done by armor.”

  Tgon-nah looked at Dennis and shook his head, “Then this exercise is over. There is no possible way for my one battalion to take out their entire Regiment.”

  Dennis smiled, “Would you have guessed your Regiment would be taken out by one battalion?”

  “No, and I’m reasonably certain I couldn’t get those uniforms for my Regiment before tomorrow.”

  Dennis said, “Major Callaway ordered those uniforms the first week his unit was formed. It took him three months to have enough made.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I was going to challenge him on their use and he informed me that it is standard wear in his battalion. He also asked me to show him the rules where the uniforms were restricted. He was right.”

  Tgon-nah said, “I suspect we would have lost even if they didn’t use them. My Warriors couldn’t match their speed. He deserves the victory.”

  Admiral Dennis nodded and said, “Major Callaway says your Warriors did not make it easy and were the best he’s seen.”

  Tgon-nah smiled, “They really are good, Admiral. But what does that say about his battalion?”

  Dennis smiled, “It says quite a bit.” Tgon-nah nodded.

  Chapter Ten

  “Supremacy, the Grey Creatures have attacked one of our future farms.”

  “Did they damage it?”

  “Another strange species stopped them.”

  “What did they do afterwards?”

  “They assisted the inhabitants and then left.”

  The being considered the information and said, “It’s too late to do anything about it now. How many of the inhabitants were killed?”

  “Only a few thousand.”

  “Notify me if the Grey Creatures attack another farm.”

  “I will, Supremacy.”

  • • •

  “Private Clarke.”

  Ken Clarke turned around and saw Captain Slade. He immediately jumped to attention and saluted, “Yes Sir.”

  Russell returned his salute and said, “At ease. I’ve been going over the recordings of the exercise and I’ve noticed that you moved beyond the range of my ability to allow music to be heard but your armor didn’t change in its capability.”

  Ken wondered how the Old Man had seen him, “Sir, I pretty much hear the music wherever I am.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Russell looked at Clarke’s armor that was open in front of him. “What are you doing?”

  “My leg activators are not performing at maximum levels. I went to the armory to find replacements.”


  “I’m twenty miles per hour faster now, Sir.”

  Russell said, “Carry on, Private.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Russell went to Mitch and discussed the new development. After thinking about it, Mitch gave Russell Major Dinter’s contact number. He punched it in and saw Dinter on his wrist unit, “Sir, Major Callaway suggested I give you a call and see if you have an opening in the class starting tomorrow.”

  “Did I hear you say Callaway?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “I don’t, but if he has a candidate I’ll make room. Can you get him here by tonight?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “I’ll send you the information your candidate will need after this call. I expect this to be interesting.”

  Russell smiled, “I’m really hopeful it will be, Sir.” Dinter nodded and ended the call. Russell called Clarke in and gave him his orders to report to Officer Training. Ken started to protest and Russell said, “Private, now would be a good time for you to remain silent and follow your orders.” Ken closed his mouth and stared at Russell. Russell said, “To those that are given much; much is required.”

  Ken stared at Russell and saluted. Russell returned his salute and he did an about face and left the office. Russell could tell that a lot had gone through the Private’s mind in a very short time. Maybe this was a jewel given by the Creator. He would know in a few weeks. In the meantime he was going to leave Semy in charge of the second platoon. He almost felt bad for Clarke. The Regiment was getting two weeks off the next day and Clarke was going right into class without a break. He sighed and planned to give him a few days off if he completed the course.

  • • •

  Ken arrived at the training facility and was given three books he was supposed to complete before the next day’s class. He slowly shook his head and knew that his karma had finally caught up to him. He had managed to stay under the radar in every endeavor he had ever been in. School was simple; he only scored grades that would go unnoticed. He had a photographic memory so getting a good education required no effort. He liked being able to take things easy and maximize his chill time. Now the Captain had caught him. He didn’t want to be responsible for anyone’s life but his own. Now it appeared he was not being given a choice. He suspected his freedom of choice was going to be severely limited in the future.

