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The Journey: The Ultimate Power Book 1

Page 7

by Shadahyah Elizabeth

  “Open the gate,” one soldier ordered another. Once the gate opened, Hugo and his men continued on until they came face to face with the sky-scraping castle.

  “Welcome home, your Highness,” one of the servants said to Caleb as he helped him off his horse. He was a short old man with wandering eyes, and a hump on his back; nevertheless, he was a very loyal servant.

  Thank you, Lincoln,” Caleb replied as he demounted.

  The rest of the men followed his example. Two of the soldiers helped James down and took hold of him. Though he was in pain, he said nothing, only listened to his surroundings. Even though he was sure he would die soon, the fact that he had finally made it back to his home after so many years and reunited with his son was worth it.

  “Who is that?” Lincoln asked, noticing James.

  “A surprise,” Hugo said, with a smirk. “Come along men,” he ordered and they obeyed, dragging James along with them.

  The inside of the castle was extravagant with white and golden doors that lead to the throne room. Excited, Hugo hurriedly opened the doors and seated before them was the royal family and a handful of their servants—waiting for news of Hugo’s success. The soldiers walked slowly towards the royal family, each enjoying the positive attention from the people, especially the royal family. King Ramos sat in the middle. He was tall; brown skin with brown eyes; long black shoulder length hair; well-toned and very attractive. He wore a toga and some sandals. However, he had a heart as cold as ice. All his life he got whatever he wanted. Whether it was a woman or territory, if he wanted it, he got it. What he wanted more than anything was to rule the world.

  “Welcome home men, I didn’t expect you back for at least a few weeks,” Ramos admitted. His voice was full of authority and though he bore a smile on his face, his eyes said something else. It was as if he knew that something was wrong, even if Hugo wasn’t sure of it himself. “I’m assuming that you have accomplished your goal,” he said, in a snarling tone. His head was placed firmly on his right hand while his arm rested on his throne, as he looked out at his men. The fact that they came back so fast meant one of two things, they either accomplished their mission, or find something else of interest and thought it would ease Ramos’ mind; and judging by Caleb’s expression, he could tell it was the latter.

  All of the soldiers bowed before the royal family. “We have your highness,” Hugo happily replied.

  Caleb rolled his eyes and shook his head. There was no way any of the women on that carriage, was the ones they had been looking for; if anything, they were decoys. His father was too smart for that. He thought.

  “You don’t agree, Caleb?” The queen asked after noticing Caleb’s expression. Her name was Amira and she was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the entire kingdom. Her skin was a soft honey brown and she had long jet black hair that stopped just above her butt. Her cat-like eyes was a deep sea green and she had a very slim figure, and dimples. She wore a short white sleeveless dress that tied around the neck. With gold sandals that tied up to her knees and gold and diamond accessories on her wrist, eyes, and hands. Unlike her husband, she was sweet as well as lovely. She enjoyed helping her people and always made sure that they never lacked anything, and the people loved her for it. She hated her husband and everything that he stood for.

  Hugo laughed. “Ignore him your Highnesses, he has been given me trouble all day,” he said, trying to save face. He knew all too well what would happen if Caleb opened his mouth. He was prepared for it, but he still had his ace in the hole and all he needed was the perfect opportunity to present him to them.

  “Again Caleb?” Joshua asked with a laugh. He was sitting on the left side of his mother, watching in amusement as the soldiers entered the room. He knew before Hugo even said it that Caleb had given him a hard time, mostly because neither of them liked Hugo or the way he treated his people. The only one who actually tolerated his behavior was the King and that was only because—Joshua thought, his father was just as if not more evil than Hugo. Why his mother married him, he had no idea.

  Caleb shrugged, “Someone had to.”

  Amira laughed.

  “Caleb, out on the field, it is not your place to give your commanding officer a hard time. You are there to observe,” Ramos warned, though Caleb could tell that he was more amused than angry.

  Caleb bowed his head and placed his right hand over his heart. “I apologize uncle; I will try to not make it a habit.”