  He looked at the books and decided that he had his way so far in life and things had a way of balancing out. “Karma.” He decided that he owed it to his fellow Warriors to at least learn as much as possible. He picked up the first book and saw it was eight hundred pages. He began reading and twenty minutes later picked up the second. He finished the third by midnight and went to sleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

  • • •

  The next day Major Dinter passed out tests on the study material and Ken was the first one to turn his in. Dinter was shocked that he had not made one error. He looked at Clarke and saw he was sitting up but sleeping in his desk. He started to get his attention when Clarke’s eyes flew open and looked at him. Dinter smiled and shook his head. Clarke smiled and closed his eyes again.

  Two weeks later, Dinter wondered if the Officers were going to lose another exercise. He knew that Callaway had sent a very special Warrior to his class. He wondered how the service had missed him in its testing. He looked at Clarke’s files and found the answer. He didn’t want to be found. He wondered why.

  The last two days of class were to get the trainees up to speed on sending information to the members of their command. Dinter looked at the class and said, “I am going to send each of you a tactical scan of an enemy’s positions. You will send assignments to the other members of the class. We’ll start this with Gendle.”

  The trainee received the tactical scan and in forty five seconds had assignments sent to the others in the class. The assignments were put on the display and critiqued by the class and Dinter.

  Dinter deliberately put Clarke at the end of the exercise. The fastest time was Gendle’s. Dinter looked at Clarke and said, “Are you ready, Mr. Clarke?”

  “Fire away, Sir.”

  Dinter sent the tactical and two seconds later everyone in class had received their assignments. Dinter looked at the computer and couldn’t believe it. This was impossible. He put the assignments on the display and matched them up to the ones prioritized by the computer and found a perfect match.

  Dinter looked at Clarke and said, “Are you able to see what’s in our computer?”

  Clarke got a confused look and said, “I’m not sure what you mean, Sir.”

  “Let’s do this again. I’m sending you another tactical scan.” Dinter pulled a scan from his wrist unit and sent it to Clarke. A second and a half later the assignments were made. Dinter contacted Fleet Headquarters and requested the optimum assignments in their main frame. They arrived and Dinter compared them to Clarke’s and again found a match. Dinter said, “Very good, Mr. Clarke. You have done this in the fastest time we’ve ever recorded.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Dinter knew the next day’s exercise was not going to be fun for the officers; he was right.

  • • •

  Mitch and Pixie went to Earth for their liberty and toured the planet. No one recognized Pixie and the time was special for both of them. On the last night, Mitch looked at Pixie over the candles on their table and said, “I’ve been reluctant to allow myself to start having feelings for you because of who you are.” Pixie started to respond and Mitch put his finger on her lips. “I’ve found I’ve fallen in love with you because of who you are. I can’t have it both ways. I choose to love you.”
  Pixie smiled and reached across the table and took his hand. Their last night was the one that both of them would remember for the rest of their lives.

  • • •

  Russell went home and spent the first week reuniting with his family. He would frequently stop and see Ana during the day and on the eighth day he managed to work up enough nerve to see if she was open to a suggestion. He went to her office and waited until she finished with a tourist, “Hi, Russell.”

  “Hi, Ana. I was wondering if you would ever be interested in visiting Ross?”

  Ana looked at Russell and smiled, “Are you asking to take me?”

  “Uhh, yes, I suppose so…if you are interested in going.”

  Ana smiled, “Russell, I’d love to go.”

  “Great, I’ll set it up.”

  “Let me check with Lacy and see if she can watch Genia.”

  Russell turned and said, “You can take her if you want.”

  “She’s too young to remember the trip and I don’t want to disrupt her schedule.”

  “Ok, let me know.”

  Thirty minutes later Ana appeared on his wrist unit, “Lacy will take care of Genia. When do you want to do this?”

  “Is tomorrow too soon? I only have five days left before I report back.”

  “I’ll be ready to leave in the morning.”

  “Great!” Russell’s smile was huge but then he thought about where he was going to stay on Ross. He thought a moment and punched his com. Mitch appeared on it and Russell said, “Sir, I’m taking Ana to see Ross and I remember you said you stayed there after training. Could you recommend a good place?”

  “I had some help finding my room but Pixie can set it up for you. When will you arrive?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  “I’ll get back to you.”

  “Thank you, sir. I really appreciate it.”

  Ten minutes later his unit buzzed and he saw Mitch on the display, “Alright, go to the Rose Hotel and when you arrive ask for a manager by the name of Ben Gemini. He has all the details and will direct you where to go. I’ve also set up a tour for you on the next day so don’t make plans that day.”


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