  “Too late,” a small voice said. It was Princess Annabel. She was only six years old and already a little fireball. She was also Prince Caleb and Prince Joshua's favorite person. She was as beautiful and as sweet as her mother but had her father's temper. She also hated Hugo, and unlike the others, had no problem with showing it. She also had a strong dislike for her brother’s fiancé because of the way she treated her when Joshua wasn’t around, and Vanessa’s constant need to hog him at every chance she got. She wore a white dress like her mother with a gold sandal that tied up to her knee.

  “That’s enough,” Ramos ordered. “Now, Hugo. What took you so long to arrive? The carriage carrying the young women arrived about an hour ago.”

  “My apologies your Highness, we were chasing the last three girls,” Hugo said, still bowing.

  “And did you catch them?” Ramos asked, impatient.

  “No, but I did send some men after them, they should be caught in no time,” Hugo assured him.

  “Good,” Ramos said softly. His eyes then shifted from Hugo to James, who was being forced to kneel before the king with a bag on his head. His back was still throbbing from the pain, and he was finding it harder and harder to remain calm. “Who is that?” Ramos asked.

  Hugo smiled. This is it. Hugo thought to himself as he gestured the two men holding James to bring him forward. “This your Highnesses, is something I found specially for you.” He shook his head yes and one of the soldiers removed the bag, revealing a battered but smiling James.

  The moment the bag came off his head, the entire room grew silent. It had been years since The Great Prince had been seen, let alone set foot in the castle. The last anyone had heard of him; he had died during the raid eighteen years ago. Never in their wildest dreams had they ever expected to see him again and in that condition. The expression on Ramos’ face told them he felt the same way.

  “Is that…” Amira began, her soft voice had changed to alarm as she and everyone around them tried to grasp the situation.

  “James?” Ramos asked, finishing her question. His face had gone almost pale as a feeling of joy and anger brushed over him. His little brother was alive, and though his current situation was a terrible one, the fact that he was alive and in Ramos’ presences was enough to make him smile.

  “Kind of nostalgic right, brother,” James said through a fake smile. The pain in his back had intensified as he spoke. Every word and every movement felt as if he were repeatedly stabbed in the back by a sharp blade. Still, he couldn’t allow it to show, it would give Hugo too much pleasure.

  “Brother?” Joshua asked, shocked. “Then that must mean...” He looked at Caleb. He could see the pain in his cousin’s eyes, not because of hate towards his father, but love.

  “It's been too long, James,” Ramos said, still in shock.

  “Not long enough,” James replied. “Amira, you look lovely as always,” he said, smiling at her.

  She said nothing, only staring shockingly at him while a million questions raced through her mind.

  “Where did you find him?” Ramos asked, unable to take his eyes off his brother.

  “Right outside the village I told you about, Sire. He was on horseback trying to escape,” Hugo boasted.

  “Was he alone?” Amira finally asked.

  “Yes, your Highnesses. We believe that he caught wind of us, and decided to escape leaving the girls behind in the village,” Hugo said boldly.

  Caleb laughed, “You believe? I doubt.” He corrected him.

  “Why?” Ramos
asked curiously.

  “Don't listen to him, Sire. He has no idea what he's saying,” Hugo said, with a laugh, then shooting Caleb a nasty look.

  “Quiet Hugo. Caleb, speak,” Ramos ordered.

  “It's just that, when we got to the village, we were told that three families were missing, my father included, and each girl is 18. The houses were located at the top of a long hill, yet no one was in there. Then we discovered my father heading towards the forest with no one with him. It was almost as if he chose to get caught,” Caleb explained.

  “That’s ridiculous Caleb,” Hugo replied, but as much as he hated to admit it, he knew Caleb was right. The girls were not there.

  “True, but the girls you're chasing just turned 18 today, and you have been chasing him for 18 years. Moreover, when you finally find him, he's riding on horseback by the river himself. If the girls are as important as you claim, there is no way that he would allow them to get caught so easily,” Caleb protested.

  “So, what do you think happened Caleb?” Ramos asked proudly.

  “I think my father was warned right before we got there by someone working in the castle, and before he got caught, he sent the girls on ahead to ensure their safety.”

  “Nice work, Caleb. I knew you'd figure it out,” James said proudly.

  “Well, we won’t know until we bring in the girls we caught and confirm,” Hugo replied, clutching his fist. There was no way he was wrong about this one. James was a coward who ran away from his responsibilities, there was no doubt he wouldn’t do the same thing with the girls.

  “Fine, bring them in,” Hugo ordered. The guards brought in all of the girls that they had taken from the village. Each one of them smiled as they walked in the room and waved at the prince, neither noticing James kneeling before him. “Good evening, ladies,” Ramos said with a pleasant smile.

  “Good evening, your majesty.” The young ladies replied in unison as if they were a choir.

  “Tell me, does anyone of you know this man?” Ramos ushered his soldiers to turn James around to face the young ladies. The moment they saw him, they gasped, horrified at the way he looked.

  “That’s Mr. Kimache,” one of the girls replied. “He’s Elizabeth’s father.”

  Hearing that made Caleb even more angry. Not only did his father disappear with the girls, but apparently he had either raised one of them as his own or had another family besides him.

  “Elizabeth?” Ramos asked. “Is she here?” All the girls shook their heads no. “Is there anyone else missing that is around your age?”

  “Yes. Two others. Renee and Jasmine aren’t here either, but that is typical of them,” another girl responded.

  “How so?” Ramos asked, trying to control his anger by balling up his fist.

  “Those three always run off together somewhere. They were probably in the forest, they’re all weirdos anyway,” another girl replied nonchalantly


  “Yes. It’s like they can read each other’s mind. It’s really weird,” another girl added.

  Ramos looked at Caleb and smiled a genuine smile. “It seems you were right, Caleb,” he said, complimenting him. He was proud of his nephew, who was only 23 and already a great soldier and leader; if only his own commander were as reliable. He then turned his attention towards the girls, each one of them looking at him curiously and in awe, so he just smiled and said, “Thank you, girls,” he said in a friendly tone, that made all the girls smile. He then looked from girls to the guards and his smile changed from friendly to deceitful, but neither of the girls noticed. “Guards, please escort them to the special room.”

  All the guards smiled as if they knew a secret and refused to tell. “Of course, your Highness,” one of the guards said, bowing slightly in front of the king.

  Another guard opened the doors then stood outside them, “This way ladies,” he said, with the same sly smile as the king.

  The girls all smiled, then happily made their way out the room, towards what they thought would be one of the best rooms in the entire castle; neither realizing the danger that awaited them.

  The entire room watched as the girls left, neither speaking until after they were completely gone.

  “What do you plan on doing to them your highness?” A man asked, curiously. Then all the people began to speak at once, asking him a million questions, while guards turned James back towards his family.

  Annoyed, Ramos raised his hand and everyone stopped talking. “Leave us,” He ordered the court.

  “But sire?” another man protested.

  “Now,” Ramos order, putting a lot more base in his voice while and opening his eyes as wide as he could get them. Whenever he did that, everyone knew never to question him, because of how quickly he would kill them.

  The court bowed, then began to exit the room, each silently moving afraid of the king’s wrath.

  “Oh, and one more thing,” he said, stopping the group in their tracks. “if a word leaks out to anyone about this, I will remove your heads and hang them on the gates.”

  Afraid, everyone ran as quickly as possible out of the room, each vowing never to speak of what had just happened.

  “Now then, back to the matter at hand,” Ramos ordered. “Caleb, come take a seat.”

  Caleb bowed, then walked over towards his own throne and sat down next to Prince Joshua.

  Once Caleb was seated, Ramos turned his attention back towards his brother, who was looking up at Caleb smiling, proud of his son, while Caleb was looking at his father with eyes full of sadness and sympathy. And for that brief moment, Ramos was jealous, and hated his brother even more. If only he had never been caught. If only he would have kept moving, hiding in sorrow and regret, then I wouldn’t have to see this face on Caleb again. He thought to himself. Ramos then shook his head and rubbed his hand across his face, bringing his attention back to the situation. “Where are they, James?” He found himself suddenly asking; even though, he knew that James wouldn’t tell him anything if he asked him flat out. That was just the kind of man he was.

  James shrugged, then shook his head, indicating a negative response, “I don’t know. They could be anywhere right now.”

  Ramos hit his fist on his throne hard. “Don’t lie to me James, you know damn well where those girls are, answer me or…”

  “Or what brother? I’ve come here prepared to die, there is nothing you could do now that would make me talk,” James replied.

  Right as he said that, the doors opened and in walked a beautiful light skin woman with long brown hair. Hugo was the first to notice her, as she gracefully made her way towards the Queen. All eyes turned towards her, as she made her way through the room, wearing a pair of candy apple red chiffon harem pants, with a candy apple red halter top shirt, and carrying the Queen’s diamond necklace. Most of her face were hidden, her glowing gray eyes could be seen above the veil, but everyone could tell that she may have even been more beautiful than the Queen. Her name was Lenilla, and not only was she the queen’s personal servant, but she was also her oldest friend and a noble herself with the title of Lady. God, how Hugo wanted her; however, she was under the queen’s protection. In fact, the only reason she was in the castle was because of the queen’s instances and, of course, no one had a problem with it. The only thing they didn’t like was the queen’s rule that no one was allowed to gaze upon Lenilla’s face unless she allowed it. They were also not allowed to request her hand from the king or queen unless she agreed to it. This was the one request made by Amira’s father to which the king had accepted.

  “Lady Lenilla, nice of you to join us,” Ramos said, after noticing her from the corner of his eye. His sight then quickly shifted to his brother, whose face had almost been completely drained of color, from the mere mention of her name. Ramos then smiled and placed the tip of his long index finger on his chin. This could work. He thought to himself while watching the panic in his little brother’s eyes.

  Lenilla paused in her tracks t
hen slightly bowed her head, “Please, forgive my intrusion your majesties. Her Highness has asked me to bring her something.” Her voice was light and sweet like a flower and the way she said the words, made her seem so innocent and pure, that the soldiers and the royal family couldn’t help but smile at her.

  “Thank you, Lenilla, but could you give it to me later, we are in the middle of something crucial,” Amira asked, trying to hurry her out of the room.

  Lenilla slowly lifted her head up and looked at the queen, finally noticing the scene in front of her, only not sure as to who the man was on the ground bleeding. “As you wish your majesty,” she said, sensing that something was wrong, and she needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. She then turned around and began to walk out of the room.

  “Wait,” Ramos ordered as he raised his hand towards her.

  Lenilla stopped walking, then turned around to look at the king, “Yes your majesty?” Lenilla asked but confused and afraid of what he had planned.

  “You remember my brother, right?” he asked nonchalantly.

  Lenilla’s eyes shifted sharply towards James, who had his back turned towards her. His shoulders were hunched over, and it was as if he was trying to hide from her. Curious, she walked up to Amira’s side, then turned around and looked at James. His face was bloody and bruised, and so was his body.

  It took him a while before finally meeting her gaze, and the moment their eyes locked, she dropped the necklace and gasped. “Oh my God,” she said in disbelief.

  It had been too long since he saw her, but James could never forget her face, so beautiful and innocent. The first time they met was by chance. His brother was still the crown prince and James had just turned 19. His job at the time was to serve as his brother’s wingman as he tried to pursue his now Queen, Amira.

  One day, when he was in the marketplace of her hometown, Terrah and James saw Lenilla being harassed by three men who were interested in her. Back then, she had no veil, so her beauty was well-known in the country. Being the chivalrous prince that he was, James approached the men. “Is there a problem here?” he had asked.


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